Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 1087

Chapter 1087


Hearing the laughter, the complexions of the High Priests of the Kingdom of God suddenly changed.

They did foresee great dangers in going deep into the Bone Hold.

But as long as he saves all his descendants, it doesn't matter if he takes some risks.

Now that he didn't even see his heirs, wouldn't that be in vain.

"Are you surprised? In fact, I was also a little surprised. To be honest, your raid tonight was very successful."

"My subordinates are really stupid. I told them to be careful, but they just loosened the moat at the rear."

"But fortunately, a mysterious person secretly gave us an early warning just now!"

Longzier looked triumphantly at the high priests of the Kingdom of God.

At this moment in the distance, tens of thousands of orcs gathered towards the outside of the temple, fighting with the elite guards following the priests of the kingdom of God.

"What mysterious person?"

All the high priests of the Kingdom of God couldn't help being stunned when they heard the words of the mysterious man.

Didn't the orcs find themselves waiting for others?

"I don't care what kind of mysterious person it is, but judging by the figure, it should be your human race."

"I didn't expect that there are still people lurking in the Fortress of Dead Leaves in the divine kingdom of your human race."

"But for the sake of the reminder just now, as long as the Divine Kingdom among you takes the initiative to stand up, then I, Longzier, will absolutely not pursue it."

"Moreover, we can coexist peacefully with our orcs in the future!"

"There are so many races in the Holy Continent, even our orcs can't occupy the entire vast Io Continent!"

Seeing the bewildered looks of the High Priests of the Kingdom of God, Longzier continued to speak with a smile.

"What, there are traitors among us, secretly reporting to the orcs?"

A group of high priests of the Kingdom of God began to look at each other.

"Everyone, don't fall into the tricks of this orc. At this moment, we must be united."

"Besides, there is only one chance to rescue the heir, so there is no further delay!"

At this time, seeing that the high priests of the Kingdom of God were suspicious, Silas, the high priest of the Kingdom of the Sun God, took the initiative to stand up.

He raised his arms and shouted at the high priests of the kingdom of God.

"Yes, this must be a trick of the orcs. Our children are all in the hands of these orcs."

"Moreover, no one would know the brutality of the orcs. How could a **** have a good impression of them!"

Listening to the sonorous and powerful words of High Priest Silas, all the High Priests of the Kingdom of God immediately came to their senses.

"Hehe, there is nothing you can do if you don't believe me, but my words are still here."

"If you, the kingdom of God who secretly helped us orcs, wants to cooperate with the orcs, you can come to me at any time!"

Longzier didn't want to explain any more, and he retreated directly behind a group of orc leaders.

"Kill, first capture this orc prince, and then use it to exchange for our heir!"

Seeing this, Silas roared angrily, and took the lead in rushing towards the group of strong orcs ahead.

Seeing this, the other High Priests of the Kingdom of God followed quickly.

Afterwards, a group of strong men immediately fought together.

And Longzier was not idle at the moment, and began to pray to the beast **** again, summoning a group of temple patron saints.

Ho **** ho!

Just a moment later, the six orc patron saints reappeared.

As for the phantom clone of the beast **** himself, it was because he had appeared during the day and consumed too much divine power, so he could not come again during this period of time.

However, even so, a group of orc powerhouses plus six patron saints is enough to make the high priests of the kingdom of God feel the pressure.

Because most of the attention of the orcs is on the city wall during the day, they need to fully resist the attack of the Allied Forces of the Kingdom of God.

But this night, the frontal city wall of the Kingdom of God was actually being attacked by sheep. Although the momentum was huge, it was not as intense as during the day.

Even if the orcs allocated a third of Bairi's troops to the city, there was still no pressure on the city walls.

On the contrary, the elite guards who came to attack with a group of high priests of the kingdom of God paid a lot of casualties at this time.

In addition to being attacked by orc soldiers, they were also attacked by the patron saints around the temple from time to time.

The attack speed of these patron saints can still be avoided by the high priests of the kingdom of God.

But for the elite guards of the Kingdom of God, it was an unavoidable disaster.

Every slap of the phantom's huge body can take away dozens of elite lives.

"Damn it, these guardian gods of the orc temples are really difficult to deal with, High Priest Silas, do we want to pray for the great **** to come in person again?"

Several high priests of the Kingdom of God became more and more anxious as they killed more and more.

It is impossible for Longzier to live here, but the elites of the Kingdom of God they brought are constantly being consumed.

Every time the patron saint of the orc temple slapped, these high priests of the kingdom of God were bleeding.

Right now, some people couldn't help but want to pray for the phantom of the gods to come like they did during the day.

"Everyone, let's continue to hold on for a while and see, the great gods will need at least half a month to a month before they can pray for rewards again!"

"And now the big army of the orcs has not arrived, if we don't reserve some means, I'm afraid we will be very passive by then!"

Upon hearing this, Silas immediately shook his head at several High Priests of the Kingdom of God.


Several high priests of the Kingdom of God did not refute, and they really fought harder as soon as they gritted their teeth.

He wanted to see if he could break through the siege of the patron saint of the orcs and capture Longzier alive.

It's just that they didn't expect that the righteous high priest of the Sun God Kingdom was all for them to consume more vitality.

That's why I said try again.

If it continues to drag on, I'm afraid that time will come, let alone capture Longzier and rescue all the descendants.

I'm afraid it's an extravagant hope to bring back the guards he brought back.

"Are these high priests of the Kingdom of God crazy? They still don't retreat in such a situation?"

At the same time, in the Kingdom of God camp outside the city, listening to the reports sent back by Xunying, Nalante had a new understanding of the level of battlefield insight of the High Priests of the Kingdom of God.

These high priests of the kingdom of God can really only be high priests.

Even knowing that they were discovered by the orcs, they did not retreat resolutely, but continued to stay near the temple and fight.

Under such circumstances, it's no wonder they were able to rescue their own heirs.

Even the Swift Eagle sent by Shirley couldn't find the figures of those descendants at this moment.

These offspring must have been hidden by the orcs.

Of course, this is actually related to the reason why Xunying was unable to enter the city during the day.

During the daytime, the Chimera flying beasts of the orc clan watched closely, as long as the Xunying approached, it would never return.

And now just taking advantage of those chimera war beasts being attracted by the dragon knight, Nalante sent out to observe the situation.

[The novel app that has been running stably for many years is comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, and the source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

"My lord, there is another report from Xunying, saying that the High Priest of the Sun God Kingdom asked the other High Priests of the God Kingdom to fight for a while!"

At this time, Shirley and little Lolita just got the latest battle situation from a fast eagle that flew back.

"It's the high priest of the Sun God Kingdom again, this thing is either really stupid or really bad..."

After Nalante heard Shirley's description, his doubts about the High Priest of the Sun God Kingdom had already risen to the point where there was nothing to add.

"Could it be that the mysterious man mentioned by the orcs is also from the Sun God Kingdom?"

Nalante silently generated this idea between beliefs.

Although he still couldn't understand the reason why the Sun God Kingdom did this, Nalante felt that the Sun God Kingdom must be planning something this time.

While Narante was thinking, the situation in the city became more and more critical.

At this moment, the 30,000 elite of the Kingdom of God have lost as much as seven or eight thousand, and most of them were shot to death by the temple patron saint.

In addition, there were also shouts of killing on the city wall at this moment.

It turned out that the orcs saw that the human race on the front wall was really just a sheep attack, so they simply mobilized thousands of orcs again, preparing to catch the gods' team that was attacking tonight.

"You high priests, you can't fight anymore. There are orcs on the city wall. If the city gate is closed, then the elite of the Kingdom of God we brought will not be able to evacuate."

At this moment, the only sane person in the arena was High Priest Dagmar.

Because the high priest of Dagmar has no heirs, he will not be misled by the orcs and Silas.

Following her words, all the high priests of the Kingdom of God immediately looked towards the city wall.

Sure enough, I saw that the flames were soaring into the sky over there at the moment.

Silas gave Dagmar a sneaky look in his eyes.

Then he pretended to speak, everyone, tonight's rescue plan can no longer be completed, everyone should start to retreat, we cannot bury the elite of our Kingdom of God here! "

The other high priests of the Kingdom of God were very unwilling to hear the words, but there was nothing they could do.

"These human races want to run, stop them!" At this time, the high priests of the kingdom of God wanted to leave, but the strong beast race and the guardian **** of the temple refused.

One after another, they began to obstruct the evacuation of the high priests of the kingdom of God and the elite guards.

"Michel, please pray for the great temple of your Kingdom of God to come down, otherwise our Kingdom of God team will not be able to retreat safely!"

Silas immediately spoke to a High Priest of the Kingdom of God.

"Yes, High Priest Silas!" High Priest Namishuel gritted his teeth, and immediately began to chant.

A moment later, an incomparably tall phantom appeared in the city.

This phantom is indeed the illusion of the **** himself. Even though the orcs have six temple patron saints, they can never even think about chasing the high priests.

Only a group of orc leaders led the elite of the orcs to continue chasing and killing, but the effect of such a chasing and killing is also limited.

"My lord, those human races have already escaped from the fortress. Congratulations, my lord. You are the greatest warrior of our orc clan except His Majesty the Beast King!"

"Even if there are more than two million human races, there is nothing they can do in front of you."

About ten minutes later, a group of soldiers from the Kingdom of God fled out of the city in ashen dismay, while the Beast Race was beaming.

Soon, some commanders came to flatter Longzier and congratulate him.

"Avar, the greatest warrior of our orc clan is only His Majesty the Beast King, don't say these words in the future!"

However, facing this flattery, the Prince of the Beast Race deliberately had a slightly serious face, but his tone was very gentle.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Prince!" The commander also heard that there was no reprimand in the prince's tone, and he immediately responded when he knew what it meant.

"Well, although those human races have left, His Majesty the King and the army will arrive tomorrow. During this period, we can't relax any more!"

"These high priests of the Kingdom of God gave us so much time to delay because they were worried about their heirs!"

"Otherwise, you think that with five teams of less than 50,000 people, you can really stop the two million troops of the human race!"

Prince Ronzier continued to give orders at this time.

However, this time the tone became very serious.

"Yes, my lord prince!"

"Well, take someone on duty yourself, without my order, no one is allowed to approach these descendants of the priests of the kingdom of God!"

"Yes, Your Excellency, the subordinates will go to guard immediately!"

The orc leader retreated immediately after getting permission, and then led his subordinates to start walking through the fortress in the dark.

After walking for about ten minutes, passing through several guard posts, the orc leader finally stood in front of a dilapidated wooden house.

There are many such dilapidated wooden houses in the Bone Fortress, such as stacking sundries or resting for orc soldiers, all of which are in this style.

But since the leader of the orc clan stood directly in front of the wooden house, it naturally showed that this place was unusual.

The orc leader raised his hand and looked at the wooden door himself.

"Master Commander, you are here!"

With the rhythmic tapping, a pair of eyes immediately looked at the dim wooden house.

After confirming who was coming, the room was opened.

"Well, open the gate of the dungeon, the prince has ordered me to personally guard these human descendants!"

"Yes, Lord Commander!"

Immediately, the orc soldiers moved away a pile of weeds in the house, and then a secret door appeared.

The secret door opened, and the lights below were bright.

This place is not only used as a dungeon.

There is also a secret tunnel leading to a pile of rocks several miles away.

It can be regarded as the escape channel of this Dry Bones Fortress.

Of course, this channel is very secret, and very few people know about it.

Even ordinary orc soldiers in Dry Bones Fortress don't know.

"After I go down, close the secret passage door again!"

The leader of the orc clan gave serious instructions to the guarding soldiers.

Such a secret passage~www.mtlnovel.com~ is related to the safety of the entire fortress, so he is naturally very concerned.

"Yes, Lord Commander!"

The orc soldier nodded immediately.

Immediately, the orc leader walked into the dungeon with peace of mind.

It's just that he couldn't think of it anyway, even if the exit of the dungeon was originally so secret.

But now it has been exposed.

Because on the roof of the stone house not far away, there is a swift eagle hidden in the night to have a panoramic view of all this.

When the wooden house was closed again, as if it was an ordinary roadside dilapidated wooden house, the Swift Eagle fluttered its wings and flew directly to the outside of the city.

"High Priest Dagmar, you are injured!"

Within the Kingdom of God, all the priests of the Kingdom of God have returned.

When Stella saw Dagmar brought back by her subordinates, she couldn't help being surprised.

Dagmar was injured today.

Fortunately, the injury should not be too serious, just a few chopping wounds.

"Saint Stella, I'm fine, it's just a skin injury!" High Priest Dagmar shook his head.

"High Priest Dagmar, sit down, I'll help you bandage!" Stella didn't listen to Dagmar, but began to bandage High Priest Dagmar herself.

"Thank you, Stella!" About ten minutes later, the wound was bandaged.

The High Priest Dagmar looked at Stella with great relief.

"High Priest Dagmar, you don't have to be so polite, you usually take good care of me in the Kingdom of God!" Stella smiled slightly.

"By the way, High Priest Dagmar, tonight's operation failed, right?"

"It seems that you already know!" High Priest Dagmar shook his head upon hearing this, his face full of sighs.