Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 389

Chapter 389

Narant is not being truthful about this.

How difficult it is to reward territory.

Unless this year's autumn expedition really wins and the two new counties of the autumn expedition plan are reached, then the king may take out his own territory for rewarding.

After all, if you don't open up new territories, the more you will reward, the less the king will be willing to.

Especially since Narant is still a vassal of Bernard, this territory must be of a permanent nature as a reward.

Therefore, to be able to get the reward that the loot belongs to him at present is really a precedent, and it can be regarded as worthy of his credit.

You must know that the two months of the autumn expedition are actually the obligations of the minor nobles to seal their own monarchs for free.

Just like the corve in the previous life, you have to do it if you don't want to, just say that the minor nobles are also nobles after all, and the emperor also needs to consider the feelings of his subordinates, so he will give appropriate benefits.

After hearing about the reward, Narant remembered the thousands of captured serfs that Bernard had mentioned earlier.

"Lord Count, what will happen to the thousands of prisoners next?"

"Huh?" Bernard was stunned for a moment, and then he said to Nalande suspiciously: "Nalande, those are all relatives of the Daughter of Doom, although your territory also has them, but you should try to accept as little as possible. serfs."

"If you really want to expand the population, you can wait until the end of the autumn campaign. Our counts and kings have speculated that most of the population of the Earl of Brock will gather in the big city of Earl of Barnby. Break through, and there will be hundreds of thousands of people immediately!"

"You have been rewarded with three hundred gold coins, and you can choose some of the best serfs at that time!"

"Lord Count, I understand this. I'm just curious. Since none of the relatives of the Daughter of Doom are needed, what will happen to them." Narant did not dare to directly say that the relatives of the Daughter of Doom compared the meaning. Ordinary serfs are also important.

At the moment, I just made up an excuse to deal with it.

"Those serfs, according to the practice of previous years, will basically be sold to the caravans of the small principalities behind at a very low price!"

"Those small principalities are located in remote areas with harsh environments, but the land area is very large, such as the desert next to the beach and so on."

"After they take away the relatives of these doomed daughters, they will put them in areas far away from cities or civilians, and specialize in the hardest and most tiring jobs, that is, as consumables."

"Even if there is an invasion of dark creatures in the middle of this, it will not cause too much loss!" Bernard said, but gave Narant the answer.

"Lord Count, do you know where the relatives of these doomed daughters are being detained now?" Narant nodded silently and continued to ask.

Bernard then glanced at Narant speechlessly, then shook his head helplessly: "They are now locked outside the city, under the care of the king's guards, it is estimated that they will be sold to the caravans of those small principalities before the army leaves!"

"Narant, I know you are bold, but you must also remember that you are a noble, and nobles should always keep in mind their identity and should not put themselves in danger!"

"Yes, Lord Count, I understand!"

"Well, then I'll go back and have a good rest today. There is no fierce battle in Maple Leaf City this time, and the army will continue to set off after resting for a day at most!"

Bernard ignored Narant and left Narant's camp directly.

"Narant, you've made a fortune this time!" After the earl left, Boris and Rael had forgotten the words about rewarding the territory earlier, and immediately surrounded by lemons.

"Okay, stop talking, each person is half a catty of Warcraft barbecue!" Narant immediately stopped the two guys from kneeling and licking.