Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 805

Chapter 805

If it wasn't for Rolle's face, Narant would not invite such a guy into the castle on weekdays.

They led the two all the way into the inner fort, and then took them to the hall to be seated.

This Kiri had an indifferent look before entering the inner castle.

But when he saw the exquisite decoration in the castle and all the luxurious items are complete, his face could not help showing a slight surprise.

"Come on, Rolle, and Mage Kiri, have some tea!"

At this moment, Narant's call was finally calling Kiri back.

It turned out that several maids had brought tea and cakes.

"Hey, Narant, what's the matter with your tea and pastries, I haven't seen it before."

At this moment, Kiri heard Rolle's imprisoning.

Hearing this, he immediately frowned.

On this trip, Rolle followed him on behalf of the Holy Magic Academy.

It's such a shocking performance now, which will shame the Magic Academy.

With their noble status as magicians, what kind of delicacies and delicacies have not been tasted.

What good things can this little country nobleman come up with?

Yes, it is the same.

I heard that the wine is produced by the small nobles in this country.

It is also good luck to find such a thing in the countryside.

But their luck can't always be that good, can it?

"Cough cough!"

Immediately, Kiri coughed, which was to remind Rolle to be careful with his words and deeds.

When Luo Er heard the words, he immediately stopped talking.

And Narant glanced at this Kiri and smiled lightly.

"Luo Er, this is milk tea and cream cake, our special product of Storm Collar, come and try it!"

Although the physique of a magician is not as strong as that of a knight.

But not to get sick or anything.

In this way, Narant is also very clear about the meaning of this cough.

"Master Kiri, you can try it too, you're welcome!"

"Yeah!" Kiri hummed, pretending to be reserved, and then nodded indifferently.

It made him feel a little contemptuous in his mind at the moment, what milk tea and cream cake.

He hadn't had food and refreshments blended with alcohol and milk for many years.

In the academy, some potion plants brewed tea, he can make water every day.

Thinking like this, Kiri raised the milk tea.

Then he put it on his mouth and took a sip.


However, when the milk tea entered the mouth a little, Kiri's body froze.

The faint milky fragrance, coupled with the fragrance of plant tea leaves, has a peculiar and mouth-watering taste.

Xi Ouang arrived here, and Kiri subconsciously took another gulp the next moment.

While Narant looked at this Kiri, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Kiri swears, how does this tea taste, and does it still agree with your taste?"

"Huh? Oh... This tea is alright, right!" Kiri was stunned for a moment when he heard the question before he reflected.

I didn't want to express my true thoughts, otherwise the slap in the face would be too fast, so I pretended to be nodding indifferently.

"Haha, it's good that Mage Kiri doesn't dislike it. We don't have anything good to entertain in this remote place!"

"By the way, Master Kiri, try this cream cake!" Narant started the topic again.

Kiri heard the words, although he wanted to drink most of the milk tea left in the cup.

But his statement was destined to be impossible, so he could only put down the teacup, and then looked at the cream cake.

With a mouthful of cream cake, Kiri was shocked again.

There is such delicious food in the world.

Not only does it have an incomparably creamy taste, but it also has a strong milky fragrance. Combining the two, the pastries that I have eaten in the past are simply cheap goods for serfs.

"Master Kiri, how is it? Does this cream cake match your taste!"

"Well, the taste of this cream cake is not bad, it's not bad!" Kiri gave a general evaluation again in order to maintain his superior decency.

"Well, it's good that Mage Kiri doesn't feel uncomfortable, and I ask Mage to take more care!" Narant once again apologized after hearing this.

Immediately glanced at Rolle, at this moment Rolle was already ecstatic.

Not only did the milk tea have been doubled, but the cream cake was eaten in three bites.

"Luo Er, if you like to eat, eat more. I may not like the bland refreshments of Mage Kiri. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely let my servants go to the Great Empire of the Holy Alliance to learn better cooking techniques!"

"Well, okay, Narant, then thank you very much, I really like this milk tea and cream cake!"

Immediately, Rolle just started enjoying it.

The pot of milk tea with the title was poured out and drank by him, and three of the four cream cakes on the tray were swallowed by him.

As for Kiri, the corners of his mouth twitched as he watched.

He can't wait to give himself a slap now.

Why did you give such a bland evaluation just now? If you give a slightly higher evaluation, you will be able to eat as much as Rolle.

Well now, let alone the rest of the servings on the tray, he couldn't even finish the milk tea and cream cake he had just tasted.

Otherwise, this would conflict with the start of his evaluation just now?

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, the Kiri Mage simply started to talk about business, so as not to make this guy too comfortable.

So, he said to Luo Er: "Luo Er, as a mage, you can't overeat like this, even if you like delicious food, you need to eat it in moderation."

"Also, as a friend of Baron Narant, it's up to you to inform Baron Narant of the purpose of our visit today!"

"Yes, Teacher Kiri!"

Rolle rolled his eyes, and Master Kiri was obviously jealous when he saw himself eating the cream cake.

What a mage can't overeat, he has never heard of such a statement in the past.

However, Kiri is an academy tutor after all, and he still needs to be respected as a student.

"That Narant, although it's very presumptuous, but this time I and my mentor came to visit you in Stormwind Leader because there is actually one thing I want to discuss with you."

"Oh, Rolle, don't know what's going on?"

Narant opened his mouth in mock surprise.

"That... Narant, we are here on behalf of the Sacred Magic Academy and want to buy a goblin airship from you!" Roll said directly.

"Goblin airship?" Narant seemed a little surprised.

"That's right, Narant, I heard that you defeated Lee's Goblin in the Death Swamp, and you also got two Goblin airships!"

"And our Sacred Magic Academy is very interested in weapons that can fly airships and release attack spells, so we want to buy one from you for research!"

"Of course, we will definitely pay for the gold coins to satisfy you!" Rolle continued.

On the other hand, Narant frowned and said, "Roel, you were the one who spoke, and you came here instead of the Sacred Magic Academy, so I have to give some face no matter what."

"But this goblin's airship really can't be sold!"

"Why?" Before Rolle could speak, Kiri asked with a slight frown.

"Actually, this is the case. I defeated the goblins this time, and actually captured thousands of goblins!"

"And these goblins have surrendered to me now, and I also need them to use their exquisite craftsmanship to build my territory."

"And the condition for them to surrender to me is to only help me as a craftsman for ten years, and I will let them go after ten years."

"In addition, although the two airships are in my hands now, the ownership rights still belong to the goblins!"

"I'm just taking care of it temporarily to make sure that the goblins won't escape halfway!"

"So, since I have made an agreement with the goblins, I must not dispose of the goblins' airships at will!"

"Baron Narant, since those goblins have become your captives, why would you sign such a contract with them?" Mage Kiri naturally didn't believe it, and asked suspiciously.

"Hey, there's nothing you can do about it. Master Kiri also knows that we are from the Glory Continent."

"So, the most scarce thing in my territory is talents, and although the fighting strength of goblins is not strong, their craftsmanship is very exquisite!"

"It is the talent that my territory desperately needs, so I have such an agreement with them."

Narant spoke solemnly, and the expression on his face was vivid.

Some time ago, he also used this rhetoric to reject the nobles of other empires and principalities.

As for whether people believe it or not, Narant doesn't care.

And the representatives of the principality and the empire are also very interesting. Narant has already said everything here. Unless they are ready to turn their faces, they can't say anything else.

So they politely expressed their understanding and regret, and then said that they would report truthfully when they went back.

"Baron Narant, why don't you oppress these goblins with force!" But Kiri was different from the representatives of other empires and principalities.

He came this time with the ambition to win the airship, so even though Narant had said it, he still didn't give up.

"Master Kiri, although I have fought several times with the surrounding races during the time I came to the Holy Continent, I am actually a very peace-loving person."

"And those battles were justifiable defenses made under necessity!"

"So, even though these goblins are my captives, I still feel that serving people with virtue is in line with the chivalry I believe in!"

"Damn chivalry!" Kiri almost jumped in a hurry, and said furiously in his heart.

Because Narant's expression was too sincere, he didn't even know whether what Narant said was true or not.

However, it doesn't matter, he is ready to start from other aspects.

"Baron Narant, since that's the case, why don't you call the leader of the goblin. I want to have a good discussion with him!"

Kiri's tone carried a condescending command.

And this moment was his original attitude towards Narant.

Before, it was just a false courtesy that things didn't get to this point.

"Mage Kiri, isn't it appropriate, the goblins are still working!" Narante frowned slightly when he heard the tone of command, and was a little unhappy.

"Baron Narant, I hope you can understand what we represent here this time, what we represent is the Holy Magic Academy!"

"Our Magic Academy is the most powerful academy in the Holy Alliance, with more than a dozen mages, including hundreds of senior and intermediate mages!"

"So, in the Holy Alliance, let alone ordinary principalities, even the six major empires need to give our Holy Alliance some face!"

The threat in Kiri's words was already clear.

With the power of the Holy Magic Academy, even the six major empires would have to give face.

In this way, if Narant is smart, it is best to do it obediently, otherwise it will anger the Holy Magic Academy.

The consequences of such a small territory, like the Storm Territory, that the principality can't even compare to, would definitely be unbearable.

And Rolle frowned when he heard Kiri's words.

This guy is really used to being arrogant, and he is so rude.

Is this for purchase?

What's the difference between this and Mingqiu?

In particular, he still has some understanding of Narant's temper.

Even the prince of the Bach Empire, Narant dared to go hard, let alone a high-level magician like him.

Sure enough, Narant's face turned black.

"Mage Kiri, are you threatening me?"

"Baron Narant, I'm not threatening you, I'm just telling the truth!"

"So, I advise you to think about this matter, our Sacred Magic Academy is bound to win the airship!"

"If it's really as Baron Narant said, if you can't decide the airship, why don't you call the goblin leader to see me, and then I'll discuss with him on my own!"

Kiri's expression was calm, as if he had settled for Narant.

"What if I say no?" Nalanda asked.

In an instant, the temperature in this hall seemed to be a little colder.

And Kiri didn't expect Narant to be so reckless, and he didn't give face at all.

He also secretly raised his guard, and clenched the staff in his hands.

In an instant, some swords were drawn in this hall.

"Narant, calm down!"

Fortunately, at this time Rolle spoke.

Although Rolle knows Narant's ability, he should not be afraid of Kiri~www.mtlnovel.com~ But Kiri represents the Holy Magic Academy after all.

If the two really had a conflict and something happened to Kiri, it would probably bring Narant in big trouble.

Yawen Library

As such, he must now dissuade Narrant. ,

As for the airship, in fact, there is no need to talk nonsense with this Kirido, just leave him to dry.

If Kiri really dares to take the initiative to do something excessive, then Narant will act again, then Narant will stand and salute, I believe that even the Holy Magic Academy will not be able to do anything to Narant.

Although the Holy Alliance principalities and empires respect the Holy Magic Academy.

However, because of the rapid development of the Sacred Magic Academy in recent years, its strength has become stronger and stronger, and it has also made the forces a little afraid.

In this way, if the handle can be found, it will definitely be suppressed.

"Mr. Kiri, Narant must also have his difficulties. He is not targeting our Magic Academy. After all, I heard some time ago that many empires and principalities have come to Narant!"

"Even my Blue Shield Empire sent messengers to find Narant to buy the airship, but they were all rejected by Narant!"

"It's better than this, Teacher Kiri, you go to the town to live and rest for a while. I will discuss it with Narant to see if I can solve the airship issue!"

After speaking to Narant, Rolle quickly came to Kiri's side to persuade him in a low voice.

Kiri heard the words, although he hated Narant, a little country noble who was ignorant of current affairs.

But after all, it is the important task given by the academy, so reluctantly: "Well, Luo Er, let him know the influence of our magic academy in the alliance!"

"If he doesn't hand over this airship, he will definitely be unable to move an inch in the alliance in the future!"

"Also, the Sacred Continent is not a country. Without the support of magicians, no territory can rise!"