Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 390

Chapter 390

"Sir Narrant, please wait a moment, I'll let you know."

After finishing speaking, the captain of the guard said a few words to the guards guarding outside the tent, and then the guards entered the tent to report.

"Sir Narant?" Not long after, a slightly bloated middle-aged man in a silk dress walked out.

"Yes, Lord Dane, I am Narant!" The steward was also a nobleman and an honorary knight.

"It's an honor, Your Excellency Narant, you have done a great job today, please enter the tent and take a seat!" Steward Dane immediately became enthusiastic.

No way, Narant's great deeds are second, but the banner of the Storm Leader was deliberately arranged by the king on the side of the banners of several counts.

Who can have such a privilege.

So now no one dares to look down on this little knight, especially the little nobles and guards under the king.

"Your Excellency Dane is very polite, you don't need to sit down. It will be dark in a while, and I have to return to Maple Leaf City before dark!" Speaking of business: "Lord Dane, I heard that these serfs are going to be sold?"

"Yes, Your Excellency Narant, these dooms... uh, even if these unfortunate people are brought back to the duchy, no nobles are willing to buy them, only those small duchy caravans are willing to accept them, so now is the best time to sell them. ."

"Let them stay for a few more days, and the army has to feed them, which is not cost-effective!"

This Dane manager originally wanted to talk about the unlucky ghost in the land of doom, but he suddenly remembered the source of Narant in the middle of the sentence, and immediately changed his statement.

Of course, the disgust for the family members of these doomed women was not concealed in those words.

Shirley and Vivian, who were following Narant's side, were slightly angry.

However, they are also sensible, and they kept silent and did not speak. Instead, they silently felt more grateful to their adults in their hearts.

Secret thought: Sure enough, in this world, only the adults in this world do not despise them, these daughters of doom.

"Steward Dane, at what price are you going to sell these serfs?" Narant frowned indistinctly, but he didn't care about Steward Dane's attitude towards the Daughter of Doom, because this is the normal nobleman their general opinion.

"Sir Narant, this year's sale price has to be negotiated with those caravans. After all, such a large number of relatives of the Daughter of Doom are rare in previous years, and I don't know if they can buy them all at once."

"However, in previous years, it was basically sold for three silver coins per population! If there are artisans among them, the price will be slightly higher."

Dane looked at Narant with some curiosity. The captain didn't tell them that Narant wanted to buy serfs, but just said that Sir Narant was visiting.

"Three silver coins? So low?"

In Narant's impression, the price of an ordinary serf is about 20 to 50 silver coins, and the fluctuation is affected by the time and place and the quality of the serf itself.

But no matter how big the fluctuation is, the price of the relatives of the daughter of doom is ridiculously low in comparison. Even if they are sold by jins, the sea fish can be worth more than these serfs.

"That's right, Sir Narant. In the past years, we have also sold dozens of relatives of the Daughter of Doom, that is, three silver coins, plus two more for craftsmanship. I don't know if Sir Narant asked the price to prepare..."

"I'm going to buy these prisoners." After knowing the price, Narant did not hesitate.

"This...Ser Narrant, they are relatives of the Daughter of Doom...Are you sure?" Steward Dayne reminded again.

"Dain is in charge, I know their identities!"

"However, the population of my territory is too scarce, and it is connected to the blazing grassland. I am going to arrange them to work on the blazing grassland!"

"So that's the case, then I understand!" When he heard that he went to work in the raging fire grassland, butler Dane, who was still puzzled, immediately showed a clear expression.

you understand?

What kind of hammer do you know?

Narant was stunned, he made up an excuse and said that he understood.

How did Narant know that Dane thought that he, like the slave owners of those small principalities, arranged these serfs to work as livestock in remote and harsh places, so he was not worried about the possibility of dark creatures.

Dane didn't know Narant's complaints, so he looked at Narant expectantly, "I don't know how many people Sir Narant needs, as long as the number of people Narant needs exceeds 100, I can give them the best price. Sir Narrant."

"I'm ready to have it all!"

"What? All of it?" Dane was stunned.

"That's right, Lord Dane, can you?"

"Of course, of course!" Dane, who reflected, immediately showed an excited smile.

Originally so many relatives of the Daughter of Doom, whether those caravans could eat them all, he had no idea, and he was a little worried.

Unexpectedly, Narant is preparing to acquire all of them here.

"Sir Narant, if you really need all of them, then I can call the shots. The craftsmen among these serfs are sold to you at the original price! Among the serf captives, there are more than fifty craftsmen in total!"

"Well, are there so many people?" Narant was surprised. The preferential silver coins were second, mainly because the proportion of craftsmen was a bit high.

"Yes, Sir Narant, I asked them when I registered earlier, and more than thirty of them are grooms, and they are also experienced grooms."

"This northern principality is different from our agate principality. Most of their daughters of doom relatives will be exiled to the grassland, because the grassland is vast and sparsely populated, and they can be allowed to help herd for free, so they have a lot of experience. Rich groom."

"That's it! That's right, Dane in charge, I want all these serfs, you can see how much money you need!" Hearing that there were so many grooms, Narant was not disappointed, but felt that he had found a treasure.

He had captured so many war horses a few days ago, and he was worried that there were not enough grooms to feed the war horses.

This is a sleepy person who brought a pillow.

"Sir Narrant, this group of captive serfs has a total of 1,107 people!"

"However, since Sir Narant wants to buy it all at once, it's not a fraction, so it's calculated with 1,110 people!"

"In addition, the prices of all of them are also based on three silver coins per person, that is, three thousand three hundred silver coins!"

This Dane is worthy of being in charge. In this world where 99% of the illiterates are illiterate, the calculations are still fast.

"I don't know, Lord Narant, what do you think?"

"Well, yes!" Nalandi nodded, "It's 33 gold coins, right?"

"Yes, Sir Narrant!"

"Steward Dane, here are thirty-six gold coins, of which thirty-three are for the cost of buying them. As for the other three, you can't help find some worn linen gowns for them to put on!"

"This... Haha, thank you Sir Narant for your generosity!" When he heard that there were three extra gold coins, Steward Dane's eyes flashed.

"Sir Narant, it just so happens that the tunics of the Northern Principality they took off haven't been burnt. Do you think it's okay to put them on again, as long as they don't put on the tunic, there will be no misunderstanding!"

"Yes!" Narant had no objection.

Although the long gown is the standard clothing of the guards of the Northern Principality.

However, only a few details are unified in the style, but other colors are no different from ordinary linen clothes.

So, as long as you don't put on the smock with the Northern Principality's logo outside, it won't cause misunderstandings in the camp.

The magic power of gold coins is huge, and soon the steward Dane returned all the robes that were taken away.

There are enough clothes for two carriages.

"Sir Narrant, do you want these gowns? If not, I'll let them take them now!" At this time, Dane pointed to a small part of the blue-bottomed gold border and the brown maple-leaf-patterned gown on the carriage and asked. .

"Keep it for me!" Narant said immediately.

The quality of these smocks is better than that of ordinary linen gowns. Since he sent them, he is welcome, and they can be used as cloth strips when they are taken back.

When the river was filled a few days ago, although the cloth strips used to bandage the wounded could be boiled and washed for many times, the consumption was quite large.

These gowns can be used as a supplement.

"Okay, Sir Narrant!"

Next, with the diligent help of the Dane steward, the clothes were redistributed.

After all the serfs were dressed, Narant directly tied the serfs into a long string, and then left the camp outside the city with the welcome of Dane and the captain of the guard.

When returning to the station in the city, Narant directly arranged a group of serf captives in the houses around him.

Today, there are only their 100,000 troops in Maple Leaf City, so the house is still very sufficient.

In order to ensure that the serfs did not escape, Narrant did not immediately untie the hemp ropes in their hands.

In this way, they tied the crowd and distributed brown bread to them, and then asked Vivian and the girls to communicate and comfort them.

If they were ordinary serfs, Narant would not be able to relax until the end of the war to prevent them from escaping.

But these are the relatives of the Daughter of Doom, and as long as they are not killed immediately or sent to do the dirty work that doesn't care about life or death, their experience cannot be worse.

So, just give them a little bit of hope and that should be fine.

And things turned out as Narant expected.

It's just that everyone was given a full meal, and Vivian, the lucky daughters, went to tell the beauty of Stormland, and promised to make a promise to eat a full meal.

After loosening the ropes of their hands and feet at night, no one escaped.

Of course, if someone really escaped, it would be a dead end, and Xiao Huihui and bees were placed around to monitor them.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it was the morning of the third day.

And today, after a day and a night of rest, the army of the Onyx Principality finally launched again.

The king only left an army of 2,000 people in Maple Leaf City, and he took the rest of the army to the Earl of Barnby.

On the way, the army became more vigilant, the number of rangers doubled than before, and the detection distance was also increased to a hundred miles.

However, the Northern Principality did not seem to dare to confront the army of the Onyx Principality in the field, so their progress was quite smooth.

Along the way, the army of the Onyx Duchy has nothing to do other than to collect the 'protection fee' from the small noble castles of the Earl of Barnby.

In this way, they traveled for five or six days, and they finally had less than two days left from the big city of the Earl of Barnby, that is, the city of Oak.

That evening, after the army had settled the camp, the king once again summoned several counts for a pre-war meeting.

The main content of this meeting is to assign a part of the staff to go to various passage levels in the Earl of Barnby to guard.

This Earl of Barnby is different from the previous Earl of Brock.

The Earl of Brock is surrounded by the sea to the east and mountains to the west, so there is only one direction to the north that is connected to the other territories of the Northern Duchy.

But the Earl of Barnby has already penetrated deep into the hinterland of the Marquis of Lissen, and the surrounding roads connecting with other northern principality territories can be said to extend in all directions.

Although the possibility of the Northern Principality sending a large army to make a surprise attack was very small, the king and several counts felt that it was very necessary to send people to guard these passages because of the previous experience.

More importantly, this time the king sent a few Ranger squads to sneak out of Oak City to investigate.

According to the careful observation of these rangers, it is absolutely certain that there are more than 100,000 population activities in Oak City.

This also means that Oak City will no longer have the same empty city as Maple Leaf City.

And the army of the Onyx Duchy is bound to conquer Oak City.

In order to prevent the stray fish that escaped from the city's escape when Oak City was broken, so, having each family stationed in these passages also has the meaning of besieging the stray fish.

At the meeting, the location of each family's horse stationed in the passage level became the focus of debate among several counts.

It's not that they don't want to send troops to guard and guard, but because there is a big difference between the locations where they are stationed, it is directly related to the interests of each family.

There are a total of seven road levels that need to be garrisoned this time, just enough for the king and the six earl families to be divided into one.

But each level is not the same distance from Oak City.

The nearest road, it only takes a day or so to reach Oak City.

As for the farthest passage, it took six or seven days to reach Oak City~www.mtlnovel.com~ The reason for the competition among the counts was the distance of this level.

Because in the autumn expedition, in addition to gold coins and food, the population is also the most important trophy.

And when the fish that slip through the net escape, they must feel that the closer the road is, the more hopeful they are.

In this way, the road that was only a day or two away was likely to become the preferred escape route for the fish that slipped through the net in the Northern Principality.

At that time, the garrisoned clan can wait for work and easily capture more people.

As for those who are far away, it takes six or seven days to escape, and people run there when they are crazy. Isn't that because they are not fast enough to die?

Therefore, except for the most recent road level, which was reserved for the king, the other next level levels naturally became Xiangwowo, and no family was willing to give up.

In the end, at the meeting, the counts were red-faced, and the king had no choice but to draw lots to decide the location of the garrison.

And this was purely a matter of luck, the earls really had nothing to say, and immediately began to draw lots.

In the end, the result of the lottery was that the Bateman family had the best luck, winning a checkpoint that was only about two days away from Oak City.

The Tulip Family is second, with a journey of about three days.

And that guy Lakoff was the most unlucky, he even picked the farthest place, six or seven days away from Oak City.

What's more terrible is that although the checkpoint in Lakoff is also a road, it can also lead to the hinterland of the Northern Principality.

But the problem is that beyond the level is a long desert and the next door, not to mention the slippery fish in Oak City.

I am afraid that if the Northern Principality really has military support, it is estimated that it will not pass from here.