Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 807

Chapter 807

Fortunately, Kiri is not really fighting Xiaobai.

Being able to become a high-level magician shows that he is really of some level.

"Wind-clearing technique!"

"Water polo!"

In just a moment, Kiri released two spells in a row.

First, he used the wind-refreshing technique to send all the chili noodles out of the shield, and then he cleaned his mouth and nose with the water ball technique, which stopped the burning sensation in his throat and eyes.

However, although Kiri felt better physically at this moment, there was no way in his appearance that he had that majestic and aloof appearance in the afternoon.

Because of the explosion of the grenade, half of his face was smoked black at this moment.

Although with his high-level magician's physique, a small grenade can no longer hurt him, but it also makes him extremely embarrassed.

What Kiri cares more about now is how the roar will occur, and how is the object that releases the chili powder sent into his shield?

"Who are you, why are you able to pass items through my shield quietly!"

While asking, Kiri released two more layers of shields for himself.

"Haha, didn't I just say that I am the guardian of this territory!"

"As for why I can attack you through the shield, you might as well see for yourself what I am!"

Kiri clears the paprika and releases the shield but Narrant doesn't attack.

Because it is very simple for him to clean up this Kiri, so his purpose is not only to get rid of his addiction, but also to let this guy get his **** out of Storm Territory.

Hearing Narant's words, Kiri looked at Narant with suspicion.

But nothing unusual was found.

This man was dressed in black and oddly styled clothes, and even his hair and face were covered with cloth strips, only his eyes were exposed.

However, just when Kiri didn't know the reason, he just blinked his eyes, but suddenly realized that something was wrong.

I saw that the eyes of the person in front of him were actually shining with a little bit of light, and there seemed to be a starry sky in those small eyes.

Then, there was a group of horns on top of this person's head.

And this horn was estimated to be black before, so it was ignored by myself in the dark.

But now this horn is actually faintly emitting a faint red light.

"You're not a human race, what kind of species are you!" Kiri only felt a chill on his back.

The group of magicians is the most knowledgeable of all races.

Not only because of the need to practice spells, but also because after their spiritual power increases, it is easier for them to read and memorize knowledge of various books.

As a high-level magician, Kiri does not need to say much about the knowledge reserve in this area.

But he discovered that he had never heard of such a strange humanoid race.

Not only are there stars in his eyes, but there are horns on his head, like an abyss demon.

"Hehehe, see clearly this time!"

"As for what race I am, in fact... I am not any race in the Holy Continent, because I was sent by the gods!"

"You can call me a plane agent, specifically to protect the peace of this continent!"

"I have settled in this territory when the dark creatures came, in order to protect this territory, and when a **** prophesied to save the human nobles of the Holy Continent, when he grows up, he will be able to completely expel the dark creatures. !"

"A plane agent? Can you save the Terran nobles in the continent?" Kiri was confused.

However, at this moment, the doubts in my heart have risen again.

What a god.

Although this continent has legends of gods, no one has ever seen it.

And if the strange guy in front of him is really that powerful, why not expel the dark creatures directly.

In other words, let the gods themselves take action to expel the dark creatures!

"Blast Technique!"

At the next moment, Kiri burst out violently, and quickly cast a second life-saving magic from the staff.

The figure quickly slammed into the window.

"Blast Technique!"

Seeing this, Narant was not in a hurry at all, and he also snorted, and then his figure immediately accelerated and chased towards Kiri.


Kiri jumped out of the window first and landed in the small yard.

And Narant followed suit.

However, when Kiri landed on the ground, when he saw that Narant had also released a magic spell, his jaw dropped.

Because Narant used a grudge when he slammed him with a fist the size of a casserole.

But now, he used magic again.

"Flame Dragon Explosion!"

Kiri's heart was trembling, but seeing Narant chasing after him, he didn't have time to think about it, and a high-level magic was released.

Immediately, regardless of whether he could hit or not, he turned his head and wanted to run.


But just as he was about to turn his head, a low voice came from behind.


The next moment, a fiery red shield appeared on Narant's body.

Kiri finally made sure that the opponent could not only use Dou Qi, but also magic.

However, this is not over yet, just listen to the rear and drink low again


"Flame Dragon Explosion!"

The man in the back didn't even want to sing, but after a low drink, a spell exactly like his fire dragon was generated.


The two fire dragons collided in the air, and then disappeared without a trace in the fire.

"Unleashing magic without chanting?" Kiri felt shivering.

But the more so, the more he wanted to get rid of the person in front of him.

Thinking of this, he picked up the staff again, "Exploding flying rocks!"

In an instant, stones with rising flames appeared in front of Kiri, and then shot towards Narant.

This is also Kiri's life-saving spell, which is almost one of the most difficult spells in advanced magic.

If it was chanted live, Kiri would probably need more than ten seconds to release it successfully.

In this way, he saved it into the staff early as the last hole card.

He felt that this would always be able to resist the opponent for a while.

Just give him a moment and he can escape quickly.

Moreover, his subordinates must have heard the movement now, and they will also come to help.

Although the 'monster' of unknown origin in front of him didn't say he wanted to kill him just now, he didn't dare to gamble, so escaping was the best choice.

"Exploding flying rocks!"

However, just when Kiri took two steps, a low voice came from behind again.

Boom boom boom!

Then, a roar followed.

Hearing the roar, Kiri almost fell to the ground with a weak leg.

If the previous threshold of other spells was not high, it was not enough to fully prove the unusualness of the other party.

But now this explosion of flying rocks is really difficult, even he needs more than ten seconds of chant to release.

And in less than three seconds after he just turned around, the other party released this spell, and still did not sing.

More importantly, if you release any spell, the other party can release it at the same time.

Does the other party learn the same magic spells as you?

This is obviously somewhat unlikely, because his father is the vice president of the Holy Magic Academy, so he can learn so many magic spells.

It can be changed to other people, either with a lot of backers in the academy, or by spending money to buy it.

So wanting to learn multiple spells, especially advanced spells, is not something that ordinary people can do.

In particular, it is such a coincidence that the opponent's spells can completely overlap with their own.

"Hehehe! Well, you little magician, the game is over!"

"Since I discussed with you carefully and you didn't listen, and attacked me, then enjoy the punishment from my face agent!"

Narant had already heard the sounds in the surrounding hotels, and it was obvious that the roars just now had attracted his attention.

In this way, he needs to continue the battle quickly and complete the plan for tonight before the others show up.

After finishing speaking, under the terrified eyes of Kiri, Narant came directly to him with a teleportation flash.

At this moment, Kiri still had a shield on his body, but Narant didn't say a word.

bang bang bang!


With a few crisp clicks, Kiri's shield shattered directly in the next moment.

And Kiri was only now recovering from the lime and paprika.

Just before he could react, Narant's casserole-sized fist fell towards his face again.

bang bang bang!

A dull hammering sound resounded through the night sky.

Kiri's head was hit like a ball by Narant.

Seeing that Kiri's nose was bruised and the corners of his mouth were bruised, Narant said: "Today is just a warning, if you still stay in this Storm Territory and want to trouble the little noble of the human race, then it will not be so easy to let you go next time. It's gone!"

"Orc Invasion and Goblin Invasion, you know? Do you really think that cheeky kid won two victories?"

"Hehe, if I hadn't been secretly helping to guard it, with his few low-strength subordinates, the Storm Lord would have been wiped out by the orcs and goblins!"

After speaking, Narant raised his fist again and delivered a final critical strike.


The moment Kiri's head was hit, Narant let go of his collar, and then Kiri's head fell to the ground and bounced twice.

And Kiri finally closed his eyes and then fainted.

"Teacher Kiri, Tutor Kiri!"

In the hotel room, Kiri woke up leisurely.

At this moment, he was a bit miserable, the whole head was tightly wrapped in white cloth, only a pair of swollen eyes were exposed.

And the mage robe on that body is even more stained with mud and blood.

"I... What's wrong with me!" Kiri was still in a state of confusion at the moment. Seeing Luo Er and a group of students surrounding him, he asked with some doubts.

Rolle and the students were stunned.

Then he said, "Mr. Kiri, we just heard the sound of fighting, so we rushed to the backyard of the hotel!"

"However, when we arrived, you were the only one lying in the hotel courtyard with blood on your face!"

"What's the matter with you, who attacked you?"

"I..." In an instant, Kiri's consciousness returned immediately.

And the scene before the coma also came to mind.

His eyes immediately showed fear, and he looked around.

"Did you see anyone else in the courtyard when you came out?"

"Mr. Kiri, we didn't see anyone in the courtyard, you were the only one lying on the ground!"

Rolle and the others shook their heads again.

"Quick, Rolle, all of you pack your bags, and we'll leave the Storm Territory immediately!" Kiri struggled to get up from the bed without much thought.


The apprentices looked at each other in dismay.

"Master Kiri, what happened?"

At this moment, a figure leaned over and asked to speak.

This man is Narant.

Kiri saw Narant's first meal, and then looked at him with complicated eyes.


"Your Excellency Kiri, although I still don't plan to sell the airship, you are from the Holy Magic Academy after all. Now that something like this has happened in my territory, I will definitely check it out!"

"This is not only because of you, but also for the safety of my territory!"

Narant frowned and looked serious.

"Check it out? If it weren't for you, a little country noble, I would have become like this?"

Kiri, who heard the words, secretly hated in his heart.

It's just that he is still not ready to say what happened before.

Because that thing was too weird, the presence of eyes like stars, horns on his head, and the ability to use fighting qi and magic really frightened him.

He was worried that what he said now would provoke revenge from that strange existence!

"Baron Narant, you don't need to worry about my affairs. As for the affairs of your territory, it's none of my business!"

"Also, if you're willing to sell the airship, we'll do it right now!"

"But if you won't, then we'll leave Stormland immediately!"

"Your Excellency Kiri, if that's the case, then please do it yourself!"

When Narant heard the words, he pretended to be ashen.

And Kiri stopped talking to him, and immediately urged the other members of the Holy Magic Academy to pack up.

In just over ten minutes, the luggage was packed, and then under the urging of this Kiri, he set off directly to prepare to leave the Storm Territory.

"Narant, then I'll go first!"

Before the departure, Rolle came to say goodbye to Nalande.

"Well, remember to come when you have time, and I will treat you well!" Narant smiled and shook hands with Rolle!

And Rolle nodded, and then gave him an inexplicable look.

Obviously, although Rolle didn't know what happened in the small courtyard just now.

But what is certain is that it must have something to do with Narant.

Otherwise, Kiri is so obsessed with airships, how could he be willing to leave in vain.

And it is a non-stop departure in the middle of the night.

"Haha, I'm really a little timid!"

Watching the team from the Sacred Magic Academy drive out of Lucky Town, the corner of Narant's mouth hung an arc.

He didn't expect this Kiri to be so simple. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

I originally thought that this guy would wait until tomorrow, or continue to entangle in this Storm Territory for two days.

Of course, this result is also due to the perfect plan of Narant.

And he exerted his own persuasive attributes.

For example, the moment he broke into the room earlier, he released a total of two magic spells on Kiri.

One is mute, and the other is illusion.

And his illusion is not the kind that takes effect immediately.

Instead, it's a delay, manifesting at the right time.

If the illusion appeared at the beginning, Kiri would definitely be alerted immediately, suspecting whether he had been hit by an illusion.

But Narant appeared only after the magic of space teleportation was shown.

More importantly, this illusion only slightly changed its appearance, that is, the eye of the stars and the horns on its head.

This made Kiri believe it was true, and didn't think about illusion at all.