Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 541

Chapter 541


However, what disappointed Narant was that this crossbow arrow flew in front of the three-headed dog of hell, and the three-headed dog of **** just grabbed it at will, and directly smashed the powerful crossbow arrow into pieces.

Obviously, Narant's trick to provoke the Three-Headed Hounds didn't work at all.

"Fuck!" Narant was in a hurry and broke out the foul language again. In just a few minutes, his national scolding was worth the amount of the first half of the year.

"My lord, I can't believe it!"

If one move doesn't work, then change another move. Narant is not a master who admits defeat.

I saw that he took out a cylindrical iron pipe directly from the space ring

This is a specially-made firework flare. Originally, Narant was thinking of using it as an emergency in the future, but now it just happened to be used.

Narant tied the cylindrical firework directly in front of the crossbow bolt, and then lit it with the torch on the side.

"Shoot me!"

"Yes, my lord!"


The next moment, the ballista started again, and the bolts tied with grenades shot out.

Seeing this, the three-headed dog of **** still raised its front paws and waved it at will to resist.


However, just when the crossbow arrow was about to be photographed by it, the lead wire of the fireworks above just finished burning.

With a loud bang, the fireworks exploded suddenly.

The three-headed dog of **** obviously did not realize that the crossbow arrow would explode, and his huge body trembled with fright.

Moreover, the huge colorful fireworks scattered all over it even more.

hoo hoo hoo!

Although it didn't suffer substantial damage, it might have frightened this majestic mid-level dark creature, and it was completely annoyed.

When the three-headed dog roared before, only the head in the middle was howling.

But now, all three heads roared in unison, looking at Narant with those six scarlet eyes.

"Stupid dog, come here if you have the ability, what is the ability to hide behind and be a tortoise!"

The moment they were stared at by the three-headed dog, the guards all trembled and almost fell to the ground.

On the other hand, Narant was not afraid at all. Seeing that his second move was effective, he chased after the victory and increased his firepower.

Regardless of whether the three-headed hellhound could understand his words or not, he directly sneered at him with a grudge, and at the same time used the international provocative gestures of his previous life.

hoo hoo hoo!

This time, the three-headed hellhound really couldn't help it, mainly because Narant's provocation was too obvious.

Immediately, the **** mouths of the three heads split open at the same time, revealing sharp fangs, and the lips kept shaking.

Just thought that the vicious dog in the previous life, who was stunned by the excitement, was about to attack.

"Come on, stupid dog! I'm waiting for you here, sir, if I frown, I'll lose!"


Finally, the three-headed dog couldn't bear it any longer, and began to walk forward.

"It's finally here!" Narant was not surprised but quickly returned to his original position, then picked up the torch on the side and pointed it directly towards a hollow sword tree on the ground.

This hollow sword tree is five or six centimeters thick, and in the middle is a bundle of thick and long leads that are entwined together, which is the fuse that detonated the six 'Rage of Glory'.

The reason why the lead is placed in this sword tree is to worry that the lead will get wet or something will happen if the lead is buried.

The next moment, the lead was ignited directly by the torch, and it began to burn quickly. This was the fast lead of a large string of firecrackers in the previous life. Valley

Although some fifty or sixty meters in length, I am afraid it will only take more than ten seconds to burn.

"All the guards obey the order, wait a few seconds for me to lie down, and everyone will immediately climb down!" Narant once again used his vindictive energy and roared at the guards who were fighting around him.

"Yes, my lord!" Several captains responded one after another. Narant had already said this order in advance a few days ago, so they all understood what to do later.

dong dong dong!

And just when Narant finished calling, thinking of the countdown in his heart, the three-headed dog of **** had already rushed to the end of the dark creature.

This guy is also brutal. Although there are many skeletons in front of him blocking the way, he acted as if he didn't see it, and went on a rampage, stepping on dozens of skeletons to death.


Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to Narant, the three-headed dog of **** roared again, excited that he was about to kill this little reptile that provoked him.

"It's now!" When Narant saw this, he felt that his whole body was boiling with blood. The timing of the arrival of the three-headed hellhound was just right, and it just entered the explosion range of the six Glory Fury.

"Everyone, get down immediately!" In the next moment, Narant roared directly.

"Get down!"

"Get down!"

Immediately, a captain of the guards delivered the order.

Hearing this order, all the guards did not hesitate and climbed down one after another.

Even some of the guards who were facing each other with skeletons immediately rolled in place and fell to the ground.



And at the moment when the guards lay down, a shocking roar suddenly came from the ground.

As the rage of glory exploded, the entire ground began to tremble, and the surrounding earth and stones were instantly thrown into the sky.

Groups of dark creatures in the explosion range were shattered by the shock wave in an instant, and they flew around like a rain of bones in the sky.

And the terrifying and abominable three-headed dog of **** was also at the center of the explosion. With the sound of the explosion, its huge body was also drowned by earth and rocks.


After the six explosions, except for the night wind, there was no other sound on the battlefield where the screams of killing were so loud~www.mtlnovel.com~ The original sound of kaka bone friction was also at this moment. Disappear.

All the guards looked forward in amazement, only to see that the front was still shrouded in smoke.

"This...is this the Wrath of Glory?" Although these captured new guards had also heard the serf's narration, they were deeply shocked by experiencing it for themselves.

They also finally knew why the serfs had fear in their eyes when they were telling the story, because their lords didn't lie, I am afraid that only real gods could use such terrifying power.

"Everyone, stand up and be alert!" After a brief silence, Narant's voice finally resounded through the audience again.

After the order was given, Narant stood on the spot, staring at the battlefield in front of him that was gradually being blown away by the night wind.

"Have you solved it?" Narant was a little confused at the moment.

At the beginning, he also used this anger pit of glory to kill a silver high-ranking knight in the northern principality, that is, the deputy commander of the Lisen Marquis family, Bink.

However, Nabink is only a silver high-level, which is much weaker than the silver peak knight.

Therefore, although Narant used six Glory Fury together this time, the result is really unpredictable.

And just when Narant had a lot of speculation in his heart, the smoke and dust in front of him finally faded away, and the scene in it slowly emerged.

Narant took a closer look, and the densely packed dark creatures were no longer there, and the ground was full of white broken bones.

However, just when Narant locked his gaze on the position where the three-headed dog of **** was located, he suddenly saw two red gleams.

These two red lights are like the red lights of the previous life, which are particularly conspicuous in the hazy darkness.