Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 793

Chapter 793

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, Daughter of Doom must die

Daz and the guards were disarmed, and today's affairs were completely over.

However, Narant did not return immediately at this moment.

Instead, he took Bernard and others to the second battlefield.

Because there are many monster corpses here.

Originally, Narant himself and others only picked two or three hundred heads and brought them back.

After all, the monsters are too big and there are so many, he doesn't have so many people to bring them back.

As for sending someone to clean up after returning home, that is even more unrealistic. What if there is danger?

However, the arrival of Bernard and others is just right now, so let them bring some back, can't they just go all the way in vain?

And when Bernard and the others passed through the third and second battlefields and looked at the orc corpses all over the ground, they were all dumbfounded.

It was too unbelievable to say that Narant used less than 500 people to encircle and wipe out 20,000 orcs. Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw. com

Now that they saw the corpses all over the ground, they all truly believed.

At the same time, he felt incredible for Narant's victory in this great victory.

This is an orc, not a boar or a hare.

Besides, even if there are 20,000 wild boars, you will feel weak with 500 people.

However, although everyone saw that the dead bodies on the battlefield were very strange, they did not ask.

Because this is obviously done by Narant's unique strategy.

And even if they ask, most of them won't learn.

In this way, a group of nobles began to pick up the corpses of demon beasts on the battlefield.

These are the corpses of monsters, and it was not easy for even the small nobles to eat them in the Glory Continent.

After coming to this sacred continent, there is not much difference.

After all, the Black Rock Plains is not a wilderness, and nobles originally settled there.

After tens of hundreds of years, monsters are rare in the Black Rock Plain.

If you want to hunt for two and eat one, there are very few opportunities.

But now it's good, thousands of monsters all over the ground are picked up by them at will.

Almost every nobleman can be divided into dozens of heads.

Take it home and marinate it well, and it will not be a problem to eat it for a few years.

"Haha, I didn't expect that one day we would be able to pick up monsters and be soft!"

On the way back, a group of nobles no longer rode on war horses, but dragged the corpses of beasts on foot with great effort.

After all, everyone came to help Narant, so they were all light and simple, and they didn't prepare a carriage at all.

Now if you want to bring these monsters back, it is definitely not enough to rely on war horses, so the nobles and soldiers also become coolies.

However, not only did the nobles not feel tired, but they smiled happily because of the full harvest.

"Little Narant, after the orcs attacked your Storm Lord this time, will they organize a team to attack you again next time?"

Andrew usually dragged the corpse of the beast, and generally asked Narant worriedly.

Now that he has really grown up this time, Andrew can no longer shelter him.

In this way, that concern can only turn into anxiety.

"Father, the orcs lost more than 20,000 soldiers this time, and there are also tauren and crocodile. I think as long as they are not stupid, they will not attack my territory again!"

"After all, in order to deal with me, it is definitely not worthwhile to go to each other again and again!"

Narant must not know whether the orcs will attack.

However, in order to avoid his father's worries, he still said on the bright side.

"That's good, Narant, this Glory Continent is different from the Sacred Continent. You should pay attention to your own safety in the future. Father is old and can't help you anymore!" Andrew felt a little lonely.

"Father, I know, and you are still very young. I want to ask if you will give me another brother or sister!"

"Little Narant, my father has never had that kind of experience. It took a lot of effort to raise your three siblings, but he can't have another one to cause trouble for himself!"

Andrew's face suddenly turned red, obviously being made fun of by his own son.

The rest of the journey was uneventful.

Soon Narant set foot on the land of Stormland.

And this time, there are also more than a dozen caravans waiting on the edge of the Storm Territory to probe their brains.

It's just that these people have learned the lesson from the last time, and they didn't run away like a bird in a panic.

It was confirmed by the acquaintances that Narant and others had returned triumphantly, and only then did they return to the lucky town first.

When Narant took the team through the lucky town, the news of his great victory had spread throughout the town.

Whether it was the townspeople or the caravan members, they all crowded the streets watching Narant's team triumph.

"Look, it's a crocodile!"

"Ah, it's really a crocodile man. Not only did Narant capture so many orcs this time, but I didn't expect there to be so many crocodiles!"

"My God, the Crocodile Man is a middle-class race of the Orcs, and Narant has captured hundreds of them at one time, which is amazing!"

"Wait, look, what kind of orc is that tall guy behind that!"

"Ah, that's...that's a tauren!"

"My God, the high-level tauren of the orc race, the gods are above, am I blinded?"

"It's not that you are blinded, we saw it too, it's really a tauren!"

"Tauren, crocodile, what kind of orc team did Baron Narant encounter this time?"

"Yeah, these mid- to high-level orcs have appeared, so the number should be at least seven or eight thousand, right?"

"Seven or eight thousand? How can there be so few? There are at least ten or twenty thousand orcs in such a lineup!"

"Furthermore, have you forgotten the orcs that Baron Narant captured a few days ago, there are thousands of them!"

"So, I think there are at least 20,000 orcs attacking this time, and even if it doesn't reach 20,000, it's not much less!"

"Twenty thousand? How is this possible, how could Baron Narant return triumphantly with twenty thousand orcs!"

As Narant's team continued to advance, the crowd of onlookers became restless.

In particular, not only were there a large number of crocodiles among the captives this time, but there were also many more tauren people that they had never seen in their entire lives.

Although there is only one tauren, it is enough to make these caravan members stunned.

Because the tauren has a very high status among the orcs, and the legend is even more powerful.

But now it was captured by Narant, which seemed unbelievable to them.

Narant is one of the first.

In addition, looking at the tauren captives and crocodile captives, these caravans are also estimating how many orcs Narant encountered this time.

The last caravan steward, who was a little knowledgeable, estimated a more accurate number.

However, the amount he said could not convince the public.

Because 500 people can deal with 20,000 orcs, as long as they have a normal brain, they think it is impossible.

As for the support from Bernard and others, they also saw Bernard and others passing by Lucky Town.

In addition, their clothes and armor are neat and clean, and at first glance, they have never participated in combat, so they must not help.

It's just that Narant didn't let them speculate for long, because he took the initiative to stop in the square and made a speech!

"The people of the Storm Territory, and the caravan friends who have come from afar!"

"I, Narant, Lord of the Storm, and Beastman, are honored to tell you here today!"

"Under my great leadership, the Storm Leader once again defeated the invasion of the barbarian orcs today and completed an epic victory!"

It has been more than two years since he became a lord, and Narant's cultivation of nobles is now pure and innocent.

Therefore, after standing on the stage, he started to carry the sedan chair for himself without blushing.

The reason why he had to stop and give a speech was to spread this incident and spread the reputation of the Storm Lord to the Holy Alliance.

In the Sacred Continent, people from the Glory Continent are generally discriminated against, and it is estimated that even he, Narant, is the same.

Therefore, Narant must use his brilliant record to make such discrimination disappear.

This is not only a consideration from personal feelings, but also a consideration for the future development of Storm Leader.

In order to gain the right to speak in the Sacred Continent, in addition to its own strength, prestige is also one of the essential cornerstones.

He Narant accomplished an unprecedented feat in the Alliance, so who would dare to look down on them from these glorious continents in the future.

Who dares to say that these hillbillies are just fleeing, because we are poor to survive.

And these caravans are Narant's best microphones.

They came from different duchies and empires of the Holy Alliance, and as long as they returned, they could spread the word immediately.

Hearing what Narant said, everyone below has pricked up their ears, wanting to hear what this great victory is.

Why is it worthy of the epic title?

"Do you think my epic three words are too exaggerated!"

"I tell you, it's not an exaggeration at all, because today we defeated not hundreds or thousands of orcs, but an army of more than 20,000 orcs!"


"It turned out to be more than 20,000 orcs!"

"My God, how on earth did Baron Narrant do it?"

"Did you say that Baron Narrant lied?"

When Narant said the number of orcs, the crowd immediately exploded, some believed and some doubted.

However, without exception, everyone was deeply shocked by this.

"Among the 20,000 orcs, there are not only thousands of crocodiles, but also hundreds of tauren and dozens of beast cavalry!"

"Such strength, but in my hands Narant vanished into ashes!"

"And, I believe you saw it when we left in the morning!"

"There were only less than 500 subordinates that I Narant took away, but it was the people who were less than 500 of us who completed this feat!"

"Of course, there will certainly be many of you who question the truth of what I just said..."

Speaking of this, Narant paused and glanced at the people below.

Sure enough, there was a little doubt in the eyes of everyone.

Narant just smiled and said, "However, don't worry, what I Narant pursues most is truth!"

"And for the sake of truth, I will definitely come up with evidence to prove it!"

"Although I was worried about the plague, I didn't bring back the corpses of those ordinary orcs for you to see!"

"However, I am one of the leaders who brought them this time!"

With that said, Narant took out the head of Commander Cardo from the saddle and held it high.

"Do any of you know this orc?"

When everyone heard the words, they immediately stared at it.

Of course, many people are confused and puzzled after seeing it.

After waiting for a few seconds, someone finally made a sound, and then pointed to the head in Narant's hand and said:

"This... this is the Orc Cardo, the Orc's Cardo Commander!"

"Commander of Orc Cardo? Is that the commander of the Warcraft Legion on the frontier fortress?"

"What, it turned out to be the head of the commander of Cardo, and he was beheaded by Baron Narant?"

As the man shouted the identity of the first class, the crowd hummed.

Although many people haven't actually seen Lord Cardo.

But because Commander Cardo has been stationed on the edge of the two clans all year round, that reputation has spread to many people at least.

In this way, the rest of the people reacted one after another, looking at the head in Narant's hands in disbelief.

"That's right, this is the Cardo commander of the Orc Warcraft Legion!"

"It's him and the wise man who came to attack the storm leader this time!"

"Although at the last moment, the wise man escaped in a flying beast, but the commander of Kado was beheaded by us, so this is the evidence I brought back."

"I believe that with him, you all know the scale of this orc attack!"

"Indeed, Baron Narant is right, even the Cardo commander has appeared, so the number of orcs can't be less!"

"Yeah, Baron Narant said that there are wise men of the fox clan. The wise men of the fox clan are the brains of the beast king. How could the number of people who even dispatched him be small!"

"This Baron Narant is simply too mighty. Not only did he annihilate more than 20,000 orcs, but even the orc Kado was killed by him!"

"Baron Narant is mighty!"

"Baron Narant is mighty!"

With the demonstration of Narant's evidence, everyone in the field immediately cast aside their doubts.

Because Cardo's head can't be faked.

Then, there were cheers from the crowd.

Even the commander of the Orc Army of Warcraft was beheaded, what is there to force this to be a great thing?

I am afraid that there is only the hand-blade beast king!

Narant's speech was very successful. Looking at the turbulent atmosphere of the crowd, Narant didn't say much.

Instead, he asked his subordinates to hang the head of the Cardo commander on the wooden pole in the square to show the public, and then returned to the castle with the team.

After returning to the castle, Narant couldn't stop.

Now that it was getting late, Bernard and the others were naturally staying in the castle.

Moreover, these nobles, big and small, traveled long distances, even if they did not participate in the battle, they should treat them well and express their gratitude.

So ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Narant simply held a grand bonfire party in the lucky town.

In addition to entertaining the big and small nobles, it can also be regarded as a reward for his own subordinates, plus the knights brought by Bernard and others.

The carnival was held until the early hours of the morning.

At noon the next day, Narant woke up leisurely. After lunch, Daddy Cheap, Bernard and others came to say goodbye to Narant.

After all, there are a large number of them, and since the crisis is in contact, it is definitely better to go back early.

Narant did not hold back, but lent hundreds of carriages and asked them to carry the monster meat back.