Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 813

Chapter 813

"My esteemed lord, this is ok, as long as you slightly modify the fixed frame of the projector, you can also install the magic cannon on the back of the one-eyed troll!"

"Very good, Ruba, then I'll leave this matter to you!"

Narant is very satisfied!

"Yes, your honorable lord!"

Ruba settled the matter, and Narant waited for him to complete the fort that houses the magic cannon.

Soon, after two days, the mount for this magic cannon was finally completed.

Narant immediately rushed to the workshop to conduct experiments.

They found two one-eyed trolls, and fixed the cannon frame that can fix the magic cannon on the back of the one-eyed troll with a chain belt.

Immediately after fixing the magic cannon, Narant directly ordered the one-eyed troll to start running and jumping, doing various sports simulations.

It took half an hour to try actions in different environments.

It proves that the gun mount is indeed reliable enough, and the movement of the one-eyed troll is not restricted.

In this way, Narant finally made the last thought test, that is, the shooting test.

The shooting test this time is different from two days ago.

The reason is very simple, this time the cannon is placed on the back of the one-eyed troll, so the accuracy of such shooting may be difficult to control.

"Troll, get down!"

Following the goblin's command, the troll carrying the magic cannon immediately fell to his knees on the ground.

And as he leaned down, the magic cannon on his back was also revealed, and the muzzle was aimed at the front.

The goblin who had previously ordered the troll immediately started aiming at the boulder more than 200 meters ahead.

After the aim was completed, the iron piece with the inscription in the goblin's hand was directly attached to the magic spar.



With a buzzing sound, the magic cannon immediately began to gather energy, and when the energy gathered enough, the goblin retracted the iron sheet, and the purple light group in the muzzle shot towards the front in an instant.


With a bang, a roar came from more than 200 meters away.

However, Narant immediately frowned.

The reason is very simple, that is, the gun did not accurately hit the rock target in the distance, and the distance was deviated by about ten meters.

Although it makes no difference when facing a large group of enemies.

But what if it is against a separate enemy?

Narant immediately called the goblin and asked about the aiming situation.

"My lord, I have tried my best to aim just now, but the rack holding the magic cannon can't move, so I can only order the troll slave to adjust the direction."

"But the troll slave can't grasp the magnitude of the range, so it finally missed!"

The goblin who was in charge of launching was captured from the airship, so he was very familiar with operating the magic cannon.

At this moment, he didn't hit the target, and he was very uneasy in the face of Narant's inquiry.

"The magic cannon can't be turned?" When Narant heard the words, he stepped on the back of the one-eyed troll himself.

The one-eyed troll is four or five meters tall and has a relatively broad back.

When Narant aimed at the distant target with the magic cannon, he found that it was not convenient to aim at the moment.

Because this magic cannon is fixed, there is no turning device.

In this way, if you want to change the angle, you need to order the troll to change the posture to complete.

And although the one-eyed troll is obedient, he simply doesn't know how many angles to control to make accurate shots, which is not only troublesome, but also has a huge deviation.

"Luba, come up!"

Narant immediately called Ruba!

"Ruba, please change the upper part of this gun mount and set it up here as a device that can rotate in all directions!"

Narant goes straight to pointing out what needs to be changed.

"My esteemed lord, you know that the changes and rotations are small, but I don't know how to achieve your effect!" Ruba was a little embarrassed, clutching his head.

If placed in the previous life, these mechanical structures are very simple, and can be seen on many daily objects.

For example, even the simplest camera support frame is one of them.

But in this world, it is still a relatively new existence.

Narant didn't hesitate to hear the words, and immediately found a pen and paper to draw a schematic diagram of the tripod's fulcrum connection.

That is, the spherical shape of the movable contact.

This is mainly because the process is the easiest.

Anyway, the magic cannon has no recoil, so there is no need to think too much about the strength of the contact.

Even Narant pressed the end of the magic cannon to design a handle like a gun handle.

In this way, when you really want to shoot, you can let the goblins aim steadily as if they were carrying a big gun.

"My esteemed lord, these two items of yours are too precise!"

When the chief craftsman, Ruba, saw the design drawings and learned about the function and principle of the object from Narant, he immediately adored Zhuang Kang.

This was a very simple structure in the previous life, but it is still very fresh and advanced in this era.

After all, in this backward world, the level of craftsmanship has not improved, and the level of manufacturing is even more unbearable.

"Luba, go to forge, my lord, I'm waiting to see the effect!"

Narant waved his hand and sent Ruba away.

And the forging speed of this thing is very fast, and it does not need the help of the black tower, and it is only forged in the afternoon.

The rotary joint is forged metal.

There is a semicircle groove below and a ball snap on the top.

Put the ball clip into the groove, so you can complete a 360-degree rotation.

Of course, in order to prevent the ball from falling off, and to facilitate control.

The semicircular groove is divided into two and can be disassembled.

After the ball is placed in this way, the two sides are tightened with bolts, which can prevent the buckle from loosening, and can also control the lifting degree of the two, and adjust the required rotation force at any time.

And the handle of the gun is an iron bracket except for the part connected to the magic cannon, and the rear is a large wooden butt.

After the **** is installed, it really smells like the big musket in the hands of the dwarf soldiers in the previous World of Warcraft.

After all, this is the caliber of a six-pounder, and even if it's not firing gunpowder, the barrel is terrifyingly large.

The only difference is that now it is not a dwarf but a goblin who operates this large 'musket'.

"If there is a chance in the future, maybe I can trick a few dwarves to come over and form a team of magic muskets!"

"The Ronin from Douluo"

Narant was looking forward to the scene where hundreds of dwarves bombarded the enemy with that large musket.

With the strong physique of the dwarves, it is completely possible for them to hold such a large musket with their bare hands.

While Narant's thoughts were flying, the goblins had begun to swear again.



As the magic cannon was fully charged, a purple light group shot out again.


Soon, an explosion sounded in the distance.

And this time, the purple energy group that was launched accurately hit the target more than 200 meters away.

"It's really amazing! Your honorable lord, you are really a wise human race!"

After the shooting goblin jumped off the back of the one-eyed troll, he immediately ran to Narant in excitement and praised.

Because this change to the gun mount gave him an unprecedented shooting experience.

Not to mention shooting in the back of this one-eyed troll.

Even on an airship, that's just a simple wooden shelf.

In order to hit the target, several goblins had to work together to move the gun mount around before aiming at the target.

But now, he's just a goblin, and his arm is slightly adjusted to shoot wherever he wants.

"Hehe, it's easy to use!" Narant didn't feel much sense of accomplishment, mainly because the 'creation' this time was too simple.

Immediately, he explained that Ruba forged a few more accessories for this gun mount in the past few days, because the magic cannon will continue to be produced in the future.

The matter of the magic cannon has been resolved, and the preparations for Narant before the expedition will become more and more perfect in the next few days.

And the Magician Legion also has many boys and girls who have made breakthroughs and become junior magicians.

In this regard, Narant fulfilled his original promise, as long as the fifty who completed the breakthrough before, will be rewarded with a cream cake.

Of course, those who made the breakthrough after the 50th were not without rewards, but the prizes were replaced with white sugar and white bread.

Although it is said that if the boys and girls want to make rapid progress, there must be a competitive relationship between them, but he also needs a little mercy, so that all the magician members can feel the "love" of their own adults.

As the day of expedition drew nearer, Narant finally got the second magic tool.

That's the magic wagon.

When the forging of the magic carriage was completed, Narant immediately went to check it out.

The magic energy carriage has a total length of eight meters. If a roof is added, it is somewhat similar to a walking tractor.

Narant immediately tested the performance of the magic carriage.

It was found that the top speed could reach 50 kilometers per hour, which was comparable to the speed of a fast horse running at full strength.

Of course, for such a means of transport, in addition to speed, carrying capacity is the most important thing.

Narant directly found twenty of his subordinates, let them squeeze into the bucket of the magic horse carriage, and immediately began to try to drive.

It was found that even though it carried twenty people, the magic carriage was still full of power.

The only difference is that the consumption of mana will increase.

However, compared to the launch of the magic cannon, the energy to drive the magic car is not too much.

After confirming the ability of the magic car, Narant did not hesitate, and directly ordered the workshop to forge with all his strength.

For nothing else, it is convenient for the Magician Legion to quickly keep up with the team when it is in place.

Except for Narant himself, the magician's physique is the same no matter who he is.

In this way, when these young boys and girls can't ride horses, in order to facilitate their quick transfer, such a means of transport is the most suitable.

Time turned, and finally came the day of departure.

This morning, under the service of Lilia, Narant put on the armor and stomach, and then walked out of the castle.

Below the castle, there are already more than 2,000 people waiting.

These two thousand people are all Narant's personnel on this expedition.

Among them, there are 100 Knights of the Wild Wolf and 250 of the Knights of the Storm.

In addition, there are 50 long-range attack teams and 100 longbowmen.

The second is the spear team of 200 people and the medical team of 25 people.

These are Narant's old men.

The number of people added up to more than 700 people.

In addition to these old subordinates, a 100-person magician army was also added to the team.

Today, all the boys and girls in the Magic Legion have completed their breakthroughs.

In this way, the magician army of Narant is already a veritable existence.

In addition to the magician army, the rest are the goblins and the one-eyed trolls.

There are thirty-five one-eyed trolls, and five of them have magic cannons on their backs.

And the rest are all goblins.

Although in the last battle, these goblins seemed useless, but they all had the strength of extraordinary knights, and for the current Narant, they were also useful combat power.

Moreover, these goblins are also a very good existence in charge of logistics, and generally they can be used as coolies.

As for the two goblin airships, Narant did not take them away.

Instead, stay in the territory just in case.

After all, his departure this time is considered to have hollowed out all the high-end combat power of Stormwind, so in order to prevent accidents, it is very necessary for the two airships to stay behind.

And the operation of the airship Narant was handed over to Thomas to manage.

Operating an airship is actually not difficult, it is a very fool-like operation, not like operating an aircraft in the previous life.

Because the strength of the airship lies in its shields and magic cannons.

Narant's preparations didn't even require the airship to leave the castle. If he really encountered an enemy, he only needed to let Thomas control the airship to fly high into the sky, and then bombard the enemy hard.

At a height of 300 to 400 meters, as long as there are no sky knights, no matter how much it is, it will come to deliver food. For the thirty energy spar, Narant left five for the magic airship.

Enough to fire thirty rounds of artillery bombardment from each magical airship~www.mtlnovel.com~ is equivalent to thirty full-strength attacks by the Earth Knights.

"Report, sir, all the expedition personnel are assembled!"

"Reporting to your honorable lord, our goblin army has also assembled!"

When Narante stood still, Quick and the goblin leader Rumba immediately stepped forward to report.

"Very good!" Nalanda nodded, then looked at everyone.

"This expedition, we have to deal with dark creatures!"

"We are not fighting alone, the entire Holy Alliance, and even other races in the Holy Continent will also participate!"

"So, I hope you will perform well in this war and show the prestige of our Storm Leader!"

"Tell the adults, do you have this confidence?"

"Have confidence!"

"louder please!"

"Sir, we are confident!" The soldiers roared as Narant repeated.

"Very good, in this battle, the rules of the adults are still the same, that is, if you have merit, you will be rewarded, and if you have failed, you will be punished!"

"Now, everyone, let's go!" Narant nodded in satisfaction, then mounted the white dragon, and with a big wave of his hand, he directly ordered the team to set off.

"You have an order, let's go!"

"Set off!"

With the sound of the order being passed, the team began to move towards the north road.

Narant walked at the forefront of the team with a few lucky girls.

This time, he needed to go to New Tulip City to join Bernard and the others, and then headed west.

Eventually all alliance teams will meet at the Fort of Thorns in the west.

There is a fortress jointly managed by the Holy Alliance, and there is no danger after leaving the fortress.

Although it has not immediately entered the area occupied by the erosion of dark creatures, it is not as safe as the interior of the Holy Continent.

Because there will always be dark creatures outside the Fortress of Thorns.