Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 688

Chapter 688

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: [Luoqiu Chinese] https://The fastest update! No ads!

He is the second prince of the Bach Empire, the younger brother of Eric.

And his perception of the Bach Empire is not good, because the Bach Empire also participated in the pursuit of the goddess at the beginning, and even robbed the prophet goddess of the sacred artifact.

It's just that he doesn't understand why the people of the Holy Continent have not discovered the existence of the Glory Continent for so many years, but now they have suddenly found it.

Fortunately, judging from the return of the bees, it seems that the Bach Empire did not come to hunt down the goddess this time, which is a fortune in misfortune.

However, no matter what, Narant is not ready to hand over his lucky daughter.

"Baron Narant, what do you think we should do now?" Just as Narant was thinking, King Culver and a group of counts looked at him.

Narrant has just shared with them the identity of this unknown army.

It's just that the king and a group of counts don't know much about the Holy Continent, so they can't judge what will happen next.

After all, according to what Narant said, there were more than 5,000 silver knights and more than 100 fifth-order monsters in the team.

Such a team is several times stronger than the church, and they are not against it at all.

"Your Majesty, and all the earls, my suggestion is that we should just wait here and make a decision based on the situation!"

"It seems that the other party is not hostile to us for the time being, and even if there is hostility, we can't escape if we want to!"

"Well, that's true. The strength of the church alone is stronger than that of us in the past. Now the team of this Holy Continent Empire is stronger. Even if we want to hide, we can't hide!" King Culver and the earls agreed Rand's words.

"Then, His Majesty the King, and all the counts, I'll go to the rear to make arrangements for my subordinates, and you will wait here now!"

After speaking to the king and a group of counts, Narant quickly went to his team, and then called a group of his subordinates to make arrangements.

Although the Bach Empire was not necessarily hostile, Narant had to be careful.

Therefore, he must not let the other party know the existence of these lucky girls.

The other is his own, the Warcraft Legion and the Little Bears should also be hidden.

So as not to expose the fact that he has been to the Holy Continent.

After Narant had arranged everything, the army of the Bach Empire had already arrived there.

The Onyx Principality was better off seeing Bach's army, and already knew their origins in advance.

When the Northern Principality saw this, it was startled, and looked at the unfamiliar flags in the team with a bit of surprise.

However, in the end, when Princess Isabella stood up and explained the situation, the army of the Northern Principality was relieved.

Of course, there are also a small number of nobles who are uneasy, but they are quickly controlled by other nobles.

Even the new king, Charlins, was also taken and escorted to Princess Isabella.

"Isabella, what are you doing, I'm the king of the Northern Principality now!" Charlins's face no longer had the sense of superiority he had earlier, and his face was pale and full of horror.

"You usurper, wait for your father to judge you! You suppress him!"

"Yes, Your Royal Highness!" A group of nobles from the Northern Principality immediately suppressed Charlings.

Afterwards, Princess Isabella looked at Marquis Lisson who was standing aside, "Marquis Lisson, where are the people from the church?"

"His Royal Highness, the members of the church were still fighting against the team of the Onyx Principality not long ago, but for some reason, all of them died suddenly!"

"All dead? Does the Onyx Principality have such strength?" Princess Isabella was also puzzled.

Originally, I thought that I would definitely need the army of the Bach Empire to help solve the church, but now all the members of the church have died.

And when Prince Eric heard the words, his brows slightly wrinkled, as if he was not sure what he thought of.

At this time, Princess Isabella said: "His Royal Highness Eric, why don't I invite the nobles of the Onyx Principality to come and ask about the situation!"

Now it has been confirmed that the Glory Continent is just a couple, and there is a wider land on the other side of the mountain range. Isabella knows that the decades-old enemy of the Northern Principality and the Onyx Principality is no longer a life-and-death situation. .

Because any small principality on that vast land is stronger than them, then is it necessary for the two small principalities who are not even like ants to continue to fight for the so-called 'unified glory continent'?

"Okay, Miss Isabella!"

Prince Eric naturally has no opinion.

His top priority now is to use the two small rural principalities to help him find the goddess, so he must contact them all.

In addition, he had an ominous hunch about the bizarre deaths of church personnel.

It didn't take long for the king of the Onyx Principality and a group of counts to be invited over.

Narant followed, but he was standing in the back of the crowd, so he didn't stand out.

On the contrary, Princess Isabella still remembered him, and nodded at him without a trace.

"His Royal Highness Eric, this is King Culver of the Onyx Principality. These are the count lords of the Onyx Principality."

"The great nobles of the Onyx Principality, this is Prince Elric from the Holy Continent Bach Empire..." Isabella began to introduce each other.

"...The Sacred Continent is the wider continent on the other side of the mountain range, and this is where His Highness Eric came from!" Isabella explained one more sentence because she was worried that everyone in the Agate Principality still didn't know the situation.

"It turned out to be His Highness Eric, you are welcome to come from afar to the Land of Glory!" King Culver had previously heard Narant describe the simple situation of the Bach Empire.

So even in the face of this is just a prince, he didn't dare to hold his identity, and he smiled and said kindly.

After all, his so-called king may seem like an ordinary noble in the Sacred Continent in the eyes of others.

"Well, Your Excellency Culver, it's a pleasure to meet you. I came to the Glory Continent this time with the friendliness of the Bach Empire to help you fight against the evil church and dark creatures!"

"I just heard that all the people in the church died suddenly when they were at war with you~www.mtlnovel.com~ I don't know what happened?"

Eric was educated by heirs, so he didn't show any condescending attitude at the moment, and he was also kind.

Of course, it's just his name for King Culver that's a bit intriguing.

Instead of addressing the king, he used the word Your Excellency.

"His Royal Highness Eric, this is what happened..." King Culver didn't care what Eric called him. After all, they were so big that they couldn't resist, and even if he cared, he couldn't change it.

So he answered Eric's question truthfully, and told the previous strange scene.