Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 978

Chapter 978

"As for this requirement, you must abandon your original beliefs and instead believe in the gods of our Io continent!"

"What, betray your own beliefs, how is this possible?"

"Yes, we have believed in the God of Glory since we were born!"

Before the Holy Son of the Sun God Kingdom had finished speaking, there were bursts of commotion in the arena.

Because the kings of the principalities did not know the plan of the Io continent before.

At least most kings don't know about it.

And Narante heard the conversation of several dragon knights because he was close to the dark lord that day.

In this way, now the Holy Son wants them to change their beliefs that they have believed in for many years, which is absolutely unacceptable to everyone for a while.

Although no one would pray and pray to the God of Glory like devout believers on weekdays.

But he also regards the God of Glory as the idea of his noble code.

The holy son was not angry when he saw the discussion and noise of the people below.

He had expected such a scene a long time ago.

After a while, he waited for the kings below to gradually calm down before continuing to speak.

"Everyone, it is indeed a very cruel and overbearing thing to ask you to change your beliefs."

"So your Excellencies, we will not force you in the Holy Continent on this matter."

"Of course, whether you want to change your beliefs or not, I have another piece of news to tell you."

"I hope you will think about it after listening."

As he spoke, the Holy Son began to tell the story of the God of Glory's "doing evil" in the past.

Moreover, the process of doing evil is very detailed, such as what is the motive of the God of Glory to kill the Goddess of Talent.

That means the courtship was unsuccessful, so he showed a fierce look and killed the goddess of talent with his own powerful strength.

Then, in order to prevent the goddess of talent from being revived by believers, she once again attacked the ordinary human race in the Kingdom of God.

It was precisely because of this incident that the world of the gods was in chaos, and a large number of gods died as a result.

In the end, the evil **** of darkness invaded, and the entire originally peaceful and prosperous continent of the gods fell into fear of death.

In short, the conclusion is that the God of Glory is actually a despicable and shameless villain god.

He is the cause of all suffering.

"How is this possible, the God of Glory is despicable and evil? We don't believe it!"

"Yes, the God of Glory represents the justice of knights, how could he do those things."

"It must be people from the continent of Io who want to deceive us!"

When the Holy Son finished talking about the evil deeds of the God of Glory, the nobles in the field reacted even more intensely.

If they were asked to change their beliefs before, it was only a proposal.

But now this is an insult to their faith.

In this way, many kings who worshiped the God of Glory more naturally did not want to believe it.

"Everyone! Everyone!"

At this time, the Holy Son no longer allowed everyone to discuss.

"Although I know that it may be difficult for you to accept this fact for a while."

"After all, no other gods have appeared in your continent for tens of thousands of years, and it is also extremely closed and backward!"

"But if I'm the only one who says this, then it's possible that our Sun God Kingdom is lying."

"Now you can ask the other dozen high priests and representatives of the Kingdom of God."

"They also represent their own different gods, so many gods, if not real."

"How could it be possible to target a god, the God of Glory?"

The Holy Son immediately pointed his finger at the other high priests and representatives of the Kingdom of God.

"Everyone, I am a believer of the Goddess of Talent, the High Priest of the Kingdom of God, and I can be sure that what the Holy Son of the Sun God Kingdom said is true!"

"Back then, our Goddess of Talent was killed after meeting the God of Glory, and the God of Glory returned directly to his temple afterward."

"And when he returned to the temple, he left behind an envoy who slaughtered believers in our kingdom of God."

"I don't know if you know the appearance of the God of Glory's envoy, but I still have a recording crystal that has been handed down for more than 100,000 years."

"This recording crystal just records the scene when the envoy slaughtered ordinary human believers."

"I will release the video for everyone to watch now!"

The first person to speak was Dagmar High Priest of Goddess Goddess of Talent.

As the sufferer, she is naturally the one who hates the God of Glory the most.

After finishing speaking, the high priest of Dagmar gathered his divine power directly towards the crystal in his hand.

With a buzzing sound, a three-dimensional holographic image appeared in the center of the spacious conference hall.

Although there is no sound on the screen, the image is extremely shocking.

What is in the picture is a huge city, and at this moment the people in the city are running around in panic.

Everywhere there were people crying and running away from something.

But at the moment, the picture was pushed to the distance, and everyone finally knew why these civilians were so panic-stricken.

I saw a destructive wall of fire sweeping towards the sky behind the city.

The wall of fire can't see the edges on both sides, and even the height is straight into the sky.

As time went by, the wall of fire quickly spread to the city.

And when it was covered by the fire wall, whether it was a stone house building or other objects, they were burned to ashes in an instant.

And at this moment, a figure appeared above the fire wall.

The figure looked at everything below incomparably carefree and comfortable, and there was even a hint of a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he kept saying something.

However, because there was no sound on the screen, everyone couldn't know what he said.

Then, the screen flashed, and it was the scene after the entire city was swept away by the fire wall.

I saw that the city, which could accommodate at least a million people, has become a ruined wall full of scorched black carbon soil.

Those lives that were still fresh before have all been turned into coke.

Then, the screen of the crystal release disappeared directly.

But after the picture disappeared, the meeting hall fell into a long silence.

The reason everyone was silent was not because they really believed that they were the envoys of the God of Glory.

It was the scene that destroyed the world before.

It was a city of millions of people.

What kind of power can turn the city into a map in an instant!

The power of the gods is really terrifying and powerful!

At this moment, the people in the Holy Continent who used to talk about the gods all day finally saw the power of the gods.

"Everyone, you have all seen the picture of the crystal just now. It is what really happened in the Kingdom of God, the goddess of talent, tens of thousands of years ago."

"And this crystal is also maintained by the divine power of other gods, and it has been preserved until now, just to let future generations know the sins of the God of Glory."

"In addition, I have a mural that I got from the Temple of the God of Glory."

"This picture is the scene of the God of Glory and his twelve envoys on the throne."

"And this envoy is the murderer who just destroyed the city!"

In order to prove the identity of the previous envoy, High Priest Dagmar once again took out a huge mural.

And on the mural, there was indeed a picture of the God of Glory and the twelve envoys on the throne of the temple.

Nalante could even tell that the temple in the mural was a true restoration of the temple of the God of Glory, without the slightest difference.

"It's really the God of Glory! Yes, the envoy among them seems to be the man in the image just passed!"

"This... Could it be that the God of Glory really killed the Goddess of Talent?"

And although the nobles of the Holy Continent didn't know other envoys, they naturally remembered the appearance of the God of Glory.

After all, there are still many places in the Holy Continent with statues of the God of Glory.

Now, even if the kings didn't believe it before, they were a little shaken at the moment.

"Everyone, the God of Glory is indeed hateful. Many gods died under his sword in order to attack him!"

"And you didn't know the evil deeds of the God of Glory in the past, so you believed in him. You are not wrong about this!"

"But now that you already know, I still hope that you will correct your beliefs in time."

"Even if you don't want to join our Io Continent Divine Kingdom, or believe in anything about us, at least you can't believe in such a shameless god!"

"Yeah, you can't believe in such a shameless god!"

Seeing that the kings of the sacred continent began to waver, the high priests or representatives of the kingdom of God above spoke again.

All of a sudden, the faces of the kings were cloudy and uncertain.

"Everyone, in fact, we have told you so much, and we want you to join the kingdom of God. There is no need for any superfluous meaning."

"It's all about helping you for the sake of the same clan!"

"You may not know that although the threat of the continent of death has been temporarily lifted, the other dangers you will face are just beginning!"

The voice of the Son of the Sun God Kingdom came again.

"Is there any other danger?"

The eyes of the principality kings showed confusion.

"That's right, the moment your sacred continent is connected to our Io continent, you will have other dangers."

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"You also know that our Io continent is more full of elements and magic power, which also makes us stronger."

"But in fact, it is not only our human race that is powerful in the Io continent, but also the strength of other general races such as monsters, beasts, goblins, etc."

"Whether it's orcs or monsters, they are not friendly to us humans, and often treat us humans as prey!"

"In the continent of Io, our kingdom of God is protected by gods and dragon knights, so it is safe."

"But your sacred continent doesn't have such a powerful guardian!"

"So, after a while, there will definitely be monsters or other races slowly migrating to your continent, and it will be difficult for you to resist.

"Even if we don't want to save you, we can't protect you all the time."

"But as long as you join our kingdom of God and believe in our gods devoutly, then we will build temples on your territory."

"The temple can not only protect your territory, but also can communicate with the continent of Io at any time. Once a crisis occurs, our dragon knights can arrive at the fastest speed for rescue!"

"Your Excellency, Son, is this... is this true? As long as we believe in your gods, the territory will be protected?"

With the unremitting efforts of all the high priests and holy sons of the continent of Io, finally the king of the principality began to waver.

Because what the Son of God and others said earlier has shown enough evidence.

And it also mentioned the danger that may appear later.

This made the kings immediately feel a sense of crisis.

To be honest, it would be very difficult to accept the belief of the God of Glory if it were changed.

But in the face of life and rights, it still seems a little powerless.

"Of course, as long as you believe in our gods devoutly, you are the people of our kingdom of God!"

"And our gods treat believers equally, there is absolutely no difference in treatment!"

The Holy Son immediately nodded with a smile, he was not as lofty and unapproachable as he was in the previous few appearances.

"Then...Your Excellency the Holy Son, after we join the Kingdom of God, will there be any other changes to the principality's territory and identity?"

"This will have a slight change!"

"For example, after you join the Kingdom of God, you can no longer call yourself a king, but only a title!"

"In addition, the Kingdom of God will send priests to your territory to help you build temples!"

"Of course, the clergy will not hinder your management of the territory, nor will they interfere with your execution of government orders!"

"You only need to pay four levels of taxes every year as an offering to the goddess!"

"Other than that, you don't need to change anything!"

"It seems a bit high to send priests to build temples and pay four floors of taxes?"

The kings below immediately started talking in low voices.

You must know that they were all independent principalities in the past, although some were attached to the six empires.

But even if some offerings are given, they still can't reach the level of the fourth floor.

"Everyone, we collect these four levels of offerings to maintain the safety of the Kingdom of God!"

"After all, our priests can only serve the gods wholeheartedly on weekdays, and have no time to earn gold coins!"

"In addition, the army of defending the kingdom of God also needs to consume gold coins!"

"Only in this way can we resist the invasion of all kinds of powerful enemies!"

"So, the taxes on these four floors are actually not high!" the Sun God Kingdom continued.

"Okay, Your Excellency Son, I am willing to excite the God of the Sun and join your kingdom of God!"

The king immediately spoke up!

"Alright Your Excellency, you made a wise choice!" The Son suddenly smiled.

"By the way, everyone, I am here to remind everyone, because the population of your sacred continent is too large."

"It is impossible for us to manage all the principalities and empires in one God Kingdom, so our Sun God Kingdom only accepts fifteen principalities or empires to join~www.mtlnovel.com~ As for other principalities and empires, we can only go to find other principalities and empires. The High Priest and Representative of the Principality!"


"Your Excellency, Son, we are willing to join the Sun God Kingdom!"

"I want to join the Sun God Kingdom!"

All of a sudden, the conference hall was boiling.

Although everyone still doesn't know much about Io Continent.

But judging from the performance of the Son of the Sun God Kingdom these days, no one would be so stupid as not to think of the status of the Sun God Kingdom in the Io Continent.

So after knowing that there is a limit, all the duchies and empires naturally scrambled to be the first.

Even the kings of the six empires looked at each other and stepped forward quickly.

Especially the king of the Bach Empire, he moved towards the Holy Son with the fastest reaction.