Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 690

Chapter 690

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This Prince Eric looked very friendly, but he said that neither the nobles of the Northern Principality nor the nobles of the Onyx Principality would believe it.

However, now that the life-saving straw is in the hands of others, even if he pretends, the nobles are helpless.

King Culver continued: "His Royal Highness Eric, the Glory Continent is about to be covered by death energy, but there are still tens of millions of Terran people on this continent, so we ask you to lend a helping hand and help a group of people. Glory Continent, transfer the people here to the Holy Continent!"

"Transfer to the Sacred Continent?" Prince Eric nodded in hindsight.

"Death air and the arrival of dark creatures can't be changed. Even if the six-star magister comes, it can't be stopped. If you want to solve it, unless you send an army to destroy dark creatures in the future, while planting sacred thorns, but this will take time and powerful. army"

"It seems that there is really only this way now!"

"However, nobles, you also know that the number of tens of millions is very large, and it is very difficult for me to accommodate the Bach Empire."

"Also, I'm just the eldest prince of the Bach Empire, and I can't arrange such a major event on my own!"

Prince Ralph finally showed an embarrassed expression.

"His Royal Highness, is it really impossible?" Princess Isabella, who was on the side, said softly, feigning anxiety on her face.

In his heart, the little bit of affection he had for this Prince Eric these days was completely clean.

A few days ago, this Eric at least pretended to be personable and very friendly.

But now, seeing the change in the situation, it is disgusting to be so pretentious.

But now in order to be able to go to the Holy Continent for the whole country, she can only cooperate with acting.

"Oh! Okay, although I advocated that I might be punished after going back, but this is a human race of tens of millions, how could I watch you all being swallowed up by the darkness!" Eric felt almost the same.

In particular, Isabella's feigned anxiety and sadness gave him great psychological satisfaction.

After a pause, he continued: "However, everyone, if you follow me to the Bach Empire, then I'm afraid you will no longer have the title of duchy!"

"Yes!" King Culver gritted his teeth and did not object.

In fact, he had already expected this.

"Well, in addition, the titles of the nobles may be lowered..." Eric continued.

"His Royal Highness Eric, I don't know how to lower it?" The nobles immediately cared.

"According to the size of your Northern Principality and Agate Principality, in our Bach Empire, it is nothing but a marquis territory!"

"So, if you arrive at the Bach Empire, then absolutely descend by one title in order?"

"All down one title?"

All the nobles of the Glory Continent showed painful expressions.

Those who can reach this duke, marquis, and earl have been accumulated for hundreds of years. Now, if you want to go down a rank, if you want to recover again, you don't know how many generations of experience you need to go through.

"Okay!" Fortunately, everyone could see it clearly, so they still resisted and agreed.

"Well, very good, then there is the last thing that worries me. As long as this matter is resolved, even if I am punished, the nobles will not be affected by going to the Holy Continent."

"Don't know what's going on?"

"Everyone, when you go to the Holy Continent, the land you need to occupy is very broad. Although my Bach family, as a royal family, controls the entire Bach Empire, it will inevitably cause opposition from other nobles in the country...!"

"So, I think it's better for the nobles to prepare some gold coins. If there are other nobles who really object, we can use gold coins to appease!"

"I can roughly estimate this gold coin. A marquis needs at least 100,000 gold coins, an earl needs 50,000 gold coins, a viscounty needs 20,000 gold coins, and a barony needs 8,000 gold coins!"

"Of course, if the gold coins are not enough, you can also use elf or other materials instead!"

"This..." The reaction of the nobles was more excited than before.

Downgrading the first-level title, after all, there is no strength of the impression itself, at least it is better to accept.

But now they have to pay gold coins.

And this price is just for the idea of hollowing out their heritage, and everyone is naturally reluctant for a while.

"His Royal Highness Eric, can this gold coin be less? This is too much for the nobles of our Glory Continent!"

Exploiting some gold coins was actually expected by King Culver.

But the problem is that these tens of thousands of gold coins are really not so easy to get.

The heritage of the nobility is actually not only gold coins, but also wealth such as land and castles.

But now the land and the castle need to be abandoned, and the elves and gold coins will also be scraped away, then they will probably become poor and white.

"Gentlemen, I'm just giving this gold coin as a suggestion. It's not that I, Eric, are going to accept it, but for your sake."

"In addition, the amount of gold coins I gave is actually the lowest. In our sacred continent, even a pot of ordinary spirits requires ten gold coins for a pot!"

Eric was in no hurry when he saw that everyone was excited.

"Well, nobles, you should go back and think about it first! To be honest, I am also taking a big risk. If you can accept it, then come to me. If you can't accept it, you can go to the Holy Continent by yourself. Just know how difficult it is to find a piece of land in the Sacred Continent!"

After finishing speaking, the Prince Eric withdrew from the temporary meeting tent, leaving a group of nobles with gloomy expressions on their faces.

"His Royal Highness, why did you leave? I think these nobles will definitely answer!" After Prince Eric walked out of the tent, a subordinate immediately followed and asked.

In his opinion, this matter will be successful in a while, and his eldest prince even asked them to think about it again, which is not unnecessary.

More importantly, he also told everyone that they could go to the Holy Continent on their own.

Now that the city of the church in the north is definitely empty, these nobles of the Glory Continent want to go, I am afraid they can really go there without hindrance.

"Kerry, do you think they will hold a grudge against me in the future after they agreed?" Eric asked back.

"Your Highness, I'm afraid they don't dare? However, there will definitely be some resentment in their hearts!"

"Hehe~www.mtlnovel.com~ You also know that they will have grievances, so I deliberately let them think more now, and come to me when they think about it!"

"They are all nobles. Compared with gold coins and life, they know how to make choices, and when the time comes, they begged me after careful consideration, so I can't blame me!"

: "Moreover, after arriving in the Holy Continent, I will indeed plan land for them, so they will probably be grateful to me for keeping my word!"

"Your Highness, are you really going to give them that much land?"

"Of course, the most important thing in our Holy Continent is land, but... it's up to us to decide where to give it. Isn't there a large piece of land in the Black Rock Plain that connects with the orcs? I plan to place them there. "Eric had a small smile on his lips.