Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 814

Chapter 814

The journey to New Tulip City is naturally no surprise.

Just three days later, Narant took the team to New Tulip City.

The so-called New Tulip City is actually just a name.

The real city wall is still half-finished.

And that city wall is like Narant's Stormwind City, it is the first to start the construction of the inner city.

As for the outer city, it is estimated that it will not be able to form a scale within a few years.

When Narant arrived outside the city of New Tulip, all the vassals of the Tulip family had arrived and placed their camp in the open space outside the city.

"Baron Narrant!"

"Baron Narrant!"

As Narant moved forward, the nobles who knew each other or not sent respectful greetings one after another.

Even many young nobles looked at Narant with admiration in their eyes.

Since the migration, Narant's reputation among these vassal minor nobles has reached a height of prosperity.

In this way, many aristocratic young people in the past must have envy in addition to envy when they saw Zhuang Kang.

But now this jealous mind can't grow up at all.

After all, one is a ground ant and the other is a high-altitude eagle. The gap between them makes these noble youths can only look up and deeply understand that they will never reach it in this life.

When Narant faced the greetings of these vassal minor nobles, it was also a polite response, and he did not feel superior because of his own strength.

In this way, Narant's casual gesture immediately made the small nobles feel like a spring breeze, and they all praised Narant in private.

"Lord Count!"

"Well, Narant, you're here!"

Bernard just happened to be leading the team out of the city at the moment.

Narant immediately stepped forward to greet him.

"Yes, Lord Count, I was worried that it would be late, but it seems to be just right now!" In order to wait for enough magic cannons and carriages to be completed, Narant's arrival time was completely on point.

"It's not too late, Narant, you came just right, but Narant, those are the goblins you captured last time?"

Bernard's eyes were naturally attracted by the thousands of green-skinned goblins in Narant's team.

In addition, there are more than 30 one-eyed trolls.

"Yes, Lord Count, those are the goblins. After being captured, they are all peaceful, so this time I took them to the expedition!"

"Hey, what is that?"

As soon as Narant's explanation fell, Bernard suddenly saw several strange-shaped 'cars' behind the team.

This car is naturally Narant's magic energy carriage.

It's just that this magic energy carriage is not driven by horses, so Bernard is a little surprised.

In fact, it wasn't just Bernard, the surrounding small nobles had long been talking about it, but they just didn't dare to ask.

"Lord Count, the goblins are a race that is good at making all kinds of utensils!"

"This time, after I captured them, I asked them to forge a few of these 'carriages' for me. Although this carriage has no horses, it is powered by a power stone called magic spar and can run like a carriage. quick."

"There is such a magical existence!" Bernard's understanding of this sacred continent is not as thorough as Narant.

"Yes, but magic is magic, but this thing is a bit expensive. That magic spar needs three thousand gold coins!"


Following Narant's words, some of the surrounding little nobles who were eavesdropping with their ears pricked up their breaths.

For three thousand gold coins, the five carriages need fifteen thousand gold coins.

Among these small nobles, I am afraid that most of them do not have such a worth...

"Narant, you are really rich!" Bernard was also stunned, complimenting Narant with a smile.

Fortunately, Narant is now his son-in-law, otherwise he, the Count, might feel aggrieved.

After all, being compared by one's own vassals is really uncomfortable.

Although Narant is not actually his vassal now.

"Come on, Narant, we're going to meet your father now and get ready to go!"

Soon, Narant followed Bernard to the center of the camp outside the city, and his cheap dad Andrew was also there.

Today's Andrew is really a father and a son, and he has become the most dazzling existence among the Tulip vassals.

Whether it is to be in-law with the Count, or his son has great prospects, this is considered the first vassal of the Tulip Land.


"Little Narant, you are here!" Andrew patted Narant's shoulder lovingly.

Although Narant's wings have grown hard now, he is Andrew's son no matter what.

So, this is his pride and glory.

"Yes, father, how is your territory recently?"

"Father's territory is very good, Narant, you don't have to send so many supplies to father in the future!"

"Father has enough food and materials for building a castle, and your Storm Territory location is more dangerous, so it is most important that you leave these materials for yourself to build a city!"

"Father, my Stormwind City is already under construction, and there is no shortage of materials, so you can use it with confidence!" Narant waved his hand.

"Okay Narant, Andrew, let's go!"

The two father and son chatted for a while, and Bernard had confirmed that all the vassals had arrived, so they were ready to set off.

"Yes, Lord Count!"


As the horn sounded, tens of thousands of tulip teams set out and headed north.

This time, they won't stop on the road.

If it was in the past, they would definitely need to join up with the nobles of other Glory Continents, at least with the army of the earls from the original Onyx Principality.

But now those nobles are nominally affiliated to the six empires, so their expeditions will follow the imperial team.

The only exceptions are Narant and Bernard.

In the past, it was heard that the Sacred Continent had a vast territory, but in fact, to the nobles of the Glory Continent, very few people had any deep impressions.

But after this trip, everyone really realized it.

Because it took them a month just to travel.

Narant and the others first headed north, and when they walked out of the border of the Black Rock Plain, they headed west through other principalities.

On this day, as more and more noble armies were encountered around, Narant and others knew that the fortress of thorns was coming soon.

"Narant, Stella will be in the team this time, you can follow me to see Stella later!"

"Is Stella here? Okay, Lord Count!" Narant immediately responded with a little excitement.

After all, since the last time we parted, he has not seen Stella for more than half a year.

Moreover, the letter he wrote to Stella also seemed to sink into the sea, and he never received a reply from Stella.

If it wasn't for the news of Stella's safety from Bernard, Narant would even go to the Holy City to find Stella in person.

"Hey, have pity on my Stella, because we are too weak, we left him alone in the Holy City!"

"Although the Holy Alliance originally allowed me to stay in the Holy City, it also prepared a manor for me!"

"But I know that if I really give up the territory and stay in the holy city and don't develop the territory, then I am afraid that I can only be imprisoned in that city by the Holy Alliance for the rest of my life!"

"Although it's not very useful for me to return to the territory to operate now, at least there is still hope!"

"Fortunately, Narant, you also brought me a glimmer of hope!"

Speaking of his daughter, Bernard couldn't help showing a trace of sadness.

As a father, he must be very sad to see his daughter imprisoned in the Holy City but unable to do anything.

It's just that this sadness is useless, because his strength is too weak to change the current situation at all.

"Don't worry, Lord Count, I will try my best to improve my strength. One day, we will be able to achieve a point that the Holy Alliance cannot ignore!"

Narant could understand how Bernard felt.

And why didn't he feel aggrieved.

His fiance was placed in the Holy City by the Holy Alliance, although there was no worry about safety and supplies.

But personal freedom is restricted, and even direct contact with his fianc is restricted.

He worked so hard to improve, but also to break this situation one day.

While speaking, the sight of the Thorns Fortress finally appeared ahead.

At the end of the sky, there is a mountain range that stretches for dozens of miles.

And in the only gap in the mountain range, there is a magnificent fortress.

This fortress is the first fortress of the Holy Alliance to divide the dark creatures.

At this moment, outside the fortress of thorns, there are already densely placed camps that can't see the end.

These camps belong to the major duchies and empires of the alliance.



"Your Excellency, we are the Holy Alliance United Cavalry Team, which is specially responsible for the order of the camps stationed in the Fortress of Thorns. I don't know which principality you belong to, so we can arrange a camp for you!"

At this moment, hundreds of cavalrymen rushed in front of Narant and the others.

After the leader of the cavalry team approached, he immediately asked Narant and others.

"We are not a Principality team, we are the Tulip Earl from the Black Rock Plain!" Bernard stepped forward and responded.

"The Earl of Tulip!" The cavalry captain had a strange look in his eyes.

Then he said: "Then please come with me, the camp for you Tulip Collar has been arranged!"

Immediately, the captain of the guard led Narant and Tulip's team towards the Fort of Thorns.

About half an hour later, they came to the edge of the camp outside the fortress.

Just when Narant and the others thought that the open space ahead was their camp this time, the cavalry team did not stop.

"Everyone, this open space has been assigned to other principalities, and your camp location is here!"

Narant and Bernard exchanged glances after hearing the words, but didn't say much.

Then continue to follow the cavalry along the edge.

It took more than 20 minutes to walk, and when they came to the farthest distance from the gate of the fortress and approached the forest next to the camp, the cavalry team stopped.

"Everyone, we're here, this is your camp!"

"If there is nothing else, then I will leave first!"

At this moment, the cavalry captain pointed to the open space in front of the woods and spoke to Narant and the others.

And Narant and Bernard looked at the open space, and immediately frowned.

The reason is very simple, this piece of open space is more remote.

But this turned out to be on a forest that had just been cut down.

The clearing was full of protruding tree stumps.

In such a camp, it would be troublesome to set up a tent, not to mention that so many carriages have to be pulled through it.

"Your Excellency, I'm afraid this open space can't be used as a temporary camp. You can see that those tree stumps are too reluctant to set up a tent!" Narant asked.

"Sorry everyone, I'm just following orders. If you are dissatisfied with this, you can go to the fortress to find the Alliance Logistics Manager responsible for this assignment!"

"Your Excellency, if there is nothing else, then I will leave first!"

Having said that, the cavalry captain turned around and led the team to leave.

Narant just wanted to stop it, but was stopped by Bernard.

"Forget it, Narant, we're only here temporarily, we'll just stay here for a day or two!"

"Lord Count, these guys are clearly targeting!"

Narant was a little unhappy.

There was obviously a lot of open space in the camp that passed by before, and there was more than enough to accommodate their tulip collar group, but the other party deliberately brought them here, and Narant felt that it was deliberately targeted.

"Haha, look, is that a goblin over there?"

While Narant was talking to Bernard, a few nobles who were watching the excitement came not far away, pointing at them and yelling. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"That's right, it's a goblin, haha, it's so funny, to bring a goblin to the battle, which noble is so funny!"

"Don't you know, that is the team of the Tulip family, it seems that the team of the Storm Leader is also among them."

"Oh? The Tulip Family, the Family of the Prophet Goddess?

"Yes, hehe! Do you know why they were arranged to camp in that stump, because they offended our Bach Empire!"

"When the Alliance was planning a temporary station a few days ago, it found that there was not enough space for the station, so a lot of woods were cut down!"

"And these woods would have been stationed by the smaller Principality's team."

"But our eldest prince suggested that the weakest forces should be stationed."

"Because of the principality of our Holy Alliance, even though the number is small, its strength is stronger than that of some rural nobles."

"So...haha, you understand!"

The laughter over there was not deliberately suppressed, and Narant and the others heard it without any scruples.

And the small nobles of the Tulip family were indignant at the moment when they heard the words, but they dared not speak out because of their strength.

After Narant heard the words, his complexion immediately turned cold.

This is deliberately to provoke myself.

"What did you just say?" Narant stepped forward and spoke coldly towards the small nobles of the Bach Empire over there.

"Hehe, we said that the weak are only worthy of the worst camp, is there any mistake?"

"By the way, is your Excellency the Narant from the Storm Lord?"

Several people faced Narant's questioning, but they still didn't care.