Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 815

Chapter 815

The center of the Fort of Thorns Garrison Camp.

It was the same scene as when the little nobles of the Glory Continent went on an expedition.

In the center, a large open space was specially reserved as a place for the caravans to sell wine and food.

And at this moment, it is naturally very lively and crowded. Whether it is nobles or ordinary guards, they are all ready to enjoy themselves before the war.

After all, except for the great nobles, no one can be sure whether they can come back alive after walking out of the fortress of thorns.

In the core circle where the caravan shops are lined up, this place is a little emptier than the outside.

Because the consumption here, only the great nobles can afford it.

The people sitting under the tents chatting and laughing were all well-dressed gentlemen.

At this moment, two guards rushed to a long table surrounded by seven or eight young nobles in Chinese attire.

"His Royal Highness, Earl Kern asked Xiao to report to you, saying that the little country noble from the Storm Territory has arrived!"

"Oh? It's already here. Was it arranged at the camp next to the woods?" Eric immediately put down the wine glass and asked the two guards.

"Yes, His Royal Highness, and Earl Kern and several other nobles are mocking and teasing that little country noble!"

"Well, let them figure it out for themselves, and if that kid can't help but teach him a lesson!"

"As long as I don't die, I will bear all the responsibilities!" Eric, the prince of the Bach Empire, nodded and commanded the two guards very aggressively.

"Yes, His Royal Highness!"

Immediately, the two guards quickly left. ,

"His Royal Highness, is that little aristocrat who provokes our Bach Empire beyond his capacity here?"

"Yes, just arrived!" Eric nodded.

"Hmph, this country bumpkin dares to provoke our Bach Empire without knowing his life or death. His Highness must make him suffer!"

"Yeah, for such an over-the-top country bun, I must teach him a good lesson!"

"Unfortunately, this guy is lucky enough to have completed the engagement with the Prophet Goddess, otherwise we will sell him directly and kill him, that is his final ownership!"

Several young people at the same table with Eric are also from the Bach Empire, so the grudges between Narant and his own empire are also clear.

At this moment, one by one naturally does not want to see Narant.

"Hehe, that boy's expedition this time won't be so pleasant. Let's see how this prince teaches him to be a bastard!"

Eric laughed when he heard the words, although he said it was just a lesson, but in his heart he had already handed down a death sentence to Narant.

And now these few earth knights and magicians are just appetizers.

"That's right, I'm Narant!" Narant smiled and looked at the guys in front of him. "In addition, did you just say that your Bach Empire is interfering in arranging our camp here."

"Haha, Narant, didn't we just say that, that is, our high prince asked the logistics manager of the coalition army to divide your resettlement camp here!"

"It's mainly because your strength is too weak, and other more comfortable positions might as well be given to those small principalities!"

"After all, the soldiers of the small principality have rested, and they can kill a few more dark creatures at that time, which can be regarded as a contribution to our human race!"

"Well, what you said seems to make sense!"

Hearing the words, Narant smiled and nodded, then took a few steps forward.

He pointed to a camp not far behind a few people, "Is that the camp of yours?"

"Yes, that's our camp over there. Our Bach Empire is one of the best in the Holy Alliance. Why, do you have any opinion?" Several minor nobles looked at Narant with disdain.

"Well, I do have one!" Narant nodded, "After all, who is the weaker, that's not what you have the final say!"

"And what the strength of the other principalities is, I don't know!"

"But you guys, I feel very weak, not worthy of occupying that camp!"

"Hmph, boy, we are very weak? You are so loud!"

"You **** who likes to hide behind women, if it weren't for the presence of a prophet and a goddess, how could you live to this day!"

Several minor nobles were equally aggressive.

"Well, whether I am hiding behind the woman or not, you will find out later!"

"What do you want to do?" When several people saw Narant's appearance, instead of being afraid, they were eager to try.

And what do you want to do in this sentence, it seems to hope that Narant will quickly do what he wants to do.

"Isn't it very clear what I want to do, that is, you **** don't deserve to occupy that camp!"

"So, that camp will be ours soon!"

"In addition, this is probably the result you want, otherwise, on such a hot day, you will come to me to find trouble!"

"Boy, how dare you insult us, this is what you asked for today!"

Several people looked at each other and stepped forward slowly.

And there were dozens of golden knight guards behind them, but these guards didn't move at the moment.

When Bernard saw this, he immediately came to Narant's side.

"Narant, don't be impulsive. Although these people are not very old, they give me the feeling that they are very powerful!"

"Lord Count, don't worry, the words just now that the weak do not deserve a good place are their own words. I will prove the fact that they are all weak in a moment."

When Narant heard Bernard's reminder, he waved his hand and didn't care.

Since these guys on the opposite side are here to provoke, they must have come prepared.

There are a total of six nobles in the group opposite.

Three of them are Earth Knights, and the other two are Golden Peak Knights.

In addition, there is another person who has no vindictive fluctuations. Obviously, this guy should be a magician.

In this way, their strength is really very strong.

It's a pity that these guys don't know that the Earth Knight is really nothing in front of Narant.

Unless it is the high-level or peak of the earth knight, it will be more difficult.

As for the magician, Narant is even less afraid.

"Boy Narant, don't say we didn't give you a chance, you dared to insult us just now!"

"Now as long as you kneel on the ground and admit your mistake to us, then we will let you go once."

"Otherwise, we'll beat you to your knees later!"

"Okay, stop making excuses, I know that guy Eric must have explained it to you!"

"So, hurry up and fight! After the fight, I'll take over your camp!" Narant waved his hand impatiently.

"Boy, since you're asking for trouble, then you can't blame us!"

Several people looked at each other and immediately moved towards Narant.

Among them, the five titled knights took the lead with the middle-level earth knight, and attacked Narant directly with their long swords.

And the magician with no grudge just took out his staff and started singing.

Obviously these guys have already made plans to besiege!

It's just that they felt that they planned ahead, but Narant didn't take them seriously at all.

Is it really that his peak strength as a golden knight came for nothing?

Narant stretched his hand under the cloak secretly, but shouted sharply, "Flame Spear!"

Immediately, Narant's figure suddenly rushed forward, charging towards the five people.

And the figure of Narant's rushing forward is so close to the point of consternation of several people on the opposite side.

When Narant rushed forward, his voice actually left an afterimage.

"There is such a fast speed!" The earth knight headed by him was startled, how dare he continue to charge forward.

Immediately, he stopped and waved the long sword in his hand.

"Oh, this blast technique is really useful!"

But when the middle-level earth knight hurriedly waved his long sword, Narant's thoughts were still a little erratic.

It turned out that in the shout just now, although Narant shouted the spear of flame.

But it was actually releasing the blast spell stored in the staff.

This blast spell belongs to the ultimate magic, and it is an auxiliary spell that can increase the speed of the person who is given it.

A few days ago, Narant felt that this spell might have a miraculous effect on combat, so not only was the practice completed, but one was stored in the staff.

After all, the martial arts in the world are invincible, and they cannot be broken if they are fast!

His own speed has the blessing of agility fruit, which can far exceed the same level.

Now coupled with the blessing of the wind technique, it is simply soaring to the extreme.

Taking advantage of today, Narant is also preparing to try a small knife.


As the middle-level earth knight swung his long sword, a yellow sword light appeared in front of Zou Ran.

The rest of the surrounding small nobles saw that the leading earth knights had already started to attack, and they also swung their long swords towards Narant.

Immediately, three swords appeared in the field, slashing towards Narant, and two bright long swords slashed at Narant on both sides.

But Narant was not in a hurry. At this moment, the speed of the three sword lights in his eyes had slowed down.

He dodged sideways, and immediately avoided the first sword glow.

Immediately after another flash, the second and third sword beams were also dodged.

As for the long swords of the two golden knights on both sides, Narant didn't even look at them.

After dodging the sword glow, Narant's figure dashed forward again.

Before the middle-level earth knight had reflected, he had already come to him.

"Now see who's weak!" Narant sneered and slapped his face with the hilt of his sword.



Immediately, the middle-level earth knight was shot with a scream, and several white teeth flew out of his mouth.

When the other minor nobles saw this, they were so shocked that their souls were blown away.

Because Narant's speed is so fast that they have never heard of it.

The existence of a golden knight at the pinnacle, even the middle-level earth knight is not his opponent.

And the next few people are ready to withdraw towards the rear, wanting to distance themselves from Nalantra, and then besieging.

But Narant didn't give them a chance at all, just flashed to the side of the second Earth Knight, and raised the hilt of the long sword in his hand again.


Another crisp sound.

"Ah! My teeth!" The second land knight was also photographed looking for his teeth.

Immediately, Narant came to the third land knight by virtue of his stature.


Doing the same thing again, the third knight of the earth also followed in the footsteps of the two.

"Quick, Melo, release the confinement technique, this bastard's speed is too fast!"

In addition, the only two golden knights who were not attacked by Narant retreated a few steps in horror.

At the same time, he spoke anxiously towards the magician more than ten meters away.

And the magician was still singing a moment ago, preparing to fight the flaming fire snake.

But this chant was just about to end, but suddenly he heard the call of his teammates.

When he saw the tragic state of the three earth knights on his side, he immediately shuddered.

Immediately, the Flaming Serpent's spell was directly abandoned, and then he began to chant the Intermediate Imprisonment Technique.

"Drink, can you still cast spells in front of me?"

It was good that the golden knight didn't remind him. Narant immediately looked at the magician more than ten meters away.

He didn't say a word, and went straight to the magician.

"Bastard... Fire Shield!"

When the magician saw that Narant was actually targeting him, he shivered again, and the confinement technique was abandoned again.

Instead, he used the staff directly and blessed himself with a magic shield.

After the magical shield blessing was completed, he continued to sing and prepare to cast the confinement technique.

And Narant saw that he had released the shield, but he did not stop attacking him.

"Flame Spear!"

I just heard Narant shout again, and the dragon's teeth in his hand instantly came out of the sheath.

Immediately, the blade of the rising blood-colored light pierced straight towards the shield of the magician.


And this time the attack, the long sword blade seemed to be cut on the hard iron shell.

With a muffled sound, it was immediately bounced back.

"Hehe, brainless guy, even the shield of our intermediate-level magician, even an intermediate-level earth knight, it will take more than ten hits to break it directly!"

While casting the spell, the magician saw Narant's actions, and at the same time he was at peace, he couldn't help but make fun of Narant.

Because no matter how strong the fighting qi and martial arts are, in front of a magician with a shield, it is still not enough to see.

At the very least, the shield can guarantee his safety during the half-minute validity period of the shield. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

But how did he know that Narant was more familiar with such shields than he was.

Because Narant is never sloppy about his own combat power and safety.

And this shield is one of the best ways for a magician to save his life.

In this way, Narant knows all the weaknesses of the shield.

For example, the front and back of the shield is the strongest existence.

Because when this spell was created, it was mainly to deal with the front and rear enemies.

On the two sides, the strength is slightly inferior to that of the front and back, because these two angles can easily allow the magician to avoid.

The real flaw of this shield is on the top of the head.

Because in general people are attacked rarely from the top of the head.

And this magic shield is not actually a solid protective shield, it is composed of energy, and this energy will still flow.

The shield node above the head is where the magic power turns, and it is one of the most vulnerable places.

In this way, as long as the top of the shield is attacked strongly, it will be easier to break the shield of the magician.

Now that he knows the weakness, Narant will naturally not hesitate.

Without saying a word, he jumped up on the spot and pressed his long sword toward the shield.



With Narant's full blow, there was a crisp sound from the shield, and a small crack appeared.

"This... how is this possible!"

But the magician who was originally stunned saw this scene, but showed an unbelievable expression.

Because the weakness of the magician's shield is never publicized.

Because this is about the lives of all magicians, and everyone is willing to expose their weaknesses.

And even if someone knew the weakness of the shield, it was all aristocrats, or some strong people.

But the **** in front of him even knew...