Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 389

Chapter 389

Chapter 389 Captain Jujianhui, you don't want your team members and family members to be swallowed up by darkness!

Sage Sigmar, who got the news from the servant, walked into the depths of the underground space.

The underground space is shrouded in darkness, and the air does not flow.

When walking, the sound of footsteps will echo in the smooth stone wall space.

Go deep along the smooth underground space.

You can see the sage's followers are checking everything in the cave.

Some servants used their own mechanical devices to drill open the incomplete stone statues, and took out samples from different positions for research and comparison.

Some servants are also testing the age of the rock formations of the grottoes to confirm the history and origin of the grottoes.

Go to the deepest part of the underground space.

A mechanical priest is standing in front of a huge black wall made of unknown material.

The indicator light of the portable data detection instrument in his hand flickered.

The closer you get to that wall, the reading increases exponentially.

"It looks like we found something interesting." Sage Sigma moved his heavy mechanical legs, his face full of biochemical implants showed the joy of discovering the treasure.

The insect-like metal mirror slowly came to Sigma's electronic eyes with the sound of mechanical gears turning, presenting the microscopic structure of the wall in her mind.

The other mechanical eye turned back and forth, scanning the special lines on the wall.

"It's really amazing, such a perfect weaving, their knowledge and skills of the subspace have reached the pinnacle."

Sigma reached out to touch the wall, and the voice from the communication array was full of excitement and excitement.

A large number of micro-instruments have already been implanted on the smooth metal fingers, allowing her to quickly analyze the material and performance of the wall.

Arm shake is gradually reduced with the calibration of the hydraulic compensator on the arm.

Cooling steam is released from the hinge port with the action, hissing.

"Can you open it?" Shar looked at the wall covered with countless special patterns, and asked, "There may be something important inside."

"The secret of that power is hidden inside, the opposite of those giants who claim to be righteous and kind." Sigma read the special symbols above, combined them with the ancient text of this world, and obtained the secrets of those symbols.

"It is not difficult to open it, this wall is just a shell."

The murals and symbols on the walls record the secrets about super ancient times.

A group of giants who were backlashed by power and lost themselves were sealed here.

Tens of millions of years have passed.

It was an unimaginable time.

For such a long time, it is not impossible for the sea to change.

Gain information from those readings, and the sealed creature inside is still alive.

Such methods and technologies are almost the same as those of the Necrons who have been sleeping for 60 million years.

The technology of the Necrons comes from the ancient star gods.

Then which ancient race did the sealing technology come from?

No matter which race created these giant powers, its civilization technology and culture have definitely reached its peak.

From the point of view of Mechanicism, a creation that cannot be controlled is a failure.

These giants who were sealed are undoubtedly the failures left over from the super ancient times.

But failures are not worthless.

From the perspective of scientific research, the existence of failed products makes it easier for people to reverse analyze the secret of the power of giants.

A metal tentacle protruded from Sage Sigma's bulky body.

The metal tentacles stopped at a distance of fifty centimeters from the wall, and released a special light.

When the light touches the wall, the wall melts like ice cubes meeting lava.

As the wall melted, the failed products that had sealed tens of millions were revealed in front of Sage Sigmar and Captain Shar.

Behind the wall is a huge cave that is smooth and carved with countless special lines.

At its center is a polished stone platform on which three giants turned into stone statues stand.

It can be seen that they are no different from the currently active Ultraman.

The three stone statues all have obvious gender characteristics.

One woman and two men.

If the records on the wall are not deceiving.

Then these stone statues are the failures of super ancient giant warriors.

is sealed here to avoid trouble.

The warrior who was supposed to control the power of the giant was instead controlled by the power of the giant, drawing out the evil in his heart.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in the empire.

Before the firewall was established, many psykers would take that path.

The power of subspace is not so easy to control.

It is extremely easy to encounter backlash.

The power of this giant must be the same.

If it really has no flaws, then how could the creator of this power disappear into the universe!

The strength of those giants should not be underestimated.

Able to fly at the speed of light in space, with high maneuverability, high defense and high output.

According to some rumors, there are some Ultramen who can release beams that are powerful enough to destroy stars.

There is nothing special about destroying stars.

The problem is that those Ultraman are individuals, unlike the warships of the Empire that require a group of people to operate.

Once a space war breaks out, those Ultraman are more flexible.

The Imperial Fleet may not be able to gain the upper hand.

Unless it is like dealing with the Necrons, with the assistance of a creator who created the power of a giant, it is possible to win the war easily.

The reason why the space undead led by the Silent King failed so easily.

The big reason is that the Nether Dragon has taken refuge in the human side.

The technology of the Necrons is severely restrained by humans.

The army will be defeated like a mountain, and even a decent resistance cannot be organized.

If the human empire wants to defeat Ultraman, the price it will pay is absolutely unimaginable.

However, the civilization that created the power of giants, that is, the power of Ultraman, has disappeared without a trace.

With such a powerful technology, it is heading for destruction.

It shows that the power of giants is not invulnerable, and there may be fatal weaknesses.

As for the speculation that the power of giants circulated among the natives was created by the Kingdom of Light, it is absolutely nonsense.

Ultraman tens of millions of years ago can be found on the earth.

The Kingdom of Light was established less than 300,000 years ago.

Could it be that they traveled to the past to teach the ancients how to use the power of giants, and then traveled back to form a perfect closed loop? ?

The Kingdom of Light is only a civilization that uses the power of giants, not a civilization that creates the power of giants.

Maybe they don't even know what the essence of the giant's power is.

Just simply wielding that power.

Sage of Sigmar scanned the statues with his device.

But found that there was an invisible barrier blocking the scanning instrument.

The barrier has existed for an unknown number of years.

is still running.

Didn't see any conspicuous machinery either.

Only those platforms of the stone statue station have those special lines carved on the surface.

The civilization that created this barrier not only has a good understanding of the subspace, but also uses it to the extreme level.

It is possible to create such a sealing mechanism that can still operate even if civilization has disappeared in the long river of history.

Shal's communicator heard a voice.

He listened for a few seconds, then turned to look at Sage Sigmar.

"The natives are here, if we don't want to go to war, then we have to leave early."

"We have to take them away," said the Sage of Sigmar. "These will be useful for our research."

"How to take it away?" Shar looked at the sage, and the voice from under the metal grid was full of doubts.

One of Sage Sigma's mechanical arms stretched out, and in the opened mechanical palm was a spinning metal ball that radiated light.

"I still have a dimensional storage ball in my hand, which can store some inanimate objects, and the space inside is enough to take this island away. But we don't have to take it away"

"This is the technology of those metal undead!" There was a trace of disgust in Shar's tone.

"The Holy Emperor has reached a cooperation with the Star God, and the knowledge is neutral, there is no saying who it belongs to." Sage Sigma walked towards the wall, and the metal ball in his hand was spinning at high speed.

I just wanted to cut off the space where the three stone statues are located and put them in the dimension.

The invisible barrier fluctuated slightly at this moment.

As if attracted by something.

"Is it the key? Are they the natives?? Some of them resonated with the seal, like an induction lock that automatically activates when it senses the key."

Sages of Sigmar detect fluctuations in the invisible barrier.

He quickly locked on the native human who could resonate with the seal.

The other party is valuable.

For the study of super ancient civilizations, it may bring unexpected effects.

"Let your men take this woman away, she is an important asset target." Sage Sigma said to Shar.

Booming explosions sounded in the sky.

The Jebi, which was responsible for providing high-altitude support, and the Zeus, the North American GUARD team, turned into fireballs in the sky, and debris flew around in the raging fire.

"Big Gu." GUTS player Lina turned pale and screamed.

"Damn, the communicator can't get in touch." GUTS player - Xincheng pressed the communicator in his hand and said anxiously.

Seeing the destruction of the fighter plane, the faces of the members of the two teams all changed drastically.

The pilots of the fighter jets are all their partners who get along day and night.

Tried to contact, but there was no response at all.

They have given up hope that the two pilots will survive.

"Damn it, the Imperials must have made a move. They knew we were coming." GUTS member - Dijing said angrily: "We must not let those guys go."

"Blood debt is paid in blood." A Chinese team member of GUARD said every word.

"God will not let them go." The white GUARD players also showed anger.

Jian Huigang wanted to say something to boost morale, let them regain their spirits, and ask the headquarters to send people to support them.

It was swarthy, and the thick and big muzzle was pressed against her smooth forehead.

In front of nothing, a tall and burly giant in armor appeared.

Ju Jianhui was as soft as a little girl in front of the giant.

The other party's armor-covered arms alone were thicker than her entire body.

The other team members haven't had time to make any moves.

found that there was also a gun pointed at himself.

Those fighters suddenly appeared beside them like ghosts.

Huge muzzles against their small heads.

The caliber of that gun is comparable to a gun.

The impact alone is enough to tear them apart.

"Mortal." A giant said: "Don't make any actions that will misunderstand us."

Jianjian Hui captain raised his hands, showing his proud figure with her movements.

"We won't do that, please calm down."

Digging the well, Xincheng and the others also slowly moved away the hands that were placed on the blaster pouches around their waists.

The opponent's gun is already pointed at them.

Even if they can find a chance to shoot.

Blasters may not be able to penetrate the opponent's armor.

Jianhui stared at the huge iron-clad giants, and she knew very well that it wouldn't take too much effort for them to kill everyone here.

Is this the savage war creature created by the empire!

Just like those monsters who wantonly destroy the good.

They must also come to destroy the beauty of people.

"Are you the so-called empire?" Jun Jianhui asked.

The other party didn't answer her.

The sizzle of electric current echoed in the communication.

They are using their own channels to communicate.

A few seconds later, a stun bomb was thrown into the crowd.

Digjing, Lina, Xincheng and the others all felt a buzzing sound in their heads, as if something had hit their soul hard.

There was a blank in front of my eyes.

The five senses also disappeared without a trace.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that they could barely see.

The giants have disappeared, and Captain Jianhui has disappeared as well.

It was obviously taken away by those people.

"The captain was taken away by them."

Vice captain Zong Fang was the first to react.

"Damn it, those **** killed Dagu, and now they have kidnapped the captain." Dui Jing took out the blaster from the gun pouch on his waist, "They must not have gone far, let's search quickly."

"Lina, you are responsible for contacting the headquarters and asking for support. The others will follow me to search and rescue Captain Jianhui.

"Dig the well, Xincheng, Captain." Dagu's voice also came from a distance at this time.

He also helped the pilot of the GUARD Zeus, who injured his foot in the explosion.

"Dagu, you are still alive." Xincheng shouted excitedly.

Guard team members are also excited that their pilot survived.

Dagu glanced around, but found no trace of the captain.

"Where is Captain Ju Jianhui!"

Several team members sighed when they heard Dagu's question.

"The imperial people we've been chasing just now appeared, but they pointed their guns at us, and we didn't dare to move, and then they all left suddenly, and took the captain away." Xincheng said dejectedly, "We just I wanted to find the captain, so I heard your voice."

When Dagu heard this, he felt a little angry.

Didn't expect the captain to be taken away by those imperial people.

"Then let's go to Captain Jianhui quickly, and we must not let them take the captain away." Dagu said firmly: "The captain is so kind to us, we must not give up on her."

The other team members nodded.

"Then let us also help you find Captain Jianhui." The white captain of the GUARD team also said.

The small island is not big, and a few people quickly searched for it.

But nothing was found.

They also found a special passage located inside the volcano, entered the underground space, discovered those super ancient ruins, and saw some man-made traces left not long ago.

The imperial organization that took away Captain Jianhui conducted a survey here.

also took some rock samples.

But there is still no trace of Captain Hui and the imperial people.

When the support arrived, they used the authority of GUTS to let Yerui, who stayed at the headquarters, call the satellite, and they didn't find any abnormalities on the island.

From the beginning to the end, only two teams were found to enter the unnamed island, and no ships or planes belonging to the empire were seen leaving.

Those mysterious imperial men and captain Hui Jian seemed to have evaporated from the world.

Ju Jianhui fell into a coma.

until awakened by a loud, insect-like buzz.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a skull-shaped levitating machine.

Ju Jianhui felt a little scared at the scene in front of him.

That thing seems to be made of human skulls plated with silver and polished.

In the skull, a red visual device and various mechanical tentacles like nerves and spines connected to the brain were installed.

What kind of lunatic would make a good machine like this.

Her uniform has been replaced with loose clothing made of soft fabric.

The clothes are very long, covering her whole body.

There is nothing in it.

There is only one piece of clothing all over the body.

Even loose clothing can hardly hide her proud figure.

Looming slender waist and towering **** features.

Looking around, she found herself in a clean, tidy, well-ventilated place with plenty of light.

Everything around is spotless. Fragrant plants hang from the smooth walls.

The interior fabrics were softer than she could have dreamed of.

An invisible energy force field shimmered at the door.

Ju Jianhui walked to the side of the force field, and when he stretched out his hand, he felt the strength of the force field.

Even the laser cannon installed on the Feiyan may not be able to destroy this force field.

With her strength, it is impossible to do it.

She was brought here by those giants.

What are those guys going to get from her!

The voice of talking came from outside the force field.

There is a cold and calm, containing the iron blood unique to soldiers.

Another mechanical ruthless, as if sent by a robot, without any emotion in it.

A slight hiss sounded, and the energy force field flickered like water waves, revealing the scene behind the force field.

A giant in iron armor and a man with metal prosthetics inlaid all over his body, without much flesh and blood.

Even the face has been changed into a metal visor, and there is no human flesh and blood tissue anymore.

Jianhui subconsciously took two steps back.

She felt that the world was a little too crazy.

"I hope I didn't scare you, Captain Jianhui. Please allow me to introduce myself. I am a sage who belongs to the Mechanic Order. You can call me Sage Sigma. And the one next to me is the third of the shark Captain, Shar."

"The Holy Emperor always taught us to use kindness and fraternity to get along with the wandering human branches, and strive to let them feel the glory of the empire, so as to join it peacefully."

"It is absolutely necessary to invite you here by such means. Your aggressiveness makes us feel uneasy."

The Sage of Sigma introduced himself softly in a standard local language.

"You launched an attack on my team members, but now you say we are threatening you?" Ju Jianhui retorted a little angrily.

"I have no intention of continuing to defend this matter. Doing so will not benefit the communication between us, and will only lead us into meaningless quarrels and debates." Sage Sigma said: "I talk to you with the hope of peace. Captain Hui. I hope that both of us can put aside our differences and work together to create a better future for mankind."

"Create the future with lunatics like you??" Ju Jianhui mocked: "Look at what you look like and what you do, aren't you the source of nightmares and turmoil!"

"I can tell you very clearly that all this is your one-sided view. We all exist for a good and noble purpose. We are committed to advancing a cause that ultimately leads to happiness for all." Sigma Sage Said: "You don't know much about this, and that's why you judge us wrong."

"Killing people, instigating dictatorship, enslaving monsters, is this your business? I can't see any place that can make people happy, you will only lead people into the abyss of suffering." Ju Jianhui said angrily: "You even just now Killed a teammate of mine, he was so kind, even if he accidentally hurt others, he would cry for it. But you killed him mercilessly, destroyed his fighter plane, and left him with no bones left."

"You don't know your teammates, do you?" Sage Sigma didn't answer Junjianhui's question directly, but asked another question instead.

"No, I know him well, every player in GUTS is my family."

"Then why do you think that your team members are dead? He has the power of a giant, and the explosion is just a trivial problem for him. We are responsible for the exploration mission, and unless it is absolutely necessary, we will not will kill."

The Sage of Sigma waved his mechanical arm, opening a shimmering interface in the empty air.

It shows the scene when the Feiyan and Zeus exploded.

A ray of light is hidden in the dazzling fire released by the disintegration of the fighter plane.

After continuing to zoom in, you can see Dagu, the driver, shrouded in light all over his body.

In the next frame, he turned into Ultraman.

"Dijia!" Ju Jianhui's tone was full of disbelief.

"Yes, Tiga. You use this name to call this Ultraman who has the power of a giant."

Sigma opens another screen.

Guts team members are surveying the island, searching for her trace.

"Where did the captain go!" Zong Fang said sadly.

"She will be fine." Lina encouraged Zong Fang.

"We will definitely find the captain."

The voice came from Dagu who Jujian Hui thought had been sacrificed.

Look at the screen displayed in those information windows.

Jianhui was silent, but moved in his heart.

She tried to restrain her emotions.

Can't let those imperial people find weaknesses and flaws.

"They are all fine," said the Sage of Sigmar.

"I won't be persuaded by you, imperial people. I will never tolerate a dictator establishing an empire to enslave other beings. Even if they are just monsters, they have their own freedom and dignity and should not be slaves."

"So for this noble purpose, you will let your companions die." The Sage of Sigmar replied: "Watch them sink in powerless despair, and finally fall into the abyss."

"What do you mean?? Are you going to start a war?" Ju Jianhui stood up suddenly: "Ultramans will not let you do what you want."

"Ultraman? Do you think they will always protect humans?? Haven't the memory of your ancestors' inheritance awakened in your mind yet?? Those things in the dark are coming, they have been hidden for many years, hungry. Those Will the so-called Ultraman really shed their last drop of blood for humans? Maybe those humans born on Earth and Mars will do that, but will those Ultraman from other places really do that??"

"Have you forgotten the previous incidents? Ultraman once declared that he would not interfere with the choices of human beings, even if they were passive and made unconscious choices, they would not interfere. When the dark things bewitched If they overwhelm human minds and make them make wrong choices, will those Ultraman turn around and leave because they respect human choices?"

Jian Hui was a little shaken.

With the arrival of the extraterrestrial vehicle, Ju Jianhui has begun to awaken those ancient memories.

She knew that the other party was right.

In ancient times, there was an outbreak of the Qijiehua crisis, which made all human beings immersed in illusory dreams, unable to extricate themselves.

Those ultrancient fighters did not interfere with the choice of human beings and chose to leave.

After the arrival of the dark doomsday, the ultrancient civilization was also destroyed.

As the other party said, Ultraman will not protect humans forever.

"What do you want from me??" Ju Jianhui asked a little weakly.

The other party's words were like a hammer hitting her psychological defense.

Made her question and bewilder about Ultraman's guardianship.

There was a crack in her mind, which made her lose the power to fight.

"You are special, Captain Junjian Hui. The destroyed ultrancient human civilization left some necessary means for their descendants, trying to keep you from going down the path of destruction. You are a inheritor, the power of the ancestors And wisdom is in you."

"You can help the empire gain the power of giants and master the principles and essence of this power."

Hear Sigma's words.

Jianhui looked into the other party's eyes, and gained insight into the long-term intentions of the imperial organization's various actions.

"You want to master the power of Ultraman, no, that is wrong. Without a kind heart, there is no way to control that power, just like the super ancient Ultraman war, you will be backlashed by that power , and eventually kill each other."

"It seems that you have restored the memory of your ancestors and know some super ancient things." Sage Sigma's metal mask showed a trace of expectation, "It is precisely because we are worried that we will not be able to control that power that we invite you to Come here, Captain Jujianhui."

"We hope to get your help to assist the Empire to obtain the complete Giant Force technology."

"No, that's too crazy." Ju Jianhui shook his head violently, "Why do you want to acquire those technologies! Do you want to create an Ultraman army for your emperor? Like the Kingdom of Light? I can't Help you, you will bring destruction and war."

"No, we won't." The Sage of Sigma stretched out a mechanical arm, and placed his cold metal palm in front of Jijian Hui, like a gentleman extending his hand to invite a lady. "I said that every creature in the empire is working hard for a great cause that can bring happiness to all human beings as long as it succeeds. The emperor of the empire is definitely not the kind of dictatorship you imagined for the sake of power Or, the burden that the Holy Emperor bears is beyond our imagination."

"I can reveal the truth to you, and you'll see that what the Empire does is for humanity itself. And you'll see what the dictator you think has sacrificed for humanity. Believe me, war Killing and killing is definitely not the original intention of the empire, and only when you have a deep understanding can you understand the helplessness behind all of this."

Ju Jianhui looked at the other's metal palm, hesitating.

How could she be so shaken!

Being disturbed by a seemingly evil mechanical transformation man, breeds doubts about his own beliefs.

The power of Ultraman should only be in the hands of those with kind hearts.

How could it be in the hands of an evil, dictatorial empire.

Things like that are horrible.

But the other party's words are so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

pounding her soft spot again and again, leaving her wanting more.

"Captain Ju Jianhui, you don't want your team members and family members to be swallowed by darkness!"

Sage Sigma's last words broke the psychological defense of Ji Jianhui.

She put her hand on the cold mechanical palm of the opponent.

"Don't let me find out you lied to me, Imperial."

ps: Book friends, you don't want your Guang-Tiga's head to hang on the bow of the imperial battleship!! So hurry up and hand over the monthly ticket.

(end of this chapter)