Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 979

Chapter 979

About ten minutes later, the conference hall finally became quiet.

The high priests and representatives of the kingdom of God in the Aio continent looked at the list of ranks in their own brochures.

The Holy Son immediately raised his head, "Everyone, I am very glad that you have chosen to join the Divine Kingdom of Io Continent!"

"In the near future, you will definitely be grateful for this!"

"In addition, I just checked the number of people who are willing to join with the high priests of the kingdom of God. It seems that there are still a few principalities that have not joined, is it?"

Hearing the questioning words, the conference hall suddenly fell into silence.

A group of principality kings previously only cared for the opportunity to join the Sun God Kingdom.

I didn't expect that there is still a principality that is unwilling to join other Io mainland gods.

So, at this moment, the kings of these principalities looked around curiously.

"Well, you don't have to worry, I just said that whether you join the Io continent is entirely based on freedom."

"So, I'm just curious about why you don't want to join our kingdom of gods?"

"I don't know if you can answer this question for me?"

The Holy Son's voice sounded again, but this time, no one stood up and took the initiative to speak out.

Nalante frowned slightly, thought for a moment and stood up.

"Huh? Finally a king stood up, but I didn't expect him to be so young!"

Seeing Nalante standing up, the Son of God narrowed his eyes slightly, and then returned to his usual smile.

"Ah, it's Baron Narante, didn't Baron Narante go to level just now?"

"Yeah, why is Baron Nalante so stupid, why didn't he join the kingdom of gods?"

At this time, the surrounding kings also recognized Narante, who also

"My lord, I am not a king, I am just a baron!"

Narante smiled and shook his head upon hearing this.

There was no fear on his face.

"Oh? Not the king?" The Son looked suspiciously at President Theodore.

He remembered that what he said last time was to summon a group of kings.

So, it's rather strange why a baron can enter.

President Theodore's eyes showed some worry, but he could only answer truthfully.

"Your Excellency, Son, although this Nalante is only a baron, he does not belong to any principality, but is completely autonomous."

"So, Baron Narante is also on the list of meeting invitations this time!"

"Oh? A baron who is completely independent and autonomous, how many people does his territory have?"

The Holy Son looked at Nalante strangely.

"It has a population of almost 20,000 to 30,000!"

"A population of 20,000 to 30,000?" The Son suddenly laughed.

"Baron Nalante, since your territory only has 20,000 to 30,000 people, why don't you choose to join our Io Continent Divine Kingdom?"

"Do you think you have the ability to escape all kinds of alien threats you will face in the future?"

"Your Excellency, Holy Son, although I have no confidence in facing various threats, I think that in such a remote territory as mine, other races should rarely come here!"

"Of course, if there really is an alien attack, then I will try to resist!"

Nalante is neither humble nor overbearing, always smiling.

"As for the reason why I didn't join the Divine Kingdom of Io Continent, it's actually because I still can't adapt to the image of the God of Glory you mentioned."

"So, I choose not to join the Io Continent Divine Kingdom for the time being!"

The reason why Nalante stood up at this moment was because he knew that even if he didn't stand up now, it would still be impossible to conceal his identity afterwards.

After all, there are so many principalities and empires that have joined, and people only need to ask the list to confirm the candidates who have not joined.

"Can't adapt to the image of the God of Glory?" The Holy Son took a deep look at Nalante.

"Okay, as I said before, this is your freedom, and our Kingdom of God will not interfere!"

"Okay everyone, today's meeting will come to an end. Those of you who joined my Sun God Kingdom before can come to the manor where I live now in the afternoon!"

After finishing speaking, the Holy Son went directly to the door of the hall.

Then came the high priests and others from other kingdoms of God.

Before the high priest of Dagmar left, he frowned and glanced at Nalante, then turned his head and left.

"Everyone, most of the nobles in this sacred continent have joined our kingdom of God today."

"This is a good thing for us. With their participation, the power of faith that can be offered every year will be even more!"

After leaving the meeting hall, a group of high priests and representatives of the Kingdom of God directly boarded the flying boat of the Kingdom of the Sun God.

After the high priests and representatives confirmed that the environment was safe, they also started talking.

"That's right. Although the elements and magic power of this sacred continent are thin, the power of faith doesn't pay much attention to them!"

When a high priest heard the words, he immediately smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Everyone, it's too early to be happy!"

However, at this moment, the youngest Holy Son among the crowd spoke.

Don't think that the Holy Son is just the son of the high priest of the Sun God Kingdom, and his seniority is the lowest among all the people.

Because the Sun God Kingdom is the most powerful existence among all the God Kingdoms.

Therefore, even if the Holy Son is in front of all the high priests, it will not be bad at all.

When everyone heard the words of the Holy Son, they were stunned.

"Your Excellency, Son, I don't know why you say that?"

"What else could be the reason? Although the God of Glory, the God of Evil, has fallen for so many years, there is no temple dedicated to him."

"But the nobles on this continent still believe in him after tens of thousands of years. Remember him, which means that it is not so easy to eliminate his influence."

"The reason why those kings were willing to join our kingdom of gods so quickly is because the crisis I mentioned frightened them!"

"And this fear is only temporary at the moment. In the future, if we want them to truly return to our kingdom of God, we need more arrangements!"

Even immediately continued to answer calmly.

"Your Excellency, what is your suggestion?"

The high priests of the Kingdom of God were not stupid either, they nodded and looked at the Holy Son after listening.

It's not that they can't think of a good way.

It's just that since the Holy Son of the Sun God Kingdom took the initiative to talk about it, he must have had a certain idea.

"Suggestion... that is, we must let the nobles of this holy continent realize that we are not lying!"

"Although what I said at the previous meeting was not a lie, there will indeed be many foreign races who may migrate in the future."

"But if we let nature take its course, it will probably be at least ten years later!"

"So, we need to advance this matter, after all, more than ten years is too long!"

"The Holy Son is right, more than ten years is indeed a long time!"

And all the priests of the Kingdom of God nodded upon hearing the words. What the Holy Son said was indeed a good idea.

Only by making these duchies feel threatened, will they become more dependent on the kingdoms of God.

However, just when all the priests of the kingdom of God thought that the Son's idea was nothing more than that.

The Holy Son continued to speak, "Do you think it's over if you just do this one thing?"

"Isn't it, Your Excellency Son, what else do you need to do?"

"Of course, if it's just to make them feel a little bit threatened, it's still not stable enough."

"We need to find out a few typical examples to let them know how miserable the end would be without the protection of our kingdom of God."

"Your Excellency, Son, what do you mean..." All the high priests showed horrified expressions.

Faced with everyone's expressions, his body remained calm, and he just smiled lightly and said, "I mean, just now, there are still a few duchies who didn't choose to join our kingdom of gods?"

"Then let them be role models. In this way, other principalities will definitely be able to realize the importance of the protection of the Kingdom of God the most!"

"This...Your Excellency, Son, would it be too cruel to do this, after all, we are all of the same human race!"

Finally confirming the idea of the Holy Son, all the high priests were frightened.

Although in order to absorb the belief of the Holy Continent, they can use some means to oppress all the duchies to join them.

But he didn't expect to kill how many lives of his fellow clansmen.

After all, if it is true according to what even said, then the number of people who will die by then will not be just dozens or hundreds.

But tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of millions...

"Cruel? It's indeed cruel!" The Holy Son didn't care about everyone's reactions at all.

But everyone, think about it, the various threats that our kingdom of God is facing now.

In addition to the orcs and other races of the sacred continent, we must face the dark creature continent that may find us at any time.

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And being able to quickly absorb these newly harvested powers of faith can quickly strengthen the power of the Kingdom of God.

At that time, what we can protect is not only tens of millions of people, but tens of billions of people.

Of course, the most important thing is that I have a guess.

"This sacred continent is likely to be the Kingdom of God of Glory!"

"Back then, if the God of Glory wiped out most of the Goddess of Talent believers, and now only a few believers of the God of Glory are sacrificed, that would be considered the God of Glory's own sin!"

Hearing the Son's explanation, the high priests fell silent immediately.

"In that case, then follow what the Holy Son said!"

After a while, the high priest finally agreed.

Seeing this, several other people also agreed.

Seeing this, the high priest of Dagmar opened his mouth and hesitated to speak, but after thinking about it, he finally fell silent.

And Nalante and the others didn't know that the Holy Son had already targeted several of their forces that had not joined the Kingdom of God.

When a group of people from the Kingdom of God left, most of the principality kings also left.

Only four or five principality kings gathered towards Nalante.

These people are just like Nalante, the kings who did not join the kingdom of God in the Aio continent.

And Narante immediately asked the reason why everyone didn't join.

Their answer was the same as Narante's, they didn't really believe that the God of Glory was as evil as they said.

In addition, even if you feel that your principality is located in a remote place, you can still keep it safe.

Narante didn't say anything about it, but rather admired the courage and firmness of faith of these kings. .

The kings of these principalities continued to believe in the God of Glory without substantial evidence.

This was a much more difficult choice than Nalante, who was fully aware of the fact that the God of Glory had been framed.

"My lords, Nalante admires your courage!"

Narant immediately sent compliments to several kings.

"Baron Narante, don't say that, our courage is still inferior to yours!"

"When you faced the Holy Son just now, you were the only one who dared to stand up and face it, but we..."

All the kings praised Nalante, but they were a little ashamed.

Because they didn't dare to stand up and admit it for the first time.

"No, in fact, I knew whether to admit it or not. I couldn't hide this matter in the end, so I chose to stand up!"

Narant smiled and shook his head.

"That's the same. We've seen Narant's courage before, so Baron Narant should not be humble!"

"Okay!" Narante had no choice but to nod.

"By the way, everyone, next, don't you know what arrangements you have and how to deal with danger?"

"Baron Narante, in fact, we didn't think too much about it at the time. We just thought that the principality we are in is relatively remote, so we shouldn't encounter too much danger!"

"Yes, my principality is located in a basin, and there are only three roads to enter and exit the principality. As long as the defenses are strengthened at the intersections, it will be able to resist most dangers!"

"En!" Nalan nodded. If he had the terrain advantage, it might be safer.

"Actually, everyone, I still have a suggestion here, maybe you can think about it!" Narante said in a low voice when he saw that the kings of the principalities around him had almost left.

"Baron Narante, what is the proposal?"

"That is to secretly build a few temples of the God of Glory in your principality."

"In addition, let go of the commoner serfs' belief in the God of Glory."

"You have also seen that the appearance of the Io continent has completely proved that the gods really exist!"

"So, the God of Glory must also exist, and as long as we devoutly contribute the power of faith to the God of Glory, we may be able to receive the blessing of the God of Glory!"

"Hey, what Baron Narante said seems to make sense!"

When the kings heard the words, their eyes lit up immediately.

Their faith is firm enough to refuse the temptation to join the kingdom of God in the Io continent.

So definitely a diehard fan of the God of Glory.

Now Narante's proposal is indeed in line with their current form.

Although they don't know if they can get a response from worshiping the God of Glory in this way.

But there will be no loss~www.mtlnovel.com~ It's all an attempt, what if it works?

"But everyone, I have one more thing to remind you, and that is to be careful not to be too public."

"Because the kingdoms of God in Io continent seem to be hostile to the God of Glory!"

"Although that holy son kept saying that he would not restrict our freedom of belief, we still have to guard against it!"

Narant reminded again.

"Baron Narante is right, we should be more careful!"

The kings are not stupid, they immediately understood the importance of keeping a low profile after being reminded.

Seeing that all the kings were willing to follow his proposal, Nalante was satisfied.

Although the main task this time seems impossible, Narante also wants to fight for it a little bit.

And now that the principality kings have clarified their alignment, they can really start offering sacrifices to the God of Glory.