Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 576

Chapter 576

They say they are birds, but they are all falcons.

These falcons were made up by Narant's subordinates. After signing a contract with Little Loli, they were more obedient than those who had boiled eagles in the previous life.

And these three 'little brothers' will be left there after they arrive at Tulip Castle, and will be used as a 'messenger' from Stella or Bernard to him in the future. '

In this way, there is no need to use human horses to transmit messages, which is not only safe, but also greatly shortens the speed.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it's another week later.

At noon that day, Narant had just finished his breakfast when he heard the guard report that a large group of people had come from far away from the castle.

Narant, who received the report, immediately went to the city wall. Looking through the telescope, he saw the flag of the Frank family in front of the convoy.

What the team brought was not goods, but a population of thousands.

"This is done!" Narant immediately thought of a possibility, that is, Catherine is back!

During this time, he has also been waiting for news, especially after receiving that the situation in the Northwest Desert may change, he is very worried that the families of these guards will not be able to be redeemed by then.

That would also damage his prestige among those guards.

After all, he used to help them pick up their families as a means and a favor to win over.

And with family members coming, these guards will also be more determined, just like Quick and others.

After guessing the identity of the team, Narant walked out of the castle to greet him.

Soon, the team of thousands of people arrived outside the castle, and the identity was indeed the family who redeemed the three hundred guards as Narant thought.

"Narant!" Before the carriage in front of the team stopped, Natasha's beautiful face appeared on the carriage.

"Thank you for your hard work, Natasha!" Narant immediately stepped forward to greet him.

"I'm not afraid of hard work for you, Narant. Besides, it's not really hard for me. I just need to go to Tulip City!" Natasha got off the carriage gracefully and whispered back to Narant.

But after speaking, she was a little puzzled, and suddenly her eyes widened and she began to look at Narant hard.

"What, do I have flowers on my face?" Rao Narant, the old driver, was also a little embarrassed to be looked at.

"Narant, why do I find you more handsome every time I see you! It's really strange!" Natasha frowned slightly.

"Cough cough!" Narant coughed dryly immediately.

He knew that it was his affinity fruit that played a role.

His appearance is the ceiling, but with the addition of affinity, it will definitely make people feel more and more handsome and attractive.

"Giggle! However, the more handsome you are, Nalande, the more I like it!" Natasha saw that Nalande's expression was a little unnatural, she thought he was embarrassed by her compliment, and immediately smiled softly. .

Narant has nothing to do with this woman, but there are many people here, and he is not going to continue talking here, so he said: "Natasha, let's go, we will advance to the castle, you must be tired this way, first Take a shower, eat something, and then wash up!"

"Yeah!" Natasha nodded and immediately walked towards the castle.

Before leaving, Narant instructed his men to go to Maiye Village to find Mario and a group of new guards.

Since these are their family members, they can just register and take them back without any further orders from Narant.

Taking Natasha into the castle to wash up, Narant specially asked Rose to prepare food for her again.

Then he asked about the details of this redemption at the dinner table.

However, in fact, the details of this redemption are nothing to say, according to Natasha herself.

The redemption this time went well. She found a caravan in the Desert Principality in the name of the Frank family, and then handed it over to them at a premium of five dollars.

A week ago, the caravan successfully brought people to Tulip City and handed them over to her.

This time, a total of 1,235 people were redeemed, and none of the family members of the 300 guards were left behind. All of them are here.

Of course, things went well, but the gold coins cost a lot.

Originally, if slaves were sold, adults, children or the elderly had different prices.

Adult men and women are generally around twenty or thirty silver coins per person.

This time, the price given by Narant is a uniform price, and everyone is calculated according to twenty-five silver coins, regardless of men, women and children.

Such a unified price is definitely a high price, so when the caravan came to the door to redeem people, no noble would be unhappy.

Of course, that was only the price of redeeming these family members from the Northern Principality. In addition, Narant had to pay five more silver coins to the entrusted caravan.

The reason why the bid is so high is first to ensure that they can go all out to accomplish this, and the other is to ensure that they will never abuse or neglect these family members on the road.

Narant is very clear that if they don't explain in advance and give enough money, they will transport these family members as an effort if they are not prepared on the road.

At that time, thirty or fifty people died on the road, which would be considered a small number.

And Narant is actually not short of money now, so after discussing the details with Natasha, they have already paid a slight premium to complete it.

In this way, this time, it cost a total of 37 gold coins to redeem these 1,235 people.

This is not a problem for Narant, who can earn nearly a hundred gold coins a month even in this winter.

And when Narant accompanied Natasha to finish lunch, and then went to the study on the third floor to discuss the philosophy of life, Maiye Village was full of hustle and bustle at the moment!

"Thank you for your gift, thank you for your kindness!"

"Thank you for your gift, thank you for your kindness!"

When the 300 guards saw their family members, they hugged and cried on the spot, and then there was a cry of gratitude and cheers.

Although their own adults have promised to redeem their family members, in fact, everyone has not been particularly at ease, after all, even if their own adults do not lie, they are willing to spend money to do it.

But there are too many uncertain factors in it, as long as there is a little mistake, maybe they will lose the chance to reunite with their families.

But what I didn't expect was that it had only been more than a month, and I actually saw my family members and reunited with all their families intact, which made the guards feel like they were in a dream.

What's more important is that they just listened to their family's experience of coming here, and they are even more grateful to their adults. They couldn't help kneeling on the ground and shouting in the direction of the castle.

It turned out that the Narant premium made the caravan extremely guarantee that the serfs would not suffer on the road, and the family members who came had already known.

The caravan personnel responsible for transporting them often sighed at them, saying that they had never seen such kind and generous nobles in their decades of business.

In order to ensure that they would not suffer on the road, they paid two extra silver coins and asked them to provide carriages for the old and weak prisoners, and then provide sufficient food.

Only in this way can these family members come to the Storm Territory safely.

When the guards heard such news, it was absolutely reasonable to make such an excited reaction.

It can be said that the loyalty of these guards Narant is no longer necessary for the original team such as Quick and others.

Of course, some people are happy and some people are sad.

When the other captured soldiers came to ask questions, and saw the scene of 300 guards meeting their families, they all burst into tears.

They also have family members in the Northern Principality, but they don't know if they will have the opportunity to reunite with their families like the guards in front of them.

"It would be great if Lord Lord could redeem our family! I will swear allegiance to Lord Lord for the rest of my life!"

"Yeah! Don't say it's this lifetime, I'm willing to do it even in the next lifetime!"

All of a sudden, the captive guards who could not be reunited with their families groaned.

And Narant also received this news report in the evening.

It's just that he has some sympathy for these ordinary prisoners, but the situation in the desert in the northwest is extremely unstable now, and if he wants to redeem everyone's family members, there will definitely be a big movement, so he can only put it on hold for the time being. Think long-term.

But ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Just when Narant thought it might take years for the captive serfs to settle the matter, something unexpected happened a week later.

This morning, Narant was dressed neatly under the service of Natasha, a noble lady. Before he could go to the restaurant for breakfast, he heard the report of Shirley's little loli, saying that it was Xiao Huihui's morning inspection. When I was in the territory, I found that there were at least tens of thousands of people breaking into the Storm Territory north of the castle.

"Ten thousand people? Shirley, Xiao Huihui is sure you're right. Are those people armed?" Narant was also a little stunned.

Tens of thousands of people are equivalent to the population of an ordinary baron, and they even broke into their own territory.

This made him wonder if someone was going to attack his Storm Lord.

"Sir, Xiao Huihui said that only a few dozen of those people have weapons, and the rest are ordinary people, without long swords or leather armor!"

"Only a few dozen people have weapons? What kind of team is that?" Narant was even more puzzled now, "Come here, call the personal guards and barbarian guards!"

Narant immediately issued an order. Since he couldn't guess it, he naturally needed to go check it out in person.