Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Chapter 41 Demon Prince 34

In the deep dungeon of the Fortress of the Judgment Hall, there are stored those forbidden things that cannot flow into the empire.

The judge will recover those forbidden things from various planets, store them in the fortress, and keep them guarded.

Only the most devout priests to the Emperor can perform this duty of caretaker. .

Led by Vinsenhorn, Guilliman entered the depths of the Fortress of the Inquisition.

The environment here is so cold that it makes people tremble, and there are bursts of weird whispers echoing in the air, and the pure malice is as real as it is, and the skin feels tingling.

The walls, ceilings and marble floors of the corridors are covered with sacred prayers.

Shrines to the Emperor are placed here and there, and incense lamps are lit on either side of the winged silver skull.

The exiled priests held incense in their hands, and in the dark dungeon, they kept chanting poems praising the emperor.

Out of their belief in the emperor and out of their great love for the human race, these priests who originally belonged to the state religion resolutely chose to sacrifice themselves to learn the taboo and dark knowledge of chaos in order to find ways to protect the souls of human beings. Become the guardian of the forbidden and keep these unspeakable threats out of human society.

In addition to exiling the priest, every other distance, there will be a Manifestation Man with a scepter and a golden mask stationed there.

They are devout believers of the Emperor, who can use the power of the Emperor to fight against those demons while protecting themselves from being violated.

Their scepters can unleash force field attacks, and can also bless their beliefs so that they will not be corrupted.

Guilliman entered the depths of the dungeon under the leadership of Vincent Horn.

"My lord, are we really going to do this?" Vinsenhorn was a little apprehensive, he looked at the Primarch with a look of fear in addition to respect.

The opponent's plan is crazy, no normal person would think of using demons to collect subspace information.

The Primarch in front of him not only had this idea, but also put this crazy plan into action with a strong action force.

During the conversation in the hall, the Lord of Ultramar easily persuaded Vinsenhorn to help him carry out that crazy plan.

"Those crazy things are so despicable and shameless. We use any conventional means to do this, it will only fuel their arrogance and make them more unscrupulous. Demons have been attacking human beings. Every successful invasion It will cause unimaginable casualties, and the only thing humans can do is to use the Gray Knights, the Inquisition to expel them."

"Those demons are unscrupulous. For the temptation behavior of mortals, if they succeed, they will harvest a lot of flesh and soul. If they fail, they will not have much loss. This situation must be improved, otherwise human beings will never have a way to get out of Asia. Break free from the curse of space."

"Those demons are also afraid of death. It is precisely because of this that the demons fear my father, because my father will not expel them, but will really kill them."

"This is a lower limit universe, Vincenthorn. Only shameless and despicable guardians can protect their own race. We have to tell the devil that harming humans is no longer as simple as being expelled back to subspace. Humans There will be vengeance, there will be shattering of their twisted nature, and there will be an end to them."

Vinsenhorn is well aware of the insanity and horror of this plan.

Once exposed to the public, even the Primarch will be questioned.

The other party needs a layer of insurance to preserve the vitality and appease the people of the empire.

He is the insurance.

Vinsenhorn did not refuse such a naked plan that would betray him at any time.

He was not qualified to be remembered, and the worst ending would be even more tragic.

Traitor to the Empire?

Enemy of Mankind?

Vinsenhorn said it doesn't matter anymore.

But once this plan succeeds, the benefits it will bring to mankind will be unimaginable.

Humans will march into the subspace and form a new confrontation with demons.

The footsteps of the two echoed in the deep dungeon corridor.

The servo skulls are topped with candles, floating beside them, providing illumination.

These candles are not ordinary things, but made of fat extracted from the corpses of devout believers.

The light brought by these candles can help users expel the hallucinations caused by sealed items and demons, and weaken the influence of those taboo items on the guardians.

Demons and those sealed items always like to create some hallucinations and whispers to confuse those who are not determined.

These candles are a good way to avoid these things.

With the help of the light brought by the candle, Guilliman looked at the dungeon of the Inquisition with great interest.

In the niches on the wall, there are small coffins.

Those coffins are made of blessed fine gold and pure gold, with dense and complicated suppression runes engraved on the surface.

These runes are different, determined by the forbidden things inside.

Continuing to walk inside, there are giant bookshelves filled with books recording ominous things, as well as books obtained from Chaos Cultists.

Some of these books are written in Gothic, while others are written in alien languages.

The sources of these books are very complicated.

Some were even written by ignorant people.

These people did not know what terrible things they had done the moment before the judgment came.

They became the tools of the gods without knowing it, secretly thinking that it was their own inspiration that created the masterpiece.

The fate of these people is also very sad, they were executed without mercy.

Many more books are from the distant past, whose origins are unknown.

The parchment wrapped in the fleshy cover is stained with unclean blood.

The corruption contained in these books is extremely terrifying, and the text inside depicts indescribable, incomprehensible existence and runes.

Any mortal who touches these books immediately succumbs to an irresistible corruption.

Following Vinsenhorn's footsteps, Guilliman walked past the bookshelves and walked into the deepest part of the dungeon.

Here is bound a demon host that has been transformed. He has grown two horns and a tail, and his fur has almost fallen off. He looks bald and horribly ugly.

The powerful power of the subspace makes this demon host suspended in the air.

Blessed chains and runes bind the demon host, making it impossible to escape from these bonds.

Sensing the arrival of Guilliman and Vinsenhorn, the demon host opened his eyes, the yellow pupils revealing pure malice.

"Vinsenhorn, you shameful liar, I thought you were already dead." The demon host looked at the gray-haired Vinsenhorn with a serious tone, full of malice and anger. "I have to say that you are the best at lying among the human beings I have ever seen. You are better at deceiving than demons. I have served you and saved you from danger more than once. What I am after is to please you Freed me according to the contract, but what did you do? You played with me, imprisoned me in the prison, and you used me countless times."

"One day, I will escape. At that time, I will hunt down your soul, Vincenthorn, and you will be enslaved forever."

The devil's hatred for Vinsenhorn is so great.

Even if Guilliman was standing beside him, the demon simply ignored him.

Hearing this, Guilliman immediately imagined a **** Mary Su drama in his mind.

The poor little devil was repeatedly played by the ruthless judge, and finally imprisoned him ruthlessly in the prison.

"Judge, that demon has been imprisoned by you for three years."

"Has he been purified??"

"No, he said he will take revenge on you from the Return of the King."

"Cherubel, your words are nothing but lies." Vinsenhorn didn't care about the demon host's anger, his eyes were calm and cold.

"Jie Jie, Vincenthorn, you know, there is no way to imprison me forever, I will escape one day."

The demon named Cherubel issued a threat through the demon host.

After he finished speaking, he noticed that there was another person standing beside Vinsenhorn.

Seeing the other person's face, Cherubel subconsciously took a few steps back.

"Impossible, how could there be a parent and child of a curser???"

Cherubel's tone was full of panic, and he yelled.

(end of this chapter)