Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 1043

Chapter 1043

The elf queen, the leader of the dwarf clan, and several other leaders stood up one by one.

At first, he looked around in a daze, and finally came back to his senses after a while.

Then he looked up in fear.

"How is this possible, why can he have such a strong divine power?"

The leaders were horrified.

Because although everyone can also use the power of faith.

But this divine power is not unlimited.

This is also the restriction set by the gods at the beginning. After all, if a believer can use his own divine power without restriction.

It's like a soldier who can mobilize himself infinitely.

Although it is very convenient sometimes, it can solve many things.

But if one day there is a strange heart, it is easy to cause backlash against yourself.

Although this kind of backlash is minimal, it does not mean that there is no.

Especially now, all the gods have fallen into a deep sleep.

If there were no such restrictions, wouldn't it be entirely up to the believer's own thoughts whether he could recover or not.

"Ah, look at the patriarch of the Black Crow Wing Clan!"

At this moment, the orc leader suddenly exclaimed.

Several other leaders turned their heads.

But it was discovered that the patriarch of the Black Crow Wing Clan had not been able to stand up until now.

Because the body of the head of the Black Crow Wing Clan had already been cut in two.

The upper body has been completely separated from the lower body.

At this moment, the patriarch of the Black Crow Wing Clan still had the last trace of anger, but there was regret and dare not in his eyes.

"Hehe, patriarchs, I want to ask you now, do you surrender now, or do you want to die!"

When everyone's mood was agitated, the bone dragon had already carried Nalante and landed in front of a group of patriarchs.

Although Nalante was pale, his condition was obviously much better than that of the other patriarchs.

"Hmph, Human race boy, although you hit us hard with one move."

"But I don't believe that your injuries will be lighter than ours, and with this bone dragon alone, you don't even think about keeping us!"

Naturally, the Queen of the Night could not submit easily.

At the moment, she dared to conclude that Nalante's situation would not be too good.

In this way, even if he can't defeat Nalante today, he can escape safely.

"Hehe, it seems that you still want to talk hard. When you arrive at my castle, I will definitely train and train you!"

Narante glanced hard at the Queen of the Night's uneven figure.

Seeing that, the Night Queen subconsciously raised her hands to cover important parts.

"Since you don't cry until the end, then I will fulfill you!"

The next moment, Narante opened the storage space again.

"Lava Servant!"


The next moment, the lava warrior fell from the sky and hit the ground directly.

"My lord!"

After the lava warrior fell to the ground, he knelt on one knee and greeted Nalante.

"Boy, do you think adding an elemental creature with the strength of a mere great knight can defeat us?"

Several alien leaders also saw the appearance of the lava war servant.

However, they were still not in a hurry.

Instead, he sneered with disdain.

"Oh, you'll know later!" Nalante smiled lightly.

"Lava servant, let's get to work!"

Afterwards, Narante briefly explained.

"Yes, my lord!" The lava warrior stood up immediately.

Afterwards, Lava was not ready to do anything, and just said calmly.

"My believer, are you loyal to me!"

"Lord Patronus, your most devout believer is willing to listen to your orders!"

Afterwards, there was a sudden loud response from among the leaders of these alien races.

The leaders of the foreign races were taken aback for a moment, and then looked at the leader of the lava tribe in horror.

"Master Lava, what are you doing?"

"Very good, Patriarch Lava, now I order you to capture all the patriarchs of these alien races and hand them over to my master for punishment!"

"Yes, Lord Patronus!"

The patriarch of the lava tribe didn't even look at the other alien leaders.

After receiving the order from the Lava War Servant, he stood up again and looked at the other alien leaders.

Then, he selected the closest target, which was the orc leader.

"Master Lava, what do you want to do, do you want to be a traitor?"

The half-orc leader suddenly showed anger, and yelled at the lava patriarch.

At the same time, the huge ax in his hand pointed at the lava patriarch warily.

"Half-orc leader, I must obey the patron saint's order!"

"Lava Boxing!"

The lava patriarch didn't hesitate, and after finishing speaking, he roared and rushed towards the half-orc patriarch.

Seeing this, the orc leader naturally wouldn't just sit back and wait for death.

Immediately, without hesitation, he raised the giant ax in his hand and threw it at the lava patriarch.



The next moment, the lava patriarch's stone fist directly bounced the giant ax of the orc leader.

Then he punched him in the chest.

After the muffled sound, the half-orc leader's body flew backwards for more than ten meters like a kite with a broken string.

The half-orc leader who fell to the ground wanted to struggle so much, but couldn't get up at all.

"Master Lava, are you not injured?" Seeing this, the other patriarchs immediately spoke out in disbelief.

"It's not that it's not injured, it's just because it didn't attack with all its strength before, so it's injured less than you!"

At this time, Nalante explained for the lava patriarch.

"Despicable and shameless human race!"

The elf queen immediately cursed.

"Everyone, let's evacuate!"

After cursing, the night elf queen greeted her and quickly ran to the side.

"Want to run? Can you run away?"

"Advanced confinement technique!" Nalante sneered.

Although he really can no longer use fighting spirit at this moment.

Even if it is used, it can only exert the strength of the golden knight at most.

But that doesn't mean he can't use magic.

"Master Lava, subdue this Night Queen first!"

"Yes, Lord of the Patronus!"

The lava patriarch had known Nalante's identity for a long time.

Hearing his order like this, there is no hesitation.

"Lava Boxing!"

Afterwards, the lava patriarch quickly came behind the imprisoned night elf queen.

Without any pity, he punched her in the back.



The night elf queen was hit by this punch, and immediately spit out a large stream of blood from her mouth again.

Immediately, he was also sent flying for several meters, and could no longer get up.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this lava man is too honest!"

Nalante watched the blow that the lava patriarch didn't stay behind, and couldn't help being surprised by the uprightness of these lava people.

I'm afraid these guys have nothing to say about pity and pity.

Blast the Queen of the Night away, and the Lava Warrior will head towards the dwarf leader next.

"Human nobles, I surrender, I am willing to surrender!"

Looking at the two lessons learned from the past, the patriarch of the dwarf, who had been slowed down by the imprisonment technique even though he had turned on invisibility, raised his hands without hesitation.

Because he knew that he would never run away.

If it were in the past, he only needed to use a little divine power to directly break such a confinement magic.

But now because of his injury, he doesn't even have the ability to break the restraint.

The leader of the dwarves naturally can tell the difference between surrendering after being punched so hard, or surrendering voluntarily.

"Very good!" Narante smiled brightly.

With the leadership of the dwarf leader, several other bully frogmen, medu snakes, and the female face wing tribe also raised their hands and surrendered.

Afterwards, Nalante asked the lava patriarch to bind the patriarchs with mithril chains, and then lifted them to the bone dragon.

"Hey, everyone, stop, look what's here?"

The next moment, the small bone dragon carried Nalante to the city wall.

Immediately, a roar resounded throughout the audience, and several seriously injured alien leaders were displayed in front of the crowd.

"Ah, Your Lady Queen!"

"Master Patriarch!"

The next moment, there were bursts of exclamations among the aliens.

"Listen up, you alien races, now your leaders and patriarchs have surrendered to me, Nalante!"

"Now, I order you to surrender immediately, otherwise the rebels will only die."

Nalante walked to several alien leaders and spoke to them.


Hearing the words, all the alien races looked at their leader in disbelief.

"Listen to the words of this human nobleman!"

The night elf queen knew that even several of her patriarchs had been captured.

If these tribesmen resist, I am afraid that there is really only a dead end.

After all, the human race now not only has a bone dragon, but also has a lava warrior and a betrayed lava leader to help.

Such strength is enough to defeat their subordinates.


As the leaders of several alien races spoke, those ordinary alien races naturally did not insist.

One by one dropped the weapons in their hands, expressing their surrender.

"We have won! Baron Narant is mighty!"

"We have won! Baron Narant is mighty!"

And when the aliens dropped their weapons one by one, the people on the city wall immediately shouted excitedly.

Everyone watched the battle in the sky before, fearing that Nalante would not be able to withstand the siege of a group of alien leaders.

After all, there is definitely no chance of winning on my own city wall. Even with the help of the magic armored vehicle, it is just delaying time as much as possible.

If something happened to Baron Nalante, it would mean that they would be directly wiped out by these alien races.

Fortunately, Baron Nalante did not disappoint everyone.

Relying on his own strength, he directly took down the leaders of several alien races.

Waiting for the cheers of a crowd of soldiers and nobles to fall.

Only then did Nalante explain to the crowd that all these ordinary aliens should be detained.

Then he returned to the fortress with a group of nobles.

"Nalante, do you want a way to directly prevent the betrayal of these alien leaders?"

In the fortress manor, Nalante communicated with the small bone dragon with mental power while receiving treatment from Winnie.

"That's right, Your Excellency Guo Gulong, although these alien patriarchs have been captured."

"But if I just rely on long-term detention, I don't have that much time."

"So, if there is a once-and-for-all, like a master-servant contract, it will be much easier." Nalante nodded and expressed his thoughts.

"Nalante, the master-servant contract can only be between humans and monsters. It is impossible to sign such a contract with other races."

"Although I don't know why, I think this should be the rule of the Creator God."

"Then there is no other way?"

Narante was a little disappointed.

"There is another way, that is, Nalante, you can use your divine power to plant a spiritual brand in the minds of these alien leaders."

"This spiritual imprint is not as magical as the master-servant contract, and it cannot connect you with each other."

"But it allows you to control the life and death of these alien leaders at any time."

"For example, if these alien leaders betray you, then you can stimulate the explosion of divine power."

"This can severely injure their spirits. Although it may not directly kill them, it can basically cause them to be severely injured and lose their combat effectiveness in a short period of time." Fortunately, the small bone dragon came up with a new method.

"Oh? Is this okay?"

Although this method cannot directly control life and death like a master-servant contract, it also cannot make the other party feel close to him immediately.

But it is also a very effective control method.

"Of course you can. In fact, many gods will plant this brand in the minds of some divine envoys in advance."

"It is to guard against the possible betrayal of these envoys."

"If the God of Glory had planted such a spiritual imprint on the envoys back then, maybe that envoy would not have dared to betray so easily!"

The little bone dragon affirmed.

"Okay, little bone dragon, then this method of imprinting the spirit..."

Later, Nalante learned the method of planting a spiritual brand from the small bone dragon.

In fact, it is also very simple, that is, let the other party unsuspectingly open the sea of spiritual consciousness, and then let Nalante inject a mass of divine power.

This divine power is fused into the opponent's sea of consciousness in a special way to prevent the opponent from expulsing it.

Such a spiritual imprint is completed.

Of course, only gods are capable of planting this brand.

Because only the divine power of the gods can do this.

If it is just an ordinary person, no matter how powerful the mental power is, it is impossible to prevent the other party from being expelled from the sea of consciousness~www.mtlnovel.com~ Soon, after Winnie finished today's treatment, Nalante went directly to Go to the dungeon inside the fortress.

Narante walked into the night queen's cell first.

At this moment, the Queen of the Night is depressed and her face is pale.

In order to ensure that heresies are not born, Nalante will naturally not give these alien leaders a chance to receive treatment.

Seeing Narant walk into the cell, the Night Queen just glanced at him.

Then he silently bowed his head without saying a word.

Nalante didn't care, walked up to the Queen of the Night, then squatted down, and stared at the Queen of the Night.

The Queen of the Night felt uncomfortable being stared at by Narante, and finally couldn't help it.

"Human noble, kill me!"

"Hehe, why did I kill you? Didn't I tell you that I want you to be my castle maid!"

Narante laughed out loud.

"Human nobles, you dream!"

The Queen of the Night snorted coldly.

"Yes, if you don't agree, then your clansmen will be in danger!"

Nalante knew that the Queen of the Night had more backbone than other alien patriarchs, so she could only pretend to be a villain to make her submit.

"You...human nobles, don't you pay attention to chivalry?"

"Chivalry, that's for our own human race."

"And you are aliens and bandits, so you don't deserve me to talk about chivalry." Nalante sneered.

After a pause, he continued: "Elf Queen, I will give you a chance now."

"To truly surrender to me, I still want your people to be completely destroyed because of you."