Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 981

Chapter 981

After all, it would be impossible to resist the attack of these orcs if only the soldiers from the Holy Continent were relied on.


However, just as the high priests of the Kingdom of God were about to summon soldiers, the Holy Son stopped them with a look of indifference.

"Your Excellency Son, the situation is urgent now. If the orcs are allowed to enter this sacred city, a large number of civilians will die."

"Yes, Your Excellency Son, do you have anything to explain?"

Hearing the Son's stop, all the High Priests of the Kingdom of God froze for a moment.

Although his face was anxious, he stopped for a while.

"Everyone, I want to say that we can't summon soldiers to stop these orcs for the time being!" The Son's voice was emotionless.

And it was even more surprising to hear it from the ears of the high priests of the kingdom of God.

"Why, Your Excellency, Son, these are all our fellow clansmen, although they haven't started to believe in our gods yet."

"But in a few days, as long as the construction of the temple is completed, it will become a believer in our kingdom of God!"

A group of high priests could not understand why the Son stopped them all.

"Everyone, you are right, these civilians in the city can indeed become believers in our kingdom of God in the future!"

"But have you ever thought about the consequences of saving them?"

The Holy Son remained firm, and questioned everyone.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

At this time, there were shouts of killing outside the city, and those orcs officially began to attack the city.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

Suddenly, intense alarm bells sounded from all around the sacred city.

"Your Excellency, Son, what are the consequences of saving them?"

Seeing that the Holy Son is still playing tricks at this level, everyone couldn't help but become anxious.

"The consequence is that the orcs fail here, but they will start a war on the border of our Io continent!"

"At that time, it will be those devout believers in our Kingdom of God who will suffer disaster!"


Hearing the last two words of the Holy Son, the high priest, who was originally extremely anxious, paused and froze on the spot.

If they didn't understand what the Holy Son wanted to do before.

But now they understand.

"Your Excellency, Holy Son, would it be too inhumane to do this? After all, there are tens of millions of human races in this city!"

The high priest of Dagmar looked at the scene where the city wall had already been attacked in the distance and the defenders were being slaughtered continuously, so he couldn't bear to ask the son of the pilgrim.

Although they have blocked the attack of these orcs now, it is likely that the orcs will become angry and retaliate on the Io continent.

But he couldn't just watch his fellow clansmen being slaughtered in this sacred city.

After all, these are also living human races.

"High Priest Dagmar, I didn't say that all the civilians in the city would die."

"I just want to give the orcs some time to vent, and at the same time, it is also an excuse for our various kingdoms to refute the orcs."

"The orcs are now sure that the murderer who killed their prince is our kingdom of God!"

"But in fact, none of us meet the conditions of a murderer, and we can't give an explanation!"

"So rather than letting the orcs start a war on the border of our kingdom of God afterwards, it's better to let them vent their anger here."

"We'll stop them when they're almost done venting."

"Not only can the vast majority of civilians in this city be saved, but it can also prevent the orcs from finding excuses to attack the border of our kingdom of God!"

Faced with Dagmar High Priest's questioning and hesitation, the Holy Son immediately explained sharply.

In short, after anticipating that if the orcs were not given a satisfactory answer this time, the orcs would never let it go, he chose to sacrifice some civilians in the sacred city.

Let them be the punching bag of the orcs, and wait until the orcs are almost out of anger, and then stop them.

Not only can the immediate crisis be resolved, but it will also allow the kingdoms of God to regain their right to speak.

After all, you said that your orc clan killed the prince, but now you have killed so many of our fellow clansmen.

With such arguing between the two sides, there is a high probability that this matter will become a major event and a minor matter.

Of course, as for how many people in the city should be abandoned to vent to the orcs, it would be worth tens of thousands of orcs, a commander and a prince.

Although everyone can't predict this point, it is afraid that it will not be less than the lives of a hundred thousand people.

"Everyone, this matter is settled like this. When the nobles of this sacred continent come to ask for help, we will delay with the excuse that we are gathering strength and let them resist first!"

"When the time comes, we will make a move!"

Seeing that everyone remained silent, the Son of God obviously acquiesced to his proposal.

Dang even agreed with everyone.

"What's going on? Are the orcs really starting to attack the city?"

At the same time, the resident manor area of the Holy City Principality Empire.

All the kings couldn't help being shocked when they heard the basic alarm bell.

No one expected that today's situation would take such a sudden turn for the worse.

The orc prince just said a few words before, and the war broke out immediately.

"Everyone, quickly gather people and go to the city wall to help. The orcs must not be allowed to invade the city!"

However, the king soon reacted.

Although it is said that the sacred city does not belong to the private property of the kings.

But it is also jointly owned by the Holy Alliance, and the enemy is an orc.

So everyone must have the same hatred.

"Okay, let's call our men over now!"

The kings heard the words without any hesitation, and immediately began to convey orders to the subordinate commanders around them.

However, this time everyone just came to the sacred city to attend the meeting.

Although for the sake of safety, he brought the most elite subordinates as much as possible.

But the number is not much.

A king only has hundreds of elite subordinates, so the total of more than one hundred kings is only 30,000 to 40,000.

Although 30,000 to 40,000 people sound like a lot, all of those orcs are capable of starting out as Earth Knights.

In this way, the human race simply cannot win by numbers.

"Let's go, let's go find President Theodore first, and ask him to help those people from the Kingdom of God to help!"

"Okay, let's go now!"

When a group of subordinates quickly moved towards the city wall, a group of kings also greeted and headed towards the conference hall.

Because everyone at this moment has also discovered that the people on the side of the Kingdom of God have not moved yet.

Although everyone still couldn't figure out the situation, they still pinned their hopes on those kingdoms of God.

After all, not to mention anything else, the two-headed monitor lizard chimera outside the city that was constantly spewing dark green venom was not something they could deal with.

"Raymond, you go to the Holy Gold Hotel to **** Vivienne and Shirley out, and then take them to Stella's manor to meet up!"

"If you find that the situation becomes critical later, you can evacuate from other directions of the city wall!"

Narante is also outside the manor at the moment.

It's just that he didn't send people to the city wall this time.

Because he only brought more than a hundred wolf knights.

With such a small amount of manpower, even if it is to help, it will not help.

Moreover, what made him even more worried now was the safety of Shirley and the others.

"My lord, what about you?"

Raymond hesitated.

"My lord, you don't have to worry about my safety, let's go now!"

Narante denied Raymond's concerns.

"Yes, my lord!"

Seeing that his lord was so determined, Lei Meng naturally didn't dare to say more.

Then he quickly took a group of subordinates to look for Vivian and the others.

And Nalante flew directly into the air after Raymond left, chasing after all the kings.

"President Theodore!"

"President Theodore!"

When everyone came to the conference hall, President Theodore had already anxiously flew into the air.

"Everyone, the orcs have launched an attack. I have sent the city guards to support them, but I am afraid they are not enough to resist. I hope you can send your men to help immediately!"

Theodore greeted the kings, and immediately spoke eagerly to them.

"President Theodore, we have sent our subordinates to support the city wall, but I'm afraid we still can't stop those orcs!"

"Among those orcs, there are not only three flying beasts that are comparable to giant dragons, but even those ordinary soldiers have all reached the realm of earth knights!"

"I know this, so now you all go with me to find the priests and representatives of the Kingdom of God!"

"I'm afraid they are the only ones who can contend against those orcs today!"

President Theodore nodded immediately after hearing the answers of the kings, and then took the lead in heading towards the direction where the priests of the kingdom of God were.

Soon, a group of kings and President Theodore came to the High Priest of the Kingdom of God, the Holy Son and others.

"I have seen His Excellency the Holy Son, I have seen the high priests!"

Theodore has not yet stepped down as the chairman of the parliament, so he is still the one who represents the kings.

"President Theodore, you're welcome, by the way, President Theodore, are you here to find us for something?"

The Holy Son raised his hand and waved it when he heard President Theodore's words.

"Yes, Your Excellency Son, those orcs actually launched an attack on the sacred city, and we cannot resist the attack of the orcs at all."

"And there are at least tens of millions of civilians in the city, so I hope that all the kingdoms of God can help us resolve this crisis because we are all human races!"

Theodore nodded, and immediately explained his intention.

"President Theodore, you don't need to talk about this matter, our Kingdom of God will definitely protect the same race!"

"However, we didn't expect the orcs to be so cruel. They attack as soon as they say attack, so we still need some time to gather soldiers."

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"When the soldiers are assembled, we will go to support them immediately, and I ask you to support them for a while."

The Holy Son's expression was full of sincerity, and his words were even more forceful.

After President Theodore heard this, although he was anxious, he couldn't say anything more.

In the end, I could only grit my teeth and ask, "Your Excellency, Son, I wonder how long the support from the Kingdom of God will take!"

"This is still uncertain. Our kingdom of God has issued an order, and I believe there will be a result soon!"

"President Theodore and the kings don't worry, these orcs can't wreak havoc for too long!"

The Son continued to speak to appease.

Theodore and the kings looked at each other with helplessness on their faces, but they could only grit their teeth and remain silent.

"No, the city wall over there has been breached!"

But at this moment, a king suddenly exclaimed.

It turned out that the area of hundreds of meters in front of the city wall had been completely breached by the orcs.

With the orcs completely standing still, and with the three giant beasts circling and attacking constantly above their heads, the defenders on the Holy Alliance's side were immediately beaten back steadily.

However, this is just the beginning, and other areas are actually in danger. There are already many orcs occupying the corners, providing cover for the orcs who are going to the city behind.

"President Theodore, let's go over and help first... I'm counting on you here!"

Seeing such a situation, all the kings must not be able to sit still.

If the city walls were occupied by orcs, then the outer city would be completely exposed to the butcher knives of orcs.

In this way, seeing that there is still no movement on the side of the kingdom of God, the kings can only go to support them in person.

"Okay, everyone be careful!"

President Theodore could only nod in grief and indignation upon hearing this.

Then, the hundreds of kings headed towards the city wall, including Nalante among them.

However, even with a group of kings joining, the pressure on the city wall has not been relieved.

After all, all the kings are just sky knights.

But the number of sky knights in the orc army is even two or three times more than them.

Coupled with the attack of three Chimera above the head, the city wall was still riddled with holes.

And soon, the first batch of orcs climbed over the city wall and descended the stairs into the city.

"Ho Ho Ho! Kill, kill all these shameless and despicable human races, and avenge our orc warriors!"

"Kill! Revenge for our orc warriors!"

These orcs entered the city and became more ferocious.

There is no distinction between men, women, old and young on that street, as long as they are human races, they will raise their butcher knives and kill wantonly without hesitation.

"Ah, run!"

"God, help! Who will save us!"

Following the mournful wailing, a large number of civilians in the city soon fell into a pool of blood.

"Your Excellency, Holy Son, and all the high priests, please save the civilians in the city!"

President Theodore's eyes turned red when he saw this scene.

Immediately, he couldn't help but pleaded again to the Holy Son and the others.

"President Theodore, as I said just now, we are still calling soldiers."

"The dragon knight just returned to the continent of Io a few days ago, so it will take some time."

"However, there is a teleportation array, I believe they will come here soon!"

Hearing Theodore's pleading, the Holy Son calmed down without haste.

When Theodore heard that his teeth were about to be crushed, his eyes swept over the face of a high priest of the Kingdom of God.

However, he found that these high priests and representatives of the Kingdom of God either had indifferent expressions, or did not look at him at all.

Seeing this, Theodore was completely ashamed.

How could he fail to notice the situation~www.mtlnovel.com~ Ah, God, come and save us! "

"Yeah, where's the dragon knight, what about our human race, er, the dragon knight?"

At this moment, the holy city is in chaos, so the common people are crying for their parents and running towards the inner city.

Facing the elite orcs, they had no chance of resisting at all.

Now the only chance is to run.

But when all the orcs saw this, they killed even more vigorously.

"Damn it, why hasn't the Kingdom of God made a move?"

Looking at the civilians being slaughtered by the orcs below, the eyes of the kings who are struggling to support are also tearing.

The Kingdom of God said they would mobilize soldiers, and they could understand.

But the problem is that more than ten minutes have passed now, but there is still no movement.