Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 40

Chapter 40

Chapter 40 Are you willing to carry forward for the empire? twenty four

Eisenhorn is old.

The once high-spirited judge who frightened the enemies of mankind is now gray-haired and lives up to his former appearance.

Eisenhorn, a high-ranking judge of the empire, was once regarded as the enemy of mankind and was completely besieged by the empire.

Later, he tried his best to prove his loyalty and innocence, and killed the instigator, Quesos, the heretic judge who was considered dead by the trial court for many years and who once made the whole galaxy fearful.

Killing Quesos was his moment of fame, but not his peak moment.

Vinsenhorn has made great achievements. He wandered outside the light of the Emperor's Astronomican, clearing up those alien remnants that had long been considered extinct by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Empire.

Also used the Demon Prince to destroy a fallen Emperor Titan.

Use demons many times to fight other demons.

Stopped a heretical plot to destroy a sector.

Expelled the heresies lurking in the human world.

Of course, behind these glory, there is a sad price.

His former friends, disciples, and lovers all died in the battle against the devil.

He was the only one left, living in this world.

Vinsenhorn remembers every companion's death.

His brain has been engineered to remember everything, ensuring that no detail is lost when fighting against heresy.

This ability is a kind of torture for the old judge.

The death of the companion is like engraved in the minds of those judges, which can never be erased by time, and will always accompany him and torture him until the day of death.

Vinsenhorn was troubled by the same problem, and the priest of Mechanicus once offered to delete his memory.

But he was also reluctant to lose the only trace left by those companions in this world, so he could only live in pain.

The life-extension surgery performed more than a hundred years ago is still working, and Vinsenhorn can still live for decades.

Of course, in the past few decades, he was doomed to be alone, chewing on the grief brought by the death of those he cared about every day.

He tried to continue to fight against the heretics and demons who destroyed the empire, and let them know that the anger of Inquisitor Eisenhorn has not been extinguished.

It's a pity that, while his lifespan is still there, his body functions no longer support his terrible adventures.

The artificial device implanted in his body tortured him, and any high-intensity movement would make him feel heart-piercing pain.

Eisenhorn did not expect that he would be summoned by the Regent of the Empire.

Having fought against aliens and demons for many years, he clearly knows how powerful a Primarch is.

There are countless terrifying and unimaginable aliens in the galaxy.

They are powerful, eerie, and possess unimaginable power.

Every time the Inquisitor pulls out one, he will pay a heavy price.

But the Primarchs wiped out those monsters, and built an empire that continues to this day on the remains of the alien.

Eisenhorn walked through the wide marble corridor led by several imperial attendants.

These corridors are hung with many memorable portraits of judges who died in order to maintain the empire and protect mankind.

They lived up to their vows and thus deserve to be remembered.

Eisenhorn didn't know if he was eligible to be hung on this corridor, maybe not.

In his long career as an inquisitor, his sins were as much as his merits.

Using the power of demons is a stain that he can never wash away, and he has shot other judge teams many times in order to get out of trouble quickly and solve the troubles at hand.

Walking through the promenade, there is a majestic trial hall.

The Glory Guards wearing Terminator armor stood on both sides, and they looked at Vinsenhorn who walked into the hall.

"Those bolters only need one shot, I guess I will be shattered." Vinsenhorn said in his heart when he saw the bolters in their hands.

Space Marine bolters are more terrifying in caliber than those wielded by Inquisitors and Battle Sisters.

When performing missions in the past, he had seen these emperor angels take action many times.

When these armored warriors are thrown into battle, everyone who stands against them should be terrified.

Space warriors are out-and-out war machines, and nothing can resist their power.

Several servo skulls were suspended in the air, and the scanner released a scarlet light, strafing Vinsenhorn.

After confirming that there is no problem, the servo skull is lifted into the air and continues to hover around the hall.

Walking into the hall, Vinsenhorn saw the covenant at first glance, and the other party was standing respectfully aside.

Never seen an Inquisitor so honest and polite.

Judges without superiors often don't even take the Imperial Senate too seriously.

A giant in azure armor sat on a huge chair, flipping through many materials classified as high-level secrets.

His face is perfect and solemn, and just sitting there exudes an irresistible charm.

"My lord, here he is," said Covenant.

Guilliman turned around and looked at the gray-haired Vinsenhorn. The long-term battle caused the judge to lose many flesh and blood limbs, which were forced to be replaced with mechanical prosthetics.

"You go out first, I have some questions to ask him alone." Guilliman said.

Covenant nodded, and after performing the eagle ceremony, he walked out.

The hall was emptied, leaving only Vinsenhorn and Guilliman.

"Master Primarch, what do you want to ask?" Vinsenhorn said with humility.

In front of him is not the trash of the Senate, but a Primarch who once lived in the age of mythology.

Any disrespect is stupid.

"You once summoned demons and drove them. I saw several accusations about you in the data file, and you even fought side by side with a demon many times."

"Yes, my lord. At that time, it was necessary, me."

Before Vinsenhorn could finish his explanation, he was interrupted by Guilliman.

"You don't need to explain, I understand."

Vinsenhorn's mood became tense, he didn't know if this great figure was planning to punish him for his rebellion.

Even now, the Tribunal has considered him innocent and allowed him to teach new blood in the Inquisitor Academy, but Vinsenhorn understands that a Primarch can easily overthrow all of this.

"To fight those terrible things for human beings, any means are worthy of forgiveness. Only the most despicable, shameless, and bottomless people can win the final victory."

Guilliman's words made Vinsenhorn stunned for a moment, and he realized that the other party did not come to punish him.

"My lord." Vinsenhorn didn't know what to say.

"Vinsenhorn, are you loyal to the Empire?"

Guilliman changed the subject and asked in a solemn tone.

"My lord, I am extremely loyal to the Empire."

"Then do you love human beings, and are you willing to give everything for the survival of human beings?"

"My lord, I have served for hundreds of years and fought countless demons. My friends, disciples, and even my lover died in those terrifying battles. I have sacrificed everything for mankind."

"Very well, Vinsenhorn, are you willing to carry forward the burden for the empire and mankind again?? Endure the accusations of those ignorant people again, and move forward in the dark until the dawn of dawn, until mankind is redeemed."

Guilliman's gaze was fixed on Vinsenhorn, and his tone was unprecedentedly dignified, which made Vinsenhorn understand that this was definitely not a joke.

"My lord, I am willing."

Eisenhorn answered quickly, without giving himself time to think.

It should not be the judge's fate to live alone and take his last breath on the hospital bed.

It is the judge's fate to die on the battlefield against the enemies of mankind.

"Can you swear? You will walk in the dark and abide by the original intention of protecting mankind. Unless the dawn comes, you will never reveal what you have done. Whether you are accused or facing the crisis of death, you must never Question what you do."

Vinsenhorn raised his hand, "I swear, before the dawn of the empire, I will keep my oath and never reveal or question what I have done."

"I hope you can fulfill the oath you made, Vincenthorn, I need you to help me with something. This matter does not look honorable. It seems rebellious, but it is very important."

"What is it, my lord?" Vinsenhorn asked.

(end of this chapter)