Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 1086

Chapter 1086

They now also know that if they want to capture the Withered Bones Fortress, they must first rescue their descendants.

"Lonzier, you'd better ensure the safety of our heirs!"

All the high priests of the kingdom of God gritted their teeth.

"Haha, everyone, this is for sure, I will definitely guarantee the safety of your heirs."

"Because your heirs are safe, so I, Longzier, will be safe!"

Ronzier haha bestseller out loud.


Immediately, the sound of horns came from outside the city wall.

And the guards of the Kingdom of God, who had already completely driven the orcs off the city wall, also began to retreat.

Of course, they didn't understand this very much. After all, seeing that the Dry Bones Fortress was about to be captured by them, they had to pay the sacrifices of so many companions.

But now they handed over the city wall that had been captured with great difficulty to the orcs.

However, even though they resisted, following the orders of their respective captains, the guards of the Kingdom of God were driven off the city wall.

After the guards of the Kingdom of God retreated, the orcs regained their hold on the city walls.

"My lord, what should we do now? If these human gods attack again, I'm afraid we will be even more unable to resist."

"Lord Beast God has descended once today, and it will take at least a week before he descends again!"

At this time, Longzier stood on the city wall and looked at the Divine Kingdom camp in the distance.

And the subordinates beside him couldn't help showing worried expressions.

"What else can I do, I can only delay the time as much as possible, and immediately send a messenger to inform His Majesty the King, so that the army can speed up."

"Other than that, I have taken good care of the heirs of the high priests of the Kingdom of God."

"The Kingdom of God cares about their heirs, so they will find a way to rescue their heirs before the next attack!"

Prince Longzier saw his subordinates showing worried expressions, but he was still calm and showed no signs of nervousness.

"Yes, my lord prince!"

"Well, one more thing to remember, this is the most important point, that is, if something happens to the hostages, even if they cannot be kept, they cannot be rescued by the Kingdom of God alive!"

"Because as long as no one leaves alive, then those dozens of youths from the Kingdom of God will never have 'accidents'!"

"Okay, my lord prince, this subordinate understands!"

The orc leader responded again.

He naturally understood what his prince meant, that is, the deaths of the other youths must not be known by the Kingdom of God.

This is not just to prevent the kingdom of the human race from going mad and attacking the Dry Bones Fortress desperately.

What's more important is that those youths who have died can become the safest 'hostages'.

Because these 'hostages' don't even have corpses.

Even if the Kingdom of God wanted to rescue him, he couldn't find anyone at all.

"By the way, Your Majesty Prince, your subordinates will seriously carry out what you have told us. Why don't you secretly evacuate the Fortress of Withered Bones and let your subordinates come to guard the fortress. After all, your safety is more important!"

"Don't mention this matter again. The Kingdom of God is not a fool. If I don't show up for a long time, they will definitely find out!" Prince Longzier shook his head and rejected the proposal.

While Longzier was about to use the hostages that no longer existed to delay time, the human camp was full of depression at the moment.

Not to mention that the morale of the guards of the Kingdom of God has plummeted after previous setbacks.

Even a group of priests from the kingdom of God felt extremely difficult because of the issue of their own children.

"Everyone, I actually have a speculation that I want to tell you!"

Upon seeing this, the high priest Dagmar spoke to everyone.

Originally, she was not prepared to be troublesome.

But the hesitation of the high priests of the Kingdom of God today made her feel that if she didn't try to persuade her, the coalition forces would be in real trouble next time.

"Have you ever thought that it is very unreasonable for the orcs to provoke a war between the two races for no reason?"

"High Priest Dagmar, what do you want to say?" A group of High Priests of the Kingdom of God looked at Dagmar, some of whom did not understand what he wanted to express.

"What I want to say is that there is only one possibility for the orcs to launch an endless war between the two clans without a reason."

"That's why this war is absolutely unavoidable, so they chose to attack us first!"

"And our two races didn't have any major conflicts in the past two years, so what can lead to endless wars that cannot be avoided?"

"Originally, even if your heirs were detained by the orcs, but you only need to release them to calm down."

"So, the only possibility for the Beast Race to make such a choice is that the Beast Race made such a choice only if your heirs are likely to have an accident!"

High Priest Dagmar stated the reason directly.

"High Priest Dagmar, what nonsense are you talking about, our heirs are still safe now, didn't you see them in the city just now?"

"That's right, High Priest Dagmar, you can say it so easily because you have no heirs!"

But as soon as Dagmar's words fell, he was immediately retorted by the high priests of the kingdom of God, and his tone was even more unfriendly.

This is why Dagmar High Priest asked Narante not to speak.

"Everyone, I only saw a total of six young heirs in the Dry Bones Fortress."

"As for the others, I have never seen them from beginning to end."

"In addition, don't you all find it strange that even though the orcs brought dozens of carriages when we met before?"

"But at the time of the final retreat, only a dozen or so carriages were taken away, and the rest of the carriages were all empty!"

"This also shows that the orcs must have some hidden purpose!"

Dagmar continued to speak out in the face of rebuttals.

In fact, these high priests of the Kingdom of God have long had such doubts and worries in their hearts.

It's just that they can't believe the facts at all, so they naturally want to firmly grasp the extremely small possibility in their hearts.

Sure enough, the High Priest immediately retorted: "High Priest Dagmar, didn't Longzier say that he hid the remaining offspring in order to threaten us with our offspring!"

"Everyone, I, Dagmar, also hope that your heirs will be safe and sound, but you can no longer lie to yourself."

"Because this concerns the safety of our two million coalition troops!" High Priest Dagmar frowned and said loudly.

When the high priests of the Kingdom of God heard such a harsh figure, many of them immediately glared at Dagmar.

"Enough!" At this moment, the High Priest of the Sun God Kingdom finally spoke.

"High Priest Dagmar, I know what you think, that is, you have no heirs among them, so I don't think it is necessary to take this risk."

"But these descendants of us are not only our descendants, but also the future of our kingdom of God. That's why we chose this way."

"Of course, don't worry, we will not let the coalition forces be in danger because of our children!"

And Silas' words were not innocuous, they directly made Dagmar independent and misinterpreted her meaning.

Dagmar was kindly reminded, but when Silas said it, she became selfish and only thought about herself.

In this way, all the high priests of the kingdom of God became more hostile to her.


High Priest Dagmar wanted an explanation.

"Okay, High Priest Dagmar, now is not the time to talk about this."

"The orc team in the rear will probably arrive tomorrow morning at the latest. We must take down the Bone Fortress during this period."

"So everyone, we must rescue our sons tonight, and we must guarantee success."

"Otherwise, at dawn, even if our sons cannot be rescued, then we must forcibly take down the Dry Bones Fortress!"

Silas immediately interrupted the high priest of Dagmar.

"Okay, then do as High Priest Silas said!"

All the high priests of the Kingdom of God agreed with Silas' words.

Because they thought Silas' heir was also imprisoned by the orcs.

In this way, Silas must have no selfishness in making such a decision.

After the decision was made, a group of high priests of the Kingdom of God began to arrange.

The Brood of Dagmar returned to his camp, frowning.

When Narante and Stella learned of what happened at the meeting, they couldn't help but feel angry at the stubbornness of the high priests of the kingdom of God.

"If you want me to say, the biggest problem should be Silas from the Sun God Kingdom!"

"It stands to reason that Silas can become the commander of a group of coalition forces, and he should have sufficient judgment and responsiveness."

"But these days, Silas's performance is very inconsistent with the image of a wise commander!"

Narante spoke his mind to Dagmar.

"Maybe it's because of his heir. This Silas is over sixty years old, but he only has one heir, Jerram." High Priest Dagmar shook his head and sighed.

"However, no matter what, Silas has issued an order. No matter whether the rescue is successful or not, the final siege will be carried out before tomorrow morning!"

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Narante smacked his lips and said nothing more.

As soon as the time turned, it soon came to night.

In the first half of the night, the entire coalition camp was extremely quiet, because everyone was recharging their troops, because in the next few days, regardless of whether the Witherbone Fortress was captured or not, they would have fierce battles.

But in the middle of the night, there were 30,000 people in the coalition camp leaving the camp by touching the night market.

These 30,000 people are the most elite guards in the Divine Kingdom Alliance.

Under the leadership of their respective high priests, they began to touch the river on the side.

And in the sky, a group of dragon knights deliberately started to go around the back of the Withered Bones Fortress.

The purpose is to attract the attention of the Chimera and provide cover for the rescue team on the ground.

After the rescue team arrived at the river, they dived into the water one after another.

This Dry Bones Fortress has a city wall that is next to the river, and it is the only city wall that has not been attacked during the day.

Because the number of orcs is limited, and this section of the city wall is the farthest from the coalition camp, the number of orcs on duty above is the least.

The rescue team dived into the water and quietly circled under this section of the city wall.

Afterwards, 30 people took the lead to reach under the city wall.

But instead of acting immediately, they bide their time.


At this moment, the sound of horns suddenly came from the camp of God Kingdom in the distance.

With the sound of the horn, all the orcs in Witherbone Fortress were attracted.

Because that turned out to be the clarion call for the attack of the Human Race coalition forces.

With the sound of the horn, groups of guard soldiers began to walk out of the human camp.


"Kill kill kill!"

Another horn sounded, and the tens of thousands of assembled guards were slowly pressing towards the city wall of Withered Bones Fortress.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

Seeing this, the orcs quickly sounded the alarm.

Not long after, there was a whole day of shouting and killing from the top and bottom of the city wall in the direction of the camp.

Following the shouts of killing over there, thirty black-clothed figures in the rescue team began to climb the city wall.

The strength of these thirty people is very high, and apart from the paladins, the rest are great knights without exception.

In this way, even without wooden ladders, they can easily climb the 50-meter city wall.

Soon, these thirty people touched the city wall.

At this time, the city wall was brightly lit, but there were not many orcs, and they were basically waiting and watching on the city wall where the sound of killing came.

Taking advantage of the desertion of the orcs in front of them, thirty strong men quickly broke the necks of the guarding orcs.

After finishing everything, they immediately headed down the city wall without any hesitation.

The city gate below is also guarded by hundreds of orcs.

The thirty strong men could no longer hide this time, but broke into the group of orc guards openly and aboveboard.

One of them focused on taking care of an orc holding a bronze bell.

After the orc was killed with one blow, he stomped on the bronze bell again.

After that, even though there were shouts of killing at the gate of the city, it was not easy to be spotted by other orcs in the distance.

Because the other one's shouts of killing were too loud, covering the sound of fighting here.

After restraining the orc guards, a member of the rescue team immediately opened the city gate.

Until the moment when the city gate was opened, the guards ambushing in the river outside immediately rushed up ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and poured into the Withered Bones Fortress.

"Leave 3,000 people to guard this section of the city gate, and the rest will follow me to the temple immediately."

After entering the Withered Bones Fortress, the coalition forces were not idle.

Three thousand of them were responsible for dealing with the surrounding orc guards, while the others went straight to the orc temple.

From the perspective of everyone in the Kingdom of God, their descendants were basically detained somewhere in the temple.

Soon, everyone headed towards the Beast Race Temple silently.

"Look, those carriages are parked outside the temple."

At this moment, a High Priest of the Kingdom of God spoke with joy on his face!

"It's really these carriages, let's start to act immediately!"


The speed of the high priests of the Kingdom of God increased again, and all the orc soldiers they met on the road were killed without making a sound.

And just when they thought their rescue plan was about to succeed.

Suddenly, there was a deafening knocking of a bronze bell in my ears.

"What's going on?" The high priests of the Kingdom of God were a little surprised. They were so cautious, but they didn't expect to be discovered.

How did they know that Silas was to be blamed for all this.

Silas had arranged for someone to ring the alarm bell long before he set off.

"Everyone, no matter what, let's start to act. If it's too late, Ronzier will definitely react!"


A group of high priests of the Kingdom of God rushed to the temple.

What disappointed them was that there was nothing in the temple, so there were no children of them!

"Haha, I guessed that you high priests of the Kingdom of God will visit in the middle of the night."