Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 44

Chapter 44

Chapter 44 The Threat Brought by Magnus

"Betrayal, isn't your devil's forte?" Guilliman said.

"You don't want to fool and control me like this, parent and child of the curser."

Cherubel screamed.

Guilliman did not show any mercy, he punched the opponent again, causing him to hit the wall, and let out a shrill scream.

Then, one of Cherubel's arms was cut off with a single blow.

The power of the cursed is hurting Cherubel's demon essence. It was like a burning scar, tormenting him all the time.

When Guilliman was about to inflict more scars on his body.

Cherubel gave in, screaming in terror, my master.

Under Guilliman's gaze, Cherubelle spoke the true name of a demon who might know the current state of the Warp.

And provided a spell to detain the opponent.

In exchange for Guilliman's forgiveness.

During the long years, as a demon prince, Cherubel could always get some useful information.

The real name of a demon is not unimaginable to him.

"It's still sensible." Guilliman withdrew the Emperor's sword and turned to Vinsenhorn, "Can you summon the demon he mentioned?? Inquisitor."

"It's not hard to have a full real name and ritual," Vinsenhorn said.

For a demon judge, knowledge about demons is a must-learn subject.

With the help of Vincenthorn, a demon that also does not belong to the Chaos God was summoned.

Accompanied by a cold breath and a sickening sulfur smell.

A demon with a ferocious face, two horns on top of his head, covered with black feathers, and a pair of sheep's hooves was summoned.

Before the demon could speak, Vinsenhorn used a ritual to seal him in the demon host.

"Mortal, you have offended me." The summoned demon screamed.

"You talk too much." Guilliman grabbed the opponent's head and smashed it to the ground.

The demon screamed.

With his scream, there was a terrible wave in the warp, trying to obliterate everyone in the dungeon.

But Guilliman didn't let him succeed.

The power of the Primarch is so terrifying that it can tear its Titans apart.

The demon was overwhelmed by the power of dominion and the power of the emperor on Guilliman, and used the sword of the emperor to carve insulting words on his body.

Confronted with a Primarch that was invincible and capable of ending itself, the Daemon succumbed.

"Ask, Son of the Damned, I can answer your five questions, and I will tell you everything I know."

The summoned demon made a shrill sound.

He spoke in a superimposed voice, with painful black tears running down his face.

Enslaved by Man, and the power of the Emperor caused him double pain.

"Tell me, where are my traitor brothers??" Guilliman asked.

"Lorgar, Perturabo, and Fulgrim in the Eye of Terror," said the demon, "Mortarion is in the realm of the Plague Lord, and Angron fights for the Lord of War and Blood in the Field of Eternity."

"Where's Magnus?" Guilliman asked sharply, the most insidious of the traitor primarchs.

"He left the Eye of Terror. No one knows his whereabouts. It is said that he will attack his brother. That is you, the parent and child of the curser. You are the only parent and child of the curser who is still active." The demon gasped, and the huge The pain drove him mad, convulsing.

Guilliman fell silent.

Before Mortarion made a move, did Magnus come? ?

What would he do, throw himself into the maelstrom like the original plot line? ?

"How should I control it." Guilliman looked at Cherubel who was restrained, and asked in a concentrated voice.

"Write the scriptures of the cursed in his heart, and he will bow at your feet and serve you."

"No." The demon made a shrill voice.

"Is what he said true??" Guilliman asked inwardly.

True, your father's prayer will probably kill that demon. Only your will can save him from death. If he doesn't want to die forever, then he can only succumb to your feet.

After receiving the answer from the auxiliary elf, Guilliman asked Vinsenhorn again, and after confirming that there was no problem, he started to do it.

He broke open the demon's chest, and engraved the state religion's poem praising the emperor on the opponent's heart.

"I need more information, demon. Don't let me down, or you will perish forever."

After speaking, Guilliman put it back into the subspace.

"Seal him up and send him to the Glory of Macragge. I need to get more subspace information from him. Vinsenhorn, you are in charge of guarding him. If necessary, kill him. "

Guilliman looked at Vinsenhorn, and made Cherubel's arrangement for him.

Guilliman stayed on the planet Thalassa for two weeks, and then left with Vinsenhorn and the golden coffin that sealed Cherubel, preparing to go to the Connor galaxy.

Before he left, he announced the covenant as the chief judge, responsible for reviewing the plans of those judges, and had the right to ask those judges to explain their actions, otherwise the covenant would be eligible to stop all duties of the other party.

The covenant is directly responsible to him, and regularly reports all the information for the Primarch to review.

Guilliman knew that the Inquisitors had made a lot of contributions over the long ten thousand years, and they thwarted many conspiracies.

But with the passage of time, the judge with great power began to deteriorate gradually.

They used various means to grab a huge amount of wealth, secretly carried out various heresy behaviors, and even deliberately cultivated heresies, and then eliminated them, so as to obtain their own honor and greater rights.

Vinsenhorn, a demon judge who maintains integrity, has become an alternative.

After rectifying the chaotic supervision system of the Inquisitors and incorporating it into his own transformation plan, Guilliman left.

The malpractice of the judge system has accumulated for a long time, and it will not be cleaned up in a short while, nor can it be completely changed at once to prevent the empire from losing too much blood.

It needs to be drawn gradually, and revised in conjunction with the new system and new ideas.

Standing on the deck of the Glory of Macragge.

Guilliman thought about the next way.

Mortarion and Magnus will attack him, and he must take corresponding countermeasures.

Magnus is good at psionics, which is his only advantage.

Needless to say, his schemes and the like, are so-called unfathomable because of the information asymmetry between the subspace and the real universe.

To put it bluntly, this guy is a little smart, but not much.

Magnus' threat is his psionic powers and the asymmetry of warp information.

Like the original plot, when he just came out of the subspace, he suddenly came and threw them into the maelstrom.

Such a thing, who can stand it.

Guilliman didn't know when this guy would launch an attack, otherwise he could have made some plans.

For Mortarion, it's okay.

In addition to spreading the plague, this guy's brain can't think of other tricks.

Something like the plague cannot be attacked suddenly, which gave Guilliman time to deal with it.

The only problem is Magnus.

"There is a serious lack of information." Guilliman sighed, human beings have always been in a weak position against the subspace.

And the biggest problem in fighting against subspace is worrying about being corrupted.

The most disgusting thing about subspace is one thing.

If you don't fight, you will suffer.

You fight or you suffer.

Corruption alone is very incomprehensible.

"Regain the Webway Project??" Guilliman muttered in his heart.

The emperor has basically used all available methods.

Establish a community of consciousness for all mankind? ? Isn't the emperor now? ?

Create a new religious confrontation? ? Isn't that the state religion? ?

The only thing left is to establish a network channel, and the plan to isolate humans from the subspace has not been fully implemented.

Guilliman thought for a moment, then rejected it.

Chaos God won't let him do that, as long as he expresses his desire to practice the Way of the Web, the other party will immediately join forces.

If I lose, is it possible that I still have to sit on the golden throne? If you don't sit still, you will explode the second eye of fear, and by then, the whole world will be demonic.

Learn the Protoss of StarCraft and establish the so-called Kara connection.

Forget it, when one is corrupted, all of them will be cheated.

Kara's connection is not safe, and it was invaded later, which almost brought the entire Protoss under control.

Humans will die even more bleakly if they do this.

Guilliman thought about it, but he couldn't think of any good way to fight the corruption of the warp.

At this moment Phikris came over.

"My lord, the latest news, the Grouse family of the Natal galaxy issued a declaration, declaring that your reform of the imperial system is invalid, and they will only follow the system left by the Holy Emperor."

(end of this chapter)