Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 574

Chapter 574

Now the open space outside the gentle **** has become a training ground, where the guards usually train.

In the future, Narant plans to build a large square in the surrounding thousands of square meters of wasteland.

After that, it is very convenient whether it is to review the team or hold other activities.

And the totem stone pillar of the barbarian was also placed there by him at this moment.

"I've seen adults!"

Not long after Narant came to the totem pillar, Raymond trotted over with the barbarian guards.

After the respectful salute, the gazes of the barbarian guards immediately turned to Big Stone and the others.

There is no other reason, it is because of that mighty Warcraft wolf!

Although they already knew when the personal guards came to inform them that they were all equipped with Warcraft wolves.

But now, seeing all the guards standing together, and everyone followed by the Warcraft Wolf, I couldn't help but yearn for envy even more.

Even Raymond is the same. It stands to reason that he used to be the patriarch of the big stone and others. Now these guys are better than him, and his mood is very complicated.

"Haha, Raymond, don't worry, as the captain of the guard team, you can get a monster wolf as a mount no matter what, and the adults will take you to choose tomorrow." Narant couldn't see everyone's expressions, and immediately smiled. He stepped forward and patted Raymond's chest: "!"

"Thank you for your gift!" Raymond's rough face full of beards immediately flushed slightly, showing endless excitement.

"Yeah!" Nalanda nodded, then looked at the other guards, "As for you, you also have a chance. There are still seventeen Warcraft wolves left. As long as you can awaken your bloodline power today, you can get Warcraft Wolves!"

"As for those who can't immediately awaken the power of the bloodline, then you should have a fair competition! Whoever can fight the best will belong to him!"

"And this rule will be the same in the future. As long as there are new Warcraft wolves, the bloodline warriors will be limited, and only the winner of the competition will win!"

"Yes, thank you for your generosity!"

The barbarian guards who heard the words were immediately excited, and they all looked at the tall monster wolf. It seemed that they would be as majestic as Big Stone and others in a short time.

"Come on, let's try to awaken the bloodline!"

Narant didn't hesitate, and gave a direct command.

"Yes, my lord!"

At this moment, there were servants in the castle who saw him returning to the outside of the castle, and several servants had been eagerly carrying soft chairs.

And Narant sat on the soft chair next, watching with peace of mind Raymond, Big Stone and the others operate on their own.

"My lord, then let your subordinates come first!" Raymond, as the former patriarch, after discussing with other barbarians, let him go first.

Then came the personal guards, and finally a group of ordinary barbarian guards.

"Hmm!" Narant had no objection.

Seeing Narant's head, Raymond no longer hesitated and came directly to the Totem Pillar.

First, he bowed respectfully again, then took out a sharp knife and pressed it into the palm of his right hand, then closed his palm, and gently pulled the knife.

Immediately, blood was left on Raymond's left palm.

Seeing the blood, Raymond slowly stretched out his hand to the stone pillar, and then smeared the blood on the surface of the stone pillar.

After finishing everything, Raymond withdrew his palm, and then closed his eyes with great piety, waiting for the stone pillar to covet the answer.

At this time, a magical scene happened on the stone pillar. The blood that Raymond smeared on the stone pillar was absorbed by the stone pillar at a speed visible to the naked eye after a few seconds, and disappeared.

After absorbing the blood donation, the golden light of the giant wolf on the stone pillar became even brighter.


At the next moment, the stone pillar suddenly made a humming sound, accompanied by a fine light that entered Raymond's body.

And Raymond was shocked, and immediately began to take off his shirt.

"Success...success! Captain Raymond has awakened his bloodline!"

And when Raymond's shirt took off, he saw blood-red lines appearing on his body.

This pattern is like a meridian, spreading all over his body, and if you look at the back, you can faintly see some abstract giant wolf totem!

After seeing this scene, all the barbarian guards here were excited, although in the past their Thunder Flame tribe did not have totem stone pillars.

But about the scene when the bloodline is awakened, all barbarians know it.

"Okay!" Narant couldn't help but exclaim, which was a good sign.

A barbarian warrior with an awakened bloodline is equivalent to an extraordinary knight.

After knowing that he had awakened his bloodline, Raymond was naturally too excited, and worshipped the totem stone pillar devoutly again, and then came to Narant and knelt on the ground.

"Thank you for the gift of your lord! Because of your lord, your subordinates have the opportunity to awaken their bloodlines, and they will swear allegiance to your lord!"

"Haha, Raymond, get up! Work hard in the future, and now you are a better match with the Wolves!" Narant nodded with satisfaction.

"Sir, that subordinate has also started!" After seeing Raymond come down, it was Dashito's turn to envy him.

And the big stone couldn't bear it, so he came to ask for a voice at the first time.

"Get started! Work hard!"

"Yes, my lord!" Big Stone responded, and immediately walked towards the stone pillar nervously.

Immediately, just like Raymond, he cut his palm open, smeared blood on the totem stone pillar, and then closed his eyes and waited reverently.


And after a few seconds, there was another buzzing sound from the stone pillar, accompanied by a golden light that entered the body of the big stone.

Then the big stone hurriedly pulled off his jacket.

"Haha, my lord, my subordinates have also awakened, and my subordinates have also awakened their bloodlines!"

Immediately, Big Stone smiled and bowed respectfully to the stone pillar before running to Narant to announce the good news.

"Raymond, are you sure that Bloodline Awakening is rare?" The success of the two people in this exercise confused Narant.

Not that he was unhappy, he wished all his barbarian guards could be bloodline warriors if possible.

But this success rate is not as low as what Raymond and others said before.

"My lord, I heard from my father before that only one of the hundred of us barbarians can awaken the bloodline. Maybe we are lucky!" Raymond was also quite surprised and explained.

"Hey, this must be because of the favor of the adults. We adults are so lucky, and such good luck must have favored us!" However, the big stone has been with Narant for a long time, and he has learned a lot of flattering skills from Thomas and the servants. , and immediately added.

"You bastard! Okay, let's go next!"

Speaking of luck, Narant thought of the lucky fruit, but he was not sure if it was the effect of the lucky fruit.

Following his orders, the second member of the personal guard team soon came on the field and went to try to awaken.


If not, there was a buzzing sound as before from the totem stone pillar, and then a golden light flashed.


This time, everyone was really shocked.

This turned out to be the third barbarian whose bloodline was awakened one after another.

"Fourth!" Narant didn't have time to think, and immediately ordered.

Whatever the reason, why not take advantage of the momentum now?

If all his barbarian guards could wake up to become blood warriors, he'd probably wake up laughing at night.




Next, there was a continuous buzzing sound around the totem pole.

If Raymond and Big Stone were added, there would be eleven buzzing sounds in one breath.

This means that Narant has a barbarian bloodline warrior.

And the barbarians are now completely dumbfounded, and don't understand what happened.

Even Raymond wondered if his father remembered it wrong back then. In fact, as long as the bloodline warrior is a barbarian, he can wake up.

Of course, this illusion soon disappeared.

Because next, the previous continuous buzzing situation did not appear.

"The next moment!" At this moment, the guards had all completed the awakening of their bloodlines, and Narant immediately looked at the ordinary barbarian guards.

And when the barbarian guard heard the words, he also stepped forward immediately, wanting to complete the awakening like the guards.

It's just that the previous buzzing stopped when it reached him.

When the barbarian guard smeared the blood on the totem pole, after the totem pole absorbed the blood donation, the light on the totem was only slightly brightened, but the next moment there was no buzzing sound, nor did the large golden beam of light appear. into the body of this barbarian guard.

"what happened?"

Needless to say, this barbarian guard's awakening failed.

Seeing this scene, the originally excited ordinary guards immediately turned pale.

And Narant Lemon and others are also frowning and confused.

"Next!" Narant waved again.

Immediately, the next ordinary barbarian guard came on the field, but the awakening was still not completed.

"Next!" Narant frowned and ordered again.

However, after a while, the result was the same.



Next, more than fifty barbarian guards were called out, but none of them woke up.

As if the previous continuous awakening of Raymond and the Guards was an illusion.

"Could it be that this totem stone pillar is broken?" When the last barbarian guard did not wake up, Narant couldn't help thinking.

As a result of this, there must be something he didn't notice.

"What could be the reason?" Narant kept his eyes on the guards and ordinary barbarians.

At this moment, all the savages did not dare to breathe at the moment, and stayed in place with different expressions.

Although the guards watched with their eyes, nose, nose and heart, they could still see a little bit of joy. Only those ordinary barbarian guards lowered their heads and looked disheveled.

Looking hard at the two camps, Narant seemed to have grasped a little bit of clues, but he couldn't grasp the key.


At this moment, perhaps because the scene was too depressing, a young Warcraft wolf couldn't help but whimper softly and sneezed.

"Shh!" This move was frightened by its personal guard, and he stopped it immediately, and then looked carefully at Narant.


"I see!" At this moment, Narant suddenly slapped the wooden chair armrest and stood up.

"Big...sir, this subordinate knows it's wrong!" The guard shivered with fright, and immediately knelt on the ground.

"What's wrong with you?" On the contrary, Narant was stunned when he saw this.

Previously, after his eyes were attracted by the beast wolf, he kept on the wolf~www.mtlnovel.com~ and did not see any change in the guard's expression at all.

"I...I..." The guard was at a loss, not knowing what Narant said.

But Raymond thought of something, and said to the guard: "The lord is not talking about you, you get up first!"

After finishing speaking, he respectfully said to Narant: "Sir, I wonder if your subordinate is right. Did you think of the reason why the bloodline awakening was so strange?"

"Haha, yes, and if this is true, then you will all have the opportunity to awaken your bloodlines in the future!" Narant nodded immediately.

"Sir, what's the reason?" The barbarians who heard the words immediately attracted their attention.

Awakening to become a bloodline warrior is the only rush for all barbarians to become stronger.

Unlike ordinary humans, they cannot cultivate vindictiveness.

This matter was tested decades ago, whether it was the barbarians themselves or the nobles who came to such a conclusion, which is why Narant never thought of letting Dashio, Raymond and others cultivate vindictiveness .