Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 575

Chapter 575

"Wolf of Warcraft!" Narant didn't hide it, and when he saw the expectant eyes of his subordinates, he said it directly.

"Wolf of Warcraft?"

"That's right, didn't you realize that, except for Raymond, you all already have a Warcraft Wolf seat mount for Big Stone?"

It was naturally not because of the lucky fruit that Narant served that he could awaken the blood of Da Shi and other eleven people.

And the clue that he had caught before was the demon beast wolf, thanks to the light howl of the youngest demon wolf, otherwise Narant would definitely continue to think for a while.

"Yeah, Da Shitou and the others all have monster wolves, and then they all awakened successfully."

"Captain Raymond can wake up successfully, that's because Captain Raymond is the most powerful person in our tribe, but they were not much stronger than us in the past!"

"Yes, it's the beast wolf. Your lord is so wise and mighty!"

"Then... Doesn't that mean that as long as we get the Warcraft Wolf mount, we can also awaken the bloodline!"

In an instant, a group of barbarian guards exploded.

The more I thought about it, the more reasonable my lord's statement became. After all, if only Raymond had awakened his bloodline alone, then they could still accept it, thinking that Raymond was better than them.

But the big stone and others are different. In the past, the tribe was not much stronger than them.

This time not only gave them the steps, but also aroused everyone's hope.

Seeing the guards below, Narant waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then continued: "Of course, this statement still needs to go through to get the final answer!"

"In any case, since you have not awakened your bloodline except for Raymond, then you will compete for the remaining seventeen Warcraft wolves."

"When these seventeen people win and get the beast wolf, then we will try the bloodline awakening again tomorrow and the day after tomorrow!"

Although Narant felt that he was 90% sure that he was right, he couldn't say too much, otherwise, if something went wrong, the majesty of his lord would be affected.

And how, the answer will be found tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

If he guesses right, then Narant can continue to expand the number of bloodline warriors like a title knight.

"Yes, my lord!" The barbarians automatically ignored Narant's uncertainty, and had already recognized this fact in their minds.

The next moment, everyone looked at Narant expectantly.

"Okay, I know you are in a hurry, so let's start the competition here while you are now!"

Narant continued to sit on the chair, ready to solve this matter in one breath.

Fortunately, there is no limit to the number of awakenings of the barbarian totem stone pillar, and you can try it whenever you want.

Of course, in the past, few people in the barbarian tribe would repeatedly try to awaken, because no barbarian could successfully awaken again after the first failed awakening.

Next, the internal competition of the barbarian guards started next to the totem stone pillar.

In order to make a quick decision, Narant drew a large circle on the ground and they competed in it.

Because of the double temptation of Warcraft wolves and awakened bloodline warriors, the barbarian guards all went out of their way today.

As long as there is still a trace of strength, even if you are beaten to the point of bruising your nose and face, as long as you don't get rid of the power, you will not admit defeat.

It took a full two hours for the competition to be completed, and the remaining seventeen wolves finally belonged.

And because Shirley's little girl's talent has not been restored, the matter of recognizing the master can only wait until tomorrow.

For the next two days, the Storm Territory was as calm as ever, and Narant's life was spent practicing and occasionally managing the affairs of the territory.

The matter of awakening the bloodline warrior was 100% confirmed by Narant the next day.

When the ten barbarian guards signed a contract with the Warcraft Wolf again the next day, they tried to awaken the bloodline again, and they succeeded without any accident.

After getting such a result, Narant speculated that it should be related to the giant wolf pattern on the totem pole.

Of course, as for the deeper reason, Narant is not going to go into it, anyway, he is not a barbarian, as long as he knows how to use the totem pole to bring benefits.

In the past two days, Narant received a letter from the tulip flower again.

The letter this time was not specifically for the purpose of exchanging love with Narant, but also mixed with an important message.

That is, Stella had the same sense of crisis as last time again a few days ago.

This time, the sense of crisis appeared in the direction of the northwest desert. Although there was no dark creature in the sense of crisis this time, Stella felt that a change was about to occur there.

She had already told Bernard about it.

Bernard guessed that the only possibility of a change in the desert duchy in the northwest was the matter of the church.

Bernard did not dare to neglect this news, and had already sent a messenger to the capital to inform King Culver.

I believe that with the warning of the appearance of dark creatures last time, this time should be taken seriously.

And Stella told Narant about this so that he could take precautions in advance.

"Northwest, it's really possible that it's a church!" Narant already believed in Stella's prediction of danger. After all, the last prediction was what he saw with his own eyes, and it was as accurate as himself.

And through this, in fact, there is no need to think too much about what happened in the desert. Except for the church, there is no other factor, otherwise Stella will not be able to predict.

And the purpose of the church is obvious.

That is, the Fire Dragon Fortress in the north is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If it is attacked, it will inevitably cause heavy losses to the army of the Northern Principality.

However, there is no such natural barrier in the northwest. As long as the northern principality and the church can solve the small principality in the desert, they can go directly to the border of the agate principality.

"It seems that this church can't wait. I hope you can give me more time to develop!"

Although Narant found a trail in the depths of the grassland, it was a last resort.

But if possible, he still likes to stay in the Glory Continent and regard it as a stable back garden. After all, he doesn't know much about the Sacred Continent, and because of the strength of the various creatures there, there are more threats to guard against.

After reading the letter, Narant wrote a reply to Stella, mostly sweet words to coax girls.

Regarding the space crack on the grassland, in order to avoid her worries and the news leaking out, Narant did not write it in the letter.

After writing the letter, Narant found Shirley, but Xiao Huihui personally delivered the letter, and also brought two magical medicine sugar canes.

In addition, this time Xiao Huihui will bring three 'little brothers', that is, the birds that Shirley has just domesticated for a while.