Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 689

Chapter 689

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"You mean that the red-clothed archbishop of the church is a high-level magician? He was forced to commit suicide under your coercion? Make sure he is not a junior or intermediate magician."

After listening to King Culver's description, Prince Eric immediately showed a look of astonishment.

There was obviously a little disbelief in the astonishment.

What is an advanced magician?

That is the existence of the mainstay of the Sacred Continent, which is equivalent to the existence of the Silver Peak Knights here in the Glory Continent.

You must know that the golden knights of the Glory Continent can be counted with one hand, so in fact, the gold content of the silver peak knights is still very high.

Although this gold content is not considered fart in front of Narant, but if you pull out any other one, they are all capable men of the great nobles.

Therefore, when he heard that the senior magician was forced to commit suicide by a few counts in the Onyx Principality, Prince Eric naturally did not believe it.

"His Royal Highness Eric, the red-clothed archbishop himself said that he is a high-level magician!" Although Eric's doubts made people uncomfortable, King Culver nodded truthfully.

"Okay!" Prince Eric nodded, but still felt that the strength of the red-clothed archbishop might be false.

At this time, Narant was a little bit incomprehensible, and immediately mentioned a sentence behind, "This prince, we don't know the strength of the red-clothed archbishop, but, can you tell us about that? What is the last red light?"

The strength of the red-clothed archbishop, Narant is very clear, is undoubtedly a high-level magician.

But now there is no need to show off in front of this Prince Eric, even if he thinks it is better if his strength is fake.

Because he had just explained to a group of counts, it is best not to expose his own affairs.

Now, what he most wants to know is what effect the blood sacrifice guide has on the Glory Continent, because the perception from that sky makes him very uneasy.

"Well, that red light, if your description is correct, should be a blood sacrifice guide. It relies on the sacrifice of a large amount of blood, which can be sensed by the master of the dark world, and then takes the opportunity to transfer a large amount of death energy to come, and it is also accompanied by a large amount of blood. of dark creatures!"

Although Narant is dressed as a small vassal, Prince Eric does not look down on him.

However, after a while, I want to ask people from this continent to help, so I still reluctantly explain.

After a pause, Prince Eric continued: "However, the bloodstains of only two or three thousand people will not inspire much death, so you don't have to worry too much! By then, it will infect the land of half the counties at most, and the dark creatures will Quantities are also very limited.

"No wonder the red-clothed archbishop said before he died that he would wait for the dark abyss to come!"

Narant nodded when he heard the words, he knew what the red-clothed archbishop meant.

However, just as Narant let go of his heart, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a red glow from the north spreading to him.

Although the color of the red glow was much lighter, it was just as strange as when the three thousand paladins died before.

"Gentlemen, I, Eric, are here on behalf of the Bach Empire this time..." After explaining, Prince Eric was about to start telling the reason for his coming.

However, it was also at this time that Narant spoke again, directly interrupting the words of the Prince Eric.

"His Royal Highness Eric!"

"What's the matter?" Prince Eric was a little unhappy when he heard the words. If he didn't need to show enough kindness, such a small character wouldn't even look at him in the Sacred Continent.

"His Royal Highness Eric, I wonder if the Hongxia over there was also caused by the guidance of the blood sacrifice?"

Narant can't do anything, because the red glow from the north is related to the entire sacred continent. If you don't ask clearly, you can't feel at ease.

"And Hongxia?" Prince Eric looked towards the north subconsciously.

"How is this possible!" It was just the next moment that this Prince Eric was stagnant. The boy with the calm expression before was gone, and his face became extremely ugly.

"His Royal Highness, what's the matter?" When everyone saw the expression of the eldest prince, they immediately felt a sense of crisis and hurriedly asked.

"There are at least tens of thousands of blood sacrifices in such a large area of Hongxia..."

"And once the number of people guided by the blood sacrifice exceeds tens of thousands, its effect will be multiplied..."

"And with the guidance of tens of thousands of blood sacrifices, the range of death energy and dark creatures can cover the size of several northern principalities!"

"What? Several northern principalities the size of!"

After listening to Prince Eric's explanation, all the counts present changed their color.

How big is the Glory Continent, plus the Onyx Principality, the desert area, and some marginal areas, it is only four or five Northern Principality-sized areas at most.

Therefore, the area of these several northern principalities has almost captured the entire Glory Continent.

"His Royal Highness Eric... Will the dead aura dissipate by then?"

"No, when the death energy is strong to a certain extent, the speed of disappearing will become slow, and during this period, all living plants have long been infected by death energy, and then these death energy will stop dissipating, but will be permanent. Save it, let this place become a dead place!"

"Change... into a dead place... the entire Glory Continent..."

Whether it was the nobles of the Northern Principality or the nobles of the Onyx Principality, they all swayed.

"His Royal Highness, the subordinates believe that the church city at the passage at the northern end also used the blood sacrifice guidance!"

"Although such a number of people cannot be rewarded immediately by death qi, I am afraid that it will be as short as half a month, and as long as a month or two, before the death qi will completely come, let's get out of here as soon as possible!"

Those who can follow the prince of the empire are naturally not fools, and they also know the consequences of tens of thousands of blood sacrifices.

Prince Eric did not expect that he had discovered such a continent and planned to squeeze it out without the knowledge of other principalities, but now such a change has occurred.

Of course, it was a pity, but he also knew how to be flexible, so he said immediately.

"Nobles, don't worry, you are also a part of our human race, so even if this continent can no longer stay, you can go to the Holy Continent."

"When the time comes, our Bach Empire will protect you!"

Eric's plan is very simple. Since he can't continue to squeeze here, let these populations belong to the Bach Empire.

At that time, there will always be a way to obtain some benefits, whether it is the population or the wealth brought by the nobles, it should be a considerable amount of wealth.

"This..." The nobles immediately showed extremely complicated expressions.

Originally thought that the people of the church were completely beheaded, and after that, the Glory Continent will return to peace.

Even with the participation of the Bach Empire, it is at least better than the entire continent being controlled by the Church.

But now the Prince Eric is telling them that the Glory Continent will become a dead place in the future, and everyone will leave their homes. This is an unacceptable existence for anyone.

"His Royal Highness Eric, is there really no other way?" At this time, Princess Isabella also spoke.

Now it's not just about the Onyx Principality, it's about the entire Glory Continent.

"Miss Isabella, there is really no other way! The blood sacrifice of tens of thousands of people guides, even in our sacred continent, all the population within the range must be evacuated immediately."

"Otherwise, if you stay within the range, you will surely die." Eric replied affirmatively.

"What can I do now?"

"Then our territory is gone?"

"Let's not talk about the territory, if the Glory Continent is really infected by the death energy, whether we can survive or not will be a problem!" The last time the invasion of dark creatures was very impressive.

Fortunately, there was no death energy at that time. As long as the attack of the dark creatures was resisted, the dark creatures would die by themselves after a few days.

But this time is different. If the death energy does not dissipate, then the dark creatures can exist forever. On the contrary, they cannot stay in a place with death energy for a long time, otherwise they will be infected and die.

"Everyone, although I know that you may not be able to accept it for a while, but this is a fact, sigh, as an imperial prince, I can understand the thoughts of the nobles!"

"Nobles, I'll go and arrange for my subordinates to rest first. It seems that I need to leave for the Holy Land in the next few days. Before that, if you need any help, as long as I can, I will try my best to help. After all, everyone It's a human race!"

After the Prince Eric finished speaking, he expressed his sympathy for the nobles, and actually left with them.

Leaving the Northern Principality and the Onyx Principality, everyone stayed where they were and at a loss.

"His Royal Highness, why did you just leave? Now that the time is so tight, shouldn't we start looking for the goddess immediately?"

"Kate, now these nobles of the Glory Continent are facing a crisis of life and death. Do you think I will let them help find the goddess now, do they want to?"

"If His Royal Highness doesn't give them the benefits that will save them from the crisis, they will definitely not agree. After all, they are about to face life and death, and other things are not important."

"So, Kate, with this sudden change, I'm also ready to change my plan when I came here!" Prince Eric said with a smile.

"His Royal Highness, what do you mean?"

"Originally, I thought that our Bach Empire was the first to discover this continent. Is it possible to hide it for a while like the church and reap some benefits."

"But now this continent is about to become a dead place, and the land is no longer useful to us."

"So the only thing useful to us on this continent right now is these populations!"

"We definitely need to take these populations and bring them back to the Bach Empire!"

"It's just that these nobles would not be very grateful to us if they had just spoken, and it would not be easy for us to handle it."

"But if they take the initiative to come to the door later, then we will have the final say!" Prince Eric said with a smile.

"His Royal Highness is wise!" The subordinates immediately understood the meaning when they heard the words.

The Bach Empire came in secret, naturally for the benefit.

In addition to the goddess, there are some resources of this continent.

But now, er, resources from the mainland are probably not available, so they can only get it from these nobles.

But how to make them willing to give their interests, it is natural for them to come to the door in person.

"Narant, do you think what Prince Eric said is true or false?"

At the same time, the nobles of the Onyx Principality are already having an emergency meeting.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid it's probably true... If the holy city of the church also made sacrifices..."

Narant could see from the previous performance of Prince Eric that the things that the blood sacrifice guided were true, and the consequences it could bring were also true.

The only thing that is uncertain is whether the holy city in the north really implements the blood sacrifice guidelines. If tens of thousands of church personnel really use the blood sacrifice guidelines, then the scope of the impact will be extremely terrifying.

Regardless of whether it can cover the entire continent, it is definitely not something that the Northern Principality and the Onyx Principality can mature.

"Then Baron Narant, what do you think we should do now?"

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid we can only evacuate the continent now, and take advantage of the time to evacuate as many people as possible from this continent!" Narant also answered.

"Get out of this continent!" Both the king and the counts fell silent.

They gave up their family business for hundreds of years, and everyone was really reluctant.

"Baron Narant, do you think the Bach Empire will accept us!" After a moment of silence, King Culver asked Narant another question.

"Your Majesty, definitely!" Narant gave a very positive answer.

After a pause, he added: "However, I am afraid that the prince of the Bach Empire will put forward many conditions!"

Earlier that Prince Eric left suddenly, as long as he was not stupid, everyone could see that he did it on purpose.

However, it is the Nabach Empire that can help the two principalities now, which is determined by the other party.

"Well, even if you put forward more conditions, in order to survive, you can only agree!" King Culver sighed.

As a king, he naturally has to think about his vassals and the people of his kingdom.

"Let's go, everyone, let's meet the prince of the Nabach Empire!"

The matter is urgent, and since it is determined to evacuate, King Culver is not prepared to delay.

Immediately, the king took a group of counts towards the temporary camp of the Bach Empire.

When they had just arrived at the gate of the Bach Empire, they even encountered a group of nobles from the Northern Principality.

Obviously, the nobles of the Northern Principality also knew what Prince Eric meant.

When the two nobles met, there was no more arguing, and now they were already on the same boat, when they entered the camp together with the guards of the Bach Empire. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Soon, everyone was led to a spacious tent.

And that Prince Eric has been waiting for a long time, but on the surface he still seems to know nothing.

"You nobles, do you have any business with me?"

"His Royal Highness Eric, now the Glory Continent is about to become a dead place, and we have no choice. For the tens of millions of people on the continent, we would like to ask His Highness Eric to help us through this difficulty!" King Culver Glancing at Isabella, he finally chose to speak first.

"Huh? I don't know how the nobles want me to help Eric. If it is within my ability, I will definitely try my best!"