Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 1085

Chapter 1085

"Hmph, ignorant human race, your gods are ignorant, and you are equally ignorant, dare to challenge the majesty of our beast race, go to death!"

When the guardian gods of the orc temple heard the words of the high priests of the kingdom of God, they immediately turned their finger on them.

These orcs raised their huge palms and hit several high priests of the Kingdom of God.

Rumble! Rumble!

Following the bombardment of these orc patron saints, there were bursts of roaring in the city.

And these high priests of the kingdom of God naturally do not have the strength of Nalante.

Although they fought in groups of two, they were just restraining these orc patron saints.

Avoid them from attacking the guards of ordinary gods.

After all, this is the home of the orcs, and the temple is on the side, which is equivalent to the base of the orcs.

The high priests of the Kingdom of God are completely away from home.

"Come on, besiege these high priests of the kingdom of God, and we must take this opportunity to kill more of these people!"

Orc Prince Longzier was in front of the temple at this time.

Watching the high priest of the Kingdom of God relying on the blessing of divine power, relying on his flexible figure to avoid the attack of the patron saint.

He wasn't going to make it easy for these patron saints of the Kingdom of God, so he had already prepared to give these High Priests of the Kingdom of God more 'good food! '

Following an order, the prince of the orc clan flew into the sky with seven or eight strong men beside him, heading straight for a group of high priests of the kingdom of God.

"Shameless Ronzier, you finally appeared!"

When they saw Longzier appear, the high priests of the kingdom of God were not too surprised. Instead, they glared angrily and gritted their teeth, wanting to swallow him alive immediately.

[The novel app that has been running stably for many years is comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, and the source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

"Hehe, you guys were lucky that day, let that human kid scream, otherwise you will have to kill a few more high priests of the kingdom of God!"

With a big knife in his hand, Longzier slashed at the High Priest of the Kingdom of God in front of him.

Of course, he didn't forget to mock the high priests of the Kingdom of God.

"Lonzier, you orcs will regret it if you start a war between the two clans!"

"Also, what about our heirs, I advise you to release our heirs immediately, otherwise if you dare to hurt our heirs in the slightest, our human race will never end with your orc race!"

At this time, another High Priest of the Kingdom of God asked Longzier at the side.

Longzier is also very cunning, and he doesn't want to really anger the high priests of the Kingdom of God at this moment.

He didn't want to die immediately, but wanted to wait until the orc army that intercepted these human races arrived.

So he smiled and said, "If you want to see your heirs, then take down the entire Dry Bones Fortress first!"

After speaking, Longzier slashed out the long knife again.

"Lonzier, then you just wait!"

All the high priests of the Kingdom of God felt a little more at ease, thinking that their children must still have hope of survival.

Ever since, there was another roar in the city.

Nalante and Stella stood quietly in the army formation two miles outside the city, watching the battles up and down the Withered Bones Fortress, and had no intention of making a move.

"Nalante, do you think the Allied Forces of the Kingdom of God can take this Bone Fortress this time?" Stella asked Nalante.

"It's still hard to judge. I don't think the orc prince seems to be in a hurry, and he should have some other tricks!" Nalante shook his head.

Although it seems that the human race has an advantage at this time.

After all, the number of orcs in the city is too small, and the human race is the entire Divine Kingdom Alliance.

Now the patron saint of the orc race and the strong man of the orc race have been entangled by the high priest of the kingdom of God.

As long as the human race continues to suppress more troops, the walls of the Dry Bones Fortress will definitely not be able to bear it.

It's scary that the orcs will have some backhands, after all, this is their home field.


But at this moment, the horn sounded again from Nalante and the others.

It turned out that the orcs on the walls of the Fortress of Dry Bones in front of them were showing signs of retreating steadily. The Kingdom of God sent out a strong attacking team again according to the original order of their high priest.

Get ready to take down Witherbone Keep in one go.

"Kill kill kill!"

As the Kingdom of God invested another 200,000 troops, the orcs on the city wall were under tremendous pressure.

No matter how strong the beast clan is, no matter how strong the city wall is.

But in the face of ten times as many enemies, no matter how brave they are, it is futile.

"Haha, Prince Longzier, when the Fortress of Dry Bones is broken, it will be your time of death!"

Seeing this, all the high priests of the Kingdom of God immediately smiled triumphantly.

According to the current situation, in just half an hour, the guards of the Kingdom of God will definitely be able to occupy the entire city wall of the Withered Bones Fortress.

"Hmph, let's wait until you humans really take down the Withered Bones Fortress!"

However, Longzier was not moved at all, still sneered, and swung the long knife in his hand even harder.

"Hmph, then just wait, Ronzier!"

All the high priests of the Kingdom of God also snorted coldly.

As time went by, just over ten minutes later, more and more soldiers from the Kingdom of God rushed to the city wall.

At this time, the orc guards began to retreat steadily.

"Haha, Dry Bones Fortress, today belongs to our Kingdom of God!"

Seeing this, all the high priests immediately smiled triumphantly.

"Yes, I advise you not to be happy too early!"

The orc prince Lonzier sneered, and immediately withdrew from the battle.

"Great Beast God, your devout servant Longzier is here to pray for you, please come here and punish these heretics!"


Following the prayer of the prince of the beast race, a powerful red light shot out from the temple behind.

Then, I saw a huge phantom more than twice as tall as the temple patron saint.

This phantom is the beast **** of the orc race, and the height of the beast **** is hundreds of meters high.

All the high priests of the Kingdom of God are like ants in front of him.

With the appearance of this phantom of the beast god, whether it was the high priests of the kingdom of God or the coalition forces of the kingdom of God outside the city, they felt a strong sense of oppression instantly.

"So strong!" Even Nalante couldn't help swallowing.

"Nalante, this is the phantom of the **** itself, of course it is powerful!"

"However, this phantom also consumes a huge amount of divine power, and neither the kingdom of God nor the beast race will be willing to use it until a critical moment!"

The voice of the small bone dragon came immediately.

"That said, I'm afraid this time the siege will fail again!"

Nalante also felt a little pity, after all, this time the guards of the Kingdom of God were really about to capture the walls of the Dry Bones Fortress.

"Not necessarily, it depends on whether the high priests of the kingdom of God are willing to spend their divine power!" The voice of the little bone dragon came again.

Narante who heard the words did not speak anymore, but quietly looked at the huge figure in the city.

"Ants, are you invading my descendants?"

At this time, the ethereal but extremely oppressive words of the beast **** came.

Afterwards, the Beast God also slowly raised his hand, and then patted the high priests of the kingdom of God.

"No, run away, it's the phantom of the beast god!"

Seeing this, the high priests of the Kingdom of God no longer had the calmness they had when facing the patron saints of ordinary beast races.

Afterwards, they quickly dispersed towards the surroundings.


In the next moment, there was an even louder roar in the Withered Bones Fortress.

Puff puff!

At the same time, even if he escaped the possibility of being hit head-on by the phantom of the beast god.

But it was just the aftermath of the attack by the phantom of the beast god, which still made these high priests of the kingdom of God vomit blood.

"So powerful!"

Narante couldn't help but widen his eyes.

That day in the sacred city, if the patron saints of the temples were replaced by this phantom of the gods, it would probably be enough for him to drink a pot.

"Nalante, this is not the strongest, because this phantom is just a very insignificant divine thought of a god."

"If the temple of the beast **** is here, and the phantom of the real **** appears, I'm afraid it only takes a look. These high priests of the kingdom of God will probably be directly oppressed and explode to death!"

The small bone dragon spoke again.

At this time, the high priests of the Kingdom of God in the city regained their stature.

"Everyone, the guards will soon be able to capture this Bone Fortress, and we can't keep it at this time."

"Otherwise the price paid earlier would be too great!"

At this moment, the High Priest of the Sun God Kingdom suddenly spoke to the crowd.

Obviously, this is not ready to retreat.

"But High Priest Silas, this consumes too much!"

"And next we have to face the orc army!"

Immediately, the High Priest of the Kingdom of God frowned.

"We have a large number of people. We only need to pray for the coming of the three gods to restrain this orc. As for the follow-up orcs, the rest of the Kingdom of God also has the power to restrain them!" Silas immediately spoke to the crowd.

"Don't delay any longer, otherwise the previous contributions of the guards will be in vain later, and huge casualties will be paid for it!"

"Okay, then listen to High Priest Silas!"

In the eyes of Weng, the high priests of the Kingdom of God nodded, also reluctant to part with the fruit of the upcoming victory.

Ever since, three high priests of the Kingdom of God left the battle soon.


Then, the three of them also began to pray devoutly, and even took out a holy object shining with divine light in their hands.

"Pray for your coming and destroy these heretics!"

Buzz buzz!

After the three high priests of the Kingdom of God finished praying, each of them seemed to collapse suddenly, and staggered a bit before stabilizing their bodies.

But the same three rays of divine light descended from the sky.

Afterwards, three powerful phantoms appeared in the Withered Bones Fortress.

"High priest of the human race, you are willing to ask the gods to descend from other places. This will consume the origin of your gods, and each descending will take at least hundreds of years of gestation!"

Longzier was also a little surprised to see the three high priests summoning the gods of their kingdom of God.

If there is a temple nearby, the cost of the phantom of the gods coming will be much lower, at least one of them.

But if it is far away from the temple, it will take hundreds of years of conceiving and raising the gods.

This is why although all races can pray for the gods to come down, they don't directly pray for the gods to come down and fight at the moment of battle.

Because all of this needs to consume the origin of the gods themselves.

If it wasn't for an emergency situation where you prayed for the gods to come, I'm afraid you would have to face the punishment of the gods afterwards.

"Hmph, Longzier, I told you that you must die today!" All the High Priests of the Kingdom of God snorted coldly.

At this time, the phantoms of the three descending gods had already fought with the temple patron saints and beast gods of the orc race.

Because the Beast God enjoys the power of faith equivalent to the entire number of people alone, his strength is naturally not weak.

Even with one against three, there was no disadvantage.

But after all, it is hard to beat four hands with two fists, and he finally has no spare energy to pay attention to other high priests of the Kingdom of God at this moment.

Under such circumstances, as the so-called ebb and flow, the orcs became weak again. And with the consumption of divine power, the phantoms of the gods of the three kingdoms of God and the phantoms of the orcs became more and more faint.

"Kill! Kill all these orcs!"

At this time, the shouts of the human guards came from the city wall again, and another human guard rushed to the city wall. ,

At this moment, Longzier finally frowned, and immediately gave instructions to a subordinate beside him.

Immediately, the men even rushed towards the direction of the temple. ,

It didn't take long for the property to go down and come back.

He led a team of elite beast clans escorted him to the side of Prince Longzier.

"Everyone, stop it!"

Longzier yelled at the high priests of the Kingdom of God in front of him.

"Dickie! Steven! Eric..."

Following Longzier's loud shout, many high priests of the Kingdom of God immediately stopped their movements.

Shouted towards the young men in custody.

Because among the remaining life-saving youths, four of them were descendants of the High Priest of the Kingdom of God.

As for the others, there are also two heirs of the big family of the kingdom of God and three guards of the kingdom of God!

"Lonzier, release our heir immediately, otherwise we will never forgive you!"

The shouts of several high priests of the kingdom of God did not receive a response.

Because these youths and guards were not only trapped firmly, but their mouths were also gagged.

Fortunately, it can be seen that these young people are alive.

"Hmph, now is not the time for you to have the final say. If you want to keep your heirs alive, then follow my instructions and let your Divine Kingdom Guards exit the fort immediately!"

Longzier sneered.

"Lonzier, you are dreaming, but if you dare to hurt our heirs~www.mtlnovel.com~, we promise to let the orcs in the entire Drybone Fortress be buried with us!" The high priests of the Kingdom of God were naturally unwilling.

"Really?" Longzier sneered, "Kill those three human races!"

"It's His Excellency the Prince!"

Puff puff!

Afterwards, three captives were directly stabbed with long knives by the orcs.

"Bastard, Longzier, you are courting death!"

"Hehe, there are only three guards now, but next will be your heirs!"

Lonzier is still not in a hurry.

And Longzier's trick of killing chickens and monkeys really worked.

"The four High Priests of the Kingdom of God immediately looked at the other High Priests of the Kingdom of God."

After all, this heir is their most beloved heir or eldest son.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to receive an invitation from the Holy Son of the Sun God Kingdom.

"Lonzier, what about our heir?"

The other kingdoms of the gods did not respond immediately, but looked in the direction of the temple.

"Because there are only four heirs of the High Priest of the Kingdom of God in front of me, but their heirs have not been seen yet!"

"Hehe, don't you humans have a saying that you won't put gold coins in a treasure house."

"So, I'm just letting you know that these youths are still in my hands. As for the others, they must be in a safe place!"

Longzier opened his mouth without changing his expression.

Immediately, all the high priests of the kingdom of God gritted their teeth, but there was nothing they could do.

"Everyone, let's retreat first!" At this moment, Silas, the high priest of the Sun God Kingdom, spoke to everyone.

That face also seemed to be full of fear and aggrieved.

With Silas' words, the high priests of the Kingdom of God, who were already reluctant to part with their children, also acquiesced.