Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 1042

Chapter 1042

"The leader of the Black Crow, do you know him?" At this moment, the other leaders looked at the leader of the Black Crow. "Leaders, one of my uncles was also driven to this sacred continent by the Human God Kingdom a few months ago." "It wasn't long before I received the news that my uncle was exterminated." "My uncle has quite Due to the strength of the paladin, there are still more than 20,000 tribesmen under him, all of whom were killed by this bone dragon knight!" "In the end, only a few dozen tribesmen can escape!" The leader of the Black Crow Wing tribe looked solemnly, looking at Na There was even more hatred in Rand's eyes. "This..." The other patriarchs were startled when they heard this. Is this human race youth in front of him so cruel? He was able to kill a Black Crow Wing tribe with 20,000 tribesmen by himself. This kind of strength is really no worse than any dragon knight. Seeing his words, the leader of the Black Crow Wing clan made all the leaders feel fear. But immediately said again: "But you leaders, don't worry." "We now have eight race alliances. Even if this human race youth can defeat my uncle, it is impossible to resist us." "After all, With the strength of our eight leaders, plus divine power, even five dragon knights can compete." "Could it be that this human youth is stronger than those dragon knights from the kingdom of God? I absolutely don't believe it! "Yes, the leader of the Black Crow is right, everyone don't need to be afraid!" And the words of the leader of the Black Crowwing tribe immediately got the support of the orc leader, the leader of the dwarf tribe and the Queen of the Night. After all, in their thinking, even if Nalante had an extra bone dragon mount, it was only equivalent to the strength of a dragon knight. At most, he could continue to increase his strength by relying on the Glorious Nine Swords Slash. But in general, it is impossible to be stronger than the two dragon knights. Moreover, the reason why they were driven over by the Kingdom of God. Not only are they really afraid of the dozen or so dragon knights, they are also afraid of the kingdom of God behind the dragon knights. Otherwise, it would count as ten dragon knights, if they relied on their divine power to kill them. That would also make Dragon Knight pay the price. After all, the dragon knight is not a priest of the kingdom of God, and has no divine power to borrow. But how did they know that Nalante was able to scare away more than a dozen dragon knights by relying on the glorious second slash. Although it was just scared off, it was enough to represent Nalante's strength. "Hey, Nalante, it seems that these guys have underestimated you!" The black dragon smiled at this time, teasing Nalante with his mental strength. "Hehe, this is the best way, I will definitely give them a big surprise." Nalante laughed out loud. "Leaders, let's fight with all our strength!" At this time, the eight leaders of different races finally reached a unity. Dang even began to use his divine power to cast offensive spells. And with the blessing of a lot of divine power, the attack power of these alien leaders was instantly improved. I saw that although the Queen of the Night still only shot three arrows and missed. But the red light on the arrow has become extremely dazzling, and its power is several times greater than before. In addition, the delayed light and venom released by the Medus snake and the bully frogman are also even more terrifying. "Human boy, you will die this time!" Several aliens looked at Nalante with cruel smiles on their lips. "Hehe, let's see who dies!" Nalante sneered. "The second cut of glory!" This time, Nalante still used the second cut of glory. However, the divine power injected this time has more than doubled. With the influx of divine power, the sword of glory in Frank's hand also shone with dazzling light. This time, Frank used the limit of Glory's second slash. The power is more than three times that of before. And if you observe Frank's expression carefully, you can obviously feel the strenuous expression on his face. "God of Glory, you must protect Nalante!" On the city wall not far away, no matter if they were human races or alien races. At this moment, they all noticed the changes in the sky outside the city. Because at this moment, the two sides have been able to interfere with such a long distance from the city wall just by using spells. Yin Sabella couldn't help praying to the God of Glory. Swish! But Yin Sabella's voice of prayer fell, and a frightening white light appeared in the distant sky. It was the ultimate power of Nalante's glorious second slash. Rumble! In the next moment, everyone felt a sudden burst of white light in front of them, which made them unable to open their eyes at all. It turned out that Frank's terrifying sword glow collided with the spells of several alien leaders, causing a violent explosion in midair. After more than ten seconds, the whistling wind in everyone's ears finally weakened. Then he looked up to the sky again. However, they found that the leaders of several alien races and Nalante's figure retreated tens of meters to the rear. Of course, another scene they didn't see was that at this moment, the corners of the mouths of Nalante and the leaders of other alien races were overflowing with blood. Although everyone can use divine power. But this is borrowed after all, their physical strength has not yet reached that level. In this way, at the moment when the divine power collided, the aftermath that occurred hurt everyone. It can be regarded as being backlashed by the spell he cast. "Frank, it seems that these guys on the opposite side are not too weak, so they can't shake it down." Xiao Bone Dragon looked at the leaders of the alien race who were still hovering in the air, and was slightly surprised. "Don't be afraid, I will beat them to the ground later." "It's just that I really don't want to be seriously injured again, it seems that I can't escape!" Nalante said to the small bone dragon. In fact, the accident of Nalante and the small bone dragon. The leaders of the other races on the opposite side were even more surprised. Because, the few of them used their divine power to attack together, I am afraid that even a dragon knight would be stunned by the aftermath. But the human race youth on the opposite side seemed to be fine. The expression is more calm than theirs. "Queen of the Night, this human race seems to be stronger than we expected." All the leaders looked at the Queen of the Night. "Youth of the human race, your strength is beyond our expectations." "I appreciate you very much. As long as you are willing to surrender, then we allow you to retain your identity." "You only need to give up the noble territories other than your territory Just give it to us." "Maybe we can fight against the oppression of the Kingdom of God together in the future!" The Queen of the Night listened to the words of the leaders, but she was actually very surprised. This Nalante was several times stronger than she had expected. Therefore, in order to prevent the two sides from being caught dead, she has already raised her mind to win over Nalante. If Nalantra is brought over, they might be able to resist the Kingdom of God together in the future. "Hehe, Queen of the Night, are you afraid?" "If you are afraid, I advise you to surrender obediently, and the position of maid in my castle is still reserved for you." "And, I warn you, this is your last chance ""Because I can't even control my next attack!" Nalante warned the leaders of the alien race. "In this case, you human race boy, you will regret your arrogance!" The Queen of the Night and several leaders finally gave up the possibility of persuading Nalante to surrender when they saw that Nalante would not enter. "Everyone, don't give him another chance!" After saying that, the Night Queen moved first. Immediately, he fully mobilized the divine power in his body, and then crazily output it to the longbow in his hand. "The night is coming, the soul-hunting light!" As the Queen of the Night charged up, the space behind her was slightly distorted, and a strong wind blew up around her. And on her bowstring, there was no arrow missing. But with the gathering of divine power, a black sword glow gradually formed. "It is the only divine art of the night elves, the aura of hunting souls!" When the surrounding leaders saw this scene, they were immediately surprised. Because, this soul-hunting light is already the strongest attack of the night elves, and it is also the only magic. And this magic was bestowed by the God of Slaughter, and after using it, it will cause a certain backlash to itself. When the Queen of the Night casts it at this moment, it is obvious that she really does not leave any room for it. Because after the release, there will be no one or two months, and the Queen of the Night's strength may not be able to return to its peak. "The Arrow of the Frog!" "The Eye of Petrification!" At the same time, the leaders of the other alien races did not neglect after seeing this. Also began to cast the final blow at all costs. They also have brains. If they don't deal with Nalante together at this moment, then if the Queen of the Night loses her fighting power later. Their chances of winning will become even lower. Rumble! As a group of alien leaders desperately used their divine power to activate the strongest spells, the sky above them turned black. And there was a rumbling roar. This was not caused by Annie's talent. It is because the energy fluctuations here are too violent, and the natural phenomenon of heaven and earth is formed. "Nalante, is it okay? If not, let's take a step back!" The little bone dragon also became dignified at this moment. "Man, I can't say no, I also want to try the power of the third glorious cut!" Nalante's eyes did not show fear, but excited light. This kind of battle that can make the adrenaline soar is really addictive. boom! At this time, several alien leaders on the opposite side finally completed charging. With the completion of the spell, whether it is the terrifying black arrow light or the arrow of the mad frog family. They have all shot towards Narante. And the sound of these spells flying by is no longer just whistling and screaming like before. It was because the power was too great, and there were bangs and bangs. Even when these arrows miss and fly by, the surrounding space will become slightly distorted. In addition, the petrified eyes of the Namedu snake have also irradiated Nalante. Narante's body immediately felt a little stiff. Even the skin on the surface of the fingers has a slightly petrified appearance. Next, there will be the powerful blow of the Black Crow Wing and the Female Face Wing. "Human boy, if you don't die this time, then I will be your maid willingly!" The Queen of the Night watched the real power blow that she was waiting for the leaders to release. There was an extremely serious look on his face. At this moment, the aura on her body has fallen to the strength of the Golden Knight. Because, just now she used the divine spell that the night clan got from the God of Slaughter. The body couldn't bear the tyrannical power when it was cast, and got a great backlash. It can be said that this is their last fight, and under their watchful eyes, Narante finally moved at this moment. Although it was slow, the long sword was still lifted up. "Rong... Guang... the third..." Following Narante, he read out the words "Rong Guang San Zhan" word by word. The divine power on his body also began to gather. When the few words were about to be finished, Nalante also had a phenomenon of spatial distortion around him. "This..." Tong Kong, the leader of the alien race, shrank slightly. Because they also felt the horror of Narante's blow. At that moment, Nalante hadn't read the last word yet, yet such divine power was still superimposing. puff! But at the next moment, a mouthful of blood spewed out of Nalante's mouth. "Is this guy crazy?" Even though blood was spurted out, Nalante's power accumulation has not stopped. Seeing this scene, the leaders of other races couldn't help being frightened by his madness. If he had exploded and died before he had fully charged, it would probably become the biggest joke on this continent. Of course, such a situation is obviously impossible. Just when space cracks began to appear in Nalante's **** week, he finally spit out the last word. "Cut!" Then, UU Read Book www.uukanshu.com when the attack of the leaders of the alien race was within two or three meters of Nalante. His long sword also slashed down. At this moment, time and space seemed to freeze. The moment the long sword fell, all the leaders of the alien race felt that their own heartbeat and breathing were clearly distinguishable. This moment is the ultimate silence. boom! At that time, when the tranquility passed, it was as thrilling as a volcanic eruption. A white awn suddenly formed in front of Frank. bang bang bang! And this sword glow seemed to be like thunder descending into the world. The soul-hunting glow and the arrow of the mad frog only resisted it for a moment. The next instant it exploded. It's just that the aftermath of the explosion has not had time to spread, but it has been crushed by the white light. Then Baimang continued to extend forward with undiminished momentum. The heads of the alien races instantly shrank again. There was a suffocating feeling of death. After a while, these alien leaders all showed fear and fled towards both sides. Rumbling... A moment later, the white sword glow exploded on the ground. A huge crack more than 500 meters long, more than 20 meters wide, and more than ten meters deep appeared on the ground. Even the Fortress of Glory, hundreds of meters away, had a huge vibration, making many human guards and foreign soldiers unstable. Everyone couldn't help but look out of the city in amazement this time. However, at this time, there has been a change in the sky. The original eight alien leaders were gone, only a blue bone dragon and a silver armored knight were hanging in the air. "Ah, where is our patriarch?" "Yes, where is our patriarch?" Fear spread among the aliens. They frightened and searched for the voices of their patriarchs. "Cough cough cough... Poof!" After a while, when the smoke and dust on the ground gradually dissipated, finally a few figures slowly climbed up from the ground. These figures were all ashamed, and blood was constantly coughing out of their mouths. But it can still be distinguished that they are the patriarchs of these alien races.