Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 808

Chapter 808

In addition, coupled with the existence of such a strange space magic, it completely highlights Narant's mysterious identity.

Even if Kiri didn't imagine Narant's identity as a messenger of the gods, a secret master was absolutely indispensable.

After Kiri left, there was no noble messenger in Narant's territory who asked for airships, because the Magic Academy was the last one.

And half a month later, Kiri finally returned to the Sacred Magic Academy with a group of students and guards.

When he went, Kiri thought it was a good opportunity to get credit.

Because he thought that with the prestige of the Sacred Magic Academy and his noble status as a high-level magician, he would definitely not dare to refuse when he wanted to come to the town.

But after reaching the Storm Territory, the situation was completely beyond his expectations.

The first is that the little noble of Narant really dared to refuse his request in person.

Then, in the middle of the night, he met the mysterious man who could attack him through the shield.

Under such circumstances, his convoy didn't stay in the Storm Collar for a day, and fled the Storm Collar in gray.

On the way back, all the students and guards looked at him, making Kiri ashamed as much as he wanted.


"Kiri, why did you come back so soon, did things go well?"

In an exquisite small building behind the Magic Academy.

Carlisle, the five-star magister and vice president of the Sacred Magic Academy, saw Kiri walking in, and immediately stood up from his seat.

Because he felt that his son returned so quickly, there was only one possibility, and that was that the mission went smoothly.

Otherwise, with the character of his son, if the little nobleman of the Storm Leader does not sell the airship to the Sacred Magic Academy.

That own son will definitely stay there until he finds a way to get the airship.

"Father, I wasn't able to bring the airship back!" Kiri's face sank after hearing this.

"What's going on Kiri, then why did you return so early?" Carlisle also noticed that Kiri's mood was wrong, and sat on the sofa and asked.

Although Kiri is arrogant on the outside, he does not dare to make trouble in front of his own magister father.

At the moment, the encounter to the Storm Territory was told in its entirety.

Even the self-proclaimed agent of the plane he met that night made it clear.

"The agent of the plane? The messenger of the gods?"

Carlisle frowned immediately upon hearing this.

"Kiri, you've probably been deceived!"

After thinking for a moment, Carlisle spoke slowly.

"Deceived?" Kiri didn't know why.

"Kiri, although our continent does have legends about gods, those are all legends handed down tens of thousands of years ago!"

"To be honest, we don't know whether the gods exist or not, and we can't be sure!"

"So, the humanoid creature you encountered may be a mutant race, or maybe it's just our human race pretending to be!"

"This...how is this possible, father, I am also a high-level magician, and I have arranged enchantment and early warning magic at the door of the room!"

"But he was able to sneak in quietly at the time. I woke up after being hit by his spell!"

"In addition, I clearly cast a full-body shield, but he can still attack me through the shield!" Kiri immediately questioned.

"Kiri, so my father said that he might be some kind of strange race. For example, this race has some special methods that can be immune to enchantment!"

"After all, although our sacred continent has withered due to the invasion of dark creatures, there were thousands of races in the beginning."

Hearing this, Kiri frowned, and he definitely had some truth in what his father said.

After a pause, he said: "Then father, why do you say it might be a human race?"

"Actually, this human race is just my father's speculation, and the possibility is smaller than the previous strange race!"

"Silently passing through the barrier that you arranged is definitely impossible for the father, but the seven-star magister can do it."

"But the existence of the seven-star magister, the entire sacred continent can be counted with one hand, and there is no possibility of staying in a remote place like the Black Rock Plain."

"Just no matter what, if this person is really a human race and has the strength of a seven-star magister, then even if he attacks you through the shield, or even casts illusions on you, it is very possible for you to misread his appearance. !"

"Father, what should I do now? I failed this mission. I wanted to earn credits to exchange for several four-star magician spells, and I couldn't complete it!"

"In addition, I hurriedly escaped from the Storm Territory this time, and this matter was watched by those students and guards."

"They'll definitely spread the word!"

After listening to his father's explanation, Kiri no longer bothered about what the mysterious man was.

Now he urgently needs to eliminate the negative impact of the trip.

"The magician's spell is not in a hurry for the time being. It was originally designed to teach you in advance. It will take at least a few years for you to truly be promoted to become a magician, so there will definitely be other opportunities in the future!"

"As for how to restore your reputation, you might as well say this to the outside world, saying that it was that Narant who didn't know what to do.

Which principality's sky knight attacked you! "

"Although you were repelled by your own strength, in order to ensure the safety of the students, you had to leave overnight!"

"In addition, my father will now go to the dean of the academy and other vice deans, and propose to them some punishment for Narant."

"At that time, the matter about you being attacked by the sky knight will definitely be confirmed."

"In this way, whether you are really thinking about the students or not, being able to withdraw safely from the sky knight is enough for others to dare not laugh at you!"

"Yes, father!"

Kiri's eyes lit up when he heard his father's suggestion.

This proposal is really good, not only can it eliminate the panic when he returns.

It is also able to teach that Narant a lesson by the way.

Although it is still uncertain what punishment will be given to Narant.

But with the prestige of the Sacred Magic Academy, Narant and his territory will definitely be affected once it is heard.

Immediately, this Kiri and his father split up.

With Kiri's operation, the reason why he panicked and left the Storm Territory soon became the sky knight sent by Narant to ambush and attack him.

And he escaped from the sky knight with the strength of a senior magician.

Originally, a large number of students naturally did not believe such a statement.

But a notice from the Sacred Magic Academy that followed made them suspicious.

The content of this notice is very simple.

That was because Narant attacked the mission sent by the Holy Magic Academy.

Although no harm was done, the Holy Alliance decided to punish him.

And this punishment is to prohibit all the teachers and students of the Holy Magic Academy from helping Narant or cooperating with him.

The students even included those who graduated in the past.

And after this news was promulgated, it was tantamount to dropping a blockbuster in the Holy Alliance.

Mage, this is the highest combat power of the Holy Alliance.

It is also an indispensable presence in many cases.

Whether it is combat or usual support, especially the configuration of potions and so on.

And if Narant does not get the cooperation of the magician in the future, the development of the territory will have many constraints.

And this news was soon brought to the Storm Territory with the spread of the caravan.

"What, you are not allowed to cooperate with me?" Narant was enjoying his lunch beautifully, and was stunned when he heard Mario specially sent a report.

"Yes, sir, I heard that this is the official announcement of the Holy Magic Academy."

"As for why you are punished, the reason seems to be that you hired a strong sky knight to attack Kiri."

"Nakiri escaped by relying on his own strength."

"So it is!" Narant understood now.

It must be that after Nakiri fled back, he made a random arrangement, trying to restore the fact that Hui Leao escaped.

In addition, I am afraid there is also the idea of wanting him to look good in Narant.

"However, what kind of **** magician's academy is this, sir, I really don't care!"

"As long as you give me some more time, I can have a magician team myself."

Narant scoffed at the announcement of the Sacred Magic Academy.

He himself is training the magician team now, and he still needs the help of Luo Shizi from the Holy Magic Academy?

Even, he himself has a book of magic spells.

If he wanted to, even reopen a magic academy.

To be honest, what is the most precious thing in the Magic Academy?

It must be magic.

And this magic spell is worthless in his Narant, and he can learn whatever he wants.

Mario also knew what magic his family had recently recruited hundreds of serfs to learn.

Seeing that Narant's expression did not change in the slightest, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mario, do you have anything else to do? If not, then go back and show your lord the progress of the work on the Stormwind City Wall."

"My lord, there is indeed a small matter here that I would like to report to you."

Mario didn't leave immediately after hearing the words, but instead followed the words.

"What's the matter, Mario, say it directly!"

"Sir, it's like this... These days, the managers of restaurants and taverns in Lucky Town have mentioned to the little one, saying that things are often stolen in their stores these two days."

Like wine in the tavern, roast meat and cream cakes in the restaurant!

"The shopkeepers started to pay attention after they found it, but the thief has never been found."

"Really? There are thieves and pickpockets in my territory?"

It was the first time that Narant heard that there were thieves in the territory.

So, Narant immediately asked the servant to find Shirley Little Lolita.

"Sir, are you looking for Shirley?"

Not long after, Shirley Little Loli arrived.

"Well, Shirley, my lord has something for you here."

"Just now Mario Civil Affairs Officer came to report, saying that the wine and wine in the lucky town these days and

Cream cakes etc are often lost. "

"You immediately sent the bees to my lord to monitor me.

"I want to know, who dares to be a thief in my domain, my lord!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Shirley's little loli did not neglect the words, and immediately began to do as Narant said.

Originally, Narant thought it would take a long time to complete this matter, but in less than ten minutes, Shirley Little Lolita had a definite answer.

"My lord, the bee just came back and reported that the thief who stole was found.

"Oh? Found it?"

"Yes, my lord, the one who stole the wine and cream cake was a goblin, it seems that he is the goblin leader!"

"What, that guy is going to do such a sneaky thing?"

Narant was stunned when he heard the words. He didn't expect this goblin leader to do such a low-end thing.

"Sir, the goblin leader is still in the restaurant now, do you need to go there!"

Shirley Little Lolita nodded.

"Then go have a look!"

Immediately, Narant summoned a group of subordinates, and then went straight to the restaurant.

He was really very curious as to why this Rumba was reduced to the point of stealing food.

I went to the restaurant, which is still one of the most lively places in Lucky Town.

Because this restaurant has delicious food that can't be tasted anywhere else.

"Have seen Baron Narant!"

"I have seen the lord!"

When they saw Narant coming, many serfs and caravan members immediately saluted and said their greetings.

"Get up! You can do whatever you want, don't worry about me!" Narant waved his hand, and then his eyes quickly locked on the goblin leader next to a pillar in the restaurant.

At this moment, this guy should also see Narant, not only did not come forward to say hello, but wanted to hide by the pillar to avoid Narant's sight.

But Narant came for him, and he naturally couldn't escape.

"Leader Rumba, so coincidentally, you are also in this restaurant?"

"Yes... yes, your honorable lord!"

"Well, Rumba, what's in your clothes, and why are you bulging?" Narant stepped forward and pointed to the guy's abdomen and asked.

"No...nothing, my lord!" The goblin leader suddenly became nervous.

"Nothing? Can you take out that Rumba and take a look?"

"I heard from the civil affairs officer that the restaurants and taverns in Lucky Town have been throwing things away for the past two days."


"Rumba, you don't want adults to do it directly!"


The goblin leader was helpless, and then slowly took out a piece of cream cake from under his belly clothes.

And this cream cake was hidden inside the clothes, so it was obvious that Rumba was the thief.

"Rumba, thieves are a disgusting profession!" Narant deliberately said.

"My esteemed lord, give me another chance!" Upon seeing this, Rumba immediately begged for mercy.

"Rumba, let me go to the castle first!"

Narant didn't say anything right away.

Instead, I asked Big Stone and others to look at this Rumba, and then returned to the castle together~www.mtlnovel.com~ Let me tell you, Rumba, why did you steal! "

In the castle hall, Narant was sitting on the sofa, while the Lombard leader was placed on a small bench, a little uneasy.

"That... noble noble..."

Next, Rumba explained why he was a thief.

It turns out that this guy has been greedy since the last time he tasted the delicious wine and cream cake.

But even if he wanted to swear allegiance to Narant, it was impossible for Narant to provide him with food and drink every day.

In this case, he will be given some salary to help maintain the stability of the goblin captives.

But this guy Rumba has a mouth too wide. Ordinary food is now despised. He just wants to drink and eat meat and cream cakes in large gulps.

And these foods are all luxury goods, all prepared by Narant for the uh nobles of the caravan.

With his salary, he must not be able to drink for a few days, so he decided to steal.