Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 380

Chapter 380

At the same time, fifty miles north of Maple Leaf City, a team of several thousand people is advancing.

Except for a small number of swordsmen and knights, most of the team were longbowmen.

At the rear of the team, there are carriages loaded with catapults.

"Father, did you really leave Maple Leaf City to the rebels of the Onyx Principality?" At the forefront of the team, the owner of Maple Leaf City, Brock, and his second son were riding on horses.

"Kerry, this is the order of the Marquis and His Majesty the King. We won't give up! Only if we give up Maple Leaf City, can the army of the Onyx Principality fall into the trap and become more radical because they don't know anything!"

Earl Brock turned his head and looked back, but unfortunately, his Maple Leaf City and castle could no longer be seen here at a distance of fifty miles.

After staring at nothing for a moment, Earl Brock retracted his gaze and continued: "However, giving up is only temporary. I believe we will be able to return to Maple Leaf City soon!"

"Father, after the rebels of the Onyx Principality entered the city and suffered heavy casualties due to the arrangement we left behind, will they become angry and destroy our Maple Leaf City?" The earl's second son, Carey, continued to ask.

Hearing the words, Earl Brock frowned, and glanced at the second son with dissatisfaction, before saying: "No, His Majesty the King and the Marquis have already made plans this year, the king of the Onyx Principality will definitely He will take the bait and want to occupy our earldom, so he will never damage Maple Leaf City and the castle!"

"As long as this mission is completed, the land from the Onyx Principality to our northern principality will belong to us. I believe it will not be long before we will become the third marquis family of the empire!"

After speaking, Earl Brock got tired of his chattering this time, and ordered: "Don't talk anymore, everyone speeds up!"

"What? Maple Leaf City is empty? Sir Narant, do you know the consequences of nonsense?" The eldest prince's face was ashen.

When the Iron Guard knight brought Narant in front of him and faced his own questioning, the little Sir actually uttered the nonsense that Maple Leaf City was already empty.

Byron felt that this little Sir must be crazy. What is the figure standing on the city wall?

"His Royal Highness, I am quite sure. I just found out that the trebuchets on the city wall may be fake, and the so-called northern principality guards on the city wall have no weapons in their hands!"

Although Narant didn't want to pay attention to the eldest prince, as a person on the big ship of the Onyx Principality, he still had to explain, because he felt that there must be a conspiracy.

"Pfft, Narant, if it's not that you're crazy, then we're crazy to hear such a ridiculous joke!" At this time, Tony, who had been following the eldest prince, also sneered.

At this moment, there are three sons of the earl in the field, and they and Narant are on the left side of the city wall.

As for Stella and several other earl descendants, they were assigned to the city wall on the right.

Coincidentally, the prince and Tony, the two noble descendants who didn't deal with Narant very much, were all here.

"Sir Narant, you know how many years our Onyx Principality has wanted to capture this Maple Leaf City, and it has never been possible!"

"Now you say that the Northern Principality has directly abandoned Maple Leaf City? Do you think we will believe it?" Before Tony's laughter fell, the eldest prince also stared at Narant and said, "Or, Narant, do you think they Are you going to give us Maple Leaf City?"

"I don't know about that." Narant wanted to ignore the attitude of the eldest prince and Tony.

But he had a bad feeling that if the enemy really gave up the city, there must be some conspiracy waiting for everyone.

For the sake of those innocent soldiers, Narant has patiently explained his nature until now.

In addition, if it wasn't for the siege today, he hadn't brought Xue Li with him, otherwise he could find out the situation as long as he sent Xiao Huihui to investigate.

As long as he is 100% sure about guessing, he would rather go directly to the king to report to the king, and he would not be here with the eldest prince who is short of ink.