Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 1083

Chapter 1083

"High Priest Silas, after all, Nalante broke through the orc's conspiracy in the previous meeting, and it can be regarded as saving our High Priest of the Kingdom of God."

"Should we immediately send a team of elite knights to search and rescue!"

Hearing Silas' words, Dagmar felt very angry.

The other ordinary guards of the Kingdom of God are okay to say, after all, from the moment they became the guards, they were also prepared to sacrifice for the Kingdom of God.

But Nalante is different. He has nothing to do with the kingdom of God, but he has helped a lot of kingdoms of God.

Under such circumstances, Silas was not sincere at all, saying that he would reward Narant after returning.

As for the reward, wouldn't it be better to just send an **** to rescue them?

"High Priest Dagmar, you also saw the banner of the royal court of the orcs in that orc team."

"Maybe the orcs have other ambushes."

"And now we are going to have a two-clan war with the orcs, and we can't afford any losses."

"So, for the sake of caution, we can't send troops indiscriminately now, otherwise it will weaken the strength of our God's Kingdom Guard!" Silas retorted without blushing.

Saying wow, this Silas waved at the high priests of the kingdom of God: "Go, let's go back to the city!"

However, the two High Priests of the Kingdom of God who had been rescued briefly because of Nalante hesitated to speak.

Seeing that Silas and the other high priests of the Kingdom of God had entered the gate of the camp, he could only sigh.

"High Priest Dagmar, let's go back to the camp first. It's really important to discuss how to deal with the orcs now."

"After we finish discussing, if Baron Narante hasn't returned, then our two gods will send some guards to find Baron Narante's whereabouts!"

The two high priests of the Kingdom of God were somewhat benign, and they did not forget Nalante's previous life-saving grace.

It's just that all of their **** kingdoms need to rely on the breath of the sun **** kingdom to survive.

In this way, it is obviously impossible to propose a move that is opposed to the High Priest of the Sun God Kingdom.

At the very least, they cannot act privately until the meeting is completed.

However, when the meeting is over, if Narante hasn't returned, they are planning to send a team of escorts to search.

Dagmar naturally had nothing to say when he heard the words, he shook his head silently, and then returned to the camp.

However, after entering the camp, Dagmar did not go to the meeting tent immediately, but quickly assembled an elite guard team of 5,000 people, making them ready to leave at any time.

After arranging the guards, High Priest Dagmar went to the conference tent.

Silas, the high priest of the Sun God Kingdom, had already sat on the main seat and began to speak.

"Everyone, now the orcs have used conspiracy to kill our two high priests of the kingdom of God. This is an absolutely intolerable behavior."

"Therefore, I suggest that we immediately let the army go out, and then approach the Orc Withered Bones Fortress."

"Advance to Witherbone Fortress? High Priest Silas, the orcs obviously have a conspiracy now, shouldn't we retreat to the northern fortress first?"

"Then issue a mobilization order for the Kingdom of God to mobilize more guards."

"When we are fully prepared, we will come to crusade against the orcs!"

Soon, the High Priest of the Kingdom of God proposed a cautious plan.

"Yes, High Priest Silas, I also think that the army should be retreated first, after all, we never thought that such a thing would happen."

"The food in our camp is only enough for half a month, and now this place has penetrated into the territory of the orcs."

"Once the orcs cut off the back route, we will lose our supplies."

At this time, the High Priest of the Kingdom of God echoed his voice.

It is not really stupid for everyone to become the High Priest of the Kingdom of God, so knowing that the war must be fought steadily.

"Go back to the northern fortress, high priests, have you forgotten that each of you has children who were detained by the beast clan?"

"If you go back first and then issue a call-up order according to what you said, it will take at least one month."

"I'm worried that if time drags on, our children will be in danger.

"In addition, now is actually the best opportunity to attack the orcs."

"The orcs will definitely think that we will retreat and make full preparations before launching a counterattack, so this is a good opportunity to attack unexpectedly!"

"Of course, this is my personal opinion. Whether it is necessary to take risks or not is up to a vote!"

Silas saw that everyone raised objections, although he really wanted to bury the entire Divine Kingdom coalition army at once.

But it can't be too obvious, so it still gives everyone a buffer.

After hearing what he said later, the high priests of the kingdom of God became hesitant.

Indeed, their descendants are still being detained by the orcs, so the sooner they can be rescued, the safer it will be.

On the contrary, they felt that if they were too aggressive, the price they would pay would be the safety of the entire Kingdom of God.

And Dagmar was about to say something at this time.

After listening to Nalante's point of view, he also probably felt that the descendants of the high priests of the kingdom of God might be in danger.

So, it's really not worth risking this somewhat slim chance.

However, at this moment, a report suddenly came from outside the meeting tent.

"Come in!"

Silas gave orders to the outside.

Soon, a member of the guard ran in.

"High priests, report from the scouts that there are also many orc teams fifty miles behind us, with at least a million of them!"

"What, there are also orcs in the rear?"

Following the report of the **** scout, all the high priests of the Kingdom of God were shocked.

Unexpectedly, the orcs even dispatched the army to block the retreat.

In this way, the Orcs have been planning for this event for at least a month.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to have so many orc troops on the border all of a sudden.

"Everyone, it is obvious that we have fallen into the siege of the orcs. Let's make a decision. Should we immediately start attacking the Orcs' Bone Fortress, or fight with the orcs in the rear and break out!"

"However, there is one thing, that is, I still insist on my previous proposal. Since the orcs have moved the army to the rear, it means that the Dry Bones Fortress must be empty."

"This is a great opportunity for us to rescue our descendants, and it will also prevent the possibility of the orcs attacking us back and forth."

Hearing this, Silas immediately asked the high priests of the Kingdom of God.

Immediately, all the high priests of the Kingdom of God began to vote.

Considering that if they choose to return to break out, they may have to worry about the orcs of Witherbone Fortress attacking them back and forth.

Most of the high priests of the Kingdom of God chose to follow Silas' decision, which was to attack the Witherbone Fortress first while it was empty.

This will not only save the offspring, but also avoid the possibility of being flanked back and forth when breaking out.

"Since the decision has been made, let's take action immediately!"

Seeing that everyone had chosen his proposal, Silas gave instructions to everyone with satisfaction.

Afterwards, the entire Divine Kingdom coalition forces immediately began to pull out their camps.

After all, the distance of fifty miles can be reached in one day if you march quickly.

So they need to use this time difference to attack the Fortress of Dry Bones, so naturally they can't waste a minute.

After hastily loading supplies into vehicles, the Divine Kingdom troops with an army of 2 million began to attack immediately.

On Dagmar's side, he originally wanted to search for Narante.

But now that all the kingdoms of God are heading towards the Fortress of Dry Bones, there is no need to send any more people.

As long as there is no accident with Nalante and Stella, they should be able to meet them on the road later.

The fact is also the same. When the Kingdom of God team marched for less than half an hour, they met Nalante and Stella who were returning.

Seeing Nalante and Stella, all the high priests of the Kingdom of God were obviously taken aback.

Especially that Silas.

He previously thought that Narante and Stella must be in danger.

After all, the previous interception team of the Orcs had tens of thousands of ordinary Orcs, and there were even dozens of Chimeras.

Under the siege of such a large number of enemies, less than one-fifth of their elite guards from the Kingdom of God escaped back.

What's more, Nalante, a country boy who is worthy of being a great knight.

"Nalante, Stella!"

Dagmar was overjoyed to see the two of them, and the original worry on his face finally faded away.

"High Priest Dagmar, where are you going?"

Narante and Stella returned to the team, and asked curiously.

"Baron Narante, our Kingdom of God is preparing to launch a surprise attack on the Orc's Bone Fortress."

High Priest Dagmar did not hide anything, and immediately told Nalante the truth.

"Oh? This is indeed a good idea. If the number of enemies in Drybone Fortress is really small, you can indeed deal with them first, and then deal with the surrounding orc army behind!"

Hearing Dagmar High Priest's explanation, Nalan nodded.

This idea is really good, as long as it can be confirmed that the defenders in the Dry Bones Fortress are really empty, it will be safer than going back the same way to break through.

[The novel app that has been running stably for many years is comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, and the source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

Of course, Nalante was just a little confused.

That is, judging from the previous signs, the High Priest of the Sun God Kingdom probably has no good intentions.

Then why did the high priest of the Sun God Kingdom give such a good proposal?

"By the way, Narante, Stella, how did you escape?"

After explaining, High Priest Dagmar was very curious about how Narante and Stella escaped.

After all, seeing that both of them are in very good spirits at this moment, didn't the orcs chase them at that time?

"High Priest Dagmar, maybe because we have few people, there were not many orcs who chased us before."

"So after we escaped for a certain distance, we saw that there were less than a hundred orcs behind us, so we joined forces to deal with these orc chasers."

"After dealing with these orcs, we carefully hid for a while, and when we saw the orc army leave, we started to return the same way!"

Narante explained.

However, the number of orcs is naturally his nonsense.

"How dare you do this, it seems that the goddess is blessing you!"

High Priest Dagmar had no doubts.

Afterwards, Narante and Stella returned to the team.

"Bendy, go find James and the others immediately, and let them hurry up and tell the orcs about the Kingdom of God's attack on the Bone Fortress!"

While Narante was chatting with Dagmar High Priest over there.

Silas was not idle.

He called one of his confidants, and he immediately asked this subordinate to report the news.

Silas originally wanted to guide a group of allied forces of the Kingdom of God to attack the Withered Bones Fortress without sufficient preparation.

At that time, let all the guards of the Kingdom of God lose a wave.

After all, only he knew that the orcs mobilized a large number of troops to the border a month ago.

With such sufficient preparations, it is impossible for the Wither Bones Fortress to be empty.

However, he never expected that the army sent by the orcs to the border would go directly behind him and the others.

This shows that Witherbone Fortress is really empty right now.

But if the coalition forces are really allowed to capture the Withered Bones Fortress, then his plan will come to naught.

Fortunately, he still has a way to save the situation.

That is to let the orcs in the Bone Fortress know the arrival of their army in advance.

At that time, as long as the orcs defended the city honestly, they would definitely not be so easily broken by the Allied Forces of the Kingdom of God.

I believe that as long as there is a delay of one day, the orcs behind will arrive.

At that time, his mission can still be carried out.

In a word, it is to do everything possible to bury this Divine Kingdom coalition army.

"Really, Your Excellency the High Priest!"

Upon receiving Silas' order, his confidants immediately pretended to be servants and left the team.

Then, guided by the special artifact in his hand, this confidant found James and others hiding in a dense forest.

When he conveyed the order, a spy from the Sun God Kingdom immediately went to make arrangements.

The spy rushed to the vicinity of Witherbone Fortress, and then randomly arrested an orc who was in charge of patrolling outside the city. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com told him the news.

After finishing speaking, he let the orc go away intact.

And as the orcs hurriedly returned to the fortress to report, the orcs naturally knew the intention of the Divine Kingdom coalition forces.

"What, you actually came towards our Withered Bones Fortress?"

"It seems that this team of humans is really smart and bold!"

Prince Ronzier is now sitting in the Bone Fortress.

He really didn't think that the human race had the guts to come towards the Withered Bones Fortress again.

After all, after being surrounded, no matter who reacts, they will definitely think of breaking out of the encirclement immediately.

How could it continue to deepen.

If they fail to capture the Withered Bones Fortress in a short period of time, then their group of allied forces of the Kingdom of God will be in dire straits.

Of course, they are not completely defenseless.

Although the army was sent to the rear of the human race, there were a hundred thousand orcs in this bone fortress.

The only thing that makes him a little curious now is.

Why did the human race disclose this news to them.

However, orcs obviously don't like to use their brains too much.

I couldn't think about Prince Longzier for the time being, so I didn't think about it again.

Instead, people immediately sounded the alarm, and then summoned all the orcs outside the city back.

And began to strengthen the city wall, plus preparing defensive materials.

When more than an hour later, the Divine Kingdom team arrived at the Bone Fortress.

But they can only see the withered bone fortress waiting in battle.

However, everyone didn't think much about it, they just thought it was the orcs who were cautious.

The team was not allowed to rest, and all the allied forces of the Divine Kingdom joined the **** team and started the siege without stopping.