Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 497

Chapter 497

"By the way, Narant, in the revelation of the God of Glory, are those dark creatures only the tulip collar or the entire principality!"

"Lord Count, I don't dare to be very sure, but in the revelation, I really want to see the appearance of the capital, and the capital is also invaded by dark creatures."

Anyway, Stella said earlier that the entire principality was full of enemies.

"Then this must be summoned to His Majesty the King!" Bernard frowned.

"Father, do you think the king and the other counts will believe it?"

"Whether they believe it or not, I know them all!"

"In addition, Stella, Narant, don't reveal what happened tonight. Later, I will say in my own name that I have received the revelation from the God of Glory, and pass this news to the king and the counts!"

"Yes, Father (Lord Count)!" Narant and Stella looked at each other, knowing that Bernard was thinking of their safety.

It is too bizarre to foresee such a thing as a dark creature, so Bernard, the golden knight, can bear the burden, so as to avoid conspiracy against the two.

And with Bernard's strength, there are really few people on this continent who can deal with him.

Next, the matter about the dark creatures will be temporarily stopped, and all will be left to Bernard to deal with.

He will inform the duchy, and at the same time, he will once again issue an order to be alert to his vassals.

As for how to prevent it, it depends on the meaning of a large or small vassal.

After all, this is an order issued by Bernard, and all the vassals who want to come have to treat it with caution no matter what.

And after such an accident, Narant and Stella naturally had no chance to 'enhance their relationship'.

The two were both handed over to the banquet by Bernard, and then they kept the banquet over.

After the banquet, Stella went to her back garden manor, while Narant went to the reception area. ,

On the way, he was praised by a group of small nobles, and his attitude was much more respectful than before.

After all, he could become the count's husband in the future.

Time turned to the next day, and today was the day when Narant was about to leave for the territory.

"Sir!" Early in the morning, Narant's door was knocked.

"What's wrong Lilia!" Narant had just woken up, and he knew that there must be something to report.

"My lord, Captain Quick reported that the Storm Knight you left in Fire Dragon Castle to exchange prisoners has returned and is now outside the welcome area!"

"Oh? You're back?" Narant was instantly delighted.

He has been waiting for news these days, but he did not expect to return today, and the men who exchanged prisoners also returned just in time.

"Lilia, come in and serve me and get up!"

Narant got up from the bed immediately, and immediately dressed under the service of Lilia's little maid.

When he came downstairs, he sent another person to summon Quick and the Storm Knight.

"My subordinates have seen adults!"

Quick immediately rushed to the small building with two storm knights.

"Well, get up! What's the result of the exchange?"

"My lord, the process of exchanging prisoners went very smoothly. The subordinates stated the exchange requirements according to your instructions. The nobles of the Northern Principality all exchanged green elves for their children."

"This time, except that you told the four noble descendants not to collect ransom, the rest of the nine people paid the ransom according to three elves over eight years old!"

Immediately, the two storm knights handed the wooden boxes in their hands to him.

Narant opened the box and saw that there were green sprites inside.

"Hey, why are there more than thirty elves here? Isn't there three per person?" Narant did a rough count, but found that the number was wrong.

"My lord, this subordinate wants to report to you that some nobles used two green elves of four years to replace them because they could not get three elves of eight years, so the number of elves is exactly thirty. . . "

"Very good! No problem!" After learning about the situation, Narant nodded with satisfaction, "You should continue to keep these elves first, and I'm looking for you to re-sign the master recognition contract when you return to the territory."

"When the elf appears in this world, it must be bound by a contract, otherwise it will disappear immediately after waking up.

Therefore, when the prisoners were exchanged, the identification contract of these elves was temporarily maintained on the two Storm Knights.

As for this, when he completes the contract of acknowledging the master, the transfer opportunities of the elves are not used up. Narant doesn't care at all, because he never planned to sell these elves.

In this way, after dismissing Quick and others, Narant went to the main fort restaurant to have a breakfast, and then went to Bernard and Stella to say goodbye.

Since we are going to return, it is naturally better to leave in the morning.

Bernard didn't have any reaction to his return trip. He just told him to develop his territory and cultivate well. As for the call-up order, he must not be impatient, and he must fight steadily.

Narant should be one by one.

After coming out of Bernard's study, he went to the back garden of Tulip Castle.

Stella could obviously see a little reluctance to leave him, but she didn't say anything to hold back, after all, she wasn't that kind of little woman.

He knew that Narant had business affairs, so he understood him very well to call him back to the territory.

In the end, Stella reluctantly sent Narant to the foot of the Tulip Castle.

At this time, there are already several teams waiting here, including his father Andrew, Boris and several other nobles who stopped by.

They also chose to return today, and after leaving the nest for two months, everyone felt like an arrow.

"Stella, then I'm leaving! Go back!"

Narant saw Boris and others greeting him, so he stopped to say goodbye to Stella.

"Well, then be careful on the road!" Stella nodded silently, with obvious reluctance in her eyes.

"Don't worry!" Narant smiled slightly. "Also, when I return to the territory, I will let Xiao Huihui deliver the letter, so if you have anything to say to me, you can also let it pass back!"

"Yeah!" Stella nodded.

"Since that's the case, Stella, let's increase our relationship for the last time at this time of parting, just like at the Stone Bridge!" Narant finally revealed the final purpose of parting.

Stella, who heard the words, naturally frowned. After all, there are a lot of small nobles watching not far away~www.mtlnovel.com~ Stella, it may take several months to meet after this separation! Seeing this, Narant increased his firepower.

Seeing his poor appearance, Stella had no choice but to grit her teeth, after all, she pecked his face like a dragonfly!


And the surrounding small nobles immediately cheered and cheered, especially the guy Boris wow.

"Haha! Then I'm leaving, Stella, I'll miss you!" Narant's vanity was extremely satisfied, and she turned around in Stella's embarrassed appearance.

Then he pulled the reins and let the white dragon turn around in the same place, and then walked towards Boris and others.

"Set off!"

"Set off!"

As Narant arrived, Boris and others immediately shouted, and the team of hundreds of people headed south in vain.

After Narant left, Stella's original sense of embarrassment disappeared immediately, replaced by deep love and reluctance.