Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 544

Chapter 544

Although the number of the five sacred thorns is somewhat small, because the thorns have so many branches, each tree can almost make a chain more than ten meters long.

It didn't take long for the five chains to be tied with sacred thorns.

dong dong!

creak! creak!

And at this point, there was an abnormal noise from below the city wall.

"Sir, the city wall can't support it anymore!" At this time, the guards below the city wall also immediately reported.

After seven or eight minutes of collision, Narant, the city gate that had been heavily reinforced and repaired, was smashed into tatters again.

The door panel has been cracked, and the door frame has begun to shake. After more than ten seconds at most, I am afraid that the door will no longer be able to stop the three-headed dog of hell.

"Quick, Quick, Raymond, wait on both sides of the city gate. As soon as the three-headed dog comes in, he immediately throws ropes to control his movements."

"Vivian, Catherine, the two of you are responsible for helping the adults attract the attention of this three-headed dog!"

Seeing this, Narant didn't dare to hesitate, he directly pulled out the long sword around his waist and led the crowd down the tower.

This is a last-ditch battle. If this can't stop the three-headed dog of hell, then even if he is not reconciled, he must retreat.

Soon, Narant brought a group of subordinates to the entrance of the city gate in the vestibule.

The storm knights and a group of barbarians stood on either side of the gate in ten groups.

The three-headed dog of **** is not comparable to the headless knight and the death knight, so if there is no blessing from the storm rider, the barbarian will definitely not be able to control the three-headed dog of hell.


And just when the talents like Quick and Raymond were standing still, there was a loud noise from the city gate, and the two gates made of good hardwood and covered with iron slammed down.


When the city gate was knocked into the air, the three-headed dog of **** came out of its cage like a tiger, and the three big heads got into the door without hesitation.

This city gate was built according to the standard baron's castle specifications, with a height of more than five meters and a width of four meters, but when the three-headed dog entered, it directly blocked the doorway.


After the three-headed hellhound lowered his body and got into the gate, he immediately found Narant in the vestibule.

This can be regarded as the enemy's jealousy, the three-headed dog of **** didn't say a word, Zhang Kai's **** mouth spurted a flame towards Narant.

"Catherine, get out of the way!" Narant had expected it, and immediately flew to the side.

Catherine also changed her posture quickly, dodging to the side.

Seeing that Narant began to dodge, the three-headed dog of **** speeded up and drilled in from the city gate.

"Throw!" And just when the three-headed dog of **** was about to get into the city gate, the barbarian guards and storm knights standing at the foot of the walls on both sides immediately activated.

The five chains in his hand were thrown directly at the three-headed dog of hell.


Feeling the ambush on both sides, the three-headed dog of **** reacted very quickly, ready to spew flames with a roar.

Whoosh whoosh!

But at this moment, Vivian, who was standing dozens of meters away, made her move.

Five red streaks of arrows approached the head of the Three-Headed Dog of Hell.

In the face of Vivian's five consecutive beads of fiery arrows, the three-headed **** dog still did not dare to despise it, and resisted the attack on Quick and others, leaving the flame to Vivian's arrows.


Immediately, Vivian's Wulianzhu and Hell's Three-Headed Dog's flames were intertwined in the air, and an explosion sounded immediately.

Seeing that the three-headed dog of **** had counteracted Vivian's attack, he naturally took a long sigh of relief and prepared to step out of the gate, and then deal with the annoying reptiles on both sides first.

As for those ropes, the three-headed dog of **** doesn't look down on them. As long as they work hard, these reptiles will be taken away by themselves.

However, this kind of thinking is only for a moment, because when the five chains completely fall on it, the three-headed dog's thinking changes completely.

When the chain bound with the sacred thorns touched its skin, there was only a '' sound, like the sound of a red-hot iron falling into the water, and then the three-headed dog's skin began to be visible to the naked eye. Black air came out.


The three-headed hellhound immediately felt pain, and under the pain, his body began to struggle violently.

This chain brought it not only pain, but also the feeling that the power in the body was being absorbed.

"Hold on! Don't let go!"

The strength of the three-headed hellhound should not be underestimated. Even though half of its body is still stuck in the city gate, it still pulls the seventy or eighty people from the Storm Squad and the barbarian guards to stagger.

Seeing this, Quick and Raymond immediately alerted their team members anxiously.

The barbarian guards pulled their veins all over their bodies, and the vindictiveness of the storm knights was running with all their strength, and only then did they stabilize the chains.

And the sacred thorns have a very strong ability to suppress the hellhound. The more it struggles, the more pain it feels, but there is nothing to do with this sacred thorn rattan, as if it is a red-hot iron lock. Touching it will make it shrink back subconsciously, and I don't dare to regret it.

hoo hoo hoo!

dong dong dong!

The three-headed dog of **** was helpless. He wanted to struggle but did not dare to use his full mana. In the end, he could only twist his body and keep hitting the city wall, making a muffled sound, causing the earth and stones on the city wall to keep falling.

"Catherine, come on!"

Seeing this, Narant knew that this was the only chance, and immediately called out to Catherine, and then quickly moved towards the struggling three-headed dog.

The three-headed dog of **** saw the two approaching, and immediately stared at the two with blood-red eyes. When they got closer, they immediately opened their **** mouth and bit them.

Seeing this, Catherine did not retreat but advanced, and immediately raised the speed to the extreme, and took Narant one step to greet the head of the three-headed dog of hell.

Although Narant saw this dangerous scene, he was a little worried, but he did not stop it, because he needed Catherine to attract the attention of the three-headed dog.


Seeing Catherine being so provocative, the three-headed hellhound immediately became furious, and the huge mouth that was enough to swallow two Catherines pressed directly at her.

Seeing that Catherine was about to be swept up in the blood of the three-headed dog, her light body suddenly jumped upwards, and she jumped lightly on the top of the three-headed dog, and then borrowed the help of the three-headed dog. The three-headed dog's forehead jumped five or six meters high.


After the three-headed dog lost its target, it ate a mouth full of mud, but it did not hesitate, and while Katherine was still in the air, it raised its head and bit Katherine directly.

And at this moment, the neck of the three-headed dog was completely exposed and landed in front of Narant.

However, at this moment, Narant has a slight hesitation.

Because he couldn't guarantee that he would kill Catherine before he fell into the Three-Headed Dog's mouth.

The three-headed dog's mouth full of fangs is comparable to a sharp sword. It is conceivable that as long as Catherine falls into it, even if it is only for a moment, it will be annihilated.

"My lord, leave me alone!" Catherine in the air clearly noticed her lord's gaze, and shouted very quickly, with determination in her eyes.

However, how could Narant bear to lose his life like this lucky girl, just when he was about to give up this opportunity to kill the three-headed dog of hell, there was another person on the city wall above.

"Sir, I'm here to save Sister Catherine!" The person above is Shirley Little Loli.

"it is good!"

Hearing the words, Narant did not doubt Little Loli's ability, so he handed Catherine to her with peace of mind, and in the next instant, he swept out under the neck of the three-headed dog of hell.

It's too late and it's too fast, but the whole process is just a moment.

At this moment, the **** mouth of the three-headed hellhound was still slowly moving towards Catherine.

And Narant finally waved the long sword in his hand. .

"Die! Stupid dog!" Narant exercised his vindictive energy, then raised his long sword without hesitation and stabbed it into the lower neck of the three-headed dog.


Although Narant could clearly feel resistance when piercing, as Old White said, this neck was the only weakness of the three-headed hellhound.

With a squeaking sound, the entire long sword fell into the flesh and blood of the three-headed hellhound without any suspense, and only the hilt of the sword was exposed.

This is not over yet, in order to ensure a one-hit kill, when the long sword is completely submerged in the flesh and blood of the three-headed dog, Narant pulls the hilt of the sword and pushes it to the side.


The long sword immediately pulled a **** opening more than one meter wide at the neck of the three-headed dog.

Narant did this set of actions in one go.

At the same time, Catherine's body above finally began to fall, and her entire ankle had fallen into the blood of the three-headed dog.

Seeing this, the three-headed dog of **** has begun to close its upper and lower jaws, and it is about to bite off the reptile that provoked itself.

"Sister Catherine, grab it!"

However, at this critical moment, a gray figure swooped straight down from the sky and came to Catherine.

Accompanied by the reminder of Shirley's little loli.

This gray figure is naturally a small gray gray. The existence of a small sparrow at the beginning has now reached a wingspan of more than one meter, which is comparable to that of a prairie eagle.

Catherine heard the reminder, and without any hesitation, directly grabbed Xiao Huihui's claws, and then her body suddenly fell, and was immediately pulled two or three meters higher by Xiao Huihui, who was desperately flapping her wings.


The **** mouth of the three-headed hellhound finally closed, and the sharp fangs made a crisp collision sound because of the forceful closure.

When the feeling of biting the prey was not heard in the mouth, the three-headed dog of **** immediately became furious, and was about to roar and shoot a flame at the big bird and reptile above, but suddenly felt a stinging pain in the neck.

Then, the needle-like stinging pain turned into a large area of pain.


The three-headed hellhound no longer had time to care about the two prey above his head, and looked down at him with a whimper.

But it was already too late. At this time, the blood of the big beach had flowed out from the ground, and it felt that the strength of its body was rapidly losing.


But because of the strong revenge in his heart, the three-headed dog of **** still used his last strength to open his mouth and bite at this hateful reptile.

And Narant, who was under it, wanted to escape when he saw this scene, but there was no way to escape, and it was too late.

Immediately, the blood of the three-headed dog of **** covered Narant's body directly.

"grown ups!"

Vivian and the guards in the distance saw it most vividly. When they saw their own adults being swallowed up by blood, their whole body trembled and their complexion changed greatly, and they immediately screamed anxiously.


After the **** mouth of the three-headed dog of **** shrouded Narant, it was unable to lift it up again, because it had lost even a trace of strength, and finally smashed directly to the ground with a muffled sound.

"grown ups!"

At the next moment, both Vivian and the guards gathered under the head of the three-headed **** dog with a terrified face.

"Quick! Raise its head, the adults are inside!" Immediately, the crowd began to hurriedly move the head of the three-headed **** dog that had fallen to the ground.

"Sir, don't be in trouble!" The guards raised their voices anxiously.

Vivian's eyes were even more red, and she lay on the ground and looked under the head of the three-headed dog.

"Cough! The lord is fine, raise its head!" However, just when everyone was anxious, they suddenly heard Narant's voice.

"Ah! Your lord is fine, hurry up, lift it up!" Hearing this voice, everyone seemed to have heard the gospel.

When the three-headed dog's head was raised, a figure emerged from the **** mouth of the three-headed dog.

It turned out that although the three-headed dog swallowed Narant, because the damage caused by Narant was too great, it lost all its strength in a short period of time, so he swallowed his breath before he could chew. Rand escaped.

Of course, Narant's current appearance is also very bleak, and a row of shocking gravures has appeared on the smooth and flat armor on his body.

If this three-headed dog of **** survives even a fraction of a second longer, I am afraid that Narant will be the rhythm of 'thousands of arrows piercing the heart'.

"My lord, are you alright!" Vivian immediately stepped forward and looked at her lord hard. At this time, Catherine had also fallen from Xiao Huihui to the ground, and also nervously stepped forward to check on Narant.

"It's alright!" Narant also looked at himself up and down, and then he showed a happy smile to appease the two women and the guards.

"Okay, now is not the time to relax, this big guy must be completely beheaded!"

After being appeased, Narant didn't dare to stop for a moment, and immediately turned his eyes to the other two heads of the three-headed dog.

Although the two heads were seriously injured and sluggish, the blood-red eyes were still open, looking at Narant with incomparable hatred.

The Cerberus Three-Headed Dog's body was also still moving, and its limbs exerted a slight force to get up from the ground.

Although such a scene is very strange, this is the strength of the three-headed dog of hell.

If Narant hadn't seriously injured those two heads in advance with the Wrath of Glory, with this little strength in his territory, he would definitely not be able to escape the end of the city breaking and running~www.mtlnovel.com~ silly dog, next time the hood will be highlighted , don't think that with three heads, you will come to the master's territory to run rampant! "Narant immediately took the sword and walked away from the other two dying heads, and then ended their lives one by one without hesitation.

When the three heads were completely cold, the center of the three-headed dog of **** stopped moving.

"My lord is mighty, you beheaded a three-headed dog of hell, this is something only a golden knight can do!" When the three-headed dog of **** could no longer move, Old White was the first to offer his flattery excitedly.

"Your majesty!"

Then, the other guards responded one after another and congratulated Narant.

"Okay, now is not the time to relax, Quick, take the Storm Knight out of the castle immediately, and then under the leadership of Xiao Huihui, destroy other dark creatures that have slipped through the net!"

"Raymond, you are here to clean up the battlefield!"

Narant hadn't heard from the system about the completion of the main quest at this moment, so he immediately started giving orders.

In addition, in his system tasks, it seems that he can also obtain additional energy points. As long as he helps any other territory to clear the dark creatures, he can get five energy points as a reward.

For Narant, this is equivalent to five elves or five magical fruits, so he is not going to let it go.

"Yes, my lord!"

Immediately, a group of guards took action one after another. Quick took a group of storm knights to sweep away the fish that slipped through the net, while the other guards began to clean up the battlefield, especially those skeletons with only heads left.

The guards continued to work, but Narant could relax for a while and wash up first.