Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 980

Chapter 980

Although these kings are all from remote small duchies, each king has a much larger population than Nalante.

In this way, it can also contribute a certain amount of faith to the resurrection of the God of Glory... although it is still a drop in the bucket.

After continuing to chat with several kings for a few words, several people dispersed one after another.

And Narante also walked out of the conference hall at this time.


However, before he reached the door, he was stopped by another call. It was President Theodore.

President Theodore looked at Narante with complex eyes.

"Nalant, why are you doing this!"

President Theodore's tone was full of regret.

In Theodore's view, with Nalante's ability, he must have great achievements in the future.

But now he has chosen not to change his belief, which will definitely affect the development of himself and the territory.

"President Theodore, you don't have to worry about me. Since even you can choose not to change your beliefs, why can't I!"

Narante smiled.

"Hey, Nalante, I'm different from you. At my current age, even if I change my beliefs, there's no room for further advancement!"

"But you're still young, it's time to grow up!"

Theodore shook his head.

"President Theodore, I don't think I need to rely on those divine kingdoms for my growth. I can also grow myself."

Regarding his own growth, Narante has full confidence.

So facing President Theodore's pity, Nalante continued to shake his head with a smile.

President Theodore doesn't know where Narante's self-confidence comes from.

Knowing that the current matter has been settled, it is not very useful to continue to persuade.

"Nalante, you still have to be careful in the future. I think that the Son of the Sun God Kingdom may not be as kind as he appears on the surface."

"So, you'd rather be more on guard than relax!"

During this period of time, Theodore represented the Holy Continent in contact with the kingdoms of God.

Especially the Holy Son of the Sun God Kingdom.

No matter how decent and humble he was during this time.

It can be regarded as a nobleman like Theodore who has been at the top of the Holy Continent for many years.

Naturally, some clues can be detected from the occasional expressions and condescending aura that the Holy Son showed.

"President Theodore, I will also pay attention to this point, you don't have to worry!" Nalante nodded, accepting this kind reminder.

In fact, he valued the Holy Son more than Chairman Theodore, so how could he despise him.

"By the way, President Theodore, I'm going to hold a wedding in this sacred city in a few days, so remember to attend!"

After talking about the Kingdom of God, Narant immediately told President Theodore about his wedding.

A few days ago, President Theodore has been busy dealing with the affairs of the Kingdom of God.

So except for the day when Narante arrived, he never met Narante again.

Even Theodore seldom went to the streets recently, and spent most of his time in this conference palace dealing with government affairs.

"What, Narante, are you getting married, or are you still in this holy city?"

Theodore really looked at Narante in surprise.

Because he hadn't received any wind before this, it was too sudden.

And the venue is still in this sacred city.

"Yes, President Theodore, in this sacred city..."

Nalante told President Theodore in detail the reason for holding the wedding.

That is to worry about being separated from Stella again.

So be sure to complete this marriage contract first.

"Oh!" Theodore sighed again.

Only by personal experience can one understand it the most. Facing the **** kingdoms in the Io continent, they are really powerless.

"But that's fine too. If you complete your marriage contract with the Prophet Goddess, then you will have a real status from now on. Even if you are really separated by thousands of miles, you will still have the protection of the gods!"

"Congratulations, Nalante, I will definitely come to congratulate you when the time comes!"

President Theodore only sighed briefly.

Knowing that he couldn't resist, he quickly smiled and congratulated Nalante.

"Haha, then it's settled!"

Afterwards, Narante and President Theodore also said goodbye, and immediately left the council hall.

After leaving the parliament hall, Narante did not directly return to the station.

Instead, he went to the Holy Gold Manor first, because all his lucky daughters are here at the moment.

"My lord, you are here!"

"My lord, look at the beauty!"

When Nalante came to the wedding venue he rented, a group of lucky daughters were busy.

Although the layout of the wedding scene can be completely handed over to the Golden Manor.

But this is Nalante's wedding, so all the lucky women want to participate.

Do your best for your family.

So those flower selections, arrangement and visits are carried out by several girls.

At this moment, Little Lolita and the others were using blue tulips to spell out the big characters of Lord Nalante, and Dang even came to ask Nalante for credit.

"Very good, thank you for your hard work!"

Nalan nodded, although he actually didn't have much requirements on the form of the wedding.

But in the previous life, I often heard that wedding is a once-in-lifetime event.

Especially for a creature like a woman, it is an absolute dream that he can have a dream wedding.

Therefore, Narante must make the wedding the best possible.

"My lord, we are not working hard!"

All the lucky girls immediately shook their heads.

"Hehe, what about Chef Rose, has Golden Manor purchased the ingredients?"

"My lord, my mother is in charge of cooking in the kitchen, and the Golden Manor has purchased all the ingredients!"

Your own wedding is not just about raising the requirements as much as possible in form.

Even Nalante decided to use the best food.

That is to let Rose start cooking herself, and these cooked delicacies will be immediately placed in the storage ring provided by the Golden Manor.

In this way, there is no need to worry that Chef Rose will be too busy alone.

After checking around the scene, Narante didn't stay too long, because he didn't have anything extra to do when he stayed here.

Immediately, he returned directly to the station.

Back at the station, Nalante sat cross-legged in the living room and began to practice the Glorious Nine Swords Slash.

Although Nalante was terrified when he performed the Glory Nine Swords Slash for the first time, it was a divine skill after all, and he still needed to learn it.

And the quantity is mastered.

Therefore, Narante actually never stopped training during the follow-up period.

Of course, in order to avoid being unable to fully control the power due to insufficient strength again.

Every time Nalante is running his grudge, he will stop guiding before the Glory Sword Slash is about to be completed.

It's like casting magic, Nalante outlined the spell matrix to 99% completeness, and then gave up on purpose.

Although it will also consume his eyesight and mental strength, and even cause some physical damage.

But this is a hundred times stronger than being unable to control after fully releasing the spell, and then being backlashed.

Although this kind of training method also allows Narante to suffer minor injuries every day, cracks will appear in many small air veins.

But he has a little girl with medical talent like Winnie.

In this way, it is not a problem at all that such an injury can be healed after Nalante's front foot is trained.

And under his hard training, the first cut of the Glorious Nine Swords Slash can be said to be as pure as fire.

It is impossible to make mistakes in the operation of the energy channels, and then lead to the failure of the sword cut.

Even, Nalante recently started to practice the second cut with an itchy hand.

Because although he doesn't even dare to really release the first cut now.

But there is not much room for improvement in the first cut.

If you want to reduce the speed and power of actual combat, you no longer rely on repeated practice lightly.

On the contrary, it has a close relationship with the promotion of realm.

And this second cut is even more powerful than the first cut, Nalante naturally wanted to practice earlier.

Although it is still impossible to fully release, early practice and early success.

When the realm strength meets the requirements in the future, he can immediately display it, how sour and refreshing this matter is.

With such flattering thoughts, Nalante began to train hard.

And the time turned, and soon it was five days later.

At this moment, there are only three days until Narante's wedding.

However, Nalante's wedding hasn't caused much disturbance in the holy city yet.

After all, Nalante did not send out invitations, and only informed a few people who were considered to be somewhat friendly.

For example, President Theodore, and some of the kings who fought together when dealing with dark creatures.

These include several empires and principalities.

And today, something happened in the sacred city that attracted the attention of the whole city.

That is, the orcs acted again to ask the human race for an explanation.

The three two-headed monitor lizard Chimera outside the city had reappeared, flying into the sky from the forest outside the city.

Tens of thousands of elite orcs also moved from the silence of the previous few days, and they got out of the woods where they camped, and approached the foot of the sacred city.

"James, what about the result you promised me a week ago? I've been waiting for seven days, so you should be able to say it now?"

In the sacred city, the great prince Manlier of the orc race took off in mid-air, circulating his aura and roaring loudly in the city, like a thunderbolt.

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Immediately, all the civilian nobles in the sacred city turned their heads to look at him.

And the next moment, the holy son James who was questioned by Manlier also rose into the air, and there were also a group of high priests and representatives of the Kingdom of God standing beside him.

"Manlier, I did promise you to give you the answer today!"

"However, after my investigation these days, I confirmed it with all the kingdoms of God."

"But in the end, I found out that there was no dragon knight team that attacked and killed your orcs in line with what you said some time ago!"

James also gave an answer immediately after vacating.

"Hahaha, there are no dragon knights who sneak attack and kill our orc team? James, is this your sincerity?"

"This is the answer you gave me, and Manlier made me wait for seven days in vain."

"James, are you human race humiliating me, humiliating the entire orc race?"

Hearing such an answer, Manlier naturally couldn't be happy.

Even, his tone has become cold.

Because after waiting for seven days, there was an answer with no result.

"Manlier, everything James said is true, and I didn't intend to deceive or humiliate you!"

Seeing Manlier's crazy expression, James couldn't help frowning immediately.

They really don't want to have conflicts with these orcs.

Because these orcs usually drink blood in the bitter cold places in the north, life and death are not afraid of them at all.

But the human race is different. The human race can live a prosperous life without drinking blood.

Therefore, who can live a stable life, who wants to fight with others for life and death.

A few days ago, he did exist to find out the truth and give the orcs an explanation.

Then resolve this matter.

But after some investigation, it was found that none of the kingdoms of God were suspected.

Because the number of dragon knights in each country is basically transparent.

You only need to speculate on the specific time period when the orcs were attacked, and then confirm the whereabouts of the dragon knights of the various gods at that time, and you can immediately figure out who did it.

But the problem lies here, and all the kingdoms of God have conducted their own investigations.

In the end, it was discovered that none of the kingdoms of God were suspected.

If there are discrepancies in the investigations of individual kingdoms of God, it also shows that there may be omissions in their investigations.

But this time, the survey results of their dozen or so Divine Kingdoms were all exactly the same.

This can only show that there is indeed no kingdom of God secretly provoking troubles and attacking the orc team.

"I don't mean to deceive? James, do you think I, Manlier, are lying, and we orcs are framing it?"

The more the Holy Son explained, the angrier Prince Manlier became.

And the Holy Son really showed a thoughtful expression when he heard Manlier say that.


Seeing such an expression, Manlier's inner anger was finally ignited at this moment.

Amidst a low and strange laugh, this Manlier turned around and shot towards the outside of the sacred city without saying a word.

"Prince Manlier, we'd better continue discussing this matter slowly!"

All the high priests of the kingdom of God and the holy son all froze when they saw this.

Because they already realized what Manlier wanted to do.

Sure enough, Manlier continued to flee outside the city without looking back, but he also opened his mouth and responded.

"James, I have given enough sincerity to your human race, but you have treated our orc race as monkeys!"

"That being the case, for the honor of our orc clan, and for the sake of the clansmen who were wrecked by you, today my orc clan will definitely kill your human clan to bleed like a river!"

Not long after the groan fell, Prince Manlier had already arrived outside the city.

"Three chimera knights, the human race has played tricks on us orc race again and again~www.mtlnovel.com~ Please do it now, let the human race pay the price for playing tricks on us!"

When Manlier came to the orc army, he gave orders to the three chimera knights without hesitation.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness!"

The three orcs riding on the Chimera didn't hesitate at all, they looked into the city and prepared to fight.

"Warriors of the orcs, prepare to fight, we will make these human races pay for their blood!"

Prince Manlier immediately looked at the tens of thousands of elite knights.

"What should I do now?"

"Let's immediately summon the guards to resist on the city wall!"

Facing the upcoming attack of the orcs, the high priests and representatives of the Kingdom of God couldn't sit still.

Immediately, preparations began to gather the troops remaining in the city.