Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 388

Chapter 388

The king looked at the counts, and the counts watched their hearts and minds, but did not speak.

This limelight has been taken out by the Tulip family, and they naturally won't fight for any benefit for Narant, just be a spectator.

As for Bernard, it is not easy for him to speak immediately at this moment. Obviously, he must first see what the king himself means, and then see if there is any possibility of helping Narant to win more.

"Since you don't talk about it, let me talk about it myself!" The king saw the situation of the crowd and understood what they were thinking, so he said it himself, "First of all, it is the reward of gold coins, since Narant's credit this time. Not small, according to the practice of previous years, the castle guardian gold coins collected in Barnby's territory will be rewarded with three hundred gold coins."

"So you have no opinion?"

"Your Majesty, no opinion!"

Several counts nodded, and the castle guard gold coins are 10% every year, that is, about 2,000 coins are used for rewards.

That can reward individuals, but also entire families.

It depends on whether there are any small nobles who have made outstanding contributions during the autumn expedition.

If not, then reward the families with the most credit, and the gold coins will be distributed by the earl to the vassals at that time.

So taking out three hundred gold coins to reward Narant is justifiable.

However, since the king took the initiative to mention the reward for Narant at this meeting, it is natural that there will not be only such a gold coin reward.

After a pause, the king continued: "In addition to the gold coin reward, I plan to reward Narant in the next autumn expedition, all his gains can be owned by himself, just like the situation with the Rangers a few days ago, what do you think? how!"

"Your Majesty, isn't this reward too big?" Compared to the first gold coin reward, this second reward is the highlight.

However, the voice of opposition naturally appeared immediately.

The objector was none other than Count Rakoff.

Although he expected Narant's little Sir, he would not be able to receive much if he died in the next battle.

But just in case!

If Bernard does one or two of these operations, such as strengthening him a little, the spoils will definitely be richer.

Or secretly classify some of the spoils of the Tulip family into Narant's name, then the benefits will also be very objective.

Especially like in the valley last time, the Tulip family picked up so many excellent war horses for nothing.

"Rakoff, then how do you think it would be better to reward Sir Narant?" Hearing the objection, the king was not in a hurry and asked Rakoff.

"Your Majesty, in fact, it stands to reason that the three hundred gold coins you gave to the little vassal are enough. In previous years, other meritorious little nobles were also rewarded in the same way!"

"However, since His Majesty is generous and intends to give him some more rewards, I think it's better to reward him with those prisoners on the city wall!" Lakoff did not hesitate, and directly expressed his opinion.

"Rackoff, what do you mean?" However, when Rackoff's voice fell, Bernard was furious.

"Bernard, I don't mean anything, I'm just making my suggestion. I do think the reward the king said is too big!"

"Hmph, don't think I don't know your dirty mind. Besides, Rakoff, do you think I don't know the origin of those 'captives' of the city walls?" Bernard immediately rebutted loudly.

There are thousands of serfs on the city walls who were used as guards by the Northern Principality.

Originally, this was indeed a good reward, even better than the loot that the king said summed up all of Rand's personal rewards.

But the problem is, the thousands of people are all relatives of the daughter of doom, and no one wants them even if they are given away for free.

In this way, this Lakoff proposal is completely sinister, and deliberately seeks trouble for Narant.

"Bernard, what tricks can I have? Isn't your little vassal's territory the land of doom? Isn't he living well now?"

"In addition, I also heard that his territory is sparsely populated. Isn't it appropriate to reward him with thousands of people?"

"Fuck your grandmother, Rakoff, if that's the case, then I'm willing to call the shots and give you this Narrant reward, as long as you promise to accept these thousands of people and keep them in your territory!" Bernard With a slap on the table, he pointed at Rakoff and cursed.

Speaking of which, Bernard's character is also hot. If it weren't for him being more wise, plus the fact that he has held great authority over the years and has precipitated his character, then he would have the same appearance as Andrew. The presence.

"Okay!" The king saw that the quarrel between the two began to escalate again, and finally he had no choice but to wave his hand to stop the two. "Rakoff, in fact, this reward is a plan I made after careful consideration!"

"After this battle in Maple Leaf City, I suddenly thought of one thing, although the fixed gold coin rewards or goods rewards in previous years can inspire a group of small nobles!"

"But when the real danger comes, it's likely to back down."

"Just like what happened today, I think it's probably not as bold as him if this matter were replaced by other minor nobles. After all, it's only a few hundred gold coins."

"And if Narant didn't exist today, we would have paid thousands of people's losses!"

"So, I think this reward to Bernard's little vassal is also what he deserves!"

"In addition, I plan to start this year and set up a reward like this every year. As long as the credit is outstanding enough~www.mtlnovel.com~ then this person's achievements in the autumn expedition will be owned by himself."

"In this way, I believe that the small nobles will deal with the Rangers as they did a few days ago, and everyone can burst out with incomparable enthusiasm."

"Moreover, this is a reward equal to harvest and danger. I believe that many nobles are willing to take risks when encountering such a thing today!"

"What do you think of my idea?"

The king directly explained the reason why he suddenly thought of rewarding Narant with this.

"Your Majesty, I have no opinion!"

"Your Majesty, I have no opinion!"

When the king's voice fell, Rakoff naturally couldn't speak again, it seemed that the king had made up his mind.

The other counts also began to express their views.

"Very good, then this matter is settled like this, Bernard, you will go back and inform your little vassal later!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Rewards When Bernard returned to Maple Leaf City, he immediately found Narant to inform him.

And Narant was naturally excited when he found out.

However, Boris and Rael, who happened to be eating and drinking in his camp at the moment, muttered a little dissatisfied.

According to the two of them, if this kind of credit was exchanged many years ago, it would actually be enough to exchange for the reward of a small piece of territory, even if it is half a baron.

Now that only three hundred gold coins and the spoils belong to him, he must still be at a loss.