Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 381

Chapter 381

"Yes, Your Highness!" Several iron guards quickly pursued towards Narant.

Originally, the eldest prince was going to let the messengers sound the horn to respond, so that today's siege battle can start.

But now seeing the appearance of those noble descendants, he could only grit his teeth and hold back the prepared response.

He hated Narant so much now that if it wasn't for this guy, his first command would have gone on perfectly.

Afterwards, with the stunned young vassals and the descendants of the nobles, Narant rode his horse and ran towards Maple Leaf City, while more than a dozen of the King's Iron Guard cavalry were desperately chasing him.

As time passed by, Narant got closer and closer to Maple Leaf City.

Two thousand meters, fifteen hundred meters...one thousand meters, five hundred meters...

"What... what does Sir Narrant want? Is he dying?"

"Wait, have you found it, Narant seems to have approached the city wall for more than 500 meters!"

"Yes, why didn't the soldiers of the Northern Principality on the city wall attack him? Even the Iron Guard cavalry seemed to have some scruples and dared not approach!"

"Is it because the number of people is too small, the Northern Principality is reluctant to waste the stone bullets of the trebuchet?"

"Probably not! Was what Ser Narrant just said true?"

When Narant approached the location more than 500 meters away from Maple Leaf City, the jaws of a group of small nobles and young heirs were about to fall.

A few days ago, the distance of five or six hundred meters was clearly the most feared position for everyone, because this was the range covered by the secret technique of the small trebuchet in the Northern Principality.

But the dense attack that he imagined did not appear, but Narant was still approaching like no one else, as if the outside of Maple Leaf City had become his back garden.

Compared with Narant, the chasing Iron Guard cavalry in the rear slowed down the speed of their pursuit a little hesitantly.

"Bastard!" The eldest prince gritted his teeth and cursed at this scene, his face uncertain.

At this moment, he also faintly felt that something was wrong, why did the defenders of Maple Leaf City allow Narant to approach the city wall without hindrance.

You must know that if you don't respond at this time, it will obviously boost the morale of the Onyx Principality.

If Earl Brock or the military leader in the city had any brains, he would definitely not allow such a thing to happen.

Even if the attack is ineffective, there must be a violent response.

"Is the city really empty?"

The eldest prince had a bad feeling in his heart.


At this moment, the horn sounded again in the ears of the eldest prince.

This is the question that the king has never received from him, and he sent it again.

Hearing this call, the eldest prince's expression became tangled. If he didn't get an inquiry this time, there would definitely be a messenger who would come to inquire about the situation later.

"Is there really no one in the city?"

As if to respond to the eldest prince, at this moment, Narant had already galloped to the moat of the city wall.

As long as you continue forward more than fifty meters, you can reach the foot of the city wall.

When the eldest prince saw this, his heart was half cold, and all the luck at this moment was gone.

But he had previously refuted Narant's proposal in front of everyone's eyes.

If this story spreads, he will probably become a joke in the future.

With his face ashen, the eldest prince couldn't help but turn his gaze to Tony to see what Tony's reaction was.

As a result, he glanced at the past and found that Tony was also gnashing his teeth, and his gaze was a little empty.

Of course Tony made a false statement. Now that what Narant said earlier was true, he and the eldest prince would be joked by other young people in the future. More importantly, this would probably greatly affect the eldest prince's future views of himself. .

"No! I absolutely can't let this happen!" Tony gritted his teeth, constantly thinking about countermeasures in his mind, he couldn't make the eldest prince think he was stupid too.

"That's right! Since the city is empty, then let His Highness be the first to climb the city wall, and then let him go to the front gate to erect the flag of the Agate Principality..." Suddenly, Tony flashed and thought of a wonderful countermeasure.