Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 1084

Chapter 1084

"Warriors of the Kingdom of God, the fortress of the orcs' bones is ahead."

"The orcs are despicable and shameless. They not only kidnapped our holy sons of the kingdom of God as threats, but also want to extort a lot of gold coins!"

"In the morning, they designed and killed the High Priest of the God of Wind and the High Priest of the God of Thunder!"

"They have committed an unforgivable crime against our race."

"So, we have to give them a strong counterattack today."

"Now, for the sake of the Kingdom of God and faith, take down the Fortress of Dry Bones, and let the orcs pay the due price for their evil!"

Standing more than two miles away from the Withered Bones Fortress, a group of High Priests of the Kingdom of God immediately mobilized before the battle.



After the mobilization, the first batch of 50,000 Divine Kingdom guards as the forwards took the lead in attacking.

However, because the allied forces of the Kingdom of God came here this time, they did not intend to really fight the orcs.

Therefore, there are not many siege equipment, and some are just wooden ladders.

The 50,000 guards of the Kingdom of God carried shields and ladders and rushed towards the city wall of the Bone Fortress.

And the dragon knights in the sky followed closely behind, providing cover for these ground offensive guards.

Of course, in addition to this, the Allied forces of the Kingdom of God also have long-range attack teams.

However, this long-range attack team is no longer a trebuchet like the Holy Continent.

But hundreds of magic cannons.

This magic cannon was obviously purchased from the Goblins.

But this magic cannon can't compare with Nalante's, it's just installed on a wooden pier.

More than a dozen soldiers are required to lift and pull when moving.

Whoosh whoosh!

Boom boom boom!

As the magic cannon launched its attack first, a series of purple lights immediately shone on the wall of the orc bone fortress in the distance.

However, Narante suddenly noticed something different.

That is, the power of this magic cannon does not seem to be as great as its own magic cannon.

If the power of the magic cannon depends on the length of charging time, that is, the length of charging.

And the magic cannons of the kingdom of the gods use the lowest five-second energy storage.

This kind of energy storage is almost as powerful as the Earth Knight's full blow.

Although the power is not small, it can also bring a huge blow to ordinary enemies.

But the problem is that this ordinary soldier in Io mainland started out as a golden knight.

There are more land knights and sky knights. These kingdoms of the gods might as well store energy for five or six seconds.

In this way, it can exert the power comparable to the sky knight's blow.

In fact, these hundreds of magic cannons will definitely allow the enemies on the city wall to experience what it means to be within the range of a cannon is the truth.

But Nalante paid attention to it for more than a minute, and found that the firing of these magic cannons in the Kingdom of God was consistent.

The charging time has not changed.

"Could it be that all the kingdoms of the gods are stingy, worried that the consumption of mana spar mines is too much?"

Narante found it impossible.

After all, the Io Continent has more elements and magic power than the Sacred Continent, which means that the resources must be richer than the Sacred Continent.

[The novel app that has been running stably for many years is comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, and the source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

There is no reason for all the kingdoms of God to search and search at such a time of battle.

At the moment, Narante looked at Dagmar: "High Priest Dagmar, as far as I know, the power of the magic cannon seems to be enhanced, right?"

"Why doesn't the Kingdom of God extend the energy storage time?"

"I didn't expect you, Nalante, to know the use of magic cannons. By the way, I seem to have heard that there are goblins in your territory!"

"This magic cannon can indeed exert greater power, but that's when goblins use it."

High Priest Dagmar explained to Narante after hearing the words.

It turned out that although the goblins were willing to sell weapons to the people, some of the weapons were castrated.

For example, this magic cannon is a castrated version that is sold to the human race.

The energy storage time can only be maintained at about five seconds.

Otherwise, if the energy storage time is extended, it is likely to directly damage the barrel of the magic cannon.

This is why all the kingdoms of God can only use one energy storage time when using magic energy cannons.

"So that's the case!" Nalan nodded, unexpectedly, there was such a thing.

"That's right, in fact, the goblins still have a magic cannon made with Yaoyang Jinjing."

"The magic cannon can use five magic spars to store energy at the same time, and the energy storage time can reach up to more than 20 seconds."

"The power of each bombardment is comparable to a paladin's full blow."

"It's a pity that the goblins are not willing to sell it to us humans."

"There are a few temples in the Kingdom of God that have collections, but they are usually not used."

"After all, it's just a single magic cannon, it can't play a big role!"

Dagmar explained to Narante again.

"Oh? Yaoyang Golden Crystal Magic Cannon?"

Narante found that this was the first time he had heard of this thing.

However, it turned out to be as powerful as a paladin's full blow.

Nalante made up his mind that he must find a way to get such materials in the future.

Then make a batch of such powerful magic cannons.

"Start climbing the city wall!"

And at this moment, there were exclamations from other people around.

It turned out that the charging Divine Kingdom team approached under the city wall under the cover of hundreds of magic cannons.

Afterwards, braving the arrow rain of the orcs, they began to climb towards the city wall.

Although the Io Continent is compared to the Glory Continent and the Sacred Continent, it is actually considered a world of high martial arts.

But the way of war has not changed.

That is, it is still necessary to rely on flesh and blood to pile up the battlefield.

At this moment, Shuangfa really entered the moment of relying on flesh and blood to fight hard.

Rolling stones and arrows kept coming from above the city wall, causing huge losses to the attacking team of the Kingdom of God.

But the fighting will of the guards of the Kingdom of God is not weak, and they still rush upward regardless of the casualties.

And the dragon knight in the sky has also fought with the orc Chimera.

As the battle continued, suddenly a small group of guards from the Kingdom of God charged up the city wall.


Seeing this, all the high priests of the Kingdom of God couldn't help showing joyful expressions.

I didn't expect today's battle to be so smooth, and the attack had just begun, and they were able to attack the city wall.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but looked at the High Priest of the Sun God Kingdom: "High Priest Silas is really wise, this bone fortress of the orcs is really empty."

"Yeah, I guess there shouldn't be even 20,000 people in this Dry Bones Fortress?"

All the high priests of the Kingdom of God praised Silas one after another.

And Silas nodded with a smile when he heard the words, but he felt in his heart that he shouldn't.

I have sent someone to notify the orcs in advance.

Even if the number of orcs is small, it is impossible to be breached so quickly.

This Bone Fortress is an important fortress on the border of the Orcs. The city wall alone is fifty meters high.

Even though the number of orcs is small, they should have magic cannons bought from goblins.

Why didn't I even see the magic cannon this time.

Could it be that it was really taken away by the large army surrounded by the orcs.

This was really not what he wanted to see.

What he wanted to see was that the coalition forces could not attack the Bone Fortress for a long time, and it would be best to delay the arrival of the orcs in the rear.

In this way, the allied forces of the Kingdom of God may be in danger.

But at this time, more and more guards from the Kingdom of God rushed to the city wall, and it was a sign that the city was broken.

Fortunately, at this moment, there was a sudden change on the city wall.

Boom! Boom!

When the guards of the Kingdom of God stood firm on the city wall, brilliant purple rays of light suddenly appeared on the city wall.

This is the scene of the magic cannon bombardment.

And at the moment when the guards boarded the city wall, in order to avoid accidentally injuring friendly troops, the Allied Forces of the Kingdom of God stopped bombarding them.

Obviously, these bombardment magic cannons are not from the Kingdom of God.

Sure enough, when everyone looked along the trajectory of the magic cannon, they found that it was the magic cannonball fired by the orcs on the left and right walls.

Boom! Boom!

"Kill, kill these weak human races!"

The roaring sound on the city wall was endless, and the guards of the Kingdom of God who had just gained a firm foothold were knocked off their feet.

But at this moment, a large number of orc soldiers poured out from under the city wall and attacked the city wall again.

And the guards of the Kingdom of God, which had been bombarded to pieces by the magic energy before, were once again besieged and killed by these orc soldiers.

For a while, the guards of the Kingdom of God on the city wall retreated steadily.

Many people panicked and were squeezed directly off the city wall.

"damn it!"

The smiles of the high priests of the Kingdom of God stopped abruptly. Obviously, the reason why it was so easy to attack the city wall before was nothing but the deliberate intention of the orcs.

The orcs wanted to trick them into climbing the city wall, so that they could do the most damage to the guards of the Kingdom of God.

In just a few minutes, the guards of the Kingdom of God on the city wall were emptied again.

And just for the loss of these few minutes, the casualties of the Divine Kingdom Guards may have reached several thousand.

The guards of the Kingdom of God below are still attacking one after another, but unfortunately these orcs are not weak, they are the elite of the royal court of the orcs who hunted down the high priests of the Kingdom of God in the morning.

In this way, they are no longer as easy as before, so easy for the guards of the Kingdom of God to climb the city wall.

Next, the battle continued for more than ten minutes. After paying almost 20,000 casualties, the Kingdom of God still failed to achieve results. In the end, it had no choice but to issue a retreat order, which also meant that the first attack ended in failure. .

"These orcs are obviously prepared. It seems that it is impossible for us to break through this bone fortress with a surprise attack."

"So, let the guards rest for an hour first, and then start a larger-scale attack after the rest!"

"It seems that this is the only way!"

After the high priests of the Kingdom of God gave the order to retreat, they had a short discussion.

Originally, after the rapid march, they launched a siege non-stop, this is to catch everyone by surprise.

But now it is obviously impossible to win by surprise, that can only be done steadily.

Let the guards who have passed through the rapid march take a good rest first, and then attack with a numerical advantage.

After unanimously passing this plan, the Divine Kingdom coalition forces immediately took a rest.

And more than an hour later, the Allied Forces of the Kingdom of God assembled their teams again and prepared to attack.

But this time, the Kingdom of God prepared a full 300,000 troops for a strong attack.

It is obvious that they are going to go all out to kill this dry bone fortress quickly.

And the 300,000 people will be divided into three groups to attack the Dead Leaf Fortress, in order to take advantage of the large number of people.


With the sound of the horn, the human race began to attack again.

This time, the orcs didn't hide the magic cannon anymore.

The magic cannons on the city wall started firing continuously at the attacking team as if they didn't need money.

There are not many magic cannons in this withered bone fortress, just over a hundred.

But under full firepower, the lethality is also very impressive.

Fortunately, there are many people on the side of the Kingdom of God. After paying a few casualties, they finally got close to the city wall again, and then started the ant-attached siege tactics again.

Among the attacking teams this time, the number of priests and powerhouses from the Kingdom of God has increased.

Although those ordinary priests couldn't cast too many powerful magic spells.

But it can also release a magic spell that has a positive effect and enhances its strength.

In this way, many guards of the Kingdom of God once again began to climb the city wall like a divine help.

It's just that climbing the city wall this time doesn't mean supernatural power, because the orcs are already fighting to the death.

Often, many members of the guards had only gained a firm foothold on the city wall, only to be knocked to the ground by the siege the next moment.

The time passed minute by minute, and soon came half an hour later.

After taking turns to attack for half an hour, the Divine Kingdom Guards, which had an absolute superiority in numbers, gradually began to climb up the city wall.

Seeing that this time, they are about to take down the walls of the Withered Bones Fortress again, and they will still take down all three walls.

But in the next moment, there was a sudden change in the city.

Buzz buzz!

Ho **** ho!

Along with a series of blood-red beams of light shot from the city to the sky.

There are five or six tall phantoms appearing in the city.

These phantoms are the patron saints of the temple.

"How could this be? There should only be one temple in this Dry Bones Fortress. How could there be so many temple patron saints!"

All the high priests of the Kingdom of God looked extremely slow.

They naturally know that there is a temple in the Dry Bones Fortress~www.mtlnovel.com~ The scale is not small.

It is still a bit unexpected that six temple patron saints may be summoned at one time.

"I see, it must be the orcs who performed the blood sacrifice."

"After the blood sacrifice, the beast clan can get more divine power feedback from their beast god."

"So, there is only one temple in this Dry Bones Fortress that can summon so many temple patron saints."

"However, this kind of sacrifice also needs to be prepared in advance. It will take at least two or three hours. How could the orcs be so fast!"

All the high priests of the Kingdom of God were a little surprised, feeling that today's siege was full of twists and turns.

Ladies and gentlemen, now is not the time to discuss. Now that the patron saint of the orcs has appeared, according to the few of us, we also need to do something!

Silas sneered in his heart when he heard the doubts of the other High Priests of the Kingdom of God.

But on the face, he greeted everyone with a serious face.

Now that the enemy's, uh, temple patron saints have appeared, only they, the high priests of the kingdom of God, have the strength to deal with them. ,

"Okay, High Priest Silas!"

Afterwards, several high priests of the Kingdom of God did not hesitate, and immediately plundered towards the city wall of the Withered Bones Fortress.

And the patron saints of those orc temples also approached the city wall all the way, and immediately attacked the guards of the Kingdom of God on the city wall.

"You ugly fellows, your enemies are us!"

Seeing this, the High Priest of the Kingdom of God did not dare to be negligent, and while waving the staff in his hand, he shouted at the patron saints of the temples.

Afterwards, several high priests of the Kingdom of God also immediately relied on their divine power to attack the patron saints of the orc temples.

The high priest of the Kingdom of God is in a group of two, and the attack power released by blessing the divine power is also very terrifying.