Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 792

Chapter 792

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, Daughter of Doom must die

"Need help? Your Excellency Daz, then thank you for your kindness. We are now ready to return in triumph, and we don't need your help!"

"So, please get out of the way!"

Narant saw Daz's expression in his eyes, and strengthened his alertness in his heart.

If the other party really dares to make a move, they will immediately riot.

Although his subordinates are all injured now, it is not certain who will die if they really fight.

Of course, it's best if it doesn't conflict.

Because Daz and these guys don't care about the casualties of their subordinates.

But Narant cared.

He has so little money now, if there is another war, even after victory, it will be extremely painful.

After listening to Narant's words, Daz didn't back down immediately, but stood silently in the field. Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw. com

Seeing this, Narant's subordinates also raised their vigilance and put their hands on the scabbard.

It was surprisingly quiet for a while, but the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

Seeing this, Narant has secretly prepared this spiritual power to open the storage space.

As long as the battle rises for the first time, he will not hesitate to take out more than ten refueling grenades stored in the space.

This refueling grenade can be of great use against orcs, as well as for human knights.

And Daz seemed to have finally made up his mind at this moment.

Thinking of his nearly 400 subordinates who were killed, plus Isabella standing beside Narant.

If you take revenge now, you can also push it to the orcs.

But if you wait for this time to return, it is absolutely impossible for you to take revenge on Narant.


Thinking of this, Daz immediately put his hand on the hilt of the sword.

"Narant, you just perpetrated the four hundred extraordinary knights of our Kent family for no reason!"

"You must give me an explanation!"

"Sorry, I explained it just now, but I don't have anything good to say to you!"

"Daz, don't think I don't know what you think!"

"What do you want to do, then hurry up, don't think like a country peasant woman!"

Narant was quite disdainful, squinted at Daz, and spoke directly.

"You... If that's the case, then don't blame me for being rude. The knights of the Kent family can't die in vain. Narant, I need you to pay the price today... Chong..."

Daz directly pulled out the long sword from his waist.

And Narant is also ready to take out the refueling grenade and throw it out the next moment.

Boom! Boom!

However, at this moment, the sound of galloping horses suddenly came from the north, and the momentum was quite huge.

"what happened?"

In an instant, both Narant and Nadaz suspended the imminent battle and looked towards the end of the road on the north side.

At this moment, the birds on the treetops of the forest on the north side were startled, and the earth trembled.

"Lord, Lord Andrew and Lord Earl Bernard!"

Soon, Narant got an accurate report from Shirley's little girl.


Not long after Shirley Little Loli's voice fell, the voices of Andrew and Bernard and others appeared at the end of the front.

Narant, the cheap father, ran at the forefront, and when he saw Narant's voice, he immediately shouted with that loud voice.

"Father!" After a while, Andrew and the others approached.

"Boy Narant, are you alright?"

"Lord Earl, we are fine, just father, Lord Earl, why are you here!"

Narant looked at the large and small vassals of tulips with tulip collars, a little surprised.

This time the orcs invaded, he had no idea of seeking assistance from Bernard and others.

The main reason is that if you can't deal with it yourself, it's not too useful to have Bernard and others come.

"Boy Narant, do you still have a father who regards me as your wife, and you didn't send someone to ask for help when you encountered such a big danger!"

"If it weren't for the fact that a caravan returned from your Stormwind Territory two days ago, it was said that your Stormwind Territory was attacked by orcs, and then thousands of orcs were captured!"

"We determined that the orcs must have follow-up attacks, so we called everyone to come!"

"Yes, Narant, although you are not weak now, you should tell your father and the count when you are in danger!"

"Although our strength is limited, we can help you share some of it."

"Besides, if we are not enough, the other nobles of Black Rock Plains are also very happy to help you!"

The cheap old man Narant also immediately echoed.

Boom! Boom!

At this moment, there was another roar of war horses in the distance.

"Brandon, you guys are so fast?"

When the group of men approached, Bernard immediately called out.

This Earl of Brandon was one of the earls of the Onyx Principality.

However, it should now be called Viscount Polanton.

After all, except for Bernard, the other nobles of the Glory Continent were all demoted to first-level titles.

"Haha, Bernard, I came right away after I received your message. It doesn't seem to be too late!"

"Boy Narant, are you alright?"

"Viscount Brandon, thank you for your concern, we have no major problems!" Narant replied politely immediately.

Although the opponent's title has been downgraded, he is still the same generation as Bernard, and he has come all the way to support him. Narant is still very grateful.

"Oh, it's fine, what about the orcs? Is the main force not here yet?"

"However, Narant boy, you are the pride of our Glory Continent, and you have captured so many orcs!"

"Tsk tsk!"

Viscount Brandon looked at the thousands of captive orcs in Narant's team, and immediately praised Narant.

"It probably didn't come, Narant, fortunately we came in time, don't be so bold in the future!"

"Although young people also need to have the courage to move forward, if they are not forced to, they should choose the safest way to deal with danger!" Bernard also spoke at this time.

In their opinion, Narant should still have not encountered the help of the orcs.

Otherwise, how could there be a leisurely stay here.

"Uh!" Narant's expression froze.

In order to avoid making everyone think he was showing off, Narant said in a low-key tone as possible: "Lord Earl, Viscount Brandon, the main force of the orcs has come!"

"Have already come, what about them?" The two of them heard the words, and then their expressions became serious.

"It has been annihilated by me, these are the remaining orc captives!"

"It has been annihilated by you!" Everyone present was stunned.

"Boy Narant, how many people have the main orcs come this time?" Viscount Brandon immediately asked.

"Twenty thousand people..."

"Hey, 20,000 people were surrounded and wiped out, how many men did you send, Narant..."

"Almost all are here, and more than a dozen subordinates have been killed, so they are placed on the carriage at the rear!"

Narant answered truthfully.

"With so many people, you only paid more than a dozen private casualties to surround and wipe out the main force of the orcs..."

Everyone stared at their pockets, wondering if there was a hallucination.

"Viscount Brandon, Lord Earl, what I said is true, you should know this orc head, right?"

Narant is helpless, he is clearly telling the truth, why no one believes it?

Are you the kind of person who talks big?

Therefore, he could only display the head of the Cardo commander hanging under the saddle.

The head of the leader of Cardo is absolutely monumental, so Narant is going to bring it back to the town for the caravans of Lucky Village to display.

Use this method to increase the popularity of the Storm Lord, so that you can gradually gain a place in this sacred continent.

Otherwise people will always think of you as a country bumpkin.

"It's really that Orc Commander Cardo!"

When they saw the head of the commander of Cardo, everyone finally believed that Narant was not joking, but truly defeated the main force of the orc invasion.

Cardo led them last time they saw the frontier fortress.

"Tsk tsk, Baron Narant is amazing. With more than 1,500 people, he has defeated 20,000 orcs!"

"This kind of battle, in the past, was the opposite, and it was the orcs who won more with less!"

Viscount Brandon was amazed.

"Narant, these should be the knight reinforcements of a certain empire in your alliance, right?"

Bernard also nodded, looking at Daz and others with some curiosity.

I also feel that Daz and others are his comrades in arms.

When Daz heard the words of Bernard and Viscount Brandon, his face turned blue and white.

"Lord Earl, Viscount Brandon, you have misunderstood. Although this Lord Daz is from the Alliance Empire, he is not my reinforcement!"

Narrant explained with a smile.

"No?" Everyone was stunned.

"Yes, no, they are just spectators!" Narant nodded.

"Okay!" The two of them even accepted the fact that Narant had encircled and wiped out 20,000 orcs, so they could barely accept this answer.

"Narant, why haven't you returned to the territory? Your current subordinates are injured a lot. It is very unsafe to continue to stay in this jungle." Bernard asked strangely at this time!

"Well, Lord Count, I'm ready to return immediately!"

"However, before returning, I have one thing to deal with first!"

With that said, Narant looked at Daz under the puzzled eyes of everyone.

"Your Majesty Daz, what were you trying to say just now, the hooves were so loud, I didn't hear it clearly!"

"I...I..." Facing Narant's smiling question, Daz's expression changed greatly, and his forehead was sweating with nervousness.

He did all the calculations, but he didn't count that Narant actually had reinforcements.

"Baron Narant, it was just a misunderstanding, please don't bother with Master Daz!"

Puck was really speechless to his young master at this time.

Mingming left directly at the beginning, but nothing happened.

But the young master of his own, for the so-called face, for the so-called jealousy, has made trouble to the present level.

Just now, he was even more prepared to deal with Baron Narant, and even his dissuasion didn't stop.

Well now, the other party has come to support.

There are at least thousands of these supports, and there are also hundreds of extraordinary knights.

If they fight, I am afraid that few of their Kent family cavalry can escape.

"Your Excellency Daz, is your captain of the guard right?"

Narant did not refute either.

"That's right, Baron Narant, I was just joking, so don't bother with me, I'll take someone out of Stormland right now!" Daz heard the question, where else was he thinking? Take revenge.

Now I just want to get out of here quickly.

Otherwise, he thought it was a good place to kill before, and now Narant probably thinks the same.

As long as people are killed and blamed on orcs, they will die in vain.

And Bernard, Viscount Brandon and others in the field finally came to their senses.

Emotional cavalry of more than 600 people is not only Narant's comrade-in-arms, but also a conflicted enemy.

Clang clang!

Suddenly, there was a sound of swords being drawn in the field.

Obviously, as long as Narant headed, Bernard and the others would not hesitate to help Narant.

"Hehe, Your Excellency Daz, do you really think I Narant is a fool? It's too late to leave now!"

Narant's eyes immediately sharpened.

Daz shuddered when he saw this, and immediately looked at Isabella, "Miss Isabella, please tell Baron Narant, I really have no ill intentions!"

"If you want to let me go this time, I promise never to mention marrying you again!"

"In addition, I will ask my father to warn the little nobles of the Black Rock Plain not to provoke your New Northern Territory!"

Daz was really scared, so he immediately regarded Isabella as a life-saving straw.

Narant can ignore his life and death, after all, the Storm Territory is too far away from the Duke of Kent.

But the new north of the Isabella family is only a day or two away from the Kent family domain.

So, this is also a disguised threat to Isabella.

If he Kent died, his father would definitely take his anger out on her family first.

When Isabella heard the words, she frowned but did not speak.

She is an extremely smart woman~www.mtlnovel.com~ knows that she can't speak at this time.

Because only Narant can make a choice.

She had to trust Narant, that was the only way.

Otherwise, not only will he not be able to change Narant's mind, but it may also affect the friendship between the two parties that is not particularly deep.

"Haha, now I know I'm afraid!" Narant was very satisfied with Isabella's attitude.

"Daz, dismount, if you want me not to kill you, then tell everyone to surrender obediently!"

Narant also gave Daz an option.


Daz's face instantly turned ashen.

"Why, don't you want to? If you don't want to, then let's continue the war that has not started!" Narant asked disdainfully.

Daz's face changed again and again when he heard the words, and finally he gritted his teeth, "Puke, let your subordinates put down their weapons!"

Daz knows ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Even if he lets his subordinates counterattack and break through now, the chance of escaping is very slim.

After all, the number of opponents is large, and Narant is likely to regard himself as the main target.

The other party has a demon cavalry, and there is no great speed advantage in escaping by himself.

"Haha, Your Excellency Daz, you made a very smart choice!"

When Daz and his subordinates put down their weapons, Narant directly asked Raymond and the others to take out the ropes, and they were taken prisoner together like the orcs.

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