Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 572

Chapter 572

Twenty-one strengthening fruits!

Fifteen Agility Fruits!

Five Affinity Fruits!

Three fruits of intelligence!

A lucky fruit!

This is Narant's victory today, including the three fruits that were directly exchanged. At this moment, he has a total of forty-five kiwi fruits in his system inventory.

"Lucky Fruit: This is a fruit that can bring you some good luck. After taking it, you can gain the favor of the goddess of luck and reduce the possibility of bad luck!"

"Hey, there is still such a fruit? I don't know what the effect is. Luck seems to be a little ethereal. If it was in the previous life, it should make the master a little gambler, right?"

This is the first time Narant has seen this lucky fruit, but he is a little unsure about the effect.

Of course, whether it works or not, he doesn't mind, it just consumes a little energy point anyway.

What really surprised him in this lottery was that he actually drew five Affinity Fruits and three Intelligence Fruits.

These two kinds of fruits are very favored by him, not only can they be used in daily life, but also have an absolute promotion effect on the cultivation of magic.

For grudge, although Narant's cultivation speed is against the sky, he feels that he can't jump directly to the Golden Knight in a short time. Therefore, if he wants to have a life-saving trump card, perhaps magic is a good choice.

After all, even a junior magician's fireball technique can also cause a certain amount of damage to the golden knight.

But if Narant is now carrying a long sword to slash the Golden Knight, it is estimated that he will not be able to do much damage while standing and slashing him.

Now that the result of the lottery has been drawn, the next moment will naturally be a gluttonous feast of magical fruits.

Without hesitation, Narant directly exchanged all the fruits. Forty-five kiwi fruits filled the entire desk, and the study was instantly filled with a pleasant fragrance.

The first one Narante chose to serve was the lucky fruit.

The same sweet and delicious, the same warmth is clear throughout the body.

"Well, the taste is very good, but the effect is really indistinguishable!"

Smash it, Narant doesn't care about the effect of this lucky fruit, because luck is really unpredictable.

Then he picked up the fruit of intelligence.

As the fruit of intelligence was swallowed, the warm current was clear all over the body, and Narant was shocked.

It feels so refreshing.

Not to mention, this fruit of intelligence is indeed worthy of the existence of five energy points. When Narant took it, when he looked at the surrounding scenery, he felt that his vision became clearer and his mind became more active. fast!

"Good stuff, keep coming!" Narant was so excited that he immediately started taking the second and third pills, wanting to see what the effect would be after taking all three.

"Hey! It feels like... as if the whole person originally had an invisible shackle on his body, but now the shackle has been released directly!"

And when all the three intelligence fruits were consumed, Narant was even more surprised by his own condition.

Before taking these three kiwifruits, his head would be like a mobile phone that had been used for several years, not only with limited power (mental head), but also with a lag when running.

But the three intellectual fruits are like a new mobile phone immediately. Not only is the power (spiritual head) full, but the operation is extremely smooth.

The experience this brings to Narant is really sour and refreshing.

"The following is the Affinity Fruit!" After experiencing the clear eyes and ears brought by the Intelligence Fruit, Narant began to destroy other kiwi fruits.

Soon, Affinity Fruit, Enhancement Fruit, and Agility Fruit were swallowed by him.

It is also strange to say that although this magical fruit has skin and flesh in the hand, after taking it, it does not feel full at all.

In this way, Narant was able to consume so many fruits so easily in a short period of time.

And the effect of the latter three fruits, the strengthening fruit and the agility fruit, is immediate because there are too many.

Narant moved around in the study for a while, and judged that his current strength was at least twice as strong as before.

For example, he was originally unable to defeat the silver high-level knight, but now this physical progress alone is enough for him to surpass the silver high-level knight.

Moreover, as long as his Dou Qi quickly keeps up, it is not impossible to become a silver high-level invincible hand.

"Fortifying fruit and agility fruit can be easily tested, the effect of affinity fruit should be tested by meditation, just take advantage of the afternoon to practice meditation!"

Thinking like this, Narant went directly to the sofa with his knees crossed.

"Huh!" However, when he was done, the moment he opened his perception and entered meditation, he immediately noticed the difference.

Originally, the range that he could perceive with his mental power was only a dozen meters around, but at this moment, he could directly perceive the movement in the vestibule.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. In the end, Narant's perception and spiritual power are released. Before he starts to attract magic power according to the rhythm of the meditation method, the magic power is like a medicine. He came together.

This situation made Narant's jaw drop in shock.

The magic power in the past was like a goddess, and it took Narant to work hard to be attracted.

It's better now, Narant only played that stop, and people couldn't help but lean over.

"This affinity fruit and intelligence fruit, absolutely!"

Narant cheered happily in his heart, and immediately began to absorb magic power continuously.

And this speed turned out to be three points faster than when he practiced meditation in the Holy Continent that day.

You must know that the magic power of the Sacred Continent is more than double that of the Glory Continent.

In the next period of time, Narant's life returned to monotony. While practising vindictiveness and magic, he arranged various motivational tasks in the territory.

Since taking a lot of Rising Fruit that day, his cultivation progress has become fast, and he has made great progress in both fighting qi and magic.

First of all, Narant already feels that he is about to break through the silver intermediate knight, and as long as he breaks through the silver intermediate, then he can complete the achievement of hanging the silver high-level invincible and regretting the achievement of the silver peak.

As for magic, the magic power in Narant's body that was originally only the size of a soybean gradually began to develop towards the size of a pigeon's egg.

I believe that in three or five days, he will be able to become a real junior magician.

If Narant really became a junior magician in such a short period of time, if the matter spread to the Holy Continent, it would definitely make the magicians in the entire Holy Continent drop their jaws.

This is not just a genius monster, it is simply the illegitimate son of a god.

The above is the smooth flow of cultivation.

And things in the Narant territory are also in full swing these days.

Nearby is that these days Narant's batch of potion sugar canes are finally ripe and ready to be harvested.

Then there is the land reclamation on the edge of the grassland. Thousands of acres of land have been opened. As long as the next spring starts and the snow falls, the sweet potatoes can be planted.

Of course, that is talking about the land without the blessing of the green elves, and the land with the blessing of the green elves will not be affected by the severe cold, so Narant has planted more than ten acres of sweet potato fields.

These ten acres of sweet potatoes will become the seeds of thousands of acres of arable land when they mature.

Of course, Mario can handle these things very well without Narant's relationship.

What Narant really needs to keep an eye on at all times is the plan for the widening of the Prairie Mountains.

The work to widen the mountain trail has now fully begun.

Narant invested more than 3,000 people in this project.

And Narant's development plan is very simple, that is, to use gunpowder and fire and water to complete the excavation of the mountain.

I believe that with this two-pronged approach, coupled with the powerful strength of the barbarians, the expansion of the mountain road should not be too difficult.

Of course, because it is winter now, there is a certain danger in widening the road in this mountain range, that is, the snow on the top of the mountain.

Fortunately, Narant has gunpowder and little ash.

According to the weather changes, he would let Xiao Huihui fly to the tops of those mountains with a large grenade in three or two days, and then blow up the snow above.

In this way, the danger level can be minimized even in the mountains during this winter.

And in order to sympathize with these serfs who work hard in the mountains, Narant is completely generous in providing them with food.

In addition to the full two kilograms of whale meat every day~www.mtlnovel.com~even beer, Narant also specially bought one from Tulip City, and then rewarded these barbarians who worked in the mountains.

Although the barbarians have never drunk beer in the past, they fell in love with this thing after only one or two attempts, and every day they wake up with beer in their hearts.

Fortunately, Narant has already made a rule to prevent drinking mistakes, that is, beer can only be distributed after dark after finishing work every day. In this way, there have been no accidents in this mountain trail project!

"My lord, my lord, the wolves! The wolves have begun to appear!"

This morning, Narant had just finished his breakfast when Big Stone found Narant excitedly and reported it.

"Oh? After coming back for nearly a month, is it finally starting to transform?" Narant also immediately became interested, the beast wolf began to transform, "Big stone, go and call Xue Li, and then take the adults to have a look. !"

"Yes, my lord!"

Hearing the words, Big Stone immediately went to find Shirley Little Lolita as instructed.