Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 543

Chapter 543

"Failed!" Narant's expression changed, he knew that his plan for tonight had failed.

The two ambush of Glory Fury couldn't take care of the big guy, so the only thing he could do now was to retreat.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

And when the three-headed dog of **** slammed into the city wall, it immediately began to slam into the city gate with all its strength.

"Quick, blast him with a grenade!"

"Barbarian guards, throw rocks!"

"Squad of archers, let go of the arrows!"

With the sound of a crash coming from under the city wall, Quick, Vivian and the others did not need Narant's order, and launched an attack on the three-headed hellhound below.

Even Vivian even used the Wulianzhu after the intermediate awakening.

But the three-headed dog's flesh is unexpectedly thick, and ordinary means can't cause damage to it at all.

He completely turned a blind eye to the attacks of the three-headed dogs such as mines and stones, and only attacked Vivian's Wurenzhu with flames.

In this way, the people on the city wall had no way to take it, and could only watch the city gate that had been repaired a few months ago being smashed.

I believe it won't be long before the door will be knocked open.

"Sir... You should evacuate!" After seeing this situation, Vivienne and Catherine, a few lucky daughters, immediately came to Narant to persuade them.

"First go and inform the medical team to start evacuation immediately, sir, I will wait!" Narant gritted his teeth, he was a little unwilling, he could feel that the three-headed dog of **** was actually blown up by the wrath of glory. Not a small injury.

For example, the two other heads, who were already a little sluggish, became even more sluggish, and even their eyes were in a state of drowsiness.

So, if possible, this is the best time to deal with this big guy.

Otherwise, after escaping, the main mission of the system would be considered a failure.

And Narant is hesitating, can he take Catherine down to find a way to try hard

"Lord Lord!"

At this time, there was a call from under the city wall, and Narant turned his head to see that it was Old White.

Because Bessie was left in the castle, Old White didn't leave either. He had been left in the back garden for safety reasons, but when he heard the loud banging on the door, he ran in a hurry.

Seeing Old White, Narant's heart moved.

Although Old White had left the Holy Continent for more than 30 years, he probably knew more about dark creatures than he did, so he immediately asked.

"Old White, the Holy Land has been fighting dark creatures for a long time. Do you know the weakness of this three-headed dog?"

"It turned out to be the three-headed hellhound!" Old White was shocked when he heard the words. He has been in this Glory Continent for more than 30 years, but he has only heard of the three-headed hellhound once, and this is the second time.

Old White did not answer Narant in a hurry, but quickly leaned on the wall and glanced outside.

"My lord, you have already injured two heads of the three-headed dog of hell?" When he saw the appearance of the three-headed dog of hell, Old White was immediately shocked.

Although the three-headed dog of **** is only a mid-level monster, it can be regarded as a relatively difficult existence in the Holy Continent.

The main reason is that it has three heads, which means it has three lives.

If you want to kill it, unless it is a golden knight, or even a silver peak knight, it is very difficult.

"Yes, old White, but now I have used all the means I have arranged. Do you know any weaknesses that this three-headed dog of **** is easy to deal with? The lord wants to try to solve its last head, otherwise the lord I will The castle may not be preserved?"

"My lord, if you want to kill the three-headed dog, now is the best time, because its head is equivalent to its life."

"The Cerberus Three-Headed Dog's body is very strong, no matter how serious the injury is, it will not affect its life, but its head is its key point. Only by completely beheading or blowing its three heads will it die completely! "

"Now that its other two heads have been injured, it will take at least several hours to recover, so if you kill the middle head directly, then it will have no resistance!"

"Old White, you don't need to say this. If there is a way to deal with its last head now, I won't be so worried!"

"My lord, the head and body of the three-headed dog are very hard. The only weak point is under the neck. If you want to kill him with a long sword, you can only attack there!"

"Under the neck?"

"Yes, sir, only under the neck! Unless there is a golden knight, attacking other places is not enough to kill him." Old White nodded.

"Sir, why don't I go down and try to attack it?" At this time, Catherine took the initiative to stand up and begged to speak out. She saw that the lord from the family was a little reluctant to leave.

And the adults have taken her in for so long and treated her so well, and now is the time for her to repay.

"Catherine, let's go together, you are here to attract the attention of the three-headed hellhound, and the adults will attack!" Although Narant did not refuse, he would definitely not let Catherine take the risk alone.

"My lord, this... is really too dangerous." Hearing Narant's words, the expressions of the surrounding subordinates changed drastically, especially Vivian and Shirley, and immediately persuaded them anxiously.

"My lord, please forgive Xiao Xiao's offensive words. It is too dangerous for you and Miss Catherine to face this three-headed dog of hell." Although Old White has no fighting spirit, he can go to the knowledge and battle experience. It is still there.

Even if the Cerberus Three-Headed Dog has only one head, it is still difficult to deal with the two of them.

If all the guards are sent out to attract attention, and then he will carry out a sneak attack with the extraordinary knight, this is only possible.

"Old White, if I let someone bind it with chains and delay its movement!" Narant looked at Old White, knowing that this guy must have more experience than himself in how to deal with these big guys.

"My lord, I'm afraid ordinary chains won't work. With the power of the three-headed **** dog, the chains can be snapped in an instant, unless..."

"Unless what?" Narant asked hurriedly

"Sir, unless the sacred thorns are tied on the chain, the three-headed dog of **** is powerful, but it is only a middle-level dark creature, so as long as the sacred thorns are tied to the chain, it is still very effective. of."

"The three-headed hellhound is afraid of thorny canes? Old White, are you sure." Narant was a little unconvinced. If it was a skeleton soldier or a little scoundrel like the hellhound, it would be better to say that this big guy could still be attacked. suppress?

"Yes, my lord! As long as it is not a high-level dark creature, the sacred thorns are very harmful to them, and any medium and low-level dark creatures dare not ignore the sacred thorns."

"Even for high-level dark creatures, at most, their resistance has become stronger, and it does not mean that the sacred thorns cannot cause damage to them."

"Of course, Lord Lord, the rattan of this sacred thorn must still grow sharp thorns, otherwise it will be invalid, so... the sacred thorns you brought back that day may not be used now..." Old White didn't dare to say Narant's hopeful eyes, for fear of embarrassing the Lord.

"Old White, who said my sacred thorns can't be used!"

Since getting the sacred thorns that day, Narant has asked Bessie to use these sacred thorns to practice her innate powers.

Originally, he had thought of using sacred thorns to deal with this wave of dark creatures.

In the end, after thinking about it, I gave up because the number of thorns was too small. It is better to use the wrath of glory.

So, he moved those sacred thorns to the inner castle corridor.

I plan to use these sacred thorns to prevent those dark creatures from entering the inner castle and destroy them even if I do escape in the end.

After he finished speaking, he didn't say any more. He immediately gave an order to Raymond: "Raymond, hurry up, hurry up and go to the inner castle to get those sacred thorns with long thorns, and then tie them to the chains!"

"Yes, my lord!" Immediately, Raymond quickly led his men towards the inner castle.

But Old White was very puzzled, because he did not see the mature sacred thorns that day, "Sir, did you get other adult sacred thorns?"

"No, old White, don't you know Bessie's innate ability yet?" At this moment, it was Narant who was puzzled.

"I don't know, my lord, the little one didn't dare to ask!" Old White answered honestly.

"Okay!" Only then did Narant know that Old White was so sensible, and Bessie was also so sensible.

"Bessie's talent is a nurturing teacher, have you heard of Old White?" Narant wasn't going to lie to him either.

"Nurturator? The most precious nurturing teacher! This is... great! My Bessie is actually a nurturing teacher!" Old White shuddered when he heard the words~www.mtlnovel.com~ Then an old face smiled and turned into a chrysanthemum .

"Why, old White, cultivators are precious?"

"My lord, before the goddess was driven away, the nurturer goddess was not very good, but later, after people got the sacred thorns, they missed the nurturer goddess."

"Because, if there is a nurturer goddess, then people will soon be able to plant sacred thorns all over the sacred continent, not only do they not have to worry about the continued invasion of dark creatures, they can even rely on sacred thorns to retake the dead land and drive the dark creatures back. within the cracks."

"My lord, the reason why dark creatures are so terrifying is because they are almost endless. My skeleton soldiers on the city wall are more terrifying than ten **** dogs!"

"Moreover, as long as it is a human fire creature that died on the land after being eroded by death, it will also become a dark creature after a few months."

"So, the races in the Sacred Continent fought less and less, but the dark creatures fought more and more. It was not until the appearance of the sacred thorns that this situation changed!"

"I see!" Nalanda nodded.

While the two of them were talking, Raymond had already brought over ten pots of sacred thorns to the city wall with the barbarian guards.

Narant didn't dare to delay, and directly ordered Raymond and the others to cut off the sacred thorn vines one by one, and then tied them to the chains.

Through these few days of cultivation, a total of five of Narant's sacred thorns were spawned to adulthood.

Of course, this was also because the five sacred thorns were only a few months away from maturing. Otherwise, it would not have been long before Bessie completed the primary awakening, and it would have been impossible to cultivate five fully grown sacred thorns so quickly.