Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 794

Chapter 794

After Daddy Cheap, Bernard and the others left, there were only Insabella and the captured Daz and others in the castle.

"Baron Narant, you are looking for me!" In the living room on the first floor of the castle, Yin Sabella entered the room under the guidance of the servant.

"Miss Yin Sabella, please take a seat!"

When Narant heard the words, he immediately put down the book in his hand and made a gesture of invitation.

Immediately, he poured Yin Sabella a cup of milk tea from the tray.

"Thank you!"

Yin Sabella thanked her when she saw this, and then looked at Narant with a little strangeness in her eyes.

The man in front of him was resourceful and resourceful when dealing with the enemy in battle, and he was also very heroic in the battle.

In normal times, he appears to be a gentleman and modest.

To be honest, Yin Sabella has never seen such a good man before.

In just one or two days of contact, Yin Sabella found that the man's figure would pop up in her mind from time to time.

"Miss Yin Sabella, first try the milk tea that my castle chef just developed and see how it tastes!"

Feeling Yin Sabella's gaze, Narant smiled, not paying too much attention.

Instead, he pointed to the cup of milk tea.

This was developed by Chef Narant some time ago, because as the territory is on the right track, the quality of life of Mr. Narant has gradually improved.

In this way, the milk tea from this previous life also made him miss him.

The only trouble is that the world seems to have no real tea.

Fortunately, Chef Rose was very free. In order to complete the Lord's order, he found a lot of young leaves of plants for research.

No, just in the past two days, Chef Rose finished the milk tea.

After tasting it, Narant found that it was indeed the same as the milk tea in the previous life, the only thing missing was the pearls...

"Yeah!" Yin Sabella immediately reacted when she heard the words, her cheeks were slightly hot and she looked away.

"Yin Sabella, Baron Narant has a fiance, you can't think about it!"

After bowing her head, Yin Sabella warned herself in her heart, and then slowly raised the teacup.


But when the milk tea was in, Yin Sabella's body trembled slightly.

I didn't expect this milk tea to be so delicious.

Originally, she thought it was ordinary milk mixed with honey or Narant's specialty white sugar.

But the extra plant fragrance in it makes the original milk flavor even more peculiar.

"How is it, Miss Insabella?"

"It's delicious! Baron Narant, this is probably the best drink I've ever had!" Yin Sabella immediately gave her own answer.

"Haha, I think it's delicious too!" Narant nodded.

Immediately, the conversation changed and he began to talk about business: "Miss Yinsabella, now this Daz has been captured and detained by me, what are your thoughts?"

"Baron Narant, this Daz was captured by you, and you must decide what to do with him!"

"And, with the wisdom of Baron Narant, I think it will definitely be more correct than what I did!"

"Well, since that's the case, then I'll tell you what I'm going to do with Daz!" Narant nodded.

This Yin Sabella is indeed a smart woman.

He didn't say anything about taking care of his father's territory and so on.

Because smart people don't need to mention that at all.

In this way, he expressed his trust in Narant.

Immediately, Narant informed Yin Sabella of the solution he had prepared.

That is to let Yin Shabella pass back the news of Daz's capture.

Then let them send someone from the Kent family to redeem it.

After all, this Daz actually wanted to take advantage of the fire and attacked him after Narant fought the orcs.

As for the ransom, Narant didn't say anything like a lion. 50,000 gold coins could be regarded as a lesson for Daz.

Of course, there is another requirement, and that is to promise not to attack the territory of Yin Sabella and his family in the future.

"Thank you Baron Narant!"

After Yin Shabella heard Narant's decision, she was immediately grateful.

He knew that Narant did not kill Daz, and it was estimated that most of the considerations were because of his own family.

Otherwise, this Daz wants to kill him, and even if he kills him, no one can say what is right or wrong.

After all, the territory of the Duke of Kent was separated by several principalities.

Plus, even Narant can push Daz's death on the orcs.

In any case, if Narant really wants to kill Daz, it's still easy.

"You don't need to thank Miss Yin Sabella, we are all nobles from the Glory Continent, and we should help each other!"

"If you still need help in your father's territory in the future, you can still come to me. As long as it is within my ability, I will do my best!"

In fact, the reason for not killing Daz, Yin Sabella and his family is only half.

The bigger reason is that Narant has offended a Bach empire and does not want to have a deadlock relationship with other empires.

Otherwise, even if he Narant has a little foothold in this new Storm Territory now, it is inevitable that he will encounter other plots in the future.

It is obviously not worthwhile to offend an empire because of a brainless son.

And let him go, Narant can not only get gold compensation, but also get dozens of monster mounts...

Uh... Narant is ready to swallow the more than 30 monster wolves that Daz brought this time.

In this way, although it is still to offend the Duke of Kent.

But without life and death hatred, the gap between offending a duke will not rise to the height of an empire.

After negotiating with Insabela how to deal with Daz, Narant sent Insabela out of the Storm Territory the next day.

When Yin Sabella left, there was clearly a lot of reluctance in Narant's eyes.

Narant actually noticed something strange.

It's just that things about himself and Stella and Natasha have not been completely sorted out, so for the time being, I can only turn a blind eye to Yin Sabella's thoughts.

If in the future, Narant can completely stand on his heels, and Stella and Natasha are both managed by himself to get along well, then he can think about when he will continue to take a concubine...

After Yin Sabella left, Narant continued to stay at ease in the territory and develop in a low-key manner.

However, he kept a low profile for the next few days.

But within the major empires and principalities of the Holy Alliance, it was because of the uproar caused by his victory.

"What, dealing with more than 20,000 orcs with 500 people, are you dreaming? Unless there are 500 monster knights, orcs are not wild boars, how can they be surrounded and wiped out by 500 orcs!"

"Why is it impossible? This matter is absolutely true. Our royal caravan steward personally reported it to His Majesty. At that time, many nobles in our principality could hear it clearly in the hall!"

"This... turned out to be true, then tell me which empire created such a feat, I guess it's the Bach Empire?"

"What Bach Empire, the Bach Empire would not dare to have a large-scale conflict with the orcs alone! It was the storm leader who killed 20,000 orcs with five hundred people!"

"What, Storm Collar? It's the Storm Collar who produces wine. Isn't that from the countryside in the Glory Continent?"

"That's right, they are the Storm Collars who produce wine, but don't call them country nobles in the future! It's unprecedented to beat 20,000 orcs with 500 people."

"In addition, in this battle, there is also a big orc who was beheaded!"

"Big man, who is it?"

"The Orc Knights of Warcraft Command Cardo!"

"Ah, that Cardo, isn't he one of the strongest among the Earth Knights?"

"That's right, it's him. It is said that this time, the team leading the orcs also has a wise man of the orc race. It's a pity that the wise man of the orcs was left at the last moment!"

"Otherwise, even the wise men of the orcs will be captured by Baron Narrant this time!"

"This... it's too mighty!"

"Yes, Baron Narant is too mighty!"

As those caravans brought back the news of the great victory and reported it to their respective principalities and empires, the news of the storm leading the extermination of more than 20,000 orcs immediately spread.

And because these caravans are from the official background, there is no doubt about the whole thing.

All the attention was on how Narant did it.

Unfortunately, Narant did not reveal to the caravans how to encircle and annihilate the orcs.

So, it's still a mystery.

However, this also made all the people of the Holy Alliance no longer look at Narant in the eyes of Xiangbalao.

After all, this is also the strength, I am afraid that even these small principalities may not be able to do it.

"Sister Stella!"

"Sister Stella!"

At the same time, in the Goddess Manor of the Holy City, two girls trotted through the beautiful garden and walked towards a small white marble building in front.

"Fenli, what happened to Kai?"

Stella heard the call and walked out of the small building with a puzzled look on her delicate face.

"Sister Stella, we just heard the news from Lord Narant outside!" The two girls ran to Stella, stood still for a while, and replied immediately.

"What, news from Narant, what news?"

Hearing this, Stella's calm expression immediately became tense.

Although occasionally I can get news about Narant's well-being from his father's letters.

But because of the intentions of several major empires, Stella did not personally send a letter to Narant.

In this way, this time she suddenly heard the news of Narant, which made her a little uneasy.

After all, what can Lifen and Kai know?

"Sister Stella, now that the Holy City has spread, it is said that Lord Narant led his subordinates to surround and wipe out more than 20,000 orcs with a team of 500 people!"

"What, surrounded and wiped out more than 20,000 orcs with 500 people, how is Narant now?"

The moment Stella heard the news, she was not happy, but worried about Narant's safety.

After all, even if such a battle was won, it would still be very tragic when she wanted to.

"Sister Stella, we don't know the specifics, but I heard that Lord Narant returned to the territory after the battle, and he personally carried the head of an orc leader to inform the caravan of the results of the battle!" The two girls Weakly replied.

"Is it!"

Stella finally felt relieved when she heard this, and then a sly smile appeared on her face.

"Liffin, Kai, now you can tell me what happened to the battle between Narant and the orcs, I want to hear it!"

"Of course, Sister Stella, Lord Narant is very powerful now. People outside say that Baron Narant is the first heroic lord of the Alliance..."

These Liffin and Kai are the two goddesses who have just awakened from the Holy Alliance.

Among them, Lifen is the archer, and Kai is the swordsman.

Although on weekdays, both girls are required to teach the personnel sent by the alliance.

But there were still two days a week where they would be brought over to meet Stella.

It is also for them to learn more about the goddess from Stella.

Soon, the two girls twittered and informed Stella of the rumors they had heard from outside.

"Miss, Lord Narant is really mighty!"

Stella's personal maid Lina heard the description of the two girls, and a small star appeared in her eyes instantly.

Seeing this, Stella asked, "Lina, do you only know how powerful Narant is now?"

"Of course not, Lina knew the might of Baron Narant before..."

Halfway through, Lina looked at her young lady's smirk, and immediately stopped talking, knowing that she was being teased by the young lady.

"Hehe, I said back then that I wanted to marry you to Narant, but you said no. It turned out to be a lie!"

Since the little maid and Narant completed their engagement, she has been looking forward to the two of them to complete the real wedding.

In this way, she can live with Narant with her.

It's just that I didn't expect that something happened in Glory Continent, but it made Lina depressed for a long time.

"Miss, Baron Narant likes you. You are a good match for him. As long as Lina is by your side, she will be satisfied to serve you and Lord Narant!"

Lina blushed when her young lady said it, and immediately replied with a blushing face!

"Okay! Let's not talk about you! Lina, let the cook make a few dishes for today and bring a pot of wine!"

"Yeah, miss, do you want to drink?"

"Yes, since it is Narant's great victory, although we can't go to the Storm Lord to participate in the celebration banquet, we must celebrate Narant together in this manor!" Stella said.

"Yes, miss!" Lina felt very reasonable, and immediately got up and went outside the small building to instruct the servant to do it.

Stella arranged for the two girls, Lifen and Kai, to practice the power of innate talent, and then looked at the space ring in her hand.

"Narant, I really want to see you!"

"I know, you must also want to see me and work hard for it!"

"I'll wait for you, don't worry!"

At the same time ~www.mtlnovel.com~ in a large tribe of crocodile people in the Orc Empire, the wise man did not return to the royal court immediately after being taken away, but stayed in this tribe of crocodiles for many days.

The reason why he stayed was that he did not dare to return to the royal court to meet the beastmaster.

But on the way, his granddaughter proposed a way to get revenge on Narant.

That is to motivate the goblins in the death swamp of the empire to attack the new storm territory.

Don't look at the individual strength of goblins, but they are very difficult to deal with, otherwise these goblins would not survive in the death swamp safely.


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