Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 1045

Chapter 1045

Now whether it is the Io Continent or the Holy Continent, the Kingdom of God has actually acquired an absolute number of human believers.

Therefore, if Nalante wants to take food from these gods, let alone the danger.

Even the price is very unreasonable.

For example, if he wants to go to a certain territory of the Kingdom of God to absorb believers, he needs to launch a war like conquering a city.

Not to mention that his current strength is not yet able to challenge these kingdoms of God, even if he wins it, he will need to eat away at it step by step.

Start with a small town, then a small city.

This pay is completely out of proportion to the harvest.

But the fastest way for him to rise now is also to absorb faith.

With the power of faith, he can continuously strengthen the strength of his subordinates and himself.

In this way, after seeing these alien races, he had an idea.

That is to let these alien races contribute the power of faith to themselves.

After all, he has verified that the power of faith is not single.

But as long as these believers are devout enough in their hearts, even if he believes in ten gods, he can also contribute the power of faith to ten gods.

In this way, the total number of alien races in the Io continent will not be less than that of the human race.

It's just that these races are divided into large and small tribes and scattered everywhere.

But as long as Nalante absorbs it slowly, it will always add up.

And there is no need to worry about touching the interests of the kingdom of God, and he will be attacked by all the kingdoms of God before he develops.

Next, Nalante finished a sumptuous meal with a group of alien leaders in an uneasy atmosphere.

After arranging for these alien leaders to take a good wash, Narant went to find Field and other nobles.

"I've seen Baron Narante!"

Seeing Nalante's arrival, all the nobles got up and greeted Nalante.

"Well, everyone, please sit down!"

Nalan nodded and let the nobles sit down.

After these nobles sat down firmly, Nalante continued to speak: "Everyone, those leaders of the alien race have expressed their surrender to me!"

"So this time the alien crisis has been completely resolved, and I will bring them near my Stormwind City."

"You nobles can return to the territory with peace of mind at that time, and don't have to worry about alien attacks anymore!"

"Baron Narant is mighty!"

"Baron Narant is mighty!"

Hearing Narante's words, all the little nobles immediately burst into smiles.

The alien crisis caused these little nobles to be displaced. Now that they can regain their territory, they are all very happy.

"The other thing is, I should be returning to Stormwind City in the next day or two!"

"So, here is one more thing I want to get rid of you!"

Narante continued to speak with a smile.

"Baron Narante, please tell me, if there is anything we can do for you, we will definitely not refuse!"

Field was the first to speak when he heard the words.

"Yes, please tell Baron Narante, we will do our best to serve you!"

Other minor nobles also spoke out.

"It's actually about building a temple," Narante said.

"Baron Narante, are you talking about the temple of the God of Glory? We promise to start building it immediately!"

A group of little nobles immediately expressed their views after hearing the words.

"Well, the temple of the God of Glory is also one thing, but what I want to request is another thing!" Nalante shook his head.

"Baron Narante, are you talking about the temple of the Bone Dragon Knight?" Field said suddenly at this time.

Obviously, Yin Sabella had told him about this a few days ago.

"Yes, Your Excellency Field, in addition to the temple of the God of Glory, I hope that the nobles will also build the temple of the Bone Dragon Knight!"

"At that time, it is necessary for the citizens to not only believe in the God of Glory, but also worship the Bone Dragon Knight!"

Narante nodded.

After a pause, he continued: "Of course, there are also advantages to believing in the Bone Dragon Knight."

"As long as you are really devout enough and contribute the power of faith, then the Bone Dragon Knight Temple will also be able to give back."

"In this way, your territories will get double rewards every day, and the elements and magic power will be doubled!"

"Get double the filling?"

All the little nobles stared wide-eyed.

"That's right, in addition to this, you can also use the power of the bone dragon knight to fight against the enemy!"

"That's great, Baron Narante, I'll explain it right away, so that all the vassals and nobles in the territory will add the Bone Dragon Knight's temple to the construction plan!"

Field was the first to agree.

With such benefits, it's not so much helping Frank.

It's more like a win-win situation.

"Baron Nalante, we promise that we will build the Bone Dragon Knight Temple after the God of Glory Temple is built!"

The other nobles were not stupid, and expressed their support one after another.

"Very well, then thank you nobles!"

Nalante was very satisfied, and it was finally worthwhile for him to come here.

That night.

Because the crisis has been lifted, all the little nobles have returned to their respective territories.

After all, there are still so many messes to be cleaned up, and these nobles naturally don't have the time to stay in Glory Fortress.

But Narante needs to wait for a day or two.

He has asked a group of leaders to arrange for people to return to their respective tribes to gather the remaining tribesmen.

Although all the tribes of different races were mobilized this time, there will naturally be a small number of people to watch the house.

In this way, let these alien races bring over the little property left in their tribe.

At that time, you will be able to join the team and go to Stormwind City to settle down with Nalante.


"Nalante, are you asleep?" Just as Narante was in his bedroom conceiving his godhood, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in, Miss Yinsabella, I haven't slept yet!"

Narante naturally heard the identity of the person.

Immediately, I sat on the sofa and stopped practicing.

With a creak, the door was opened.

Yin Sabella walked in slowly.

To Narante's surprise, Yin Sabella was very beautifully dressed today.

A white lace dress.

The long skirt has a waist design, which highlights her beautiful figure to the fullest.

In addition, the neckline of the long skirt is a V-neck, which shows a large area of snow-white and crystal-clear skin in front.

It was the first time Frank saw Yinsabella dressed up like this.

He couldn't help but swallowed his saliva.

Then, to avoid being rude, he immediately looked away.

"Miss Yin Sabella came to see me so late, what's the matter?"

Yin Sabella had noticed Narante's gaze before, and her pretty face was already slightly blush.

But thinking of the courage she summoned up when she came here, she still held back her shame and came in front of Narante.

After leaning over to put down the tray in his hand, he personally opened the lid on a porcelain bowl.

"Nalant, I'm worried that you will be hungry at night. This is the broth I just made. How about you taste it?"


As Yin Sabella leaned over, the collar became even bigger.

Frank could even see a smear of whiteness directly.

But fortunately, he, Nalante, can be regarded as a gentleman witness, and once again relied on his concentration to look away.

It's just that after moving away, I still can't help but recall the previous snow-white scene.

"Thank you Yin Sabella!"

In order to ease the embarrassment, Narante immediately picked up the broth and drank it.

Seeing Nalante's eyes flicker away again, Yin Sabella felt slightly disappointed.

I can't help but wonder if I am unattractive.

Immediately, she gritted her teeth again, and simply sat next to Narante.

"Nalant, how is my handicraft? Is this porridge delicious?"

As Yin Sabella took her seat, Nalante could feel a refreshing fragrance.


In fact, she has already noticed something strange about Yin Sabella.

So when she answered, she didn't look at Yin Sabella.

Seeing his appearance, Yin Sabella said quietly: "Nalante, do you not like me?"

"Ahem, Miss Yinsabella, you are so beautiful, and we are still friends, why do you say that?" Nalante almost choked.

"Then Narante, why didn't you look at me when you spoke?"

Yin Sabella asked.

"Aren't you clear about this?" Nalante said silently in his heart.

"Yin Sabella, what are you talking about, but I am afraid that it will be impolite to keep looking at you!"

"It's not impolite!" Yin Sabella's voice came again.

Then she took a deep breath, as if she had made an important decision.

He said to Narante: "Baron Narante, actually... I actually like you!"


This time, it really choked Nalante again.

He just realized it.

But I didn't expect Yin Sabella to be so courageous that she said it directly.

After a while, Narante sighed. "Yin Sabella, I already have a wife!"

Yin Sabella is a woman who definitely does not belong to Stella and Natasha.

Whether it is in appearance, or in temperament and ability.

The only difference can only be that all three have their own merits.

Stella is cold, Natasha is hot, and Yin Sabella belongs to the kind of gentle but intelligent existence.

And such an outstanding woman, Nalante would be lying if she said she didn't like her.

But now he not only has Stella, but also Natasha.

Even Natasha's status was not settled, so he didn't dare to let Yin Sabella get involved.

Then he might owe more and more.

Whether it is owed to Stella or Natasha, or this Yin Sabella.

"Nalante, I know you have Stella, and you love her very much."

"But I also know that you have Miss Natasha too!"

Unexpectedly, what Yin Sabella said made Nalante stagnate again.

Narante suddenly showed a helpless expression, "Miss Yin Sabella, Natasha is different from your situation!"

"What's the difference, Narante, is it because I'm not pretty enough?" Yin Sabella's tone became slightly disappointed when she heard this.

"That's not true, Yin Sabella, you are excellent, not worse than Natasha!"

"But when I was with Natasha, I wasn't even engaged to Stella at that time!"

Narante immediately explained.

Yin Sabella was silent for a moment when she heard the words.

After a while, he said: "But Narante, what's the difference?"

"Well, there is no difference!" Narante was speechless.

There really is no difference, it's all scum anyway.

"So, Baron Narante, please accept me!"

"Because I really like you!"

"I can still remember the first time I met you."

"Although you and I belonged to different principalities at that time."

"But your courage and wisdom have left a deep impression on me!"

"Although I was very angry at that time, I also admired you very much!"

"Later, because of the church, my father was imprisoned, and that was my hope!"

"But you brought me hope and helped me save my father!"

"Later, the air of death pervaded the entire continent, and it was because of your appearance that we all were saved!"

"And last time, also because of Nalante, I was saved from being bullied by the duke's son!"

"This help again and again has made you, Nalante, a hero in my heart!"

"And I have fantasized since I was a child, not knowing what the knight that belongs to me looks like."

"And I now believe that you are my heroic knight!"

Yin Sabella looked at Nalante affectionately.

The reason why I came to confess my love tonight was because Yin Sabella knew about it.

I'm afraid there won't be such a good opportunity in the future.

Nalante's current strength and power are growing.

And she is no longer the princess of the past.

She felt that the identity difference between herself and Nalante was getting bigger and bigger.

But the figure of Nalante has been deeply buried in her heart.

Therefore, she wanted to take this opportunity to fight hard.

Don't ask for anything from Narante.

She just wants to be like Natasha, who can always look for Nalante in the future ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and let Nalante leave a small space for her in her heart.

She will not threaten Stella's position.

Nor will she compete with Natasha.

Nalante did not expect that Yin Sabella had such deep feelings for him.

However, he really didn't want to hurt this girl.

Because he knew that if he really took in this woman, she would be happy.

But what about the future?

I haven't dared to tell Stella about Natasha yet.

If you add Yin Sabella, then you don't know when you will have to wait.

For a woman like Yin Sabella, it is actually very easy to find an excellent partner.

There is really no need to make such a big sacrifice for yourself.

"Yin Sabella, to be honest, no one would dislike an outstanding woman like you!"

"But I don't want to wrong you, because this is a very selfish behavior..."

"Nalante, I am not wronged, and it is not your selfishness..."

"Actually speaking of selfishness, I should be myself. I know you already have Stella and Natasha, but I still want to embarrass you..."

"So, you accept me, okay?"

Saying that, Yin Sabella directly opened her hands to cover Narante, and then buried her head deeply in front of Narante.

Feeling the warmth and fragrance in front of him, Nalante swallowed again.

And Yin Sabella seemed to have sensed it, and immediately raised her head the next moment.

The red was printed directly on Frank's lips.

He was beaten again.

Moreover, Frank's remaining sanity finally vanished at this moment.