Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 542

Chapter 542

"Not good!" Narant quickly anticipated something, and was immediately horrified.


However, before he could react, the three-headed dog of **** let out a deafening roar, which was exactly what the three-headed dog of **** issued.

At this moment, the three-headed dog of **** is quite desolate, and the dark red skin on its body has been quite tight and has many **** mouths, big and small, just like that leprosy dog.

And the originally three heads were drooping, and although the eyes of those two heads were still spinning, they lost their previous spirit, and even the red light in those eyes became dim.

Only the dog's head in the middle, although a lot of blood spilled from his nose and mouth, was not affected at the moment, and looked at Narant with endless hatred in his eyes.

And along with its roar, a terrifying flame emerged from the smoke.

This flame is not comparable to the small fireballs of fire-breathing lizards and hellhounds.

It was a group of hot flames like the flames of meteors. When it swept through the air, it immediately blasted the smoke and dust that had not completely dissipated, and slammed straight towards the position.

"Quick, everyone retreat, retreat to the castle!" Narant knew that the family had gone mad, and the bloodthirsty in his eyes made him tremble.

When dodging the flames sprayed by the three-headed dog, he immediately shouted at all the guards around him.

A mere four or five meter gully could not resist this mad behemoth.


When Narant's cry fell, there was a loud bang from behind, followed by a scorching heat wave that pushed him several steps away.

Fortunately, because the three-headed dog is still far away, Narant has enough time to escape the bombardment range of the flame and is not injured.

"Quick, the adults have an order, everyone retreats!"

With this rumbling sound, the surrounding guards finally reacted, turning around and running towards the gentle **** of the castle.


hoo hoo hoo!

Seeing that his attack failed to destroy the ant who provoked him, and that the guards were fleeing, the three-headed dog of **** let out a long howl, and then spread its limbs and charged directly towards the position.

In addition, some dark creatures that were not completely dead before finally woke up one after another. With the roar of the three-headed dog, they climbed out of the deep ditch and began to chase the fleeing guards.

"Vivian, long-range attack team, cover team to evacuate!"

Seeing this, Narant immediately gave orders to Vivian and the others.

"Yes, my lord!"

In fact, there is no need for Narant to explain on the spot, because Narant had arranged today's battle arrangements yesterday, so although the ordinary guards were fleeing, the bed crossbow team and Vivian still held their positions and started to launch with all their strength.

Whoosh whoosh!

Arrows shot towards the three-headed hellhound and the dark creatures crawling up the ground as if they didn't want money.

Although the crossbow arrow is only limited to the painful effect of the toothpick stabbing the flesh on the three-headed dog, it still delayed for a while, and finally bought some time for the fleeing guards.

After being hit by dozens of crossbow arrows, the three-headed dog of **** also approached the front of the deep ditch.

Seeing that Vivian was still shooting at it, the three-headed dog of **** opened its huge mouth without hesitation, and a blazing flame shot out again.

"Vivian, be careful!" Narant was startled when he saw this. If he was hit by that flame, even the Iron Man would melt.

"Yes, my lord!" Fortunately, Vivian was not unprepared. When the flames shot at her, she jumped and jumped directly from the arrow tower.

This arrow tower is eight or nine meters high. If it jumps directly without any protection, even the bronze knight will be injured.

However, when Vivian jumped down, she was holding a rope that had been prepared for a long time. When her body was more than two meters above the ground, her body slammed, and then she fell to the ground.


When Vivian landed on the ground, there was an explosion from the arrow tower above her head, and the entire tower was blasted to pieces.

"Vivian, let's go!" Narant took three steps and took two steps and immediately stepped forward to pick up the fallen Vivian, and then put it under his arm with one hand.

Regardless of the blush of the little girl's pretty face, Narant began to run towards the castle.

When the other long-range attack team members saw such a situation, they did not need to be greeted by Narant, and they also began to flee their positions.

As for the ten crossbows, they were left in place.

Dark creatures are not human, and they don't know how to use these weapons, and they don't even know how to destroy, so Narant doesn't have to worry about losses at all.

"Narant, are you alright?" Natasha asked with a worried look when Narant ran back to the castle with Vivian in her arms and came to the city wall.

Previously, the flames of the three-headed hellhound exploded directly behind Narant, but it scared her a lot.

"It's okay, Natasha, now you go to the back garden of the castle immediately, it's not safe here anymore!" Narant put down Vivian and saw Natasha's pretty face turning pale, he couldn't help but raise his hand and squeeze it.

"Yeah!" Natasha's pale face immediately returned to blood when Narant made such an intimate act in front of everyone's eyes, and a little excitement surged in her heart.

Although she has already determined that she will be a shady lover in the future, Narant's actions in this way are reluctant among all the subordinates~www.mtlnovel.com~ This is tantamount to letting all the subordinates know her identity, which is also It is a disguised proof of her 'status'.

Satisfied, Natasha did not dare to stay here to drag her legs, and immediately went to the back garden.


Natasha walked on the front foot, and the three-headed dog of **** finally set foot on the gentle slope.

"Quake, set fire to it!" Seeing this, Narant immediately gave the order without any hesitation.

On this gentle slope, he also buried the last two Glory Wraths, and whether Narant can defend the castle tonight depends on this wave.

Because the three-headed dogs of **** are not something he can face head-to-head with, so Glory's Wrath is his trump card.

"The other two heads of this guy should have been injured in the explosion just now, and I don't know if the last wave of Glory Fury can solve it!"

As Quick's side started to ignite, Narant couldn't help but look at the three-headed dog of hell.


Just a few seconds later, there was a loud noise 50 meters away from the castle, and then a huge fire and smoke enveloped the three-headed hellhound again.

And the ordinary dark creature following the three-headed dog of **** was blown away in an instant.

Of course, Narant doesn't care about the life and death of those dark creatures at the moment, and he only wants to solve the three-headed dog of hell.

"It must be done!" Narant was also a little nervous when the smoke filled the air.


However, the reality slapped Narant hard. This time, before the smoke cleared, the three-headed dog of **** rushed out of the smoke and rushed towards the castle. One side banged towards the city wall.