Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 573

Chapter 573

"Ah! A lot of monster wolves!"

"Yeah, what's going on, I've never heard of so many beast wolves in a pack of wolves!"

"Yes, when I was on the grassland, I heard that only some big wolves had a monster wolf, but now there are actually more than ten, and you found out that these monster wolves seem to be obedient and not fierce!"

"You have only joined the Storm Lord not long ago, right? What's so strange about this, it must be because your lord has been favored by the God of Glory!"

"In addition to the demon beast wolves in our storm, there are also many fire-breathing lizards?"

After finding the little loli and riding the white dragon, Narant immediately left the castle and went to the horse farm.

And when he arrived at the racecourse, a lot of people had already gathered here.

In addition to the guards, there are also many serfs pointing and pointing, and the appearance of so many monster wolves at one time is definitely an eye-opener for them.

"grown ups!"

"I have seen the lord!"

When Narant approached, the crowd immediately quieted down and greeted respectfully.

"Yeah!" Nalanda nodded and looked into the pasture. Sure enough, there were more than ten wolves of Warcraft.

These monster wolves are the same size as the wolf king.

Of course, the vicious aura on that face was still lacking. After all, they all completed their transformation in the morning, and they didn't even realize the problem.

"My lord, these monster wolves didn't transform yesterday. When the villain came to check the lone wolf king this morning, he found that the wolves had transformed into so many monster wolves!" Big Stone was explaining at the moment that the lone wolf king was his The name of the mount was also chosen by him.

The eyes of the surrounding guards looking at Narant were full of anticipation and desire.

Because they all know that Master Worth is going to make these monster wolves their mounts.

"Well, it is estimated that the next monster wolves will begin to transform tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Big stone, let the lone wolf king order these monster wolves to enter the stable!"

Narant glanced at the surrounding serfs, and they couldn't watch what they needed to do next.

"Yes, my lord!"

Immediately, Big Stone immediately issued an order to the Lone Wolf King, and immediately, the beast wolves who had just transformed went to the stables obediently.

Although these ordinary wolves have become wolf kings, they are still very obedient to the lone wolf king because they are all descendants of the lone wolf king, and they have not yet realized their sudden power.

"Xue Li, let's go. Next, you will help the guards complete the contract signing. When you are done, the adults will reward you with two magical medicine sugar canes!"

"Ah, two magic medicine sugar canes! Thank you for your gift!" Little girl Xue Li would not complain when she heard the reward.

Then follow Narant directly to the stables.

In the stable, Shirley immediately began to complete the master identification contract for the remaining nine guards.

Fortunately, after Narant's small punishment last time, Little Loli was much more diligent in cultivating the power of talent, and she has mastered the talent of signing the contract for the identification of the master of monsters.

As long as Warcraft doesn't have any sense of resistance, it's not a problem for Little Loli to sign ten or eight heads at one time.

"Sir, it's done!" About half an hour later, Little Loli's report sounded.

And one by one, the guards were beaming with joy, and their faces were full of excited smiles.

"Very good Shirley, now you go back to the castle to rest first, and I will need your help in the next two days. By then, there will be two magic medicine sugar canes every day!" Narant rubbed the little Lolita's head.

Although Little Loli is usually greedy, she really worked hard today, and sweat broke out on her red face.

Today, those who recognize the Lord are the first batch. In the next few days, Narant is going to select some people from the ordinary barbarian guards and equip them with other wild wolves.

"Yes, my lord!"

Immediately, Shirley Little Lolita went out of the stable, and then rode on her Big Gray No. 1, um, that is, the two big dogs that she got during the autumn expedition, and returned to the castle on her own.

Narant didn't feed the two dogs this time, mainly because these two guys followed Little Loli and signed a master-servant contract with her. Like a big ashes.

After Shirley Little Lolita left, Narant turned his gaze to Big Stone and the others.

"Thank you for your gift!" The guards felt his gaze and fell to one knee on the ground.

"Get up! You were originally guards, and in the future, if you have this monster wolf, you will be able to protect me better!" With the mounts, the barbarians can get rid of sometimes Narant need to run long distances, and they But can't keep up with the embarrassment.

"I swear allegiance to your lord!" The guards immediately beat their right chest and shouted.

"Very good, there are wolves of monsters, but there is one more thing I hope you will see more, that is bloodline warriors!" Nalandi nodded, then looked at the big stone: "Big stone, the totem stone pillar is really needed. How long will it take to try Bloodline Awakening?"

"Sir, we have been offering sacrifices for a month now, and we should be able to start trying. Raymond mentioned it to Xiao the day before yesterday, saying that he will report to you in the next two days!" Big Stone responded immediately.

After the totem stone pillar was moved back, Narant was placed directly near the castle.

The first is to avoid accidents, to prevent theft or damage.

The second is to put the totem stone pillar outside the castle, which is also convenient for him to manage the barbarians in the future.

No matter what kind of totem stone, it is sacred to all barbarians.

Because the barbarians felt that the totem pole was a bridge to communicate with the hunting god, they didn't care which tribe the bridge originally belonged to.

It's as if your purpose is to go to the Internet cafe to surf the Internet, and you don't care about the machine number and location in the Internet cafe~www.mtlnovel.com~ as long as it can be opened for normal use.

Therefore, after letting those barbarians fully belong, this totem stone pillar is an existence that further unites people's hearts.

And this month, the big stone, Raymond and others have brought all their clansmen to worship the totem stone pillar every day.

The reason why I didn't try to awaken the bloodline a few days ago was mainly because I was worried that there would not be enough time for the sacrifice. If the stone pillars were still unfamiliar with their breath, the success rate would be very small.

In this regard, Narant doesn't know whether this statement is true or not, but it is winter anyway, so it's okay to wait for a while, so I waited for a full month.

Since even the Warcraft wolf has transformed so much today, Narant wants to see if he can get the bloodline warrior.

Wolves of Warcraft plus bloodline warriors, this does not belong to any extraordinary knights.

"Let's go, let's go over there now, by the way, send someone to call Captain Raymond over as well!"

After the command, Narant took the guards directly to the open space outside the gentle **** of the castle!