Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 806

Chapter 806

After speaking, Kiri left Narant's castle with a gloomy face.

Since this guy has a falling out with Narant, he is naturally embarrassed to live in the castle.

"Roel, what's the background of this guy?"

After Kiri left, Narant's conversation with Rolle became more relaxed and casual.

"Narant, he is the son of the vice president of our Sacred Magic Academy. The vice president is a five-star magician, so this Kiri has such a temper even in the academy!"

Rolle was a little helpless.

"Narant, I was forcibly recruited to the team by this guy this time!"

"Well, you and I still believe it, Rolle, what is your academy's attitude towards airships?"

"Narant, our academy really values goblin airships very much, but there is no news of getting it at all costs."

"This should be because the principalities and empires have not obtained airships from you, so the Academy will definitely not use strong means to seize them."

"I think it's very possible that Kiri himself got the airship in order to get credit and fortunately the academy got more benefits, so he used the academy and his status as a senior magician to get the airship." Rolle did not hide it.

Although he is a student of the Holy Magic Academy.

But the academy is not really a clean place.

Because of the lofty status of the magician, and the inextricable relationship with the major empires of the alliance, the relationship within the academy is intricate.

And he Luoer has just stepped into the middle-level magician, and is still the third prince of the Blue Shield Empire, so he is not really loyal to the academy.

Narant nodded and immediately understood.

Since the Sacred Magic Academy didn't get the airship at all costs, it was easy to handle.

He was worried that the Holy Magic Academy would come to **** it with its super strength.

Although his current strength is no longer as weak as before.

But if you really face this group of magisters, it is still not enough to compete.

"Narant, do you have a better solution!"

"Although this Kiri was temporarily deceived by me, I don't think he will give up!"

"There are no countermeasures for the time being, but I will find a way!" Narant shook his head slightly.

In fact, he already had an idea in his mind.

For the guys who ran to the Storm Territory to threaten him, Narant didn't plan to give them good fruit to eat.

For example, Nadaz last time, since he is so clueless, he can deal with it as he should.

Although this time Kiri seems to be more difficult to deal with than Daz because he has an old magister father.

But Narant has a lot of ways to keep him from staying.

Just to avoid Rolle's worries, Narant didn't explain it either.

"Narant, I actually have a solution here, since these goblins have been captured by you now!"

"Why don't you just hide the two spaceships in the forest and say they were robbed by goblins!"

"In this way, even if Kiri is arrogant and unreasonable, he can't do anything about you!"

"Roel, you have a good idea, I will consider it!" Narant nodded when he heard the words.

This is indeed the easiest and most effective way.

But the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, in the future, he has to hide the airship tightly, and don't take it out.

Otherwise, if you just said you lost it, you will find it back, which will let the people of the Holy Magic Academy know that you are playing with them.

And if it spreads out, it will lose the face of the storm collar.

"Let's go, Luo, let's not talk about the airship. It's rare to come to the storm to lead it once. Let's go to the restaurant with me. Let's have a good drink!"

Patting Rolle on the shoulder, Narant immediately took Rolle to the restaurant.

Rolle stayed at Narrant's castle until dusk before returning.

When Kiri saw Rolle returning, he immediately called to his room to ask.

"Roll, what's the matter, did you talk about that little country nobleman?"

"Teacher Kiri, I have persuaded Nalan to do what you said for a long time!"

"However, he did not agree immediately, but said that it would take time to think about it!"

Rolle spoke nonsense without blushing.

"Also consider, this little country noble doesn't take our Sacred Magic Academy in the eyes too much!"

"Can contribute to our Sacred Magic Academy, I don't know how many nobles can't ask for it!"

Hearing that Narant hadn't agreed yet, Kiri suddenly spoke angrily.

And Rolle didn't answer when he heard the words.

Seeing this, Kiri felt bored, so he snorted coldly.

"It's fine if he's knowledgeable. If he really doesn't give face to our Sacred Magic Academy, I'll teach him a good lesson tomorrow!"

"Mr. Kiri, this is not very good! If we do this, we will become a **** after the word spreads."

Luo Er was shocked when he heard the words, this Kiri was too wild.

He even dared to prepare to attack Narant in Narant's territory.

"Hey, what about the robbery, he made it himself, he just couldn't see his own strength!"

This time Kiri brought a total of more than 100 people.

Among them, there are seven or eight magicians in the academy, all of whom are junior magicians and intermediate magicians.

The rest of the men and horses are all titled knights, and their strength is also above the golden knights.

Such strength is more than enough to deal with Narant when he wants to.

As for Narant's victory over the orc army and the goblins, he had already inquired clearly.

That is, Narant used both tricks.

Especially the battle with the orcs, the news from the Toya Empire.

Narant got some beast-inducing potions from somewhere, and then triggered the ambush of the beasts in advance, and finally hit the orc team.

Such a great victory.

And they are now in this Storm Territory, and there is no magical beast that can motivate Narant.

In this way, taking advantage of Narant's unpreparedness, it's okay to teach him a little lesson and force him to hand over the airship.

As for when this Narant will sue.

Such a small country nobleman, how could someone dare to stand up for him if he speaks out.

I heard that the prophet goddess is this kid's fiancee.

But several major empires are afraid of Narant because they want to get the goddess, but their Sacred Magic Academy is not afraid, because they are not interested in the goddess.

Seeing that Kiri had made up his mind, Rolle did not persuade him any further.

Instead, prepare to sneak out later and let Narant take precautions.

It's a pity that Kiri naturally thought of him as well.

"Luo Er, you don't need to worry about the next thing, you can practice meditation in the hotel!"

After that, Kiri sent Rolle, and immediately sent two magicians to find Rolle.

On the surface, it was said to come to Luoer to discuss the cultivation of magic, but in fact it was to guard him and prevent him from running to inform Narant.

In fact, where do you need Rolle to inform him, since Kiri checked into the hotel, his every move has been stared at by a few little bees.

"He really said that?" In the castle hall, after Rolle left, Narant meditated on the sofa.

After hearing Little Loli's report, a coldness flashed in Narant's eyes.

"Yes, my lord, that magician is so bad, he even thought of being tough at that time!" Shirley Little Lolita nodded, and at the same time expressed indignation at Kiri's shameless behavior.

"I originally wanted to punish you a little bit, just drive you away."

"But now that you are so shameless, I'll be blamed for being rude!"

Narant said coldly, then looked at Little Loli, "Shirley, you continue to send bees to monitor Kiri's every move!"

"It's an adult!" Shirley's little loli immediately retreated.

And Narant thought for a while, then took out his staff, and then stored spells in it.

That night.

The bustling lucky town was finally quiet.

Although there are luminous bead pillars every few meters on the town avenue as lighting, but there are no pedestrians on the road.

At this moment, a figure in black night clothes walked quickly in the shadow of the street.

As for why the night clothes appeared in this medieval context, it was because the owner of the clothes was Narant.

Since Kiri is so shameless and wants to **** the airship directly, Narant will naturally not make him feel too good.

Soon, Narant came to the small courtyard of the hotel.

Immediately without going through the courtyard gate, Narant directly turned over and entered the courtyard.

After entering the courtyard, with the help of bees, Narant quickly identified Kiri's living room.

Immediately, he quietly climbed to the second floor of the small building, and then entered a room with no guests to the second floor of the hotel.

"Hey, magic barrier and early warning spells are even arranged!"

However, after a little perception outside Kiri's door, Narant immediately noticed the difference.

That is, Kiri's room was not only blocked by his spells, but also set up a magical barrier at the doors and windows.

This magical barrier is like a shield, but with a larger range.

And the defense is not too strong.

His main purpose is to prevent the enemy from approaching silently.

Because this early warning enchantment spell will appear immediately after encountering the intruder, treat the intruder as outside the enchantment.

Moreover, with the warning sign.

It is impossible to break in quietly.

Fortunately, in the face of such a difficult situation, others may be helpless, but Narant is not worried at all.

I saw him pick up the staff in his hand, and then whispered the casting spell silently.

"Space teleportation!"

The next moment, Narant let out a low voice, and the magic of space teleportation was cast.

And when Narant returned to normal again, he had already appeared in Kiri's room.

Because the protective barrier was still intact and did not make any noise at the moment, Kiri was still sleeping very sweetly, and he didn't know that there was an extra person in his room out of thin air.

Narant didn't hesitate, and immediately raised his staff and released two magic spells towards this Kiri.

"Huh?" Maybe he felt magic fluctuations, or he felt a change in the sound.

Kiri, who was sleeping sweetly, finally woke up, looking around with a purple doubt on his face.

Originally, this was a subconscious action by Kiri, because he had already arranged the enchantment and the warning symbol.

In this way, he was sure that no one would be able to break into this small and remote place like Stormwind.

But in the next moment, Kiri's thoughts about such thoughts disappeared immediately, instead he stared at the bedside with wide eyes in disbelief.

"Who are you... ah... ah..." Kiri asked immediately.

But when he spit out three words again, his tongue suddenly felt like a knot, and he couldn't make a sound anymore, only a faint ahhh, indicating that he really had something to say behind him.

"Are you asking who I am?"

"I tell you, I am the guardian who secretly guards this territory!"

"I heard during the day that you are going to be detrimental to the new lord of this territory?"

"It's been a long time since no human nobles have come to my territory, and now a lord has finally come, and you are still going to trouble him, it's just courting death!"

After speaking, Narant raised his fist, the size of a sandbag, and smashed it at Kiri.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

In the face of the rain-like big fist, Kiri was already stunned.

what defender?

He had never heard of such a person before.

Moreover, how did he break through his enchantment without causing any disturbance.

The enchantment of his own is also considered high-level magic, unless the opponent breaks through the wall or the strength exceeds the level of the magician.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to enter so silently.

And feeling the pain that kept coming from his body, Kiri was even more aggrieved and wanted to cry.

Summon your subordinates to come and help.

It's a pity that his mouth still couldn't open his mouth, and he could only make a faint ah-ah sound.

He knew that he seemed to have been hit by the dumb trick.

"What should I do?" Ji Li was anxious, for fear that the other party would kill him in addition to beating him violently.

Fortunately, at the next moment, Kiri felt something covered in his hand.

It was his stick that never left his body.

With a staff, it means that he can quickly cast magic.

"Intermediate Magic Shield!"

Kiri's words fell, and the magic in his hand took effect immediately, releasing an intermediate magic shield to protect his whole body.

And when the shield protected him, Kiri's fate of being used as a sandbag finally came to an end.

After taking a breath, Kiri immediately cast a spell to relieve the mute spell on himself.

"Bastard, who are you!"

When he was able to speak for the first time, Kiri was furious and asked Nalandi. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"As I said, I am the guardian of this land!"

"I advise you to leave the Storm Territory immediately before tomorrow, and you are not allowed to set foot on this territory again in the future, otherwise I will let you taste the taste of death!"

"Pretend to be a ghost, hum, bastard, now that the staff is in my hands, then let you see the consequences of provoking a high-level magician!"

For Narant's threat, Kiri was not at all rude.

The next moment, he hid within the shield and began to sing.

"Do you really think it's safe to hide in this turtle shell?"

Narant smiled when he saw this.

And Kiri naturally ignored Narant, and he really felt that this shield was very effective, so he didn't choose to flee for the first time.


And just before Kiri was about to sing the spell for completion, and just before the casting was completed, Narant also cast a magic.

Falling down with his low voice.

A grenade appeared out of thin air inside Kiri's shield.

"Huh?" Kiri didn't wrinkle, some didn't react, why did a black thing appear inside the shield out of thin air.


It's just that his doubts didn't last long.

Because at the next moment, the black iron lump actually exploded.

And along with it, there are large flakes of red chili powder.

And because Kiri's shield is completely closed.

In this way, the red peppers filled the shield at the moment, and they were not ready to disappear at all.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Suddenly, Kiri couldn't even sing.

There was a continuous coughing sound in the mouth.