Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 496

Chapter 496

"This bracelet was specially given to you by your mother, saying that it can protect you. Although my father doesn't know if it is true or not, you should wear it. My father hopes that my tulip flower will be safe and sound for the rest of my life!"

"Yes, father!" Stella's eyes were slightly red.

Although she has never met her mother, it does not mean that she does not miss her mother.

Immediately, Stella carefully picked up the bracelet in the iron box and put it on her wrist.

And just when she put the bracelet on her wrist, an unexpected scene appeared.

I saw that at the moment of finishing wearing, Stella's neck and wrist immediately flashed a hazy white light.

"What's going on?" The three of them were stunned.

It was Stella's bracelet and the necklace that Narant had given her that glowed.

"Is it a match?" Seeing this, Narant made a guess for no reason.

Although he knew very little about the inscription equipment in this world, wasn't that the case in previous games?

And although this light is only fleeting, but the items that can emit light must be treasure-level even if they are placed in the game.

"Stella, are you alright!" After a while, the two pieces of inscription equipment lost their radiance and returned to their original state, and Narant and Bernard responded and immediately asked.

"Father, Narant, am I okay?" Stella shook her head when she heard the words, but her brows were slightly wrinkled.

"Stella, don't hide it from your father. If you have something to tell your father directly, how can your father feel at ease." Bernard would not believe it when he saw it.

"Father, I'm really fine, but... After wearing this bracelet, I seem to sense a hint of crisis!"


"Yes, I have a vague feeling that in the next few months, there seems to be a very difficult enemy to deal with!"

"It's very difficult to deal with the enemy?" Bernard and Narant frowned at the same time. This seems to be a bit mysterious. The tulip collar is in the hinterland of the Onyx Principality, where will the enemy invade.

and many more!

Suddenly, Narant was stunned. It seemed that there were really enemies who would invade. Isn't it a dark creature?

Moreover, at that time, it will not only be the tulip collar, but the entire principality...

Narant looked at Stella strangely for a moment, "Stella, can you tell me specifically what crisis you sensed, or what kind of enemy it is?"

"I can't be sure what the crisis is, but I can feel that the enemy's breath is a little cold and dark... and the crisis will happen within three months, and then the appearance of the enemy may not only be our tulip collar, but other There are also places, and the number of enemies is very large!"

"I'm afraid this is really a dark creature!"

"But why can Stella also predict the invasion of dark creatures?" After hearing such an answer, Narant was immediately stunned.

Dark creatures are transformed from the corpses of dead creatures, so they are full of death.

Narant has faced dark creatures at close range several times, so he knows the dark and gloomy aura they exude best.

If nothing else, he can now basically conclude that the crisis predicted by Stella is probably the wave of dark creatures in his nightmare prediction, and the scope is so coincident that it is also related to the entire principality.

After thinking for a moment, Narant asked Stella to speak: "Stella, can you lend me the necklace and bracelet? Let's see if I can get the feeling!"

Stella naturally wouldn't object to this, even Bernard's expression changed, agreeing with Narant's idea.

So, Stella carefully took off the necklace and bracelet and handed them to Narant.

Unfortunately, when Narant put on the bracelet and necklace, nothing happened.

There was no flash of white light, and no predicted danger as Stella had said.

"Narant, give me a try!" Bernard didn't give up when he saw this, and was ready to give it a try.

Of course, the result after his attempt was the same as that of Narant.

Could it have something to do with Stella herself?

Or is the induction only once?

Both Narant and Bernard could not help but wonder.

However, such questions were quickly answered.

I saw that when Stella took over the necklace and bracelet and put it on again, the white light appeared again.

This proves that this bracelet may only be effective if Stella wears it.

"How could this be!" Bernard couldn't help looking at his daughter with a worried look. This was beyond his understanding. He was very worried that it would affect his daughter's safety.

"Father, you don't have to worry about me. This bracelet was left to me by my mother, so it's definitely not dangerous, and I'm not saying that maybe it can protect my safety." Stella saw Bernard's worried face and immediately comforted him. He said, "So father, what we should be more worried about now is the unknown danger!"

Hearing the words, Bernard's look of worry really diminished.

As Stella said, his own wife would definitely not harm her daughter.

And now the focus should really be on the danger of Stella's induction.

"But Stella, your perception is too vague, father doesn't know how to start!" Bernard frowned, thinking about countermeasures.

At this moment, Narant basically concluded that the possible danger was the invasion of dark creatures, although he did not know why Stella had such an ability.

But in order to avoid the two of them worrying, and at the same time take this opportunity to save more innocent lives and reduce the loss of Tulip Collar, he said, "Stella, Lord Count, maybe I know where this unknown danger comes from!"

"You know?" Bernard and Stella looked at Narant in confusion.

"Stella, Lord Count, in fact, during this period of time, I had two consecutive nightmares about the revelation of the God of Glory..." Next, Narant began to tell.

And what he tells now is the same as what he told the little nobles before, all using the revelation of the God of Glory as an excuse.

"...So, I think Stella's induction is about this matter, maybe my nightmare is true, and the revelation is also true. After all, the breath of dark creatures is the darkness and coldness that permeates death!"

"Invasion of the dark creatures?" Bernard changed color instantly~www.mtlnovel.com~ If Narant told his nightmare revelation before that, Bernard might only believe four points, after all, this is a hundred years Never encountered a situation.

But now with the sudden prediction of his daughter, Bernard has already believed it 80%.

"Father, is it really a dark creature?" Stella listened to Narant's words and felt that it made sense, and instantly showed a worried look.

"If it's really according to what you and Narant said, it's really possible." Bernard nodded.

"Father, what should we do now!"

"Dark creatures are very strong, and they are not afraid of death. If they really appear in large numbers, it will definitely cause very large casualties!"

"However, fortunately, after the dark creatures landed, as long as they waited for a few days, as the scorching sun burned, the dead aura on their bodies would gradually dissipate, and then they would die automatically!"

"And now that we predict that dark creatures will appear, we can let a group of vassals make arrangements in advance. Even if they cannot be completely wiped out, they can still defend themselves until they are burned by the scorching sun and disappear automatically." Bernard said.