Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 495

Chapter 495

The kiss lasted for more than a minute.

Of course, this was only if Stella took the initiative to push Narant away, otherwise she would have to break a world record.

As for the reason why Stella pushed Narant away, it was because Narant, an old woman, made too many subconscious movements.

Kissing and kissing, he moved the salty pig's hand slowly towards her bulging part, trying to find out the true quality and size of the airbag.

No matter where Stella is willing to submit, she can hold a small hand and kiss her for the first time in 20 years, so she felt that the first time after the attack, she immediately woke up from her emotional confusion, and then Pushing Narant away, he looked at Narant with embarrassment.

On the other hand, Narant looked innocent.

"You pervert!" Stella gritted her teeth.

"Uh, Stella, this is a subconscious action, and I didn't mean it!" Narant pretended to be innocent again.

"Haha!" Stella sneered with frost on her face.

have to!

This chick looks really angry!

Seeing this expression, Narant knew that the situation was a little serious.

Of course, this also blamed him for being too impulsive.

Stella and Natasha have different personalities. In the past, ordinary contact with men was avoided or avoided, so if you want to hit the bases, you must be well prepared.

Now a surprise attack, it is not surprising that she has such a reaction.

Fortunately, as a transmigrator, Narant still managed to coax girls.

The next moment, Narant pretended to take it in his arms, and then a bead appeared in his palm, which was a water spray.

"Stella, this is for you!" Narant handed the bead over with a smile.

Stella's face was still frosty, but her eyes fell.

"Stella, do you remember the fountain statue in my town when I was in Stormland last time?"

"Well, is this a spray of water?" Stella naturally remembered it!

"That's right, it's just a water spray. This one is for you. I think the manor building in your back garden is very delicate and beautiful. If you can add this bead, it will definitely be more perfect!"

"Now that you are my fiancee, I have to tell you a little secret. The biggest effect of this water spray is actually not for watching!"

"Because, as long as he is kept in the container, it can produce clean water out of thin air."

Hearing the three-character name of her fiance, Stella's complexion became clear to the naked eye. She pursed her lips and said, "Can it produce clear water, which is safe to drink?"

"That's right! The water produced by such a spray of water is enough to ensure that three or four people can drink it within a day!" Seeing Stella's expression, Narant knew that it was done.

"Stella, think about it, if you go to the deserts or grasslands in the northwest with water droplets, will you no longer have to worry about drinking water?"

"Yes!" Stella immediately understood the significance of the water spray.

The reason why the two major duchies would allow so many small duchies in the desert is not because of good-heartedness, but because there is a lack of water in the desert, and the army cannot go too deep.

If there were such water droplets, those small principalities would have been cleaned up long ago.

At the same time, she was also delighted that Narant shared this news with herself. After all, if this water spray was used in a special war, it would not be an exaggeration to call it a secret weapon.

Plus, she now finally knows how Narant traverses the desert safely.

Stella looked at the beads, then looked at Narant, the frost finally faded: "Narant, I have accepted your gift, but you are not allowed to treat me like a pervert in the future! Anyway, after two years, we will You will get married, so don't worry!" Stella solemnly explained.

"Okay, I promise to be honest in the future!" Narant agreed with all his mouth, and when Stella put away the water droplets, he muttered in his heart, it's weird to be honest!

In the past life, I believe that as long as it is a young couple, the boys must have used it. Now I agree with it, just to act better in the future.

"Stella, let's continue to increase some feelings, shall we?"

Seeing that Stella's anger was gone, Narant began to slap his mouth again.

It was only a minute before the kiss, and Narant was naturally dissatisfied.

Stella heard the words and gave him a blank look, but she did not object.

Seeing this, Narant smiled and was about to reach out and grab the cabbage.

"Cough cough!" However, at this moment, there was a coughing sound from the passage not far from the stone bridge.

Stella was startled when she heard the words, and immediately moved her body away from Narant.

On the other hand, Narant had a helpless expression on his face. He knew it was Bernard as soon as he heard the cough.

This old father-in-law is too unkind, and young people always want to interrupt a relationship.

However, Narant only dared to slander him in his heart, otherwise, with the strength of Bernard's Golden Knight, it is estimated that he could be subdued in three or two times.

"Lord Count!" Narant respectfully greeted Bernard, who was walking slowly.


"Well! Why are you two not attending the banquet in the hall, what are you doing here in the back garden!" Bernard asked knowingly.

"Lord Count, it's a little stuffy in the hall, so let's go out for a walk!" Narant replied without blushing or beating.

"Hmm!" Bernard glanced, but didn't break it.

"Father, what's the matter with you coming to us?"

"It's nothing, that is, you have already made a marriage contract with Nalande. According to your mother's last words, my father will give you one of her things!"

"Mother's stuff?"

Stella's mother, Bernard's wife, died after giving birth to Stella, so Stella doesn't know much about her mother~www.mtlnovel.com~ even don't know why , not even her portrait was left in the castle.

You must know that what the nobles like most is to find a painter with superb painting skills to paint their appearance when they were young, so that they can be seen by themselves or their descendants as they grow older.

Stella had asked her father why she didn't have a portrait of her mother before, but Bernard said it was her mother's own request and had never painted a portrait.

At this time, Bernard had come to the two of them, and then slowly raised his hand. Only then did Narant and Stella realize that Bernard was holding an exquisite small iron box.

Immediately, Bernard opened the iron box slowly, and a beautiful and gorgeous bracelet appeared in front of the two of them.

Although the silver-white bracelet has been stored for more than 20 years, it is not dark at all.

Under the embellishment of unknown gems of sapphire blue, it can be seen that this is definitely a boutique.

And with careful observation, you can discover even more incredible things.

This bracelet is actually an inscription equipment, and there are extremely small and complicated inscriptions on the surface.