Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 1044

Chapter 1044

After speaking, Narant stared at the Queen of the Night closely.

But the Queen of the Night didn't speak immediately, but gritted her teeth and looked at her.

"It seems that you don't care about the life and death of your people at all!"

Seeing this, Nalante didn't stay any longer, and then went directly to the door of the dungeon.

Of course, when walking out, Nalante was counting silently in his heart.

"Three, two, one..."

"I am willing to surrender, but you must promise not to hurt my people!"

It was at the moment when Nalan Tumo finished counting, the Queen of the Night really spoke.

Narante paused, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After a while, he suppressed his smile and turned around: "You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me!"

Nalante's tone was indifferent.

However, after a pause, he smiled and said, "However, I'm the most trustworthy person, and I thought that as I said originally, my castle has reserved a maid position for you, so it will definitely be reserved for you."

When the Queen of the Night heard Narante's words, a sense of humiliation welled up in her heart.

But now they are all prisoners, so naturally there is no good choice.

Nalante could promise to treat them kindly to the night elves, which was the only extravagance she could ask for.

"Yes, I can be your maid."

"Hehe, that's right!" Narante smiled brighter.

"However, before you become a maid, you still need to cooperate with me to do one thing!" Narante looked at the Queen of the Night for a moment.

"What's the matter?" The elf queen's face turned pale instantly.

"I'm not a hungry ghost, so don't think too much about it, it's not urgent now." Nalante was speechless.

"What I want you to do now is to let you take off your defenses against the Sea of Consciousness!"

The Queen of the Night trembled slightly again when she heard what Narante said.

Don't be in a hurry now, that means you will still be in a hurry in the future!

It's just that she has no choice, and now she can only let go of her sea of consciousness defense according to Nalante's instructions.

Then let Nalante's spiritual power merge into his own sea of consciousness.

Of course, what she thought of as spiritual power was actually divine power.


Just a few minutes later, Nalante completed the matter of planting the brand of divine power.

"What did you do in my sea of consciousness?"

The Queen of the Night also discovered something strange in her sea of consciousness.

It was as if this Nalante had planted something in his own sea of consciousness.

She felt awkward, and subconsciously tried to get rid of the brand with mental power.

But as soon as her mental power touched the brand and wanted to peel it off, a tingling pain would immediately come from the sea of consciousness.

The stinging pain made her dizzy for a while, and she never dared to move again.

"This is a brand of divine power. If you dare to have any dissent in the future, it will explode in your sea of consciousness."

"As for the consequences, you should be clear about it, right?"

Nalante didn't hide anything. This spiritual imprint didn't predict whether he was loyal or wanted to hurt his master's function.

In this way, if you want to keep the Queen of the Night from having other thoughts, you must tell her the consequences.

"In addition, you can also try to get rid of it like you did just now. It should be wonderful to think about it!"

"You are such a demon!"

Although the Queen of the Night had never heard of such a method of control before.

But he also knew that what Nalante said should be true.

Because that mass of energy is in one's own sea of consciousness.

Even if it doesn't explode as Nalante said, it's just that Nalante controls and stirs in her sea of consciousness at will.

It can definitely damage her mental strength.

At that time, luck will be better, but the mental strength will be severely damaged.

Luck almost may directly become a fool.

"Hehe, Queen of the Night, I have to remind you, now this should be your last word to offend me."

"Because you will be my maid from now on, and maids have maid rules."

"If you break the rules, you must be punished."

"Do you understand?"

There was a wicked smile on the corner of Narante's mouth.

The night elf queen's complexion turned blue and white, and finally she always lowered her head: "Understood!"

"Please explain clearly, my lord!" Narante corrected.

"Understood, my lord!" The Queen of the Night gritted her teeth and replied.

"Very well, let's go!"

Narante waved at the Queen of the Night, and immediately walked out of the cell.

Seeing this, the Night Queen silently stood up and followed behind Narante.

Narante did not leave the dungeon immediately, but went directly to the next cell.

In this cell is the leader of the dwarves.

"Human noble, what exactly do you want?"

"If you are willing to let us go, then we promise that we will never appear in this plain or forest again!"

The dwarf leader looked at Narante warily.

"Hehe, do you still think you have a chance to leave now?"

Narante sneered.

"The nobles of the human race, our dwarf race is not only the Sunset Forest."

"There are even bigger dwarves in other parts of the Io continent."

"If you let them know that you have hurt us dwarves, they will definitely seek revenge from you in the future!" The dwarf leader saw that Nalante's softness would not work, but began to threaten.

"Really? Then let them come, and I will catch a few more by then!"

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore, now I will give you one last chance."

"Surrender to me, or die immediately!"

As he spoke, Narante's hand reached for the Sword of Glory at his waist.

For the Queen of the Night, Nalante still has a little pity for her, but for the dwarf, she no longer has this kind of treatment.

At this time, the Queen of the Night, who had already arrived outside the cell, felt mixed feelings in her heart.

Unexpectedly, the treatment just now turned out to be the best.

"I am willing to surrender, human noble!"

And the leader of the dwarves was also very straightforward, and the next moment he knelt down on the ground with a plop.

It's not that he's really that timid.

Rather, he could feel that Nalante really had the killing intent.

In this way, if he dared to say no, he was sure that he would move his head the next moment.

"Very well, then open your sea of consciousness and let go of your defenses!"

Nalante was very satisfied, and then slowly opened his palm from the hilt.

Soon, also after four or five minutes, Narante walked out of the cell again.

The dwarf leader also slowly followed behind.

When he saw the Queen of the Night, the leader of the dwarves was taken aback.

But the Queen of the Night turned her head away from the leader of the dwarf.

The leader of the dwarves wanted to tease the Queen of the Night.

Because in the past, they heard that the Queen of the Night used to be very tough.

Obviously an existence that would rather die than submit.

But now, just like himself, he also surrendered at the feet of this human noble.

But in the end, the dwarf leader kept his mouth shut.

That Nalante in front of him is not a good opponent, it is best not to make trouble in front of him.

Next, Narante followed suit, using the same attitude as he did with the dwarf leader.

Also subdued several other alien leaders.

As a result, there were a total of eight alien leaders this time, six of which were subdued by Nalante and imprinted with divine power.

For the rest, one died, plus one voluntarily surrendered.

Those who voluntarily surrender are naturally lava people.

Because of the relationship between the servants of hell, these lava men can be controlled very well without Narante using any means.

And the one who died was the patriarch of the Black Crow Wing Clan.

Although those ordinary Black Raven Wings were also captured by him, Narante didn't think about how to deal with them for the time being.

Without the suppression of the patriarch, these Black Crow Wings are not easy to command.

But this matter is not in a hurry, several other races have already surrendered, and it is impossible for the Black Crow Wing clan to stir up any disturbances with just over 10,000 members.

Nalante walked out of the dungeon with several surrendered alien patriarchs.

Then went to the fortress manor.

"Sit down!"

Taking a group of people to a restaurant in the manor, the long table has already set up delicious food.

The patriarchs of different races looked at each other and did not sit down immediately.

"Why, don't you want to eat?" Narante said to everyone.

"Human race... lord... lord, this is not the treatment that slaves should have. What do you want to do to us?"

At this time, the orc leader asked Narante a question.

Originally thought that Nalante should have something to do when he led them out of the dungeon.

But now they have prepared such a sumptuous meal in this manor. Is this really treating the captives?

Or the treatment of slaves?

"Hehe, let me ask you, are you really going to be just a slave after you surrender to me?" Nalante sat down on his own.

Then he took a piece of barbecue and asked while eating.

"Isn't it?"

Several alien leaders asked.

"My cavalry captain also submits to me, but he is my subordinate, not my servant."

"The steward and civil affairs officer also submit to me, but they can only be regarded as my subordinates, not my servants."

"Even the servants of my castle are the same. Although they are servants, they are not slaves without any freedom!"

"Or, do you just want to be like slaves?"

"If it is, then it will disappoint me too much!"

Narante shook his head and sighed.

But the leaders of other races were fascinated by Mimihu, but they still didn't know what Nalante meant.

Nalante simply said directly: "Actually, I know that you don't really want to come to the Holy Continent."

"It was just driven by the Dragon Knights of the Kingdom of God."

"And after being driven here, because there are no supplies and food, you will plunder the Black Rock Plain!"

"So, I think that subjectively, you don't have much malice towards the human race."

"And I, Nalante, are the most enlightened existence among the human race."

"I don't mind race."

"Although each of your races has different appearances and living habits, we are all races belonging to the same world after all."

"Then why can't we live in peace?"

"So, I am going to allow you alien races to join my Stormwind City."

"Become a citizen of my Narante."

"Become a leader?" A group of alien leaders looked at each other.

Peaceful coexistence between different races, especially with their human race.

This is the first time people have heard of it.

In the past, when they encountered human races, either one of them immediately avoided them and hid far away.

Or the two sides are fighting to the death for the territory.

Because the alien race believes that the human race is greedy and cunning, there can be no other relationship except the enemy.

The human race thinks that these alien races are ugly and barbaric, and only know how to burn, kill and loot.

In this way, none of the nobles of the human race said that they thought about accepting foreign races as their own people.

There is no foreign race that wants to integrate into human society.

"Well, aren't you surprised?"

"Don't be surprised, because it's not difficult at all."

"For example, you half-orcs, you also know how to farm, and you have an advantage in strength."

"In this way, you half-orcs can rely on your hard work to live a prosperous life."

"Another example is you dwarfs. Although you are short, you have a super stealth ability."

"You can use this skill for hunting, so you only need to sell the meat of the monster to the nobles of the clan."

"Then you also don't have to worry about starving.

"There are also Medus snakes. Your abilities are also very good, and you can also use them for hunting."

"In short, as long as you live in peace with the human race, you can all rely on your racial talents to live a better life."

"Instead of hiding in the jungle and always guarding against foreign attacks."

Narante described the benefits of living in peace to everyone.


It was the first time that everyone heard of the benefits of joining the human race.

"Of course, I'm not discussing with you, this is also my second choice for you."

"If you choose to become a leader, then I will give your tribe a certain amount of freedom and strength from now on."

"Of course, a right other than armed forces."

"Another option is to become a slave."

"What kind of life is it like to be a slave, you should know it yourself?"

"Although food and housing are included, there is no freedom, and you need to work all the time!"

"My lord, we half-orcs are willing to become leaders!"

Hearing that Nalante had another choice, the half-orc leader immediately chose to be a leader without any hesitation.

The difference between these two choices, even a fool would know how to choose.

"We gnomes are also willing to become the citizens of Stormwind City."

"We night elves are also willing to become leaders!"

Next, a group of alien leaders expressed their opinions one after another.

"Haha, very good, let's all sit down."

"From now on, your races will still be based on the original race~www.mtlnovel.com~ and you will still be the leaders of these tribes!"

"Of course, before the name of your tribe, you must add the word Stormwind City."

"Yes, my lord!"

A group of alien leaders finally did it one after another.

Although they were not used to it for a while, from this moment on, these original alien races had transformed into a tribe of people under the rule of Nalante.

The reason why Nalante did this was because he was willing to have two.

One, of course, is to test whether these alien races can live in peace with the human race as they think.

After all, with such a powerful monarch as himself, the possibility of success is still very high.

And as long as this method is really possible, then Narante will have bigger arrangements in the future.

That is to absorb these alien races to become their own believers.