Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Chapter 43 Surrender

"Do you know what you are talking about?? Stupid mortal." Cherubel looked at the Primarch in front of him and refused without hesitation. "You are the son of the cursed one, but you are not qualified to order me. You are just the leader of mortals, and I am the noble demon prince."

"I will send a message of mercy and allow you to make a deal with me. As long as you can prepare enough sacrifices, I can tell you some news."

"Don't think of me as one of those stupid wizards who exchange a lot of sacrifices for that little bit of knowledge, but still thank you Dade. The only sacrifice I can give you is the chance to live, Cheru Bell." Guilliman looked at the demon host in front of him, infinite power surged in the body of the primarch.

As the news of his awakening spread, everyone who heard about it was cheering his name, looking forward to the salvation he would bring.

These beliefs gave him infinite strength.

Humanity's will is enough to change the warp, this is a thing beyond doubt.

Otherwise, the gods would not choose those Chaos believers to help them interfere with the real universe.

The Eldar once deduced that if human beings become extinct, Chaos will soon disappear in the galaxy.

It is conceivable what kind of position human beings occupy in the subspace field of the galaxy.

And now, Guilliman gathers the power of human faith.

"Your arrogance is higher than that of your father, the father and son of the curse, you can't do anything to me, I am the devil prince, and I am an immortal existence. Everything in the world will decay with the passage of time, and the devil does not Yes, I am eternal."

Cherubel's arrogant voice sounded.

"I can foresee everything. This is the talent of our people. Do you want to know your future destiny? Parent and child of the curse, do you want to get everything you want? Make a deal with me, and I will satisfy you Everything is required, as long as you can pay enough."

Vinsenhorn stood aside, watching all this silently.

He doesn't know if this is right or wrong.

Guilliman was trying to walk a dark path. He didn't know if the great Primarch had been corrupted by Chaos in his long sleep.

He hoped his choice was right.

Otherwise, a corrupted Primarch will be the last straw that crushes the empire.

Vinsenhorn is ready to spell at any time, once Cherubelle loses control, he will suppress the opponent again.

"You will pay for your stubbornness, demon." Guilliman smiled. "You know, I have a traitorous brother. He is called the Midnight Ghost. His Legion is known for its brutality. He likes to hunt people Fear of weaknesses, and then continue to magnify them, and then magnify them until the enemy is completely collapsed. Before, I didn't like his approach very much, but now, I have changed a little.

"When people face an enemy they absolutely hate, revenge by any means is allowed. I was thinking about my brother's practice and thinking whether his torture could be applied to you. During this time, I have been speculating about the devil What is your fear. It wasn't until the last battle that I understood that demons fear eternal death. You fear that your origins will be completely wiped out, which will prevent you from being resurrected in the Warp.

"You don't want to get any news from me, parent and child of the curser. I have never been afraid of threats. You control my real name, but there is no way to make me submit. You have no ability to do what you say, the most you can do Just banish me from the Warp or imprison me," Cherubelle screamed.

" Guilliman put his hand on the hilt of the Emperor's Sword, "I really can't make you annihilated, but someone can. "

Domination makes Guilliman even stronger.

He is also more comfortable using the power of the Emperor's Sword.

Following Guilliman's will, a golden light shone on the majestic and strong body of the Primarch.

It made him more dazzling, as if he was shrouded in golden light.

The power of the emperor is also surging, projecting across the starry sky into this dark dungeon.

Cherubel writhed uneasily, fear appeared on his distorted face.

The Emperor is cursed by the demons of the Warp, and he will end all.

Not even the Lord of Chaos can destroy the Emperor, only to find a way to imprison him on the golden throne.

With the double blessing of Guilliman's power and the Emperor's power, the dungeon has become more sacred than ever.

The Emperor's shrine also glows, making the exiled priests and Manifestations more excited to chant the Emperor's prayers and hymns.

The other demon hosts and forbidden things in the dungeon are all trembling.

The roaring voices fell silent, and the weird whispers disappeared.

The struggling demon host was also unprecedentedly quiet.

Vinsenhorn felt a huge and vast will coming.

He knew that the Primarch was harnessing his father's power to try to oppress the Daemon Prince.

"Surrender to me, or I will completely shatter your essence and let you enter eternal silence." Guilliman's voice was not loud, but full of majesty.

"Hugh." Cherubel struggled hard, resisting that will, but before he finished speaking, an iron fist hit him.

The air was torn, and the thick chains were instantly tensed due to the huge impact.

The demon host that Cherubel lived in was punched on the wall, making a heavy impact sound.

The Emperor's Sword was pulled out by Guilliman, golden flames rose along the hilt, and the tip of the sword pointed at Cherubelle, "You can refuse one more time, and I will return you to nothingness, demon. There are other demons here , there is always someone willing to serve me.

"I have foreseen your sad fate, Son of the Damned, you will surely fall like us." Cherubel looked at the tip of the sword, not daring to challenge the patience of the Primarch

"Are you confident in your ability to predict??" Guilliman mocked.

"You are just a group of despicable monkeys, you will never be able to comprehend the subtlety and perfection of the thread of fate, and I have already predicted everything." Cherubel said.

"How about this, guess which part of you I will attack first?"

"This is a poor game, and you didn't intend for me to win."

"I just want to know how perfect your perfect foreknowledge is. Can you imagine what will happen next?" Guilliman cut off the ear of the demon host.

The golden flame burned the essence of the demon, causing Cherubel to let out a shrill cry.

"It seems that as long as the source is hurt, the devil will suffer."

Guilliman cut off the other ear of the demon host, this time the movement was very slow, the golden flame was spreading, but it didn't burn along the demon host, it was just cauterizing the wound.

Cherubel's scream became more piercing.

Guilliman was very patient, cutting the body of the demon host bit by bit.

The original soul of the body has long since died, and there is only the will of the devil prince in it.

Only the Demon Prince will suffer.

"You won, parent and child of the Curser, what do you want to know??"

Cherubel finally chose to give in.

Demons are difficult to be harmed by realistic weapons, and the destruction of their physical bodies cannot harm their origin.

But the golden long sword in Guilliman's hand is fine.

The sword contains the power of the cursed.

With every cut by Guilliman, damage will be done to Cherubelle's demonic origin.

That is still unparalleled pain.

Even if Cherubel fled back to the warp in the future, the scar left by this sword would never heal, and every moment would bring Cherubel a burning pain.

"I want to know the news about my traitorous brothers and what are they doing now?" Guilliman put away the Emperor's Sword and asked.

"I am not active in subspace, I have been imprisoned in the real universe for hundreds of years." Cherubel said.

"Does any demon know? How should I summon?" Guilliman looked at Cherubelle.

"You let one demon betray another??"

(end of this chapter)