Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Chapter 42 Are you my small role? ? 44

Guilliman looked at the screaming demon, and had a vague impression of the Emperor's horror.

The other party is not afraid of him, but the emperor behind him.

Otherwise, I wouldn't say anything about the parent and child of the curser.

In Vinsenhorn's introduction, Cherubelle is a demon prince.

The subspace is very vast, and even the evil gods known as the Lords of Chaos occupy only a corner of the subspace.

Many places still do not belong to evil gods, and are occupied by various demons.

Since the birth of human beings, religion has appeared, and the initial gods have appeared.

With the development of time, there are more and more of these gods.

The simplest example, Greek mythology, from the first generation of creation gods to the third generation of gods, already has thousands of gods.

This is just a system.

Together, tens of thousands of gods have been enshrined in human history.

Thanks to the characteristics of the subspace, when people worship a certain concept excessively, they will form a projection in the subspace.

These gods were born naturally.

With the development of human beings, beliefs are constantly changing. Many gods have been forgotten and abandoned, and some will die naturally.

Some have become another kind of existence. These beings are hungry and eager to harvest flesh and soul every moment, so they are called demons.

In the long history of the Milky Way, the history of millions of years of human beings is just an insignificant little splash.

Before human beings were born, many races were born. They have their own civilization and their own beliefs.

Take several races that are still active today.

The Tau tribe who harassed the empire in the Far East border believed in the so-called goodness of the wife.

The orc boy under the rule of the orc warlord believes in the two gods of Mao Mao.

Asuryan, Hawk, Selego, etc. of Eldar beliefs.

The cultural differences between different races are so great, and the gods created are also completely different.

These gods who have lost their faith will be slowly distorted in the subspace and become hateful demons.

When Slaanesh awakened, tearing apart the real universe and creating the Eye of Terror, the Eldar gods also ushered in a terrible end.

Only Selego, the **** of laughter, and Isha, the goddess of life, survived.

When the Eldar are completely destroyed, Selego and Isa, who have lost their faith and clansmen, will also become hateful demons and become more and more distorted.

The origins of demons are various, and it is not easy to explain clearly.

Cherubel's origins are unknown.

Even Vinsenhorn didn't know much about the origin of this demon prince.

When he was young, he investigated an incident involving the Chaos tribe, and learned the spells and rituals to control the demon from a seized demon forbidden book.

In ancient times, a demon tribe came from chaos to the real universe, ruled seven worlds, and established a kingdom.

After the fall of the kingdom, the demon king was buried in a terrible mausoleum, waiting to be awakened again.

Vinsenhorn has pursued this matter for hundreds of years, involving several huge families around the death code, and finally killed the heretic who had been hiding in the mausoleum of the demon king, preventing the opponent's conspiracy.

Later, he didn't figure out Cherubel's true origin.

Of course, Guilliman did not intend to listen to the stories behind the other party. Everything about the devil is corrupt, and even just listening to their stories may be controlled and manipulated by them.

He just wants to use this demon prince as a tool, and there is no need to know where the other party comes from.

In fact, many demons in the subspace used various means to enter the real universe, and then turned into races in the real universe, creating their own twisted civilization.

This is why the Emperor created the Primarch, without which the Imperium of Man would not have been possible.

The Emperor cannot fight every war.

Of course, in the end the human empire was almost destroyed because of the Primarch.

Some will complain that the Emperor doesn't care enough about the Primarchs, that using them as tools will lead to disasters like the Empire.

Such thoughts ignore reality, and are extremely stupid and simple.

The number of things the Emperor has to think every second is enough to burn the empire's top thinker computer.

Conquering and ruling a human empire that spans tens of thousands of light years and can only be maintained by psychic communication and subspace navigation, without the use of intelligence, requires more energy than anyone can imagine.

Many people don't even recognize the people who live in the same community, and they don't even know what happened in the next town.

What's more, it is often what happened on a planet hundreds of light-years away.

The emperor needs to evaluate the usefulness of each force for him, he needs to deal with those terrible aliens, he also needs to plan the webway, he needs to fight against the gods, and he needs to maintain the lie of the imperial truth as much as possible.

His time has been squeezed infinitely.

But when he met each Primarch, he took out his limited time to talk to each Primarch, described the future of mankind to them, and promised them glory and rewards.

He evaluates each Primarch, and then communicates with them with the most suitable attitude.

When he first met, he had a long talk with Lorgar all night long, hoping that the other party would abandon religion and embrace the truth of the empire, but Lorgar never listened to him, repeated repeated orders, and was still obsessed with missionary work.

In the Nikaia meeting, the use of psychic power was banned after the Primarch voted, but Magnus secretly violated this order, and finally, under his own arrogance, a psychic power broke the spiritual power established by the emperor in the underground palace. The energy barrier caused the Ten Thousand Orders, the nuns, and the Mechanicus army to be dragged to death in the webway.

Angron hated him for not dying.

Coz thought he brought hope, but made this hope never reachable.

Perturabo, who is mentally distorted, thinks he is just a tool man.

Mortarion always felt that the Emperor looked down on him.

Among the many Primarchs, the Emperor chose the safest path, which was to appoint Horus, who had accompanied him the longest, as Warmaster.

Besides Alpharius who was hiding in the dark, Horus was the Primarch who accompanied the Emperor the longest,

The Emperor himself taught him all, and took him with him on crusades.

But I never thought that this road has deep pits.

The failure of the Emperor is not that he has no humanity, but that he believed in humanity. This is his greatest sorrow and the reason why he suffered so much while sitting on the golden throne.

He thought that Horus, who had been with him the longest, could take over for him to complete the rest of the Great Crusade and stop the evil **** of chaos from tempting other primarchs.

As a result, Horus directly chose to betray after being injured.

This is why the emperor was surprised. He never thought that the person who betrayed would be Horus.

He thought that Horus really regarded him as his father, but Horus simply regarded him as a tyrant.

Is Chaos polluting Horus? ?

No, Horus chose Chaos.

He tried to encroach on his father's throne, thinking that this galaxy was brought down by him, and naturally he would rule it.

Erebus promised him that by sacrificing the human emperor, Horus would gain inexhaustible power and become the new lord of mankind to rule the galaxy.

Horus, who had already been dissatisfied with the emperor's weakening of the war council and relying heavily on the Terra council, accepted the deal.

He decided to sacrifice his father and become the new Lord of Humanity.

Compared to the decisive battle, the emperor who still wanted to save Horus.

It is self-evident which of the two is more humane and who values the decades-long company more.

Injury just gave Chaos a chance to seduce Horus.

"It seems that you know me, that will save a lot of effort." Guilliman collected his scattered mind, and secretly vowed that he would never hand over the power to determine the situation of the empire to one person, even if this person No matter how trustworthy people are, the same is true.

"What are you going to do?? Son of the Damned." Cherubelle said.

"I need information on the warp, so I'm here to ask you."

"Then you want to make a deal with me?" Cherubel suddenly felt excited when he heard Guilliman's words. Trading means corruption, and corruption means degeneration. It would be such a thing for a cursed parent to degenerate. Wonderful thing.

"I am the Regent of the Empire, and I never make deals with others. Whatever I need is offered to me by others." Guilliman walked into Cherubel, "So I hope you can be a little more sensible, pledge your allegiance to me, and then serve I provide information."


The regent of the empire is amazing, so you want me to be loyal to you? ?

When I, the devil prince, is a small character? ?

There are over a hundred recommendation votes, and I will try my best to make five chapters tomorrow.

(end of this chapter)