Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 382

Chapter 382

"Ah! Lord, forgive me! Lord, forgive me!" When Narant's head popped out of the wall, several Maple Leaf City 'guards' standing nearby immediately turned pale with fright, and knelt on the ground and kept begging for mercy.

Seeing this, Narant finally relaxed his vigilance.

His guess was right, where are the guards, they are clearly just civilians or serfs wearing Maple Leaf City guards' smocks.

Even Narant saw two young girls among the seven or eight 'guards' around, but because they were wearing helmets, they could not be found in the distance.

After confirming the safety, Narant ignored them, and then took a vertical leap to board the wide aisle of the city wall.

After climbing the city wall, Narant pulled up the siege ladder again.


The long sword Hanmang flashed in Narant's hand, directly splitting the siege ladder, and then chopped it into a four-to-five-meter-long wooden pole.

After getting the wooden pole, Narant put his large banner of the storm collar on the wooden pole.

After finishing it, the next moment, the wooden pole will be inserted into the city wall, and the banner of the Storm Collar will flutter in the wind on the wall of Maple Leaf City.

"This...this...this is taken down? We occupied Maple Leaf City?"

With the completion of Narant's set of movements, the tens of thousands of troops outside the city were in an uproar, as if they were dreaming.

The king's hands trembled a little, and it seemed like a dream to see all this.

Once upon a time, he also wanted to capture this Maple Leaf City, but it has been decades since he inherited the throne, and this wish has never been fulfilled.

At this moment, it was a little jazz who completed his dream by riding alone.

Of course, excitement returns to excitement, and now everyone has unlimited questions in their minds.

Why was Narant allowed to climb the Maple Leaf City alone, but the guards were indifferent.

"Bernard, what are your thoughts now!" The king took a deep breath and asked Bernard.

"Your Majesty, why don't I go take a look now!" Bernard said directly.

"No, let's go together!" The king shook his head.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"The whole army waits in place, and no movement is allowed without my order!" The king immediately issued an order to wait in place.

"Let's go, let's go and see!" After that, the king rode his brown monster horse and headed towards Maple Leaf City.

Several counts followed and started to run wildly.

"Lord Count!"

"Your Majesty the King!"

After a while, the king and others came under the city wall, and Narant immediately greeted him when he saw it.

"Well, what's going on with Narant?" Bernard was the first to speak.

"Lord Earl, you also saw that this Maple Leaf City is empty!"

"Is the city really empty?" Although there was a vague guess, Bernard took a deep breath and suppressed the excitement in his heart.

"Yes, it's really empty!" Narant nodded again.

"Okay!" In the next moment, both the king and the earls were in a state of unspeakable excitement.

In any case, the Maple Leaf City, which had never been breached for decades, fell into their hands.

As for the intentions of the Northern Principality, it would not be too late to continue discussions later.

"However, Lord Earl, although this Maple Leaf City is empty, I think there may be a trap inside!"

"Well! Let's talk about this when we come up!" Bernard, the king and the others were not surprised, and nodded lightly.

Immediately, the king quickly commanded the two Iron Guard knights.